Chapter 141 Sword Dance Dazzling, Slashing Thousands of Armies


Thousands of people galloping, that kind of momentum is very majestic, coupled with surging shouts, if ordinary people, I am afraid that they will be scared to death on the spot.

However, Ye Fusheng has already experienced this kind of battle, and Xuejia Fengxian has the famous general Lu Bu's desire for battle in his bones, so why would he be afraid?

As for the 300 cavalrymen, they were just NPCs, and they had no emotions, let alone fear.

In an instant, the 300 cavalrymen, Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian were like a flat boat, swaying in the strong wind and waves.

However, when those people were about to rush forward, Ye Fusheng and Xue Jia Fengxian looked at each other, and immediately shot together.


"Half-moon gun sweep!"

The skills were released at the same time, and Ye Fusheng was driving the Youyan warhorse, man and horse, like a thunderbolt, breaking through dozens of figures and kicking them away.

As for the person who was targeted by the slash, he hadn't exited the stunned state, and the sword swing for nine days already contained a burst of thunder.

boom boom-

The bloody numbers kept jumping up from the surrounding players. Those players also knew Ye Fusheng's fear, so they didn't attack, but just raised their shields and defended with all their strength.

It has to be said that as the level increases, most of the players' blood volume also increases, and if Ye Fusheng's equipment has not been updated, there is no way to kill them in seconds.

The players who were close to Ye Fusheng were not killed until all the Nine Heavens of Sword Dang erupted.

This point made Ye Fusheng frowned slightly.

It seems that the Youyan Warhorse and Bright Light Sword have to be replaced.

Not far away, the blood armor swept across the spear blade first, and the red horse roared under his crotch, leaped out like a dragon, and kicked many players with both hooves.

Earth-level mounts have high basic attributes, and spears are the weapons with the highest damage. Therefore, even if the blood armor is not as good as Ye Fusheng's equipment, the speed of killing the first wave of enemies is actually not slower than Ye Fusheng How many.

"Hahaha, it's a quick kill!"

"Boys, charge with me!"

Xuejia Fengxian has the soul of Lu Bu in his bones. He prefers to lead the cavalry to fight than rushing alone. He raised his arms and immediately led 300 cavalry like sharp knives. rushed in.

"Fengxian is amazing! Then let's compare and see who can kill more people!"

Seeing the astonishing fighting spirit of Xuejia Fengxian, Ye Fusheng was unwilling to admit defeat, his thoughts moved slightly, the flames of Tianzhan emerged, and two long swords appeared in his hands together.

"My grass..."

"What's going on here? How does Floating Life have two weapons?"

Seeing Ye Fusheng take out another weapon, those players who besieged him were stunned and froze in place.

According to the game's official setting, soldiers can only use one weapon, but Ye Fusheng uses two at the same time. Could it be a bug?

They froze in place, and Ye Fusheng would not let them go, every second of using the double swordsmanship would consume mana, so it must be saved!
"Drink, cut again!"

With two swords in both hands, they swung heavy slashes respectively, and the blades were wrapped in terrifying power, and they were cut from strange angles.


With the bonus attack power of the two swords, Ye Fusheng's basic attack power was as high as 3000. Even if the players who came up to besiege them were shield warriors, they couldn't withstand the massacre of the two ground weapon swords.

What's more, Tianzhan Lieyan also has an indestructible effect. Once triggered, it can directly destroy other people's weapons and equipment.

It's okay if the weapon is destroyed, but once the equipment is destroyed, the defense and blood value of the opponent will plummet, and they can't even hold a sword.

Coupled with the cold and extraordinary characteristics, multiple attacks burst out from time to time, and the BUFF that reduces the defense, those shield fighters are like paper in front of Ye Fusheng, unable to stand up for even two seconds.

Especially when Ye Fusheng used his skills, the damage was frighteningly high.

"Made...don't let me back down!"

"Come around, I don't believe it, their vitality and mana can support them to kill tens of thousands of people!"

"If the person in front is dead, just push me up!"

Dances with Wolves roared, his face contorted.

He really did not expect that Ye Fusheng would be so strong.

Guang Ye Fusheng is strong alone, that's fine, who knows, there is another man named Xue Jia Fengxian, leading 300 cavalry to rampage in the battle formation of tens of thousands of players, they are like a sharp knife , can tear all defenses to pieces!

However, Dances with Wolves can become one of the top ten knights of the holy dragon. After he moved his seat and borrowed the crowd to block the cavalry's seat, the attack of the blood armor Fengxian and the 300 cavalry was also slow. down.

Although they can still charge and kill, but when they can't move, it will be their death!
Blood Armor Fengxian had experienced hundreds of battles, so he could naturally see this. Immediately, he let out a long roar, swept the spear in his hand, and kept shaking. flew out.

In an instant, his body was full of energy and blood, flashing red light, and he had already used the core skill BUFF!

After being transferred to Bloody Warrior, the strength of Blood Armor Fengxian has also been greatly improved.

Moreover, Ye Fusheng would not let Xuejia Fengxian be trapped in the battle formation alone, and after the cooldown of the punching ability was completed, he decisively used it, and charged into the battle formation together with his men and horses.

In this way, Ye Fusheng, Xuejia Fengxian and 300 cavalry gathered together again!
"Brothers, fight out with me!"

Ye Fusheng raised his two swords, crossed and swept across, beheading the stunned player, then turned around and headed back towards the Grand Canyon.

The reason why the cavalry is strong is because of its mobility and flexibility. As long as it can fight out without being bound, these 300 cavalry can fully unleash their great potential.

"Don't let them rush out!"

"Everyone, form a human wall for me! Even if it takes human lives, stop them!"

Dances with Wolves also knew this clearly, roared loudly, and in an instant, tens of thousands of players rushed up again.



The blade of the sword tore through flesh and blood, and roars continued to sound.

Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian led 300 cavalry, like a human flesh blender, they killed all the players they saw in front of them.

However, no matter how high their damage is, their skills have a cooldown after all, and the medicine is not unlimited.

As long as they are controlled once, countless shield attacks will follow.

Even if the shield warrior's attack power is not as good as other professions, the advantage lies in the large number of people. If dozens of people hit once, it means that 100 drops of blood are gone.

Ever since, with the passage of time, there were fewer and fewer 300 cavalry, and some people were beheaded by players and fell to death tragically.

Even with the support of Ye Fusheng's tree heart earrings, his blood volume has dropped to as much as 45%, and Xue Jia Fengxian is even more pitiful, with less than 20% of his blood volume.

However, he still looked excited, and he couldn't even see the slightest fear.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but admire in his heart.

As expected of being the number one general of the Three Kingdoms, most people don't have this mentality at all.


Suddenly roared, Xuejia Fengxian was like a dragon, after flying a few players with his spear, he turned to look at Ye Fusheng.

"President, there are too many of them, and the cavalry can't give full play to their advantage. They have to fight out and occupy the defensive area!"

Xue Jiafeng gritted his teeth first and said: "If we can't rush out, we will all die here!"

"Yes, next, it's my turn!"

The corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, and Ye Fusheng waved the two swords in his hands, silently triggering the fairy-level skill that he had obtained before but never used - Dazzling Sword Dance!
Mingguang Sword and Tianzhan Lieyan waved, and in an instant, a flame and a holy light converged between Ye Fusheng's hands.


The gust of wind howled, and the surging spiritual power gathered, as if cheering in Ye Fusheng's hands.

It contains amazing power!


Blood Armor Fengxian was beside Ye Fusheng, and he was shocked by what kind of power he felt.

However, Xuejia Fengxian could feel it, but the rest of the players didn't move. They thought it was just an ordinary wind, and rushed forward one by one, wanting to stop Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian.


"Sword Dance!"

With many players rushing forward, Ye Fusheng dropped the last two words. The next moment, the speed of the two swords was extremely fast, like butterflies fluttering, turning into phantoms.

Terrifying sword energy shot out from the sword body continuously, bursting out crazily.


Almost in an instant, more than 3000 fiery red and silver white sword qi erupted, covering the area within tens of yards in front of Ye Fusheng, intertwined together, like fireworks.

However, under that gorgeous beauty, what is hidden is a peerless murderous intent!

The screams kept ringing out, and all the equipment on the players' bodies was broken, and their skins were cracked.

On the head, -2817 kept floating out! -1889! -3382!blood red numbers!

These players don't even have the equipment to dance with wolves, how can they withstand up to 2000+ damage?
Ever since, the moment the screams fell, their bodies also turned into a ray of light, and they were sent back to the hot spring.

"Master President, amazing!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng beheading hundreds of players with a single sword, clearing the dozens of yards in front of him, Xue Jiafeng was stunned.

At least, he is ashamed of himself!

Don't mention him, tens of thousands of players, all of them were shocked to the point of sluggishness, and the voice of "I'm grass" kept coming out of their mouths.

There is no way, the level of education is too low, I can only use my grass to express shock and power.

Of course, it's not their fault, after all, Ye Fusheng's sword was really amazing!

It can only be said that it is indeed a fairy-level skill, whether it is damage, range, or beauty, it is far superior to the current skills.

"Hahaha, don't be dazed, rush out now!"

Ye Fu let out a long roar, and immediately took the blood armor and rushed out of the canyon with many cavalrymen.

Turning around, there are still more than half of the tens of thousands of players. Although their momentum has weakened, they are still a difficult force.

At this time, Ye Fusheng felt a headache, he thought that those guilds would only send a few thousand people, who would have thought that such a big deal would be done!
A total of [-] to [-] shield fighters, with high defense and thick blood, it is difficult to kill in seconds.

However, once it is impossible to kill them in seconds, those shield fighters can slowly grind them to death.

This made Ye Fusheng want to scold, which bastard came up with this method?

What a fucking genius!
(PS: Another big chapter of more than 3000 words!!! Ahhh, there is another chapter later!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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