Invincible in one touch

Chapter 142: I am the nine original tiger!

Chapter 142 I am the Nine Plains Tiger!

Silence, deathly silence!

Apart from the neighing of the war horses, the tens of thousands of shield soldiers, watching Ye Fusheng and Xue Jia Fengxian from a distance, trembled all over and did not dare to charge forward.

Even Xiong Batian and Dances with Wolves trembled.

However, there is more hatred and madness in their eyes!

They knew that if they couldn't kill Ye Fusheng this time and let him successfully complete the mission, there would really be no hope of killing Ye Fusheng in the future!

Now that Ye Fusheng has been provoked, then he can't give up, he must kill you to the death!
"Made, don't be cowardly, come with me!"

"This time, I will lead the charge!"

Dances with Wolves was so angry that he pulled out his shield and one-handed sword and rushed forward.

"Listen everyone, this time, several guilds have joined forces to kill Fu Sheng Qian Qian!"

"Floating life and death, everyone will be rewarded with 1 yuan, and the killer will be rewarded with 100 million!"


With the incentive of dancing with wolves and the stimulation of money, coupled with the hatred and anger of those who dominate the world.

The tens of thousands of shield players who survived regrouped and rushed forward again.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help turning his head to look, and found that there were only 300 cavalrymen left among the 120 cavalrymen.

The state of himself and Xuejiafengxian has not been restored to perfection.

[It seems that the pet's secret can't be hidden! 】

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng just wanted to summon the pet, but he heard Xue Jia Feng first say: "President, do you trust me?"

"Huh? Why do you ask that?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, and asked back: "If I don't believe you, how can I fight with you? Kill the enemy together?!"


Xue Jia Fengxian laughed and said: "Since you believe me, President, please hurry through the Tiansha Grand Canyon to complete the task! If I remember correctly, the task has a time limit, and it cannot be done in the hands of these scumbags." , wasting too much time."


Speaking of this, Ye Fusheng remembered that once the task of the relic of the gods is activated, it will only last for 12 hours, and if it expires, it will be considered a failure.

He really, can't waste too much time here.

"President, you don't have to worry about me!"

Blood Armor Feng Xian grinned and said: "My favorite is to kill the enemy in battle! I have never had the opportunity before, but this time I can show my fists in the reincarnation of the heavens. It is my honor! I have a hunch, it seems that only experience Only through this killing can I become stronger!"

"So, please leave, President! I, would like to take 120 cavalry warriors and turn them into a city wall to guard your retreat!"

"We are willing to sacrifice our lives for the city lord!"

After the words fell, the 120 cavalrymen shouted together, and their eyes were all shining with brilliance.

"it is good!"

"With your words, I will believe you!"

Hearing this, even though he knew it was a game, Ye Fusheng was still very excited.

So real, so touching!
Slowly glanced at the crowd, and stared at Xue Jia Fengxian again, Ye Fusheng could feel that there seemed to be a fierce tiger in Xue Jia Fengxian's body, waking up.

[Perhaps, a real battle is really needed to wake up this Jiuyuan tiger! 】

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng chose to trust the blood armor Fengxian, then turned around and glanced at Dances with Wolves and the others rushing over, a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

[If you dare to stop my mission, even if Fengxian kills you today, I will make you pay a heavy price when I finish the mission tomorrow! 】

[If something happens to Fengxian, you... just wait to die! 】

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng turned around and quickly disappeared into the canyon.

At this time, compared to killing people, the mission is more important.

After all, once the mission fails and he cannot get the divine blood, then Ye Fusheng will not be able to advance his career.

Although the current characteristics of the predator of the heavens are already very powerful and can plunder many skills and attributes, only the advanced predator can give him the strength and confidence to crush everything!
Since he chose to create a guild, he chose to take the road of becoming number one in the world, so he couldn't give up halfway!

"No, you can't let him run away!"

"Rush forward and kill Floating Life Thousand Thousands!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng leave, Dances with Wolves and others thought that Ye Fusheng was afraid of running away, so he hurriedly roared and rushed forward.

However, what they didn't know was that what they were about to face was a fierce tiger that had already awakened!

"Hugh hurts my lord! The thief will die!"

"I'm the Jiuyuan tiger!"

The roaring sound was accompanied by the thunderclap, Xuejia Fengxian completely released everything, led 120 cavalry, blocked the entrance of the canyon, and beheaded everyone who rushed up.

Originally, they would lose because there were too many people who could attack them at the same time, and they could only hit one enemy.

Right now, they occupy the entrance of the canyon, Dances with Wolves and others want to rush over, but they can only kill one by one.

But one-on-one, they are not opponents of Xuejia Fengxian and others at all.

For a moment, blood flowed profusely in the canyon, as if the entire sky was dyed red.

———————— handsome dividing line———————

Riding the Youyan warhorse and galloping wildly, although Ye Fusheng was still a little worried about the blood armor, but when he thought of the time, he hurriedly speeded up.

Qian Shanxue also knew the seriousness of the situation, and kept urging everyone to leave. Therefore, when Ye Fusheng and the others killed the enemy, Qian Shanxue and his party walked a long way.

After running wildly for several minutes, Ye Fusheng finally caught up.

"Brother President, you are here!"

"Phew... you're finally here!"

Seeing that Ye Fusheng returned safely, Qian Shanxue let out a long sigh of relief, and the girls of Xiaoxiang Yeyu hurried up to welcome her.

"Uncle President, where is my father?"

Ding Ding Dangdang looked at it several times, and asked a little worriedly.

"Hahaha, your father is fine!"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly and said, "Feng Xian led the cavalry and was massacring the players from the Holy Dragon Guild and other guilds. I suddenly remembered that the task is time-limited, so let's go ahead and complete the task!"

"Not bad!"

Qian Shanxue also said: "As long as we complete the task, those guilds will give up targeting us! Only the blood armor will be safe!"

"Okay, then let's go!"

Hearing this, the rest of the girls also knew the seriousness of the situation, and no longer played and made noise all the way as before, but speeded up and rushed towards Silver Moon City.

The remains of the gods are located in a mountain range between Silvermoon City and Sunset City.

Therefore, after changing the terrain, Ye Fusheng and the others rushed to the mountain range.

Due to the urgency of time, Ye Fusheng and others scanned the picture with all their strength, regardless of whether it was a mission monster or not, they all killed them.

After a long time, the environment of the original mountain range changed suddenly, and many dense trees appeared around it.

There is still a faint fragrance coming!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player [Floating Life] for successfully uncovering the map of the ruins of the gods, officially starting the mission!"

The system bell rang, and in an instant, the surrounding environment quietly changed, and those trees bloomed with flowers!
"Wow, what a fragrant flower!"

"These seem to be cherry blossoms!"

All the girls are beauty-loving girls who are very sensitive to the scent of flowers, so they quickly looked up and saw the blooming cherry trees.

"It's really cherry blossoms! It's great, it's the first time I've seen cherry blossoms, I only saw photos before!"

"I heard that the cherry blossoms in country R are the most beautiful and famous, but now it seems that the cherry blossoms in this game are even more beautiful than those in country R!"

Even Qian Shanxue became excited when he saw the beautiful cherry blossoms.

"Heh, country R, ​​how can it be compared with Huaxia?"

Ye Fusheng said disdainfully: "If you want to see cherry blossoms in the future, I can take you to Wusu, where the cherry blossoms are not bad! However, the cherry blossoms in this game are really beautiful!"

"Brother President, why don't we stay here for a while?"

The girls looked at the cherry blossoms, and ran to the cherry trees one after another, wanting to pick them.


Ye Fusheng suddenly shouted: "What are you doing? Don't forget that we still have tasks to do!"


After being scolded by Ye Fusheng, the girls realized that Xue Jia Fengxian was still fighting bloody battles hundreds of miles away to buy time for them.

In an instant, all the girls couldn't help being ashamed, and they all lowered their heads.


At this time, Qian Shanxue said suddenly: "Fusheng, the key to breaking the game is really on the cherry blossoms!"

"Oh? You mean?!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng raised his head, and also carefully looked at those cherry blossoms.

Originally, Ye Fusheng didn't feel anything, but when he looked at it, a voice suddenly appeared in his heart: "Stay here...stay here..."

"No, these cherry blossom trees are monsters!"

Shaking his head violently, Ye Fusheng's expression changed slightly, and he quickly raised his two swords.

"Everyone be careful!"

Qian Shanxue quickly drew out her bow and arrow, and shielded the girls behind her.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng brandished the two swords in his hands, respectively releasing sharp silver-white sword energy and fiery red flames.


The next moment, Jian Qi and Lie Yan attacked the cherry blossom tree together, and several blood-red numbers suddenly appeared.


Those cherry blossom trees actually started to move, throwing out a few roots, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

After all, they are trees, and the damage caused by the flames to them is too high!

"My God, this is really a monster!"

Seeing the originally beautiful cherry blossom tree standing up and waving its roots, revealing its ferocious facial features, all the girls in Xiaoxiang Yeyu were furious, and none of them showed mercy, and they all unleashed their strongest offensive.


The flames and bows and arrows continued to erupt, like meteors, bombarding the cherry blossom tree one after another.

Countless injuries jumped up, and the cherry blossom tree monster died just like that!

"I'm going, what are you doing, slow down, I haven't seen its attributes yet, I really want to find a way to restrain them!"

Before Ye Fusheng could stop it, the cherry tree exploded completely, turning into white light and dissipating.

At this time, the Eye of Truth can't be used, can't detect attributes, and can't restrain them against weaknesses.

Ye Fusheng looked at the eyes of the girls again, and suddenly became resentful.

(PS: The relic of the gods is officially opened, and it will still be updated with [-] words tomorrow to reveal the secrets of the gods for everyone. By the way, Jiuyuan 虓虎 will also show its strength!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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