Invincible in one touch

Chapter 143 Plunder, Cherry Blossom Blood Charm!

Chapter 143 Plunder, Cherry Blossom Blood Charm!
The cherry blossom tree exploded, and Ye Fusheng couldn't see the attributes.

"Cough cough..."

"That, Brother President, I'm sorry, we didn't know it was alive and useful!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu's girls looked embarrassed.

"Forget it, since it's a tree, its weak point is most likely fire, so you don't need to look at it."

Anyway, the cherry blossom trees were all blown up, so it's useless to complain, Ye Fusheng waved his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Mages and hunters use the fire attribute to attack, as for the others, save your strength first, don't use your hands!"

Qian Shanxue said suddenly: "Don't bother, the element hunter can change the attributes of weapons for everyone!"

As he spoke, Qian Shanxue clasped his hands together and moved his lips, as if he was reciting a mantra.

The fiery red light gradually surged, and immediately bloomed from Qian Shanxue's body, falling on them under the surprised eyes of everyone.


All of the weapons suddenly burst into flames.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the fire BUFF, the weapon is equipped with a fire attribute attack, and the attack power is increased by 5%! The duration is 300 seconds!"

"Huh? Attribute attack, increase attack power by 5%, this BUFF is not bad! Is it range or unlimited?"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly.

"It can only be attached to teammates within 50X50 yards, and it will not work if it exceeds the range."

Qian Shanxue grinned and said: "Moreover, this BUFF not only adds one attribute, but seven elements can be added!"

"Hiss...that's amazing!"

"As expected of a hidden profession, it's too strong!"

All the girls in Xiaoxiang Yeyu are envious, and the hidden profession has brought them too many surprises!
"With this BUFF, it will be much more convenient for you to spawn monsters in the future."

"Since we have the fire buff, let's all work together to deal with the cherry blossom tree monster as soon as possible, and then go to meet Fengxian!"

Ye Fusheng took the lead and continued to walk towards the depths.

Not far away, there are hundreds of cherry blossom trees standing, looking from a distance, it is extremely gorgeous, like a fairyland on earth.

The alluring floral fragrance keeps coming out.

However, Ye Fusheng, Qian Shanxue and the others knew that those cherry trees were monsters, so naturally they would not be affected.

Ye Fusheng switched bows and arrows, and when the cherry blossom tree came into the attack range, he called Qian Shanxue, the hunter and the mage to use their skills together.



The fireball technique and the rocket were fired together, and the blazing flames bombarded the cherry blossom tree, bursting immediately.

No matter how high the attributes of those cherry blossom trees are, they are trees after all. After being burned by the flames, their health bar keeps dropping. In addition, Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue have good equipment, and they deal high damage to monsters. They can't handle it at all.

In less than ten seconds, a cherry blossom tree monster crashed to the ground, turning into everyone's experience.

Pushing all the way horizontally, within a short time, the surrounding cherry blossom trees have been burned to ashes.

"There are no monsters here?"

Seeing that the cherry blossom trees were all burned, Ye Fusheng looked around and suddenly realized that there was no way out, let alone walk down.

Going forward, it is a pink mist.

"Could it be that you have to go through that fog to reach the next map?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng stared at the cloud of mist with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Try to see if you can pass through!"

Qian Shanxue walked to Ye Fusheng's side and encouraged him: "Come on, we believe you can pass through!"


With a deep groan, Ye Fusheng opened the Eye of Slaughter, went all out, and walked slowly towards the mist.


However, before Ye Fusheng stepped into the pink mist, the whole land suddenly trembled violently.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, a piece of land split open, and then a huge cherry blossom tree emerged from it, which was three times as tall as the previous cherry blossom tree monster. As it spread its branches and leaves, it seemed to block out the sky , instantly enveloped everyone in Ye Fusheng.

The terrifying aura, like a mountain, firmly suppressed everyone's hearts.

What's even more frightening is that the originally pink flower branch is now dripping with blood, dripping with blood.

"Be careful, this should be the BOSS! Guardian of War, Wugou, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, Little Bell, step forward and protect the other crispy jobs!"

Ye Fusheng waved his hand to make Qian Shanxue and the other hunters and mages retreat, and Zhan ZhiGuardian, Wu Gou, and Xiao Xiang, the warriors and shield warriors stepped forward, while using the Eye of Truth to inquire about the attributes of the huge cherry blossom tree monster.

Cherry Blossom Blood Demon (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 55
Blood value: 260000
Attack Power: 1100-1250
Defense: 800
Skills: Cherry Blossom Blood Charm (releases pollen within 100X100 yards that can trap people in illusions, cooldown time is 30 minutes) Crazy Branches (waves branches, causing continuous attacks on enemies in front) Root Entanglement (entangles the enemy with roots, traps the enemy in Imprisoned state, immobilized, lasts 3 seconds) Blood curse mad kill (burst the blood contained in the body, causing huge damage to targets within 50X50 yards)

Description: It was originally a cherry blossom tree. After absorbing too much blood, it mutated and became a bloodthirsty demon tree.

Weakness: Fire
"Fortunately, it's just an earth-level boss. Its attack power and defense power are not strong, and it has a weakness of being afraid of fire! It's not difficult to kill!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng let out a sigh of relief.

This kind of boss, he can kill alone, let alone so many people together?
"Wugou and Guardian follow me forward, if you can't bear the blood, immediately switch to Xiaoxiang and Xiaolingdang!"

"Don't add status to the priest, switch the spellcasting, and try to kill it instantly!"

With a soft drink, Ye Fusheng instantly activated the rushing slash, and before the cherry blossom blood demon had time to attack, he rushed in front of it and stunned it in place.

Basic attack + heavy slash + general attack + sword swaying nine-day combo exploded, coupled with the bonus of fire attribute attack, it caused 14000+ damage to the cherry blossom blood demon in an instant!

Not only that, the flame ignited, directly burning the branch where the Sakura Blood Demon was attacked.


When the dizziness time ended, the Cherry Blossom Blood Demon roared angrily, and branches flew all over the sky in an instant, like a flexible arm, it flung towards Ye Fusheng.

However, Zhanzhi Guardian, Wugou and the others will not give the Sakura Blood Demon a chance.


Although the shield attack and heavy slash did not do much damage, the fire attribute special effects attached to their weapons made all the branches near Ye Fusheng burn.


In an instant, the Cherry Blossom Blood Demon flicked the branches, trying to extinguish the fire.

On its head, the numbers -1000-1000 kept floating out.

"I'm going, the damage caused by the flames to it is so high?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, it seemed that if so many of them used fire to attack together, the Cherry Blossom Blood Demon wouldn't be able to last long!


Rockets and all kinds of fireball spells fell crazily, and Ye Fusheng cast a meteor fire rain again, for a while, this directly became a paradise of flames.

Roasted by the blazing flames, the cherry blossom blood demon with rather powerful attributes couldn't even do any counterattack, and could only struggle to extinguish the flames on his body.

The blood bar dropped crazily, but within a minute, the cherry blossom blood demon's blood bar had turned black, and he would die at any time.


As if knowing that he was bound to die, the Cherry Blossom Blood Demon suddenly stopped struggling and roared, with branches gathering all over his body.

"You still want to zoom in? In your next life!"

Although the Sakura Blood Demon's big move wasn't too strong, but Ye Fusheng didn't want to make trouble, so he switched weapons decisively, and the startling punch skill exploded, interrupting the release of the Sakura Blood Demon's skill! -

It was also that punch that directly emptied its blood bar, and with a howl, the cherry blossom blood demon that covered the sky turned into white light and scattered, only dropping a pile of gold coins and equipment, which caused everyone to be ecstatic.

Ye Fusheng was also excited, but his excitement was not because of the explosion, but because of the system ringtone!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the skill Cherry Blossom Blood Demon!"

Cherry Blossom Blood Charm (LV-1): Summons a hallucinogenic cherry blossom mist, 20% chance to make enemies within 25X25 yards fall into a slow state for 10 seconds, 10% chance to make enemies within 25X25 yards fall into a hallucination, unable to move, Lasts for 3 seconds, 1% chance to make enemies within 25X25 yards into a state of frenzy, lasts for 5 seconds, cooldown time is 10 minutes
"Huh? It has actually become three states, slowness, illusion, and frenzy... It seems not as stable as before, but fortunately, the cooling time is reduced. As the skill level increases, the effect should be stronger!"

Seeing that plundering skill, Ye Fusheng was quite satisfied.

It is another powerful control skill, which can play an excellent role in group battles.

Although the triggering probability of this looting technique is the same as that of a fan, it is difficult to ensure, but once it succeeds, it will be a big improvement for Ye Fusheng.

Whether it is plundering attributes or plundering skills.

"Hohoho, aren't we too strong? We killed a BOSS in less than a minute?"

"Haha, little brother president, hurry up and see what equipment is out!"

The girls hurried forward, urging Ye Fusheng to look at the equipment.

Grinning, Ye Fusheng picked up the gold coin and began to touch the equipment, revealing the attributes of the equipment to everyone.

Tree Heart Necklace (Golden Item·Excellence)

Power: 100
Stamina: 100
Agility: 150
Bewitched Heart: When using a normal attack, there is a 10% chance to make the enemy fall into a hallucination, immobilized for 3 seconds
Whip length: increase the attack distance of oneself by 10 yards

Excellence: 10% chance to increase own attack speed and movement speed by 20% when attacking
Description: The heart of the tree that absorbs too much blood energy mutation
Rating: 50
Cherry Blossom Robe (Golden Item·Excellence)

Intelligence: 130
Stamina: 100
Spirit: 100
Power: 50
Guardian of the Cherry Blossom Tree: When attacked, there is a 5% chance to trigger the guardian effect, reducing 30% of the damage received by the self, lasting for 5 seconds, and the cooling time is 300 seconds

Healing of Cherry Blossom Tree: When releasing healing skills, increase the skill effect by 20%

(PS: I have subscribed a little fast these two days. It seems that I wrote something bad, so I have been thinking about it today. If you don’t like to watch multiplayer fights, I will try my best to write about the protagonist’s duel. Well, you can also join the book friend group, the group number is 713879534, if you have any suggestions, you can just say it, if you don’t want to join the group, then it’s okay to say it in the book review area, I will keep reading.

In addition, if you want a role, please join the group! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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