Invincible in one touch

Chapter 144 Clear as Water BUFF

Chapter 144 Clear as Water BUFF
Even though the two gold utensils were both excellent level, Ye Fusheng was still not satisfied.

A prefecture-level boss exploded with two golden artifacts, isn't it shameful?
However, Ye Fusheng didn't like it, but Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Xiaolingdang liked it and cheered happily.

Even Qian Shanxue had a smile on his lips.

"It's actually a gold weapon! It's still at the excellence level!"

"Hahaha, Boss Fusheng is lucky!"

Everyone cheered unceasingly, and gathered beside Ye Fusheng together.

"Ahem, I'll distribute the equipment!"

With a low cough, Ye Fusheng didn't directly put away the equipment.

After all, they are all in the same guild, and the credit for killing the Sakura Blood Demon is not small.

"The basic attribute of the tree heart necklace is strength and physical sensitivity, which increases attack speed and attack distance, and can also control monsters. It is more suitable for hunters. Do you have any opinions on Fenglingxuewu?"

Ye Fusheng raised the tree heart necklace, grinned and said: "What's more, this time I was able to kill the Sakura Blood Demon so quickly, thanks to Fenglingxuewu's elemental enchantment!"

"no problem!"

"Sister Xue should take that necklace, hehe, besides, she is the most powerful hunter among us!"

"Congratulations Sister Xue, the equipment has been upgraded to a higher level!"

The girls laughed and agreed, without any jealousy or envy.

Qian Shanxue herself has made a great contribution, and she is full of prestige in the hearts of the girls, no one said anything when she got the equipment.

"Hoho, thank you everyone, I will take you to upgrade when I equip the Tree Heart Necklace!"

Qian Shanxue took the necklace with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng directly gave Qian Shanxue a gem that he was familiar with.

"Wow, this gem can actually lower the user's level requirements!"

After receiving the gem, Qian Shanxue looked at the attributes and immediately exclaimed.

"Okay, hurry up and equip it, there must be other bosses behind, if your output is low, I will take back this tree heart necklace!"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly, and picked up another robe.

"Injury reduction and increase the effect of healing skills, the basic attributes of intelligence and spirit are doubled, suitable for sacrifices, directly for our only sacrifice, as clear as water? What do you think?"

Ye Fusheng looked at Qingqing Rushui, at this moment she pursed her lips, her eyes were full of longing.

The equipment for the sacrificial profession is very scarce, and it is gold, so she naturally wants it.

The girls didn't have any objections, Ye Fusheng also inlaid gemstones for Qingqing Rushui, which can be equipped immediately, which moved her and made her happy.

After distributing the equipment and gold coins, everyone moved on.

Once the Cherry Blossom Blood Demon died, the original mist dissipated, revealing the road ahead.

There is no cherry tree, replaced by a trail, but the road is covered with fallen cherry blossoms.

There are clear streams on both sides of the road, and there are no fish as far as the eye can see.

"Let's go, everyone follow me, Wugou, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, you two are dead!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Fusheng was the first to bear the brunt, rushing into the path, crossing his swords across his chest, just in case.


Not long after walking into the path, only the sound of the wind was heard, and the next moment, the cherry blossoms not far from Ye Fusheng were blown up, spinning continuously, and turned into a figure.

"Huh? A monster is coming, be careful!"

With a cry of surprise, Ye Fusheng looked intently, but saw that figure was condensed entirely from cherry blossoms, which was quite illusory, not real, but vaguely like a woman.


As soon as the cherry blossoms condensed into a young girl's figure, amidst screams, they rushed towards Ye Fusheng.

The Eye of Truth skills are blooming, and the panel data is in front of you.

Cherry Blossom Spirit Girl (Elite Monster Spirit Body)
Blood value: 5000
Attack: 970
Defense: 800
Cherry Blossom Sword: Condensed into a Sakura Sword, causing 160% damage to enemies

Cherry Blossom Body: Reduce 20% of damage received by oneself

Description: A spiritual body condensed from decaying cherry blossoms, possessing impressive power

Weakness: Holy Light

"So I'm afraid of attacks with sacred attributes!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all. He swung the bright light sword, heavy slash + normal attack, and while enduring the attack of the cherry blossom spirit girl, he slashed out two swords in succession, directly cutting her into residual blood.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Shanxue, Crazy Pepper and others came to attack, and killed the Sakura Spirit Girl in an instant.

"What kind of monster is this? Can you see the weakness?"

Qian Shanxue asked directly.

"Well, they are afraid of the holy light, can you add the attribute of light?"

Ye Fusheng asked back.

"Yes, all seven elements are fine, but the mana consumption is a bit high!"

Qian Shanxue breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I brought enough blue medicine this time!"

As he said that, Qian Shanxue used his skills again, only to see the silver light flashing, and the weapons of Ye Fusheng, Xiaoling, and Crazy Pepper changed colors, which had already changed the buff effect.

"If the blue medicine is not enough, use other people first. Your BUFF is a magic skill in pushing pictures, you must always guarantee it!"

"Also, this is a spirit monster. Whose task needs to kill the spirit? I leave the final blow to you!"

Ye Fusheng exhorted, and asked again.

"I me me!"

Little Bell excitedly said: "After searching for so long, I finally found it!"

"Okay, then you come to my side, don't attack yet, after seeing the remaining blood, use your skills to make up the knife!"

Ye Fusheng called the little bell to come forward, adjusted the formation, and then moved forward again.

Fortunately, this cherry blossom spirit girl is a trigger monster, so there is no need to worry about triggering too many at once, passing over Ye Fusheng, and causing damage to Xiaolingdang and the others.

The whole journey was uneventful, almost as soon as the cherry blossom spirit girl rushed forward, she was beaten to half blood by Ye Fusheng, everyone fired a volley, and Xiaoling made up one knife.

The efficiency was extremely high, and within three to ten minutes, Little Bell's task was completed, and at the same time, they also reached the end of the trail.

There is still a cherry blossom tree at the end of the path, but it is not tall and not stained with blood.


As if feeling the arrival of Ye Fusheng's people, a strong wind blew up under the cherry tree, shaking the whole tree, and countless cherry blossoms fell.

Those cherry blossoms condensed and turned into a spirit body that was slightly bigger than all the previous cherry blossom spirit girls.

Moreover, this spirit body is more anthropomorphic, even the skin and facial features are condensed.

The Eye of Truth bloomed, and the attributes of the spirit body emerged.

Sakura Witch (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 58
Blood value: 240000
Attack Power: 1400-1550
Defense: 700
Cherry Blossom Body: Reduce 30% of damage received by oneself

Skill: Sakura Dance (summons the sky full of cherry blossoms, causing huge damage to enemies within 30X30 yards, cooling time 900 seconds) Demon Sword Kill (condenses magic energy into a sword, causing high damage to enemies in front, cooling time 30 seconds) Sakura Dance (Increase self-dodge by 10%, increase movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed by 15%, cooldown time 600 seconds) Ying Luo Yao (recover 20% of self-blood value, cooldown time 300 seconds)
Description: A spiritual body condensed from decaying cherry blossoms, containing powerful power
Weaknesses: Holy Light, Heart
"The weakness is still Holy Light. There is a high-value single-target skill, a group skill, and two buff skills. Everyone back off, and I will take care of it!"

"Qingqing remember to add BUFF to me, my magic defense is relatively low!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng quickly made the little bell back, slashed and locked the Sakura Witch, rushed out like a thunderbolt, and at the same time brought up the blood-red numbers, he also pulled the hatred to him.

The Sakura Witch's attack power is quite high, and her skills are still output on a single target. If Xiaoling Dang, ZhanzhiGuardian, and Xiaoxiang Yeyu carry it, they may be instantly killed.

Even if he wanted to resist the attack of Sakura Witch, he had to help Qingqing Rushui.

There is no way, the Sakura Witch is a spirit body, Ye Fusheng can't exert the blood-sucking effect, and can't stand up without recovery.

Hearing this, Xiao Lingdang and the others backed away, Qing Qingru Shui quickly added BUFF to Ye Fusheng.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting [clear as water] fighting spirit BUFF, attack power increased by 5%, defense power increased by 5%!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the spring breeze BUFF [clear as water], which restores 1% of his blood value every second, and expires when the total recovery reaches 1000!"

"Huh? This BUFF is not bad!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up when he was given a BUFF by a priest for the first time. This is not yet a career advancement, and the BUFF effect is not weak. In addition, the priest can also cast healing spells. The functionality is simply heaven-defying.

If you can bind a sacrificial player, your strength can be increased by at least 30%!

For a moment, Ye Fusheng was a little bit moved, how about he practice leveling with Qingqing Rushui in the future?

Anyway, that girl is so well-behaved and cute, no loss!

Just when Ye Fusheng was thinking about bringing something as clear as water, the Sakura Witch woke up from the dizziness, screamed violently, raised her hand to summon the magic energy, condensed into a giant sword, and stabbed him fiercely.

"Oops, high-level bosses have high resistance to abnormal states!"

The two swords interlaced, and quickly blocked the giant sword of demonic energy. The next moment, the demonic sword exploded, and the demonic energy kept hitting him like ferocious minions.

The damage jumped out three times in a row, and Ye Fusheng's health bar plummeted by one-fifth, which immediately surprised everyone.

Nearly 2000 damage, if another player carries it, it will be instantly killed!
However, Ye Fusheng still has four-fifths of his health, so it can be seen how perverted his attributes are!
"Qingqing, wait for my blood volume to drop to half before adding more blood, and don't move around at other times, so as not to hate out!"

"Qian Shanxue, you are in charge of directing the long-range attack, once I can't hold back my hatred, I have to stop!"

He didn't even knock the blood potion, he slashed heavily, and after locking up the hatred, Ye Fusheng directly confronted Sakura Witch.

Positive and upright is the romance of a man!
Prefectural-level BOSS, basically AI will not be low, even if there is no roll call mechanism, hatred transfer is common.

Therefore, Ye Fusheng has always retained the skills of rushing and punching, and when Sakura Witch wants to transfer hatred or release skills, he will directly burst out skills, stun him, and lock the hatred value.

In this way, the Sakura Witch couldn't make any waves at all, and her health bar dropped rapidly. Even before she died, she was so aggrieved that she didn't make a big move.

And Ye Fusheng has a treatment that is as clear as water, and keeps his blood volume at around 60%, which is very refreshing.


"The God of Cherry Blossoms will not let you go!"

With the last drop of blood being taken away by the bright light sword, the cherry blossom witch wailed and turned into gold coins and equipment all over the floor.

Cursing his lips, Ye Fusheng, who failed to trigger the looting technique, kicked away the equipment and picked up the gold coins first.

"Ho Ho, we are too strong!"

"Such a high-level BOSS, so kill it quickly!"

"There is no difficulty at all!"

After easily killing the two bosses, everyone couldn't help but float up.

You know, they had to be careful when they killed silver bosses with more than 20 levels.

This gap is really too big!

"Don't float away, thanks to your little brother's high defense and high attack ability to stabilize the hatred, it is easy to kill the boss!"

Qian Shanxue also saw this, and quickly cooled everyone down: "The next boss will become stronger and stronger, everyone, don't take it lightly!"

"Okay, sister Xue!"

"Listen to orders!"

The girls stuck out their tongues and hurriedly urged Ye Fusheng to touch the equipment.

I gave them two excellent gold objects before, but I don't know what surprises will be given to them this time.


However, just when Ye Fusheng was about to open the equipment attribute, a mournful crying sound came to everyone's ears suddenly!

(PS: The second update today, nearly 7000 words, and there will be updates in the future!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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