Invincible in one touch

Chapter 145 S-level missions are waiting, men are big pigs!

Chapter 145 S-level missions are waiting, men are big pigs!


The cry was low, like resentment or admiration, like weeping like complaining, constantly echoing in everyone's ears.

"Huh? There are ghosts here?"

Ye Fusheng quickly raised his head and looked around, but didn't notice any changes.

All the girls leaned together, goosebumps all over their bodies, even Qian Shanxue was no exception, their faces turned pale, and they asked in a low voice: "Fu Sheng, is there really a ghost?"

Those cherry blossom tree monsters and cherry blossom spirit girls before are not human, but at least they still have entities.

But the sudden ghost crying, coupled with the voice of resentment, couldn't help but make them fearful and frightened.

Girls who are not afraid of ghosts are really rare.

"Don't worry, even if there are ghosts, they are still monsters. What are you afraid of?"

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, seeing that the ghost refused to come out, and even the voice gradually became weaker, he didn't bother to care about it, he directly touched the equipment and shared the attribute panel.

"Okay, don't worry about that voice, if it dares to come out to scare you, I'll kill it!"

Ye Fusheng grinned, alleviating the fear of the girls, and then shared the equipment attributes.

The Cherry Blossom Witch released three pieces of equipment, each of which shone brilliantly. Obviously, the last one was also a golden weapon.

Cherry Blossom Shield (Golden Item·Excellence)

Blood value: 800
Defense: 400
Magic Defense: 200
Stamina: 120
Power: 50
Dance of Cherry Blossoms: When attacked, there is a 5% chance to increase the evasion rate of oneself by 10%

Excellence: When attacked, there is a 3% chance to increase all attributes of oneself by 5%

Description: A shield that contains the power of cherry blossoms, without a trace
Rating: 50
Sakura Ghost Girl Sword (Golden Item·Excellence)
Attack Power: 820—1170
Power: 210
Volume: 100
Agility: 150
Ghost Sword: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to trigger a double attack and knock back the enemy
Excellence: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to trigger an armor-piercing attack, ignoring the enemy's defense

Description: A long sword that contains ghost energy and the power of the goddess of cherry blossoms. It is extremely powerful.

Rating: 50
Cloak of Despair (Earthware)
Power: 280
Stamina: 250
Agility: 200
Spirit: 200
Defense: 550
Magic Defense: 300
Desperation: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to enter a state of despair, reduce defense by 10%, increase attack by 50%, last for 30 seconds, cooldown time is 10 minutes
Desperation: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to make the enemy enter a state of despair, reduce the defense by 10%, increase the attack by 50%, last for 30 seconds, and cool down for 10 minutes
Description: A cloak condensed from despair, capable of affecting people's minds

Rating: 60
Three pieces of equipment, two excellent gold artifacts, and one earth artifact.

Especially for that earthenware, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, coincidentally, the cloak on his body should also be changed.

It's just that the cloak's stunt is a bit tricky, and it's completely face-saving. If the boss is triggered, the attack power will be increased by 50% at once, and it is very likely to be killed in an instant.

But once it is triggered by itself, it can also solve the boss in a very short time.

"This cloak is too high level, only I can use it, so I accept it!"

With a grin, Ye Fusheng put away his cloak, took out the Sakura Shield and the Sakura Ghost Girl Sword, and said in a deep voice, "Sakura Shield Guard and Xiaoxiang can be used, and the Sakura Ghost Girl Sword can be used by four people, just roll? "

Guardian of War, Wugou, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, and Little Bell have similar output, which is equivalent to paddling, and Ye Fusheng is not easy to assign directly to anyone, so he can only let them ROLL.

Guardian of Zhan and Wugou looked at each other, agreed, and started tossing the dice.

If it's just two pieces of silver, they'll be a gentleman, no more.

However, the excellent golden equipment is definitely the top equipment at this stage, and they are unwilling to give up!
The big deal is single, where can girls play games?
The four of them rolled, Wugou got the Cherry Blossom Shield, and Xiaoxiang Yeyu got the Cherry Blossom Ghost Girl Sword, laughing like a 300-pound child.

Although Xiao Lingdang didn't get the equipment, he had completed the professional advancement task anyway, so he wasn't depressed. There was only Zhan ZhiGuard left, and he wanted to grab the ground with his head.

After calmly distributing the equipment, Ye Fusheng was relieved when he saw that Zhanzhi's guard mentality had not changed.


However, just as Ye Fusheng and his party were about to leave, the ghost's cries sounded again, and it became more miserable, appearing very sad.

"What's the matter with this cry?"

Frowning tightly, everyone in Ye Fusheng turned around quickly, following the sound of crying, there was nothing but the dead cherry tree and a mountain wall!
"Could it be that there are monsters hidden here?"

Qian Shanxue suddenly raised his bow and arrows, and multiple arrows exploded.


The holy radiance bloomed, covering the twelve sharp feathered arrows, breaking through the space, and shooting directly at the mountain wall.

In an instant, the mountain wall shook, and the ghost's crying stopped for a while.


Realizing this, Ye Fusheng frowned, and said in a deep voice: "There is a problem behind this mountain wall! You all back off, be careful!"

As he spoke, Ye Fusheng raised his light sword and slowly approached the mountain wall.

Since it was the cry of ghosts, monsters inside the mountain wall would also be dead souls, and the bright light sword could cause more damage.

When he came to the mountain wall, the ghost's cries became clearer, Ye Fusheng's heart moved, and the heavy chop fell suddenly.


The bright light sword flickered coldly, and immediately split the mountain wall. With a "click", the mountain wall split apart, and a passage emerged.


In the passage, a dark wind suddenly blew up, even in the game, Ye Fusheng couldn't help trembling all over.

Looking from a distance, there is a faint light flickering in the passage, and in the deepest part of the eyes, there is a ball of white light floating.

When Ye Fusheng saw that ball of white light, he felt warm in his heart - that is not a ghost!

"It's not a ghost, it seems to be a mission! Everyone follow me in, guard, Xiaoxiang, your equipment, guard everyone, in case monsters appear on both sides of the passage!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Fusheng stepped into the passage first.

The dark wind howled, passing by the ears continuously, looking very miserable.

Fortunately, the environment was dark and no monsters appeared, but within a minute or two, Ye Fusheng and the others arrived in front of the white light.

When they got closer, they saw that the white light was emitted from a jade box.

Seeing the jade box, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes full of suspicion.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Fusheng reached out and opened the jade box.


Almost the moment the jade box was opened, the light of the soul bloomed and merged with the ball of white light, forming a soul!
A human soul is not the spiritual body of Sakura Spirit Girl before!
As soon as the woman's soul appeared, she nodded to Ye Fusheng and the others, and saluted slightly.

"You... are you human?"

Looking at the green name of the female ghost, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel moved. The NPCs in the gods' ruins are definitely not low-level tasks.

"Yes, several warriors, I am human..."

"It's just that it has been dead for many years..."

The girl looked sad, and her voice was especially ethereal.

"Ahem, what should we do to save you?"

Ye Fusheng asked directly.

"I'm already dead, and this soul can't live forever, so I don't ask you to save me."

The girl smiled and shook her head.

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng, Qian Shanxue and everyone were extremely surprised.

Is there something wrong with this female ghost?
I'm almost dead, can I still laugh?
"Warrior, can you do me a favor?"

Just when Ye Fusheng was amazed at the significance of the female ghost's existence, the female ghost spoke quietly.


"System prompt: Do you want to accept the S-level plot mission [Waiting]? After the mission is completed, the entire team will receive generous rewards! If the mission fails, there will be no reward or punishment!"

S-level plot mission?
Frowning, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, he didn't expect that this female ghost could bring him such an advanced task.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng accepted the task, and the female ghost continued to speak.

"In the past, I accompanied my husband here, wanting to explore the relics of the gods and get the source of the gods. Unfortunately, there are many crises in the relics of the gods, and I don't have much strength. In order to protect me, he opened up a secret room and let me hide. Come in."

"He told me that he would definitely get the source of God within two days and come back to pick me up, but when he entered the temple alone, there was no news and he never appeared again!"

"I don't have any strength, and I can't break through the obstacles he set up. Even if I die and become a soul, I can't rush out. I only hope that you can enter the temple and find my husband's whereabouts for me."

"Regardless of life or death, as long as I can find him and call back his soul, I can die without worry..."


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the S-level plot mission [Waiting]. The mission requires entering the depths of the gods' ruins and awakening the soul of the sword idiot Luo Lie!"

"Warrior, if you can't recall your husband's soul, please take out my organ and play a song for him..."

The female ghost smiled, but as she spoke, her soul gradually became illusory and finally dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"What about the female ghost?"

"How did she disappear?!"

Suddenly seeing the female ghost disappear, Qian Shanxue and Xiaoxiang Yeyu were also surprised.

"She died a long time ago, and that's just her obsessive soul. Now that she sees us here, and asks us to save her husband, she will naturally not exist."

Ye Fusheng sighed: "I really don't understand what that guy is thinking. With such a good-looking wife, why do you have to go on an adventure? Now that you die all of a sudden, even your wife will become a ghost. It's too deceitful for your wife!"

"Yeah, men are big pigs!"

"Hmph, men are all the same, they are all big pig's hooves!"

As soon as the words fell, all the women took it seriously and condemned the man's husband one after another.

Ye Fusheng, Guardian of Zhan, and Wugou were stunned, that guy you complained about, don't bring us along!
"Ahem, don't forget me!"

Ye Fusheng coughed.

"It's okay, little brother president, you will always be our brother, not those stinky men!"


The girls still didn't restrain themselves, especially Qian Shanxue, who gave Ye Fusheng a hard look.

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to care about them anymore, took out a harmonica from the jade box, turned around and walked out of the passage.

Seeing this, Qian Shanxue and the others hurriedly chased them out, leaving only Wugou and Zhan ZhiGuan with helpless expressions on their faces.

Only by joining a guild with a lot of girls can they feel that girls are not so easy to flirt with!

This time when they left, there was no cry of resentment, and they walked out along another path. Not long after, a huge and magnificent palace suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

The palace of the gods has finally appeared!
However, in front of the temple, there are tens of thousands of sculptures with strange shapes!

(PS: A [-]-word update is sent today, I will try to write another chapter!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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