Invincible in one touch

Chapter 146 Occupying the Level Leaderboard

Chapter 146 Occupying the Level Leaderboard

There are many sculptures, arranged neatly.

The face is lifelike, like a living thing under the refraction of the sun, staring at everyone.


"Looking at them, why does it feel like being stared at by a beast?"

Everyone in Qianshanxue frowned slightly, and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"These sculptures could be monsters, don't get too close to them!"

Ye Fusheng looked around and found that to enter the temple, he had to pass through the tens of thousands of sculpture arrays, he couldn't help but tremble.

It seems that this is the final test!

"I will open the way at the front, Little Bell, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, guard you all around! Don't let mages and hunters be attacked!"

After giving an order, Ye Fusheng held two swords in his hands and stepped up cautiously.


With a soft sound, Ye Fusheng and his party stepped on the stone bricks with patterns and stepped into the square in front of the temple.


Sure enough, those sculptures were trigger monsters. As soon as they sensed that everyone stepped on the stone bricks, they all made a "click" sound, broke away from the stone armor, and turned into living monsters!


Amidst the roar, those sculptures turned into swordsmen, spearmen, holding longbows, or waving crystal balls, and attacked Ye Fusheng's people like madmen.

The only thing that surprised everyone in Ye Fusheng was that these sculptures were not triggered according to the distance. In an instant, the tens of thousands of sculptures were all awakened!
In an instant, like a torrent of steel, tens of thousands of monsters rushed towards them with astonishing aura, which frightened the beautiful faces of the Qianshanxue girls.

Even Ye Fusheng frowned.

There are only tens of thousands of monsters, and with his strength, he can kill them in a little time, but if tens of thousands of monsters charge up together, he can't do anything.

The eye of truth blooms, and various monster attributes emerge one after another.

Sword Attendant (Elite Angel Envoy)
Blood value: 800
Attack Power: 1200-1400
Defense: 0
Cleave: Cause high damage to the target in front (no cooldown)

Description: The sculpture that guards the temple is transformed into a sword attendant, with amazing attack power, but because the temple builder cut corners, it is extremely fragile, so you must be careful when attacking, and you will have to pay compensation if it is broken

Rating: 60
Spearmen (Elite Angels)
Blood value: 800
Attack Power: 1200-1400
Defense: 0
Assault Spear: Causes high damage to the target in front (no cooldown)

Description: Transformed by the sculpture of the guardian temple, ... (as above)

Rating: 60

There are many kinds of monsters, but the attributes are all high defense, low defense and low blood. Ah no, to be precise, they have no defense!

I'm afraid any level 20 player can kill them in seconds!
Of course, under that kind of high attack, players would also be instantly killed by them.

It is estimated that even if the player rushes to level 60 or 80 and is equipped with earth and sky weapons, he is afraid that he will be hacked to death in minutes when facing these sculptures alone.

"Brothers, we are blessed!"

"All attack with indiscriminate AOE skills! The blood of these monsters is very low!"

As Ye Fusheng said, he raised his hand to release the skill - Meteor Fire Rain!
The next moment, the fiery flames fell like meteors, continuously bombarding various groups of divine envoys.

In an instant, countless blood-red numbers up to four digits flew up, and the girls were dumbfounded.

Previously, Ye Fusheng's injuries were also horrific, but at least he could accept them. Now, the damage of nearly tens of thousands completely shocked them!
"These monsters may have no defense, everyone desperately kill them!"

Qian Shanxue's head shook violently, and she also came to her senses. She drew her bow and set her arrows, and her multiple arrow skills exploded.


Dozens of sharp arrows roared, piercing through the bodies of several divine envoys, causing 3000+ damage!
"I'll go, these monsters have no defense?"

"It's so cool, everyone let go and kill!"

Seeing this scene, all the girls took action one after another, whether it was the most basic bursting fireball, wind blade group attack, or the hunter's multiple arrow and split arrow skills, they turned into a sky-wide offensive, constantly sniping the attacks of those god envoys.

For a moment, that torrent of steel was really blocked!

It is true that the attack power of the angels is very high, but the defense power is too embarrassing. Any player can cause thousands of damage to them, that is, instant kill.

As long as there are many AOE skills and can kill them all before they get close, there is no danger.

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling rejoicing, fortunately Qianshan Xuela's players are all girls!

Generally speaking, in the game, most men choose fighters, shields, and assassins, while female players prefer mages, priests, and hunters. There are exceptions, but not many.

In the early stage of the game, most of the people who can have AOE skills are mages, priests and hunters. Therefore, even if Ye Fusheng brings not many people, only a few dozen people, they can still unleash a powerful attack and block the envoys .

boom boom-


All kinds of spells exploded, and feather arrows flew like snow, frantically harvesting those envoys.

However, those divine envoys were like moths, knowing that they were dead, they did not flinch, and charged forward without fear!
Unfortunately, under the uninterrupted attacks of magic and archery, they can only turn into white light and dissipate, becoming the experience of Ye Fusheng and others.

In just one minute, the bottom of the girls' feet shone with golden light continuously.

"Wow, these monsters have such high experience?"

"I'm so happy. It's only been 1 minute. Not only have I fully upgraded my skill level, but I've also raised it to level 31!"

Seeing such a wealth of experience, the eyes of all the girls lit up, and they worked harder, their cheeks turned red, and after frantically throwing skills, they all began to pant from exhaustion.

However, they had happy smiles on their faces.

Um?Something seems wrong...

With the joint efforts of Ye Fusheng and all the girls, in less than 10 minutes, all the envoys of the gods were turned into experience and fragments, and the square in front of the temple became quiet.

All the girls blushed, especially excited, even Qian Shanxue was no exception.

Those envoys of the Ten Thousand Gods actually raised them to level 32!
Even the few fighters who just paddled, Xiaoxiang Yeyu and the others have reached level 31, which shows how rich the experience of the envoy is.

It's a pity that there was no equipment, not even gold coins, and it was empty.

But under the excitement of the upgrade, the girls didn't notice this at all.

"Don't get excited, adjust your status quickly, and continue with the task!"

Ye Fusheng is quite helpless, isn't it just an upgrade?How about some coke?

"No, no, Fusheng! Our guild is really going to be popular!"

Qian Shanxue leaned in front of Ye Fusheng with an excited expression: "This time, maybe we can bring in more sisters!"

"Yeah, it's time to bring more young ladies in!"

Hearing this, all the girls nodded one after another, and the faces of Guardian Zhan and Wugou turned pale when they heard it.

Ye Fusheng frowned slightly: "Why is it popular? There are no other guilds at present, and our guild is the most popular!"

"That's different!"

Qian Shanxue smiled and said, "Open the ranking list of the Huaxia theater!"


Slightly surprised, Ye Fusheng opened the leaderboard and looked at it, his eyes lit up immediately.

Huaxia Theater Level Ranking

1. Floating Life (Plunderers of the Heavens) ——Level 41 Floating World Guild

2. Zilong in white (dragon riding guard) - level 33

3. Qianshanxue (Element Hunter) - Level 33 Floating World Guild

4. Clear as water (sacrifice) - Level 32 Floating World Guild

5. Unsweetened Toffee (Mage) - Level 32 Floating World Guild

6. Crazy Pepper (Hunter) - Level 32 Floating World Guild

7. Son of the Dragon (Warrior) - Level 32

8. White Cat Heizi (Mage)——Level 32 Floating World Guild

9. Miyue (Hunter)——Level 32 Floating World Guild

10. Ke Lan (Mage) - Level 32 Floating World Guild

Among the top ten players in the Huaxia War Zone, eight of them had the badge and name of the Floating World Guild flashing on their backs, which made Ye Fusheng feel proud.

Except for the second white-clothed son dragon and the seventh son of the dragon, everyone else is from the same guild. This is undoubtedly a huge publicity for the Ukiyo guild!

In the past, Ye Fusheng was the first to create a guild, and some people inevitably thought he was lucky. Even if they admitted his strength, they would not recognize that he could create a peak guild.

After all, it does not depend on one person to run a guild well!

But this time, the ranking list was directly occupied by the Floating World Guild, and no one could doubt the strength of Ye Fusheng and the Floating World Guild!
"Hee hee, this mission is over, while everyone is still on the rank list, I'll see if I can get more young ladies who are masters and kings!"

Qian Shanxue was smiling all over her face. If she didn't know, she thought she was the founder and owner of the guild.

Ye Fusheng didn't even know why this girl Qian Shanxue cared so much about his guild!
"Hey, I want to take a screenshot quickly and send the picture to the classmate group!"

"It's the first time to rush to the ranking list of the entire China, so excited!"

The rest of the girls didn't think too much, they just took screenshots excitedly, kept celebrating, and blowing rainbow farts.

"Okay, everyone work hard, there will be a boss in the future, try to separate the level from others, so that you can stay on the leaderboard forever!"

Ye Fusheng thought about the blood armor in his heart, suppressed the excitement of everyone, and headed towards the temple again.

The girls stuck out their tongues, and when they thought of the boss coming up, they became more motivated and hurried to follow.

However, as soon as they reached the entrance of the temple, the footsteps of everyone stopped again.

All I could see was a figure in armor sitting outside the door of the temple, holding a sword in both hands and leaning against the stone bricks.

The armor still shone with a cold light, which was chilling, especially a faint devilish energy lingering around it, rippling out a terrifying aura.

However, the body inside the armor was already rotten, emitting a stench, which made all the girls retch, afraid to look at its cheek.

Undead monsters, come out!
This made Ye Fusheng frowned, the monsters he encountered before were all related to gods, why did he suddenly become an undead monster?
Could it be that something happened to this temple?
It shouldn't be, Xing Yun's level of powerhouses have said that this is a real relic of the gods, not a trap!

Could it be that this relic of the gods was captured by the demons?
After a moment of hesitation, the Eye of Truth was released, and a row of data flew out, but before Ye Fusheng checked the panel, the rotting corpse inside the armor suddenly raised its head, and its eyes burst into bloody red light!

(PS: Today's first update, ask for a recommendation ticket!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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