Invincible in one touch

Chapter 147 Heavenly Boss Evolution?Spirit-level boss!

Chapter 147 Heavenly Boss Evolution?Spirit-level boss!


A deep roar sounded, and the rotting corpse slowly got up, its armor glowed with cold light, and the devilish energy continuously gushed out from its body, lingering around it, making people tremble with fear.

At the same time, the panel attribute flew out and landed in front of Ye Fusheng.

Sword Crazy Luo Lie (Heavenly Boss)

Rating: 65
Blood value: 350000
Attack Power: 1900-2100
Defense: 1500
Skills: Sword Intent (Sword Intent enters the body, each attack adds 5% damage) Jian Chi (obsessed with the sword, the hit rate increases by 10%, the critical strike rate increases by 5%) Attack speed and release speed increased by 10%) Sword 180 (a thunderous sword, causing 210% high damage to the enemy) Sword 250 (a sudden sword, causing 3% high damage to the enemy) Sword [-] (a shocking sword , causing [-]% high damage to the enemy) Sword Four (psychedelic sword, making the enemy fall into an illusion, unable to move for [-] seconds)

Description: An extremely strong man who is obsessed with swords. He once searched for the relics of the gods, but failed. He was contaminated by demon energy and became a soulless soul

"Hiss...with an attack power of 1900-2100, plus those buffs like Sword Intent, Sword Crazy, and Sword Action, this boss is a bit hard to beat!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng quickly waved his hands, making Qian Shanxue and everyone back.

Jian Chi's attack power is too high, coupled with level suppression, I'm afraid no one can hold a sword except him.

Not even shield warriors!

The basic attribute gap is too big!

[Fortunately, the cloak of despair is released. Once the effect is triggered, whether he lowers the defense or I increase the attack power, I can use the blood-sucking effect to stabilize my blood volume! 】

[However, the BUFF that is as clear as water cannot be broken! 】

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng hurriedly shouted: "Qingqing Rushui will add buffs to me, as long as I lose blood! If the hatred is not stopped, the hunters will unify the concussion arrows and interrupt the boss's attack!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, all the girls retreated quickly, while Qing Qing Ru Shui stood at the farthest point, applying BUFF to Ye Fusheng.

After the three buffs were applied, the attributes skyrocketed, and the sword idiot Luo Lie also raised his blade.


"Whoever trespasses on the temple will be killed without mercy!"

The roaring sound fell, and the sword idiot Luo Lie surged with demon energy, jumped up suddenly, and slashed at Ye Fusheng with his sword.

Facing the offensive of the sword idiot Luo Lie, Ye Fusheng didn't dare to relax. He raised his two swords and staggered to block the blades.

The sword body collided with the sword body, trembling suddenly, and the sound of the sword burst out.

With his eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng stepped forward, swiped his two swords, and hit Luo Lie's chest with heavy slash + basic attack respectively.


In an instant, Luo Lie was hit by the sword energy, and the blood-red number floated on his head, and his figure suddenly retreated.


However, Luo Lie, who had already turned into an undead, didn't know how to back down, roared, and rushed out again, his sword was as fast as lightning.


That sword was so fast that Ye Fusheng didn't even react, his chest had already been stabbed, and his qi and blood dropped by more than 3000!
"Damn - this damage is too high!"

Even though he had a premonition, when Ye Fusheng saw the 3000 damage, his expression was still serious.

In the past, any boss he personally fought had never brought him such a great oppressive force!
It can be said that this is the strongest boss Ye Fusheng faces!

He quickly summoned the Youyan Warhorse, and at the moment when the blood limit skyrocketed, Ye Fusheng swung his two swords and slashed at Luo Lie continuously.

With the blessing of several pieces of ground equipment, his attack power is not weak. Every attack can cause 2000+ damage to Luo Lie. If the extraordinary characteristic is triggered, the damage can reach a sky-defying 8000+. In this way, Under the high-frequency fast attack, Ye Fu's angry blood returned to more than 1900 before Luo Lie's second attack!
It is equivalent to only losing 1000 blood points!


It seems that luck is really against the sky, the chilling effect is triggered one after another, and the defense of Jian Chi Luo Lie plummets. For a while, Ye Fusheng's general attack can cause 4000+ damage to Luo Lie.

Coupled with the treatment that was as clear as water, Ye Fusheng miraculously maintained his qi and blood at 90%!

Not far away, the daughters of Qianshanxue were all stunned when they saw this scene.

"Oh my god, if someone told me before that you can single-handedly challenge a high-level boss, I would definitely say that you are thinking of peach! Unexpectedly, someone really can do it!"

"It's too strong, the BOSS attacks 3000 blood at a time, if it were me, I would have died many times earlier!"

"Brother Fusheng not only has high energy and blood, but also does great damage. A critical strike can cause [-] damage! What else is there to do?!"

Qianshanxue, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, and the crazy little pepper all the girls looked at each other in blank dismay. Is this really something that humans can do?
The girls were amazed by Ye Fusheng's strength, but they didn't know that Ye Fusheng was also going all out at this time!
Almost by maximizing the attack speed set in the game, Ye Fusheng was able to continuously trigger the special effects of equipment and reduce Luo Lie's defense, so that blood sucking could keep him safe.

Before he knew it, dozens of swords were slashed, and Luo Lie's blood value dropped to 60%, and he started to play mechanically.

"Drink, Jian Er!"

With a loud shout, another sword thrust out without any warning, Ye Fusheng couldn't even defend himself, and was directly pierced through the chest by the sword blade.

Fortunately, this is a game, otherwise, he would have been stabbed to death long ago.

However, even in the game, he is not far from death.

All of a sudden 4700 damage, plus a basic attack, Ye Fusheng's 9000 blood was instantly reduced to as much as 1300!


Not far away, Qingqing Rushui came to his senses, and with a sound of exclamation, he released two healing spells one after another, and combined with Ye Fusheng's heavy slash skill, the blood returned to more than 3000 in an instant.

However, at this moment, Luo Lie struck Ye Fusheng's neck with another backhand sword.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to retreat, but Luo Lie's sword was so fast that he didn't give him a chance to dodge.

Both punch and shock are cooling down, and they are even more unusable.

[It's over, it looks like he's going to resurrect and fight again, I didn't expect his skills to reset his basic attack! 】

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng subconsciously raised his hand to block.


The blade brushed across the arm, and even though it didn't hit the neck, it still dealt exact damage.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing bitterly.

With Luo Lie's attack, let alone 3500+ damage, he only has 3100 HP, so he can't stop it at all.


Just as the blade passed by, triggering the blood deduction mechanism, an emerald green number flew up.

Ye Fusheng was also surprised to find that he is not dead!
"Insert second treatment!"

"I didn't expect Qingqing Rushui to be able to heal within seconds!"

He was overjoyed, Ye Fusheng was not a young man after all, he would not miss the opportunity, heavy slash + basic attack fell, he took out another bottle of blood medicine and knocked it down.



The damage was dealt out, and with the blood medicine, Ye Fu's blood value rose to 1000+. Immediately afterwards, the Youyan warhorse neighed, leaned up suddenly, and kicked Luo Lie in the chest.

Anyway, that Youyan Warhorse was also a BOSS level mount before, with amazing strength, it kicked Luo Lie staggeringly.

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng controlled the Youyan Warhorse, slashed out with two swords, and recovered another thousand qi and blood, which could add to his own qi and blood.


"Damn it, I'm going to send you to hell forever!"

Standing firm again, Luo Lie's hatred shifted, and he was attracted by Qingqing Rushui. With a long roar, he swung his sword to kill Qingqing Rushui.

"Concussion Arrow, release it!"

"Fire multiple arrows without concussion arrows!"

Qian Shanxue has been paying attention to the battlefield, seeing that Luo Lie is about to charge towards Qingqing Rushui, she hastily waved her hands.


Following her order, dozens of concussion arrows filled with silver light erupted, hitting Luo Lie continuously.

Even though there was a gap of more than 20 levels, when many people released their skills, there was still the trigger effect of the concussion arrow, which stunned Luo Lie in place.

It's just that the pitiful injuries that kept floating up made Qianshanxue girls feel ashamed and couldn't help covering their faces.

It's too low, compared to Ye Fusheng, it's impossible to see.

"Hahaha, well done! I will give you rewards after defeating the boss!"

Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, the concussion arrow's stun effect lasted for 5 seconds, and these 5 seconds were enough for him to restore his qi and blood to full value, and then drag the cooling down.

In this way, as long as he keeps punching and slashing later, there won't be much problem!
He quickly rode forward, brandishing the bright light sword and the flames of Tian Zhan, constantly slashing at Luo Lie's body, and as the damage of 5000+ burst out one after another, the hatred value was once again stabilized by Ye Fusheng.

Previously, the reason why the hatred would be transferred was not that Ye Fusheng's output was not enough, but the game mechanism.

Inserting second healing is an unconventional method when fighting a boss, it can make the mortal T survive, therefore, it will also arouse the anger of the boss and turn to attack the healer.

This is almost the same as the amount of milk exceeding the output.

However, inserting second treatment is more difficult than simply stacking milk volume!
Qi and blood recovered steadily, and after Luo Lie woke up, his hatred did not change any more, and he still slashed wildly with Ye Fusheng.



As the sharp sword blade continuously slashed across the body, causing streaks of blood to splatter, Ye Fusheng's and Luo Lie's blood values ​​continued to drop.

After a while, Luo Lie's blood value dropped to about 10%.

On the other hand, Ye Fusheng, with blood-sucking, recovery of tree heart earrings, and clear water treatment, is actually able to perfectly maintain qi and blood at about 70%!

After all, after figuring out Luo Lie's skills and moves, Ye Fusheng could interrupt them with a shocking punch and a dashing slash. Even if he didn't succeed, there were still about 10 girls' concussion arrows, which hardly gave Luo Lie a chance to play.


"I can not be reconciled!"

Just when Luo Lie's Qi and blood had dropped to 10%, Ye Fusheng was about to put in more effort to kill him, but he saw him roaring, the devil energy in his body was surging and extremely surging, and he pushed everyone in Ye Fusheng out.

The next moment, a system bell rang, shaking everyone's minds.


"System prompt: Due to the strong resentment in the sword idiot Luo Lie's heart, the demon energy in his body exploded, and he will be randomly increased by 10-20 levels, and he will be promoted to a spirit-level boss! All attributes will increase by 300%!"

(PS: The second update today, there will be updates in the future!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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