Invincible in one touch

Chapter 148 I'm Not Interested In A

Chapter 148 I'm Not Interested In A

"I'll go, can this evolve?!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng hurriedly stepped forward with his sword, released his rushing and slashing skills, his body pierced through the air, and instantly slashed on the head of Jianzhi Luo Lie.


The expected dizziness was not triggered, Luo Lie was still roaring to the sky, full of devilish energy.


The raging demonic energy turned into a ball of flame when it touched Ye Fusheng, and it almost didn't ignite.


"System prompt: Sword idiot Luo Lie's resentment and unwillingness are too strong to be interrupted. The evolution time will last for 30 seconds!"

"Hiss... can't be interrupted?!"

Seeing the system prompt, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched, and he almost didn't scold his mother directly.

Too bad!
Luo Lie's attributes are extremely perverted. If he evolves again and his attributes increase by 300%, wouldn't his attack power directly exceed [-]?

Then how to fight?
You can't beat it with the head!

"Brother President, what's wrong? Can't interrupt this boss?"

"Then what should we do?!"

Not far away, the daughters of Qianshanxue and Xiaoxiang Yeyu also panicked.

It was also the first time they encountered such a powerful boss!

"You go back first."

Ye Fusheng waved his hand to tell the girls to stay away, and Ye Fusheng thought about countermeasures.


Suddenly, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and he remembered the harmonica he got from the female ghost earlier!

He originally thought that to wake up Luo Lie, he had to be killed, and after a cutscene animation, the mission would be over.

Now it seems that the harmonica must be used to wake up Luo Lie!
This is the setting of the plot, Luo Lie will not die without the harmonica!
No matter how strong the attribute is, if Luo Lie at the spiritual level is destroyed, it will continue to evolve just like the devil wolf from hell that Ye Fusheng encountered at the beginning!

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng quickly took out the organ from his backpack and blew it violently.

Although Ye Fusheng doesn't know how to play the harmonica, but when he uses the harmonica, the system automatically triggers the plot, and the melodious and pleasant organ sound echoes in the temple.

Luo Lie, who was originally full of devilish energy, trembled violently. The next moment, the devilish energy flew away, revealing his figure.

Evolve, interrupt!

The armor gradually crumbled and scattered all over the ground, and Luo Lie's rotting body also emerged.


Many girls were so frightened by the scene that their faces paled, and they turned around quickly.

Taking a step forward, Luo Lie walked slowly towards Ye Fusheng, the blood red color in his eyes dissipated, and tears kept flowing.

"My lady..."

"I'm sorry, I missed the appointment, got lost in the dark, and forgot about you..."

Tears flowed, and Luo Lie's corrupted body actually glowed with silvery white light, returning to normal.

However, Ye Fusheng noticed that Luo Lie's body began to appear illusory. Obviously, it was the flashback before he died!

"Miss, I'm sorry, I failed to protect you in this life. In the next life, even if I go to the poor and fall to the underworld, I will still find your existence and protect you with my life and everything!"

As Ye Fusheng put down the melodica, Luo Lie reached out to take it, his whole body was instantly atomized, and it was burned together with the melodica.

At this time, Luo Lie seemed to regain his sanity, smiled and looked at Ye Fusheng.

"Young warrior, you are very strong, even I am not your opponent!"

"However, the temple has been attacked by demon energy, and there is a vicious demon hidden in the temple! To defeat it, you must rely on your courage!"

After taking a deep look at Ye Fusheng, Luo Lie's soul completely disappeared.


The equipment and gold coins exploded, but Ye Fusheng was stunned for a moment, Luo Lie actually reminded him just now?

This NPC is a bit smart!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the S-level story mission [Agreement], you will be rewarded with 100000 experience points, 100 reputation points, and 1 friendship point!"

"Friendship value?!"

"Huh? What's that?"

Seeing the new attributes suddenly, Ye Fusheng quickly opened the panel, and it was impressive to see that a new row of data has been added.

Love value: 1 point (specific function, to be opened soon)

"It's something from the next version again, what a pit!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing, this game is too bad, it hasn't reached that version yet, why did you release it so soon?

If the planner could know about Ye Fusheng, he would definitely be extremely wronged. We set it to be a high level to get in touch with this. At that time, the version has been opened and can be used directly.

Who knew you were so powerful, so perverted, and you reached that setting so quickly!
"Is the boss killed?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, look at the equipment, such a strong boss, the equipment will definitely not be weak!"

The girls also received the system notification, knowing that Luo Lie was dead, they hurriedly urged Ye Fusheng to open the equipment.

"A group of money fans, what else do you know besides equipment?"

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes.

"We also know handsome guy and little brother!"

The girls looked shy.

"That's right, I like it!"

"I just like your sincerity!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand to caress the equipment, and shared all the attributes of the equipment.

Infatuation Sword (Tianqi · Extraordinary)

Attack Power: 2800-3140
Power: 800
Volume: 500
Sword Crazy: Hit rate increased by 10%, crit rate increased by 5%
Sword Intent: Every attack, additional 15% damage
Special Skill Focus: Reduce self defense by 50%, increase attack power by 100%, hit rate by 100%, crit rate by 100%, last for 10 seconds

Features: upgradeable

The number of gems that can be embedded: 11
Description: A magic weapon cultivated by a generation of sword idiots throughout their lives, with infinite possibilities
Rating: 80
"Hiss...the stunt outfit came out so quickly?!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng was ecstatic, this piece of equipment is definitely a divine weapon!

It just so happens that this equipment can also be upgraded, and after being fused with the Bright Light Sword, it will definitely become a stronger equipment!
Moreover, this is equipment with special effects!

The characteristics are just the effects that come with the equipment itself, but the special skills can give the player an extra skill!

What's more, that stunt still increases attack power, hit rate and crit rate by 100%, which is too violent.

It can be said that within ten seconds of turning on the stunt, you are the god of war, and you have to restrain yourself in front of you!

It's a pity that this equipment requires a high level, even if it is inlaid with high-level handy gems, it needs to be level 50 to equip it.

[Unfortunately, I'm afraid even if I complete the task of the remains of the gods, I will not reach level 50, and I will have to wait some time before I can equip it! 】

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sigh.


"Extraordinary celestial weapon!"

"This... this is definitely the number one artifact at this stage!"

The girls were all exclaimed when they saw the attributes of the Chiqing Sword.

"No, the first artifact is not this infatuation sword, but a spiritual weapon called Yinyue Mohui!"

Qian Shanxue sighed: "Spiritual weapon, that is a spiritual weapon, it surpasses this weapon by a whole level! I don't know who is so perverted to use the spiritual weapon so early!"

"That's right, that's right, I almost forgot about the spirit weapon that is number one on the equipment list!"

"Hey, I used to think that the top [-] players on are experts, but now I realize that there are so many experts hidden in Huaxia!"

"For example, Brother Fusheng, and that Zilong in white, Yeyin, Shennong, and so on. I have never heard of it before, but now they are so strong that they are on the top. They are so handsome!"

"I don't know which pervert is in the hands of that spiritual weapon!"

The girls kept discussing.

"I said, you praised me for being handsome and called me a pervert, what do you mean?!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders.


"Brother Fusheng, what did you say?!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, all the girls turned pale with shock, and couldn't close their mouths.

They are not stupid, so they can understand the meaning of Ye Fusheng's words, he admits that he is abnormal, doesn't he mean that the spiritual weapon is in his hands?
"Hahaha, I got the spirit weapon after doing a relatively strong task, but the required level is too high, the equipment is not available, and it is useless."

Cursing his lips, Ye Fusheng raised his infatuated sword, and said: "This piece of equipment requires a high level, so give it to me anyway, do you have any objection?"

"Brother Fusheng, you can do whatever you say!"

The girls were very well-behaved, even Qian Shanxue didn't have any objection.

Putting away the infatuation sword, Ye Fusheng shared the attributes of the second piece of equipment.

Infatuation Bow (Earth Equipment · Extraordinary)

Attack Power: 1420-1750
Power: 230
Agility: 350
Infatuation: Attacks must hit, cannot be dodged, immune

Giri: Additional 10% damage when attacking
Extraordinary: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to release a huge sword energy, causing a fatal blow to enemies within 50X10 yards
The number of gems that can be embedded: 9
Description: The bow and arrow cast by a generation of sword idiots for his wife's self-defense, but it is a pity that the final step of refining has not yet been made, the body dies and the dao disappears, and the spirit is conceived

Rating: 60
Gender requirement: female
"Huh? This bow and arrow is not bad, it will definitely hit, and it will also cause additional damage. It's a pity that women are required to use it!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was very optimistic about this weapon, and it happened that he also needed to change to a strong bow.

However, after seeing the gender requirements in the last line, Ye Fusheng could only suppress his thoughts.

"Wow... This is actually made by that BOSS for his wife!"

"To be honest, those two people have a deep relationship. Unfortunately, we are doing the mission of the temple, and they don't have much plot."

"Hey, I really want to know what happened to them, and whether Luo Lie will be able to find his wife in the future..."

When the girls saw the description of the equipment, they became sad, their eyes were red, and they didn't even care about the attributes of the equipment.

"Fenglingxuewu has the highest contribution value and output. Does she have any objection to this bow?"

Ye Fusheng clapped his hands, waking up the girls.

"No problem, Sister Xue is a well-known hunter in the Huaxia War Zone, so a good bow should naturally be given to her!"

All the girls responded quickly.

"Hee hee, thank you everyone!"

Qian Shanxue smiled and said: "Everyone deserves credit for obtaining this equipment, and we also have a lot of hunters. We could have competed together, but we chose to give up. In this way, I won't let everyone suffer. , Everyone give me the account number, and each person will share a bonus of 5, which is my heart."

"Wow? 5 Huaxia coins?!"

"Hee hee, sister Xue, you are so kind, I love you to death!"

Hearing this, the faces of all the girls were ecstatic, Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Xiaolingdang threw themselves into Qian Shanxue's arms and kept kissing her face.

The two gentlemen Zhan ZhiGuan and Wu Gou were also full of excitement.

In this world, not everyone has money. For ordinary people, 5 Huaxia currency is a lot, but it is several months' salary!
Qian Shanxue's generosity directly shattered all their defenses!
"You're really rich! Little rich woman!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng smiled and handed the infatuated bow to Qian Shanxue.

In fact, Qian Shanxue did this for the unity of the guild. After all, when fighting the boss, everyone has the main force. She must let others benefit when she gets good equipment, otherwise it is inevitable that she will feel unbalanced.

Ye Fusheng can't do this, he is the president of the guild, if he is too polite, he will not be dignified, and it will be difficult to manage the guild.

"Hee hee, infatuation sword, and infatuation bow!"

"I suddenly discovered that the president and sister Xue are a good match. They are handsome and beautiful, and they are both game masters! Now even the weapons they use are couple files!"

The non-sweet toffee rolled her eyes and said with a sudden smile: "Brother President, Sister Xue, you are really together!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in a..."

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders.


"Brother President is playing a hooligan!"

In an instant, the faces of all the girls turned red, and they all spit softly.

Qian Shanxue also gave Ye Fusheng a hard look, his eyes were full of anger.

If no one else was around, she would have rushed to Ye Fusheng directly and asked him to try it himself to see if she was right!

"Hahaha, let's look at the equipment!"

Ye Fusheng quickly changed the subject.

Steel Boots (Earthware)
Defense: 750
Power: 180
Stamina: 300
Rock Solid: Increase own defense by 20%

Vigorous: Increase own strength by 5%
Description: War boots made of fine steel, amazing defense

Rating: 60
"Hey, it increases defense and strength, and it's the equipment for warriors and shields again!"

"Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Wugou have obtained the equipment, so let Guardian and Xiaoling roll the boots?"

Ye Fusheng looked at Zhan ZhiGuan and Xiao LingDang.

"no need!"

Little Bell shook her head and said: "This time I have completed the professional advancement task, but if I haven't completed the guardian task, and I can't get the equipment, it will be a real loss!"

"So generous?!"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help giving Little Bell a high look.

Being able to do this shows that she has a broad mind.

Glancing at Little Bell's chest, Ye Fusheng nodded slightly, sure enough, he is still very accurate in seeing people!
"Okay, guard, you look at it and give Little Bell some compensation, and the equipment is for you!"

After distributing the equipment, Ye Fusheng suddenly turned around and looked at the final temple.

"Only I can enter the temple, you wait outside, watch out for monsters to spawn, and nothing will happen!"

After giving an order, Ye Fusheng walked slowly to the main entrance of the temple, and took out the key of the gods from his backpack!

The key of the gods bloomed with brilliance, wrapped Ye Fusheng, and slowly merged into the temple, and disappeared in front of everyone!

(PS: If you want to see the protagonist alone in the future, it is better to fight monsters together. If you are alone, except for guild wars and national wars, you will not write team dungeons. I am tired of subscribing these days. Overthrow the plot, I dare not write what I originally wanted to write! If you have any opinions, you can raise them. I will always read the comments. Thank you for your support! Today is another [-]-word update. It's so late, good night, I wish you all good dreams!)
(End of this chapter)

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