Invincible in one touch

Chapter 149 The Looting Technique Reveals Its Power!

Chapter 149 The Looting Technique Reveals Its Power!

The melodious and elegant background music sounded, and when Ye Fusheng recovered his eyesight, he was already in a shining palace.

wow wow wow-

From time to time, pink cherry blossoms fall, floating in the air, and the fragrance is tangy, constantly tempting Ye Fusheng's mind.

Looking up, a sculpture is floating and suppressed on the black stone tablet.

The sculpture is a woman, with a beautiful appearance and a tall and straight figure, and the clothes on her body are all patterned with cherry blossoms.

"Is that the goddess Phantom Sakura?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng already guessed the identity of the sculpture.


Just as Ye Fusheng was about to step forward, the sculpture of the goddess Huanying suddenly became unreal, rippling with strange fluctuations.


Realizing this, Ye Fusheng quickly raised his head, but his mouth was slightly opened, especially surprised.

That sculpture turned into light and shadow, condensed into the appearance of a soul, it is the goddess of fantasy cherry blossoms!
"what's the situation?"

"Isn't the Phantom Sakura dead? Why did she come back to life again?"

Shaking his head violently, Ye Fusheng felt something was wrong.


A soft female voice sounded, and the soul of the goddess Huanying floated and landed in front of Ye Fusheng with a compassionate expression.

"Are you the goddess of phantom cherry blossoms?"

Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, and asked aloud.

Since this is an online game, resurrection is not impossible, just treat it as an NPC.


Goddess Huanying sighed: "Ten thousand years ago, I was attacked by the demons. Before I died, I burned my divine power and soul to suppress the demons. It's a pity that I can only be trapped here without seeing the light of day."

"Thousands of years later, that demon general became stronger and stronger, and my divine power became weaker and weaker, so I couldn't suppress it anymore. Fortunately, you came, otherwise, within ten years, that demon general would break out of the seal and disturb the sky! "

"Can you help me completely kill that demon general?"

After all, the eyes of Goddess Huan Ying looking at Ye Fusheng were full of hope.

"You are a goddess, but you failed to kill the demon general, let me kill it?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng was speechless.

"After a long time, I have no supernatural power..."

Goddess Huanying sighed: "But you are different. You have both a body and a soul, and your power is infinite! As long as you can cut off the stone tablet, you can kill the demon general!"

"Oh really?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Demon general, that is definitely a boss with a very high level, if you can kill it, the rewards will definitely not be less.

"That's natural!"

Goddess Huanying showed a smile: "As long as you can help me kill the demon general, I can hand over the source of the gods to you, so that you have the ability to become a god!"


Frowning, Ye Fusheng was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I promise you!"

As he spoke, Ye Fusheng held the Heavenly Zhan Lie Yan and the Bright Light Sword, walked slowly to the stele, and asked, "Are you cutting off the stele?"

"Yes, warrior, hurry up and do it!"

"The opportunity to become a god is right in front of you!"

The Phantom Sakura Goddess was breathing a little short of breath.

"it is good!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and raised his two swords. Seeing this, the goddess Huanying showed a cruel smile on her face.


However, the next moment, Goddess Huanying's face changed drastically, and she felt pain in her abdomen.

Looking down, Ye Fusheng turned around the moment he drew his sword, and the two swords pierced directly into her body!

"You... what are you doing?!"

The corner of her mouth twitched, and the goddess Huan Ying looked at Ye Fusheng in shock.


"Of course I fuck you!"

With a sneer, Ye Fusheng kicked out, and the two swords slid out immediately, and then he slashed + normal attack, the sharp blade flashed with spiritual power, and it slashed on the body of the goddess Huan Ying.


Two wounds floated out, and the goddess Huan Ying also retreated in pain, looked at Ye Fusheng in horror, and shouted: "Are you crazy? It's fine if you don't kill the demon general, but you want to do something to the gods?"


"If you are a god, then I will be his father!"

Ye Fusheng sneered: "When will the gods urge others to kill the demon general, and use the source of God as a temptation? If my guess is correct, you should be the demon general!"

What a joke, I didn't even receive the mission, how could this guy be the goddess of fantasy cherry blossoms?

It was just that Ye Fusheng pretended to be fooled before and then attacked him secretly.

After all, this might be a spirit-level boss with powerful attributes, so it would be good if it could cause more damage.


Hearing this, Goddess Huanying trembled violently, and immediately laughed angrily: "Hahaha, you are a good boy, you can actually see this!"


Amidst the angry laughter, all the colorful brilliance around him disappeared, leaving only the dark purple demonic energy, and the stench continued to flow out.

The goddess Huan Ying gradually changed her body shape, she was huge, and stepped out of the demonic energy with heavy steps.

Looking up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help gasping.

It was an undead knight covered in armor, riding a boneless horse with no flesh and blood!

The purple flame rose, burning from the bones of the horse, lingering around the undead knight, looking more and more terrifying and eerie!
"This is definitely a high-level boss!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng quickly cast the Eye of Truth, and the next moment, the attribute panel of the undead knight flew out.

Undead Knight Carlos (Spirit Level BOSS)

Rating: 70
Blood value: 800000
Attack Power: 2600-2850
Defense: 2000
Knight: When riding a mount, there is a 10% chance of being immune to control effects
Skills: Sweeping Thousands of Armies (causes high damage to surroundings) Long Drive (causes high damage to enemies in front) Hand of Darkness (casts spells on targets within 25 yards, summons Hand of Darkness, causing 130% magic damage to them, and Causes a 2-second imprison) round dance gun (dance the spear, summon a hurricane, and cause multiple blows to surrounding enemies)? ? ? (???)

Description: He was originally a general of the demon clan with extraordinary strength. Ten thousand years ago, he accompanied all the demon kings to attack and kill the goddess of fantasy cherry blossoms, but was sealed by the goddess of magic cherry blossoms.Now, it has been sealed for thousands of years, its strength is weakened, and it is deliberately trying to deceive people to unseal it.

"Macai... Although she has been sealed for ten thousand years, she was still sealed when she followed the demon king to attack the goddess of fantasy cherry blossoms. It seems that the demon general is really not as good as those demon kings and purgatory lords!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng looked calm.

Although the undead knight Carlos has higher attributes than the sword idiot Luo Lie, it is a normal spirit-level boss attribute after all, and Ye Fusheng can still deal with it.

Ye Fusheng was still a little nervous when he first learned that it was a demon general. Could it be a boss that surpasses levels and ranks? Looking at it now, there is no need to worry at all.

"Damn kid, I didn't expect you to see through my plan!"

"However, it doesn't matter, as long as I kill you and absorb your soul and blood, in a few years, Ben will be able to break through the seal by himself!"

"At that time, I must let the human race become the food and vassal of my demon race!"

Carlos stared at Ye Fusheng with a ferocious face.

"Forget it, being sealed by a goddess for 1 years, even if you escape, I'm afraid you will be instantly killed by others."

Ye Fusheng shook his head and sighed: "Old man, times have changed, you are already very weak."

"Bastard, what did you say?"

Hearing this, Carlos was furious, and immediately swung his spear, the blade of the spear swept across, bringing a gale of wind, and struck at Ye Fusheng's head.

"Damn it, kid, I'm going to kill you! Sweep away thousands of troops!"


The flames of Tian Zhan rose, and the sword was released for nine days, and suddenly there was a burst of thunder and sword energy, which collided with the blade of the gun.


The blade of the gun and the body of the sword trembled violently, Ye Fusheng only felt a huge force coming, his feet went limp, and he staggered back a few steps.

On the head, there was even -892 damage floating out.

"Tsk tsk, with a base damage of 2000+, coupled with level suppression, you can still lose so much blood even if you block an attack!"

"Spirit-level bosses are indeed difficult to deal with!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng summoned the Youyan Warhorse, and with a slight movement of his mind, he summoned Chaos Dancer Xing Xing again.

Although her star level has not yet been upgraded, her basic attributes are not much worse than Ye Fusheng's. Coupled with those few skills, it is enough to help him attack the undead knight together.


The light flickered, and as soon as the stars appeared, they felt the existence of the undead knight, and drew out the weapon "swish", staring at Carlos with stern eyes.

Not only that, but in her body, a special power is condensing and gathering!

"There seems to be something hidden in this girl's body?"

"Why is it so familiar?!"

Not only the stars, but the undead knight was also in a daze, looking at the stars curiously.

"good chance!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng would not miss the opportunity to attack. While Carlos was in a daze, he released his punching skills, and charged in front of him with a man and a horse. Basic attack + switching weapons + basic attack + a shocking punch !

The connection of two consecutive control skills, plus an attack, even if Carlos had a chance to be immune to the control effect, it was useless, and he was stunned in place.

Xing Xing even made a move, Star Concentrating Slash burst out, and the sword energy shone like starlight, hitting Carlos.

Countless damage burst out, it seems that Xing Xing has extra damage bonus to Carlos, the damage she caused is not much lower than Ye Fusheng.

Ever since, in just 3 seconds of control time, Carlos' blood plummeted by more than 1!


"Courting death - drive straight in!"

After exiting the dizzy state, Carlos roared angrily, ignoring the stars, and stabbed Ye Fusheng with his spear.


"Dude, long guns can't be used to stab men!"

Cursing in a low voice, Ye Fusheng dodged quickly, using the Youyan warhorse to block the damage.


The blood-red numbers flew up, and Ye Fusheng's blood bar plummeted by half, his brows were slightly frowned, and he quickly stepped back to replenish his status.

After all, it is a spirit-level boss, and its attack power is too strong!
Fortunately, Xing Xing, a fairy-level pet, did not disappoint Ye Fusheng. Seeing that Carlos was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, he released Star Slash one after another, continuously causing damage and drawing hatred.

No matter how Carlos has AI, it is also a BOSS with a fixed mechanism. When Ye Fusheng's hatred value is overtaken by the stars, it turns around and rushes towards the stars.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

After a while, with the help of the tree heart earrings to restore the blood volume to the healthy blood line, Ye Fusheng then used the hatred mechanism to output crazily, allowing the stars to recover.

If anyone is in danger, another person will rush to rescue him.

Fortunately, Xing Xing's AI level is extremely high, and he completed Ye Fusheng's instructions excellently.

In this way, Carlos is like a rubber ball, constantly bouncing in the hands of Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing, taking damage.

But it, no matter how much damage it caused to Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing, after a while, it will come back to life and beat it inhumanely!
If Carlos had thought, he would definitely be extremely depressed, singing a song, and the two people in the temple bullied me to be old and powerless!
Time passed slowly, but in less than ten minutes, Carlos' blood volume had dropped to 30%, and he was in danger.


"Wald dance gun!"

Carlos, who was being besieged, roared suddenly, and immediately his whole body and the mount under his crotch spun, at an extremely fast speed, forming a whirlwind.


The blade of the gun turned into a whirlwind, constantly stabbing at Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing.

Coupled with the skill bonus, Xing Xing's blood volume plummeted in an instant, and his figure retreated.

Ye Fusheng's blood volume and Youyan Warhorse's tenacity also kept decreasing.


With a neigh, Youyan warhorse howled, and was sent back to the space of the mount by the high injury.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng's blood volume plummeted, but the spinning round dance gun was still killing him!
"No, dodging will definitely kill you!"

"Its skills must be interrupted!"

Sensing the crisis, Ye Fusheng's eyes were dignified, and he quickly released the dashing slash, his figure was like a thunderbolt, and slammed on Carlos.


The blood-red numbers flew up, but Carlos' skills were not interrupted, and the round dance gun continued to spin, devouring his last more than 3000 points of blood!

Cursing in a low voice, Ye Fusheng quickly switched weapons, and burst out with a shocking punch!
If this punch can't achieve the control effect, then...he and Xing Xing will definitely die!
With his fists hitting his waist, Carlos' figure didn't stop at all, and he was still spinning the blade of his gun.

"It's over!"

With a wry smile, just as Ye Fusheng was about to fight to the death, the system bell rang suddenly, making him slightly taken aback.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique and obtaining a spiritual mount, the Demon Flame Bone Horse!"

(PS: Thanks for the difficulty in choosing a name, and the suggestions in identity verification. Well, I will write it according to my own ideas! Huh, the main plot will not be changed, and the writing method is still funny, life, and leveling. There is a plot, thank you for your support! Now that you don’t have to worry about it, starting tomorrow, I will restore the previous update of more than 1 to [-] a day!

Hey, after the update, recommend tickets and subscriptions, I hope everyone will not be stingy, I love you, okay! )
(End of this chapter)

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