Invincible in one touch

Chapter 150 As expected, he is my junior!

Chapter 150 As expected, he is my junior!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique and obtaining a spiritual mount, the Demon Flame Bone Horse!"

"Huh? Have you looted the mount again?"

Shaking his head violently, Ye Fusheng paused slightly.

At this time, Carlos, who was spinning at a high speed, lost the magic flame bone horse, soared into the air, lost his support all of a sudden, immediately became unstable, and fell to the ground with a "bang", even his skills were interrupted.

"My war horse?!"

"Damn it, where is my war horse!"

Sitting up, Carlos looked terrified, and the whole person panicked.

Knights, the reason why they are called knights is that their combat power is all on their mounts!

Once the mount bonus is subtracted, its own attributes plummet, and even many skills cannot be released!

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, and quickly backed away, started taking drugs to restore blood, opened the backpack by the way, and checked the mount of the magic flame bone horse that he had just snatched!

Demon Flame Bone Horse (spiritual mount)
Blood value: +150%
Attack Power: +30%
Defense: +30%
Turning force: +50%
Attack Range: +25 yards

Skills: Trampling, Flame Across, Flame Crash

Rating: 70
"Hiss... this attribute, cowhide, increases 150% qi and blood, 30% increase in attack power and defense power, and also has three skills, which is simply against the sky!"

He gasped, even Ye Fusheng was shocked by the attributes of the Demon Flame Bone Horse.

It's a pity that he must be level 70 to ride. In a short time, he can't feel the power of the magic flame bone horse!
However, its power is not needed now!
As long as there is no magic flame bone horse, a mere undead knight with residual blood, isn't it very simple?
While the undead knight was still in a daze of panic, Ye Fusheng quickly commanded the star to go forward, continue to harvest its blood, and kill it again after his own blood recovered to the health line.

This time, Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing didn't have to pull hatred, instead of hiding their skills, they directly faced the attack and killed them hard.

With the powerful killing of couples, um, couples?
No matter, as the three sharp swords continued to pass by, the undead knight couldn't hold it after the defense power was reduced, but within a minute, he wailed and turned into a floor full of gold coins and equipment.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading, currently level 43!"

The golden light kept flashing, and under the generous rewards for killing bosses by leapfrogging, Ye Fusheng flew to level 43, the star skyrocketed to level 36, and his attributes leaped again.

After killing the boss, Xing Xing blinked his eyes, the look of fear on his face gradually disappeared, and he turned into a cute little loli again.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, but he didn't think too much about it. He rubbed the little Lolita's head and started looking at the equipment.

The equipment is not too much, just two pieces, but they are all shiny golden.

"A spirit weapon again?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand to brush the equipment, and when their attribute panels floated out, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing, quite disappointed.

Both are earth weapons, although their attributes are very good, but they are still far from spiritual weapons.

However, it is enough to replace Ye Fusheng's previous gold equipment.

Sky Gold Ring (Earthware)

Power: 180
Stamina: 200
Agility: 200
Sharp: When attacking, 5% chance to trigger double damage

Drain: When attacking, absorb 1% of the opponent's blood and convert it into your own blood
Description: According to legend, the ring made of gilt from the sky has a sharp aura that ordinary people cannot touch
The number of gems that can be embedded: 9
Rating: 80
Sky Gold Bracers (Earth Organ)
Defense: 700
Power: 200
Stamina: 300
Tenacity: Increase own defense by 15%

Sharp: When attacking, 5% chance to trigger double damage

Description: According to legend, the wristband made of gold from the sky has a sharp aura, which ordinary people cannot touch
The number of gems that can be embedded: 9
Rating: 80
The two ground tools have good attributes and can replace Ye Fusheng's original equipment, but the level requirements are quite high, even if they are inlaid with handy gems, Ye Fusheng must be upgraded to level 50 to use them.

Fortunately, this is the task of exploring the gods. After it is completely completed, the experience reward will definitely not be low, and it will not be much different.

Do a few more tasks later, and you can easily equip it.

Putting away the two pieces of equipment, Ye Fusheng got up and looked around, exploring the environment in the temple.

With the death of the undead knight Carlos, all the turbulent demonic energy dissipated, and the visibility increased.

At the end of the line of sight, under the throne in the main hall, there is a crystal coffin!
"Using a crystal coffin after death, this scene must be a goddess!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng put away his weapon and stepped forward with Xing Xing.

Coming to the coffin, Ye Fusheng looked down and saw a beautiful woman lying quietly in the coffin.


The key of the gods suddenly flew out, floating on the crystal coffin, and then continuously fluttering between the stars and the goddess of fantasy.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng looked at Xing Xing, but saw Xing Xing also looked confused.

"This is, the source of Goddess Huanying is choosing the master!"

Suddenly, a crisp female voice sounded.


Hearing the sound suddenly, Ye Fusheng raised his head quickly, but saw the space collapse, accompanied by the crisp sound of "click", a pair of crystal clear, snow-like long legs stepped forward, and then, the figure walked out completely, it was Goddess of Star Rhyme!

"Goddess Xingyun, why are you here?"

Seeing Xing Yun appearing here, Ye Fusheng looked confused.

Didn't you say that you still have to guard Sunset City, so you can't come?

"What? Can't I come?"

Xing Yun frowned slightly, looked at Ye Fusheng, and said: "Little guy, your performance is very good, I... recognize you!"

"By the way, you are a man and cannot inherit the divine source of the goddess Huanying. Then, do you want your pet to accept the divine source, or absorb the divine source's power yourself to strengthen your physical body?"

Saying that, Xing Yun glanced at Xing Xing.

"Let her absorb it!"

Ye Fusheng chose the former without any hesitation.

Xing Xing is a fairy-level boss with infinite possibilities. In the future, both attributes and skills will far surpass ordinary players.

If she is allowed to absorb the source of the gods again, she will definitely grow into an extremely terrifying boss!

In that way, he also has a super thug.

"Oh? Why don't you use it yourself?"

Xing Yun smiled and said: "If you use it yourself, the power contained in this divine source can make you grow into an extremely powerful master in an instant!"

"That's not the power I cultivated myself, it's not stable!"

Ye Fusheng said seriously: "I want to take one step at a time and gradually become stronger!"

Of course, you can't say those things in your heart, Ye Fusheng looked upright and found a reason.

Hearing Ye Fusheng's explanation, Xing Yun became more and more satisfied, and said with a smile: "Okay, since that's the case, then I will start the inheritance of Shenyuan for her, and by the way, complete the career advancement for you!"

The corner of Xing Yun's mouth curled up, Xing Yun stretched out her right hand, and pointed her slender jade-like index finger on the crystal coffin, as if passing through the water, slowly submerged in, and immediately stabbed the corpse of the goddess Huanying.


The skin shattered, and drops of blood gushed out, gathered on Xing Yun's index finger, and slowly stretched it back.

"Is this divine blood?"

Looking at the blood that was crystal clear but full of power, Ye Fusheng's breathing became short of breath.

In order to complete the professional advancement task, in order to obtain the blood of God, it took too much effort!

"Not bad!"

Nodding slightly, Xing Yun waved her left hand, and in an instant, the stars turned into a ball of light, which quickly merged into the crystal coffin.

Immediately afterwards, a system notification sounded.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's pet [Chaos Dancer·Star] for accepting the inheritance of the Phantom Sakura Goddess, and will be upgraded to a holy pet soon!"

"Hiss... Did it directly become a holy pet?"

Throat rolling, Ye Fusheng swallowed, he had a hunch that after the star advanced, he would definitely become stronger!
"Then next, you should also advance!"

Stepping forward slowly, Xing Yunyu stretched out her hand, and lightly touched Ye Fusheng's forehead.


As if being electrocuted, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt that his whole brain was flying, and then, the breath like surging flames flowed through his whole body!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the professional advancement task, the advancement is Seizing the Hand! The advancement of the looting technique is Seizing the Spirit, the trigger rate is increased, and the effect is strengthened!"


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia theater player [Floating Life] for becoming the 9th player to complete career advancement, and get rewarded experience points of 100000 points, reputation points of 10000 points, and merit points of 10000 points!"


"Oh? I'm actually the ninth one. Did someone finish it before?"

"I don't know, did you get a hidden job!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng didn't care too much, and quickly opened the skill panel.

However, except for the fact that the looting technique has become the seizing sky technique, the other skills have not changed in any way, and there are no new skills.

This made Ye Fusheng very dizzy, why didn't he learn skills after advanced?
Could it be that the profession of predator only has this skill?
Should not be!

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng suddenly raised his head to look at Xing Yun. Since Xing Yun knew about this profession, he could advance for him. Could it be that he wanted to learn skills from her?
Just when Ye Fusheng was about to ask about skills, Xing Yun suddenly sighed and asked in a low voice: "Little guy, what do you think is your advantage? How should you develop it?"

"my advantage?!"

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Fusheng suddenly realized that what Xing Yun was talking about was his profession.

"Here, you can get the power to bless you from others, so as to improve yourself and defeat others!"

Ye Fusheng answered truthfully.

"Then, do you think it's fair to those whose attributes you robbed?"

Xing Yun said faintly: "Nowadays, your strength is still weak, even if you plunder the attributes, others will not disappear, but when you are strong, you can transfer all the power of a person into your body with a thought, and that person He turned into a cripple!"

"Is that fair?"

"What's fair and unfair?"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "If that's the case, then I will only use this trick on the enemy. Since I am hostile to me, and I am hostile to the human race, no matter what they become, they deserve it!"


Xingyun frowned.

However, Ye Fusheng sighed: "What's more, in this world, where are there so many right and wrong? It's just that we have different positions! Each of us has our own existence to stick to, and those who want to protect, if we don't have enough strength to protect them, we still have to protect them. Who are you going to talk about fairness? Will others give you fairness?"

"Huh, your thoughts are the same as mine..."

Xing Yun smiled: "As expected, he is my junior!"

(PS: 7000 words have been updated, there will be another update tonight!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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