Invincible in one touch

Chapter 151 I'm going to be the man of my future senior sister!

Chapter 151 I'm going to be the man of my future senior sister!

Xing Yun smiled brightly: "It's really worthy...that he is my junior!"

After the words fell, Ye Fusheng's heart seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt, he was stunned, his eyes were full of surprise when he looked at Xing Yun.

What did Goddess Xingyun call me?
Junior Brother? !
Ye Fusheng couldn't believe that the goddess Xingyun, who was probably the best in the whole world in terms of beauty and strength, was actually his senior sister!
"What? Stunned?"

Seeing Ye Fusheng staring at her all the time, Xing Yun covered her mouth and smiled, at that moment, there was a special charm that made Ye Fusheng's heart beat faster.

"Goddess...what did you call me just now?"

Ye Fusheng came to his senses, smiled wryly and said, "Don't make fun of me."

"Am I the kind to joke around?"

Xing Yun smiled and said, "If you're not my junior brother, and your cultivation system is different from mine, how can I advance for you? Do you still remember the many tests I gave you?"

"Well, remember."

Ye Fusheng nodded slightly.

"If I have nothing to do with you, how can I be so friendly to a kid I don't know?"

Xing Yun said: "Whether it is you taking over the Ninth Legion, or slaughtering demons, or collecting the blood essence of dragons, demons, and gods, these are my expectations and tests of you!"

"Facts have proved that you are very good, and I recognize you as his disciple... Also, my junior!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng finally realized why Xing Yun gave him so many tasks after seeing him.

It seems that it is difficult for others to deliberately make things difficult for him, but in fact, he has obtained countless benefits from those tasks!
However, Ye Fusheng became even happier. After getting such a powerful senior sister, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in the future?

He can kill ordinary bosses at will, but if he really provokes a powerful person, when the senior sister comes, the opposite side will have to kneel.

"By the way, senior sister, who is our master?"

"Is he, isn't there?"

Ye Fusheng suddenly asked.

In an instant, Xing Yun's face darkened, she shook her head and said, "Both Master and Mistress have passed away. To be honest, if you weren't so young, I would have suspected that you were the youngest son protected by Master and Mistress! Otherwise, how could you The technique of our department."

"Then, senior sister, do you know how to seize spirits?"

Turning his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng asked again.

He suddenly remembered that it seemed that Xingyun was not a professional name like Seizing Hand in the information, but she also said that she was in the same line as him, a master, so would she know Seizing Soul?

Xing Yun sighed: "Only one person in each generation can learn the Spirit Seizing Technique! When I first started, my master was still young and only taught me the rest of the moves, but the Spirit Seizing Technique was not passed on to me! Therefore, you are this In the world, there is only one person who knows how to seize spirits!"

"However, I don't know the Spirit Seizing Technique, and I know all the other moves! It's enough to teach you and make you a real peak powerhouse!"


Ye Fusheng was very excited. Sure enough, the next skills will be learned from Xing Yun.

"Okay, Junior Brother, which department do you want to go?"

Xing Yun's expression straightened, and she said, "That's right, both go?"

"Which two are they?"

Ye Fusheng asked curiously.

"First, plunder the abilities and lives of creatures! Second, plunder the world!"

Xing Yun said in a deep voice: "What I have practiced is the creation of heaven and earth!"

"Then, can I fix all of them?"

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes.

"Of course you can, but that way, your progress in cultivation will be slower."

Xing Yun said with a smile: "Although it is difficult to grow up that way, once you grow up, you will be a real master!"

"Okay, I want to learn both!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng said quickly: "Senior sister, what skills can I learn now?"

After these words fell, Xing Yun's expression froze suddenly, and then, a system skill panel appeared.

It is full of skill icons and learning conditions.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned, and then smiled wryly.

It turns out that Xingyun is just an NPC in the game after all!

Taking a long breath, Ye Fusheng swept his eyes, and the two skills that can be learned suddenly jumped out.

Devouring · Spirit: After opening, enchant your own weapon. When attacking, there is a 1% chance to plunder 0.01% of its mana, and permanently bless yourself for 1 minute. The cooling time is 10 minutes. The learning cost is 10000 gold

Sky Swallowing Essence: After using the skill, it will seize the power of heaven and earth, increase the upper limit of its own blood value by 30%, the duration is 10 minutes, the cooling time is 30 minutes, and the learning cost is 50000 gold

"Hiss... isn't this profession too strong?"

"Directly capture the mana value of the target, and permanently bless yourself! The Sky Swallowing·Exquisite skill is even more domineering. It can increase the upper limit of blood by 1% at level 30. After reaching the full level, wouldn't it be able to double your blood volume several times? ?!"

Seeing the effect of the skill, even Ye Fusheng had seen countless powerful skills, so he couldn't help gasping at this moment.

Afterwards, Ye Fusheng became ecstatic again, this is his profession, so powerful skills, doesn't it mean that he is invincible?
However, when he saw the study fee, he calmed down again.

"What the hell, why hasn't the currency exchange system been opened yet?"

"It's too difficult to feel that you have money and can't spend it!"

Sighing, Ye Fusheng looked at the more than 2000 gold that had just been brushed out of his body, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Can't even learn a single skill!

If the currency exchange is opened now, Ye Fusheng can not only learn all the skills, but also have no problem raising Xingyun.

Well, anyway, I'm already my senior sister, so can you call me a nurturing senior sister?

That's called caring for the senior sister!
"Cough cough..."

Silently closing the skill learning interface, Ye Fusheng coughed lightly.

At this time, Xing Yun regained her intelligence, and asked with a smile: "Why, don't you want to learn again?"

"too expensive!"

Ye Fusheng said sternly: "I can't afford to learn, how about I promise you my brother!"

"Little devil!"

Xing Yun smiled and reached out and nodded Ye Fusheng's head, and asked, "Didn't you say last time that you will get gold coins soon?"

"Well, it's almost time."

Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "When the other people level up and enter the secondary main city, I can sell all the equipment!"

"Well, that's still the old rule. Let you learn it first, and then give me the money after a few days."

Xing Yun looked at Ye Fusheng with eyes full of doting.

However, Ye Fusheng panicked, why is this look the same as looking at a child? !

I do not!

I'm going to be the man of my future senior sister's man!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for learning the skills Swallow Spirit and Swallow Sky Essence. The current level is level 1. Please upgrade the skill level to level 8 before the player character can continue to upgrade!"

Ye Fusheng only felt a chill in his head, and countless comprehensions and memories about skills had already entered his mind.

Open the skill panel and look, sure enough, the skill has been learned successfully!
I have to say that Xing Yun was really kind to him.

It's no wonder that Xing Yun has lived for thousands of years. Since the death of her master, she has devoted herself to guarding the human race and has never had contact with anyone.

Now that I suddenly see the person who inherits the mantle of the master, I will naturally take care of him and take good care of him.

"Okay, little guy, Sunset City still has things to deal with, I'll go back first, you can play slowly!"

Yawning, Xing Yun waved her hand and wanted to leave.

"Hey, sister, wait a minute!"

Ye Fusheng suddenly stopped Xing Yun.

"what happened?"

Xingyun blinked.

"Ahem, my original mount was only at the silver level, it was too weak, and now I have a high-level mount, but unfortunately it is not usable for the time being, can you help me lower its requirements?"

Ye Fusheng showed embarrassment on his face. He just became a senior sister, so he got credit and asked for help, blushing!

Xing Yun slightly nodded and said: "Since that's the case, I'll just help you fuse the two mounts together. With your original mount, it will not resist you and can be easily tamed. Moreover, the attributes will also be stronger!"

"Okay, then please trouble sister!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was so excited that he quickly handed over both mounts to Xing Yun.

After taking over the mount, Xing Yun made a formula with both hands, constantly changing her handprints.


In an instant, the starlight contained terrifying spiritual power, and suddenly gathered together to form a magic circle, which suddenly enveloped the Youyan Warhorse and the Demon Flame Bone Horse.


"System prompt: The Youyan Warhorse and the Demonic Flame Bone Horse have successfully merged. Congratulations to the player for obtaining the spirit-level mount, the Raging Flame Demonic Horse!"

Raging Demon Horse (spiritual mount)
Blood value: +180%
Attack Power: +35%
Defense: +40%
Turning force: +60%
Attack Range: +25 yards

Skills: War Stomp, Magic Flame Across, Flame Crash, Black Flame Wave

Features: Upgradable, Fusible
Rating: 40
After Ye Fusheng saw the brand new mount attributes, his heart almost jumped out.

Not only all the attributes have been significantly improved, but there are also more upgradeable and fused features, and the use level has been reduced by 30 levels at once, so you can ride it immediately!

"Hahaha, senior sister, I love you to death!"

Ye Fusheng quickly summoned the angry flame horse, there was a loud "hiss", purple and black magic flames criss-crossed, and suddenly appeared under Ye Fusheng.

In an instant, Ye Fu's blood value skyrocketed, reaching an astonishing 21890, nearly twice the previous blood value!
The attack power and defense power have also increased by half!

The combat power skyrocketed, directly reaching a high of 17W.

Looking down, Zilong in Bai Yi, who is second in the combat power list, is only worth [-]. As for the others, let alone, they haven't even reached [-].

Oh no, Fenglingxuewu, who got two pieces of earthenware, actually reached 3, rushing directly to No.[-]!

"Little guy, you can play slowly, but remember to make money for Senior Sister quickly, Senior Sister and I are under a lot of pressure!"

Smiling slightly, Xing Yun waved her hand, raised it to shatter the void, and disappeared into the temple.

"Huh, this strength is really too strong. When will I have that kind of strength?"

Looking at the way Xing Yun left, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look forward to it.

It seems that the game has just begun!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's holy-level pet [Chaos Dancer·Star], which has successfully advanced. It is about to fall into a 12-hour sleep state and can only be summoned after 12 hours!"

"Oh? The stars have also advanced successfully?"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng raised his eyes, but saw the stars turned into a ray of light, directly entering his body.

Opening the pet panel, Ye Fusheng wanted to see the power of the holy pets, but the panel was full of question marks.

Obviously, the data will not appear until the stars wake up.

"Phew, that's all, it's not too late to wait 12 hours!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was satisfied. Not only did he get a lot of equipment during this trip to the ruins of the gods, but he also got closer to the members of the guild, and he also managed to get his names out.

More importantly, after completing the career advancement, I have learned powerful skills!
"Huh, the gap with everyone is so big, I can relax again!"

Stretching his waist, Ye Fusheng just wanted to send a message to Qian Shanxue, but suddenly thought, it seems that Xuejia Fengxian is still fighting bloody battle!
"No, I have to hurry to support Fengxian!"

"Dancing with wolves, damn it, if something happens to Fengxian, I will make you Shenglong fly like a chicken!"

With a cold look in his eyes, beside Ye Fusheng, evil spirits surged!

(PS: Another update of more than 1 words, a new day soon, please recommend some tickets, handsome guys and beauties!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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