Invincible in one touch

Chapter 153 Can I Interrupt

Chapter 153 Can I Interrupt

The blood was filled, and with the sound of horseshoes falling slowly, tens of thousands of shield soldiers had all died in the hands of Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian.

Only the sound of flames burning and blood flowing.

The remaining seven cavalry stepped forward, knelt down on one knee, clasped their fists at Ye Fusheng and said, "My lord, fortunately, my subordinates have fulfilled their mission!"

"President, I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

Xue Jiafeng's hands holding the spear trembled, but he smiled and looked at Ye Fusheng.


"How could I be disappointed?!"

Ye Fusheng got off his horse, patted Xue Jia Fengxian on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "You guys have given me too many surprises!"

The Eye of Truth was released, and when Ye Fusheng saw the level of Blood Armor Bongxian, he felt quite a sigh in his heart.

The blood armor in front of him is really Lu Bu, the slave of the three surnames in history?

How could Lu Bu be so loyal? !
"As long as I don't disturb the president, I have no regrets!"

Xue Jiafeng coughed first, and said with a smile: "President, my level has dropped a bit, I'm going to level up first, otherwise, I'm afraid the people in the guild won't convince me!"


Ye Fusheng said meaningfully: "After this battle, your position in their hearts is unshakable! Who else can do what you have done?"

"Yes, who dares to disobey you, I will be the first to disagree!"

Qingqing Rushui on the horseback said: "For the mission of the president, you led a hundred and twelve cavalry to block tens of thousands of players from the canyon, fighting to the death without retreating, which is admirable!"

Hearing this, Xue Jia Fengxian just smiled dryly.


Ye Fusheng suddenly took out a weapon from his backpack, and traded it to Xuejia Fengxian.

Xue Jia Fengxian didn't care about it at first, but when he saw the attributes of the weapon, his face changed drastically, and he waved his hands quickly: "President, this is too expensive, I can't take it!"

"When we met for the first time, you saved my life, and you even wanted me to be the legion commander of your guild. I will never be able to repay my trust this time. How can I still want this piece of ground equipment?"

That's right, what Ye Fusheng traded to Xuejia Fengxian was the Earth Weapon Overlord Spear that exploded from Ouyang Hengyu earlier!
Even now, they are all top-notch weapons, so Xuejia Fengxian dare not accept them.

"Take it, this equipment is particularly domineering, who else can control it besides you?"

Ye Fusheng smiled lightly and said: "If you think the gift is very heavy, then you can create a cavalry army for me that will shock the world!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't equip the Overlord Spear himself, this time the behavior of putting on the blood armor also showed his loyalty, Ye Fusheng naturally wouldn't be stingy, and wouldn't make him feel cold.

The most important point is that there are many people who use guns and halberds in the world, but not many have that kind of talent.

Zilong in white and Fengxian in blood armor are the best, but Fengxian in blood armor is more suitable for domineering and kingly temperament.

Of course, in history, Ye Fusheng wanted Xiang Yu to get this weapon, but there is no Xiang Yu in this game.

"Thank you, President!"

After hesitating for a moment, Xue Jiafeng knelt down on one knee first, and said in a deep voice: "Thanks to the president who thinks highly of me, important to me, and gifted me with such magical weapons, I will definitely build a weapon for the president throughout my life." Iron-blooded cavalry, sweep the world!"

"Hahaha, don't be so polite!"

Holding up the blood armor, Ye Fusheng encouraged him a few more words, and then let him practice leveling.

Immediately, Ye Fusheng walked towards the remaining seven cavalrymen, patted their shoulders, and said, "You guys gave me a big surprise. From today onwards, I will give you the title of Seven Bloody Cavalrymen!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully awarding the title of Seven Bloody Cavalry. The seven cavalry have experienced the baptism of blood and fire. They have successfully advanced to elite cavalry, and their attributes have been strengthened by 50%!"

Seeing the system prompt, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up. Sure enough, this game can still recognize this kind of title, and can also improve his strength.

It's just that it has to go through the war!

Sending back seven cavalry, for a while, only Ye Fusheng and Qingqing Rushui were left on the battlefield.


After all the battles were over, Ye Fusheng stretched his waist and lazily said: "Qingqing, thanks to you this time, adding so many attributes to me, I can kill them so easily!"

"The elder brother is still amazing!"

Qingqing Rushui stuck out her tongue, and suddenly asked: "Brother President, how did you get so many good equipment and mounts? I think you have a fairy-level pet, why haven't I seen it? "(The advancement has not been fully completed, so when others look at the leaderboard, it is still a fairy-level pet)

"Oh, that pet is still evolving and can't play."

Ye Fusheng waved his hand, and sighed: "Actually, I didn't have any equipment at the beginning. It's just that I killed the first boss in the whole server with my own efforts, and then used the equipment of the boss to leapfrog monsters. I worked hard all the way to get to where I am today." of."

"Brother President, you are really amazing!"

"I almost adore you to death!"

Biting her lip, looking at Ye Fusheng as clear as water, her eyes are full of stars.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng's heart moved, and he quickly changed the subject.

What a joke, as a veteran in the field of love, he can't see that he is fascinated by being as clear as water.

However, this is in the game after all, who knows what Qingqing Rushui looks like in reality, where is the person, so he won't get started.

What if after talking about everything, it's Qiao Biluo who meets offline?
You can't press F to enter the tank!
After chatting for a few words, Ye Fusheng and Qingqing Rushui went back to the city together.

Back in the city, Ye Fusheng was surprised to find that there were many people in the city.

In the streets, many players are familiar with the map, lamenting the realism of the game.

After sending Qing Qing Ru Shui to hand in the task, Ye Fusheng quickly returned to his shop, and when he opened the ledger, he was stunned.

All the silverware and bronze wares in the shop were sold out. Although the unit price was low, the quantity was not enough, and he earned more than 1 gold coins!

He hurriedly put all the silver wares in stock on the shelves, Ye Fusheng looked at those gold coins, wanting to cry but not crying.

Owing so many gold coins to my senior sister, I finally have the hope of repaying them!
"Damn the system, the currency exchange system is not yet open! I still want to support my senior sister!"

Sighing, Ye Fusheng also knew that the game version update was triggered according to the mission plot, so he couldn't be in a hurry, so he could only take care of the store and see if he could open up more business.

After working for an hour or two, when everything was done, a system bell suddenly rang!


"World server announcement: Since the number of players breaking through level 30 has reached 1000 million, all secondary main cities around the world will be opened, and the chamber of commerce auction system and mysterious map will be opened tomorrow, so stay tuned!"


"Finally the auction is going to start. Sell those unusable gold utensils and ground utensils. You should be able to earn a lot of money to support your senior sister!"

Seeing the server announcement, Ye Fuchang let out a sigh of relief, finally ending the days of the poor.

It is clear that there is a lot of money in reality, but there is no way to use it. That kind of feeling is really aggrieved!

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng went to the City Lord's Mansion while opening the guild chat interface, wanting to see how the members get along after two events.

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Hoho, a new mysterious map will be opened tomorrow, I don't know how strong it will be! Hahaha, I can just try the power of my old lady's awakened hidden profession!"

Little Lingdang: "I think your profession is very good, don't be too busy when the time comes, I still have to help you!"

Clear as water: "It's okay, I'll give her a buff!"

Seeing the chat, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, Xiaoxiang Yeyu has also become a hidden profession?
Quickly checked Xiaoxiang Yeyu's information, and sure enough, her occupation had been changed to Gale Swordsman.

"The Gale Swordsman should be biased towards agility and has high requirements for operation. I don't know if this girl can control it!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng swept his eyes and looked at the occupations of everyone in the guild.

It seems that the probability of hiding a profession is very low. Except for Qianshanxue, Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Qingqingrushui, the rest of the 31 people have not awakened!
Qing Qingru Shui has become a priest of the Holy Spirit, and should be of the light department, which has a strong suppressive force on the demons.

At least in terms of leveling in the future, clear water will be very powerful.

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but said: "Well, can I interject?"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "???"

Little Bell: "???"

Clear as water: "What does the elder brother want to say?"

Non-sweet toffee: "Clear the bad reviews, and actually broke the formation!"

Ke Lan: "Brother President, although we all adore you, can you interrupt in front of so many people? How can we answer? You look shy!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Bah, Ni Zukai! Little brother president, you can't interrupt, why don't you change places?"

Clear as water: "So you guys are talking about this!"

In an instant, Ye Fusheng's head was covered with black lines. Are these really a group of girls?
How could it be so dirty?

Guardian of Zhan: "If I hadn't met you, I would definitely think that you are a bunch of big guys who pick your feet!"

Seeing that the topic was about to be changed, Ye Fusheng hurriedly said: "Since some of you have changed jobs to hide your profession, you should form more teams and level up together! Usually there are new maps, and the rewards are very good! The reason why I can get such a good Equipment is the reason why I have been mixing in high-level maps!"

"Well, I've finished talking, you all work hard, I'll take the task!"

In order to prevent those filthy women from spoiling his pure self, Ye Fusheng turned off the chat interface of the guild and walked into the city lord's mansion.

Ye Fusheng, who was already an acquaintance, no one dared to stop him, he came to the study after a while, and saw Xing Yun who was dealing with official business.

"Little guy, why are you here again?"

Xing Yun asked without raising her head.

"Ahem, Senior Sister, is there anything you need me to do!"

Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice, "I want to train myself!"


Hearing this, Xing Yun raised her head, took a look at Ye Fusheng, and said with a smile: "Don't be too ambitious, you haven't done the task I taught you yet!"

"Go, go look for the Soul Suppressing Tower! I have a hunch that it will appear soon!"

"Huh? The Soul Suppression Tower is about to appear?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought, the mysterious map in the system bulletin is the Soul Suppression Tower, right?
"it is good!"

"I'm going to look for it now!"

After being reminded, Ye Fusheng didn't bother Xing Yun's work, and when he left the city lord's mansion, it was almost eight o'clock, but he had been busy all day without eating, so he simply went offline.

Anyway, even if it is Zilong in white, it will take a long time to catch up with him, not to mention resting for a while, resting for a few days is no problem!

After going offline, he asked Qingning to prepare a meal for him. After eating, the two of them went to the room to have some supper before falling asleep.

The next day, Ye Fusheng walked out of Qingning's room refreshed, but saw Qian Shanxue leaning against the door, waiting for him for a long time.

"What? Is there anything else?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng asked softly.


Qian Shanxue's lips parted slightly: "I'm dreaming again, dreaming of you, and the white-clothed dragon, the son of the dragon... I dreamed of everything you have done!"

(PS: Excessive chapters, there will be a new story soon, at 12 o'clock on Monday, 8 o'clock will break out, to repay everyone's recent support, I love you, huh! By the way, please ask for a recommendation ticket for a new day!)
(End of this chapter)

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