Invincible in one touch

Chapter 154 For the future, the Soul Suppression Tower opens!

Chapter 154 For the future, the Soul Suppression Tower opens!

With a thought in his heart, Ye Fusheng pulled Qian Shanxue into the room, sat on the bed, and said seriously: "Well, what happened?"

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles!
As the current No. [-] guild and the creation of the first guild, countless people are eyeing Ye Fusheng, so he can't take it lightly!
"The mysterious map, called the Soul Suppressing Tower, will appear in the Eastern Cold Moon Mountain Range of Sunset City!"

"We Floating World, we did well in it, and you also killed the final boss, but Bai Yizilong got a guild formation order in it and created a second guild—Shenjiang Pavilion!"

"Also, they are also flourishing, and many of them have shown their strength, and even swept away the guilds of Xiongtianxia and Griffin!"

Qian Shanxue frowned. In the dream, the strength shown by the people in the Shenjiang Pavilion was too strong!

"Well, those guilds like Xiongbatianxia, ​​Griffin, and Tianzhihen are all mobs, and it's normal for them to be swept away by white-clothed dragons."

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "How is the development of Meteor and Homecoming Guild?"

"It's not that good, I've been suppressed by the God General's Pavilion."

Qian Shanxue shook his head and said: "The Shenjiang Pavilion is quite domineering. Apart from not provoking us, it has been suppressing other forces. Among them, the guilds of Meteor, Homecoming, and even the Scar of the Sky have all united to deal with the Shenjiang Pavilion! "

"Since their guild formation order was obtained in the Soul Suppression Tower, then I will clear them all out!"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "In that case, I don't believe they can still get the order to establish a gang!"

"After all, there are not many of them, and they can't quickly establish a guild, so they can't absorb too many people, so it won't be a problem."


Nodding slightly, Qian Shanxue said again: "Two days later, the Son of Dragon will find a prefecture-level BOSS in the Thunder Canyon outside Tianfan City, issue an order to establish a guild, and form a third guild!"

"Oh? He also issued a guild establishment order?!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng's expression gradually turned fierce. Yesterday, the Son of Dragon sent someone to snipe him for a professional advancement task, and he hasn't reported it yet!
"Why, plan to stop him?"

Qian Shanxue smiled and said, "I support you very much!"

"Well, sniping must be sniping."

Ye Fusheng nodded and said, "How can a guild establishment order be sold for several million gold coins?"

"Uh...why do you like gold coins so much?"

Qian Shanxue frowned slightly: "After the currency exchange system is opened, your family has so much money, are you afraid that you won't be able to buy gold?"

"But I'm going to use it now..."

Ye Fusheng waved his hand and asked, "Is there anything else?"


Rolling his eyes, Qian Shanxue said quietly: "God's Realm, Demon Gate, and Meteor have all created guild formation orders to create guilds! And, the second territory is refreshed, and it's in Sunset City! It's still a high-level territory!"

"Another territory cleared?"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help rubbing his chin, wondering if a guild could get two territories.

The role of the territory is not much in the early stage, but in the later stage, it is very important and has a very high strategic position.

It's like a nuclear bomb in modern society!

The territory can develop independently, summon the army, and in the end, it is no worse than the kingdom in the game!

If you can get a few more territories, it will also be a great strength improvement for Ukiyo.

Even if a guild can't occupy two territories, it must keep the territory in the hands of its allies!
"Well, other than that, it's nothing serious. It's just that some people have awakened their hidden professions again."

Qian Shanxue said with a smile: "The probability of advancing to a hidden profession is not high, but there are many lucky people. However, our advanced hidden profession is still not as perverted as you, Bai Yizilong!"

"That's not a career issue, but that we are really strong."

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders.


Qian Shanxue smiled and sat beside Ye Fusheng: "Hey, I have provided you with so much information, how do you plan to reward me?"

"Reward you?!"

Ye Fusheng glanced at Qian Shanxue, and said helplessly: "How to reward? Make you feel good?"

"Go to hell! Talk about business!"

Qian Shanxue blushed, and said suddenly: "I've been playing games in the room for the past few days, and I'm almost suffocated to death. Can you go out with me for a long time?"

"I remember that there is a grilled fish shop in the east of the city. It tastes great. You can try it."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng stared at Qian Shanxue, and when he realized that there was hope in the depths of her eyes, he nodded in agreement.

Indeed, since Qian Shanxue came to Ye's house, she has never gone out, except for playing games and sleeping every day.

For a young girl in the blooming season, it is indeed a bit tormenting.

"Hee hee, great!"

"Thank you dear!"

Qian Shanxue smiled brightly, got up quickly, and went to pack her clothes.

"Isn't it just going out for a stroll and having a meal, as for being so excited?"

Ye Fusheng was a little confused about what those girls were thinking.

"Hee hee, you don't understand!"

She laughed and answered, after choosing the clothes, Qian Shanxue blushed and drove Ye Fusheng out of the room.

This made Ye Fusheng confused, did he make a mistake, that seems to be my room!
Why am I kicked out?

Fortunately, Qian Shanxue was quite fast, and within ten minutes, he changed his clothes and packed everything.

In desperation, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to send someone to prepare the car and go out for a stroll with Qian Shanxue.

Well, Qian Shanxue told him so many things, allowing him to snipe Bai Yizilong, Dragon's Son and others, delaying their development and growth, it really helped him a lot.

Otherwise, if they were to form a guild so quickly, they would surely attract many experts, causing a lot of trouble to Ye Fusheng and Fushi.

From this point of view, not to mention playing with Qian Shanxue for half a day, even for a day, it should be done!
After shopping, Qian Shanxue took Ye Fusheng to her favorite grilled fish restaurant for dinner, and kept talking to Ye Fusheng.

Looking at Qian Shanxue's overflowing smile, Ye Fusheng's mood gradually calmed down.

However, Qian Shanxue still remembered the matter of Ye Fusheng after all, after eating the grilled fish, when it was almost noon, she didn't go shopping anymore, and went straight home with Ye Fusheng.

After a while, the Soul Rescue Tower will be opened, Qian Shanxue doesn't want Ye Fusheng's plan to fail because of herself!
After returning home, the two went online decisively. Qian Shanxue greeted the others in the guild, formed a team, and searched for the Soul Suppressing Tower together.

Xuejia Fengxian was killed to level 16 before, and he is still working hard to level up, so he cannot participate in the event.

Ye Fusheng rode the angry flame horse alone, walking among the cold moon mountains, waiting for the refreshing of the soul tower.

"Soul-suppressing Pagoda, you can tell it's quite big when you hear it, it's impossible to walk in a densely forested place, looking for a stream or a mountainside!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng kept shuttling through the mountains, looking for a space that could accommodate a giant tower.

Guild chat interface, constantly swiping the screen.

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Already in place in the Hanyue Mountains, OVER!"

Crazy little pepper: "Also take place in the Hanyue Mountains, OVER!"


Feng Lingxuewu: "Everyone, watch carefully, the Soul Rescue Tower will appear later, if you all see it, report the coordinates in the guild!"

Clear as water: "Mmm, by the way, won't Brother President come with us?"

Feng Lingxuewu: "He has a mount, which is fast, so it's easier to find it by yourself!"

Qian Shanxue already knew the approximate location of the Soul Suppression Tower from a dream, so she directly dispersed the group members and distributed them all over the Hanyue Mountain Range.

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help nodding his head slightly, even if he hadn't found the Soul-Suppressing Tower, he presumably was the first person from the Floating World Guild to find it!
In this way, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to look for it anymore, he walked slowly among the mountains, and after a while, he came to a lake with jagged blue waves.

The lake is clear and not too deep, but its area is not small.

Watching the swimming fish constantly wandering in the water, Ye Fusheng couldn't help thinking of the grilled fish that Qian Shanxue ate at noon, and became greedy for a while.

He got off his horse and quickly caught a few fish in the lake. Ye Fusheng skillfully lit a fire and grilled the fish.

Not long after, the delicious grilled fish came out of the oven.

It has to be said that a game is a game, even without any skill, the grilled fish is full of color and flavor, which makes Ye Fusheng eat it very refreshingly.

"Unfortunately, that chick Qian Shanxue is not here!"

After eating the grilled fish, Ye Fusheng clapped his hands, but he didn't realize that he was missing Qian Shanxue a little bit!
Taking another look at the lake, Ye Fusheng was just about to turn around when a system announcement suddenly came down!


"Sunset City Server Announcement: The Soul Tower map is officially open for 24 hours, or the mission ends. Players are requested to explore by themselves!"


Almost at the moment when the system announcement fell, a deafening sound fell, and then the water surged, hitting Ye Fusheng continuously.

Looking up, one can clearly see that a tall tower with a size of several hundred feet appeared in front of him out of thin air, and immediately landed firmly on the lake.

The purple-black tower was illuminated by the sun, reflecting a strange light, and countless yellow talisman papers were pasted around it, blowing in the wind.

The distant, vicissitudes, and mysterious atmosphere are constantly coming out of the tower!

"Hiss... Could it be that my handsomeness has moved even the system? That's why the Soul Suppression Tower appeared directly in front of me?"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng opened the chat interface of the guild, seeing that the girls were still reporting, he couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, he is the most beautiful boy!
Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Paratrooper No. [-], I didn't see the Tower of Souls!"

Non-sweet toffee: "Paratrooper No. [-], I didn't see the Tower of Souls!"

Clear as water: "Paratrooper No. [-], I didn't see the Tower of Souls! Ask me weakly, why do you say paratrooper?"

Ke Lan: "Paratrooper No. [-], I didn't see the Tower of Souls either! Those upstairs, don't worry so much, just get the formation right!"


Feng Lingxue Wu: "Oh my god, is our luck that bad? There are so many people, but none of them have seen the Soul Suppression Tower?"

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng smiled, and stopped hiding, and directly sent a message: "Coordinates (9980, 7721), come quickly, the most beautiful boy, the advanced tower is waiting for you!"

After sending the message, Ye Fusheng put away the angry flame horse, jumped into the lake, and swam towards the Soul Suppressing Pagoda.

The closer you get to the Zhenhun Tower, the more clear a mysterious aura becomes.

Even Ye Fusheng felt a chill down his spine.

Climbing up to the base of the tower, looking at the tower door covered with yellow talisman paper, Ye Fusheng took a deep breath and pushed it away!


With the opening of the pagoda door, the light shines in, and a brand new world is displayed in front of Ye Fusheng!
(PS: Do a small survey, do you like Xingyun or Qianshanxue? Hmm...)
(End of this chapter)

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