Invincible in one touch

Chapter 155 Multiplier, phantom cherry blossom form!

Chapter 155 A hundredfold increase, phantom cherry blossom form!
Pushing open the tower door, a gloomy light greeted the eyes, and it was faintly visible that there were hundreds of beams and pillars standing in the tower, all of which were pasted with yellow talisman paper.


There was a gust of wind, and it seemed that Ye Fusheng's arrival had awakened the sleeping undead inside, making a hoarse roar.

"I don't know if there are any missions in it, but while there's no one there, let's lure out the boss and kill him!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng stepped forward without any fear of the dark world inside the tower.

As it got deeper and deeper, the light disappeared, and it was like being in the dark. Even if Ye Fusheng turned on all the special effects of his own equipment, the viewing distance could reach 10 yards.


Suddenly, a gust of wind came from the sky, Ye Fusheng looked up, and saw a monster with a wolf's head and a human body rushing out quickly, its claws shone coldly, wrapped in the gust of wind, and slapped him on the head.

Raising the sword to block, and swiping upwards abruptly, after repelling the wolf-headed monster with a human body, the Eye of Truth has been released.

Shadow Werewolf (Elite Monster)
Rating: 45
Blood value: 18000
Attack Power: 810-1020
Defense: 800
Swift Shadow Step: In the state of darkness, the movement speed increases by 10%, and the jumping ability increases by 100
Skills: Bite, Frenzied Claw, Tail Flick, Shadow Strike

Description: The werewolf who has been suppressed in the Soul Tower for many years and is condensed by resentment is extremely fast, please handle it carefully
After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng immediately lost interest.

Unexpectedly, the monsters in the map of the Soul Tower are only level 45!
It is more than 10 levels lower than the remains of the gods!What good things can come out?
However, after thinking about it, this is the official version of the map after all. Even if the level is lowered to take care of other players, the rewards will not be that bad.

"The level is so low, so you don't need to collect experience, kill the boss quickly, and find the soul-suppressing sword!"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng activated the Eye of Slaughter passively, raised his Bright Light Sword, and quickly rushed to the repelled werewolf, and slashed out with his sword.


The blade of the sword shone with a holy aura, brushed over the werewolf's neck, and the combo of normal attack + heavy slash + normal attack broke out.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng's right hand sank, and the quadruple damage of the extraordinary characteristic was triggered! -

Terrible damage jumped out, and the shadow werewolf was killed on the spot before he had time to show his strength.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting attribute jumping power +5!"


Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up: "It's not easy, after such a long time, I can finally use my jumping ability again!"

"I've been thinking about what will happen if the jumping power is increased!"

Turning his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng suddenly changed a silver glove as a weapon at random, and continued on his way.

call out!
Sure enough, after walking a few steps, another shadow werewolf was drawn out, and flew towards Ye Fusheng.

boom! -

After forcibly enduring an impact, Ye Fusheng didn't even move his health bar much, and immediately punched the shadow werewolf.

However, Ye Fusheng's equipment is too luxurious, even if he changes his weapon, he can knock out more than 600 HP of the Shadow Werewolf with one punch, and he can be hammered to death in less than 30 punches.

However, he couldn't remove other equipment, otherwise his defense power would be too low, and he would not be able to withstand the attack of the shadow werewolf without the means of automatic recovery.

Fortunately, after the profession is advanced, the trigger rate of the looting technique increases, almost every 10 attacks, it can be triggered once.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting attribute jumping power +3!"


After finally encountering monsters with jumping ability again, how could Ye Fusheng let them go so easily?

If you don't squeeze them until they are exhausted, you really can't squeeze out any attributes. Is he still worthy of the looting technique?
Ever since, the brutal and inhumane journey of fleecing wool began.

Ye Fusheng first used his graceful body to seduce the shadow werewolves, and then revealed his ferocious appearance, and killed those shadow werewolves first!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting attribute jumping power +1!"

Half an hour later, the jumping power that could be snatched dropped to 1 point, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing.

I can't snatch it anymore, but unfortunately, I snatched nearly 400 jumping power attributes, but I didn't activate any functions!
Could it be that this attribute is a joke?

Unable to plunder attributes anymore, Ye Fusheng switched weapons, this time he could no longer hold back his hands, and quickly swept away the shadow werewolves in the first floor.

In less than 10 minutes, Ye Fusheng reached the middle of the first floor, and there was a sculpture of a werewolf, with grinning teeth and clenched claws, as if it was alive.

"It seems that the BOSS should be in the middle of each floor!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng took a few steps forward and triggered the boss.


As Ye Fusheng approached, the system was triggered, and the werewolf sculpture suddenly shattered, only a loud howling wolf sounded, and the werewolf figure suddenly swelled up to a height of three feet, its claws were as sharp as blades, and its fangs It's even more terrifying.

At the same time, the Eye of Truth was released, and the attributes of the boss appeared in front of Ye Fusheng.

Wolf Demon (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 50
Blood value: 250000
Attack Power: 1300-1500
Defense: 600
Speed: Attack speed, movement speed increased by 30%, dodge rate increased by 20%
Skills: Devil's Bite, Devil's Surge, Quick Blood Claw, Blood Shadow Whirlwind

Description: A mutated werewolf who absorbed magic energy, lost his sanity, and took pleasure in slaughtering tribes. He was suppressed by Da Neng in the Soul Suppression Tower thousands of years ago, and now his strength is weakened.

Weaknesses: fire, waist
"The attack power is good, almost catching up with the level 60 boss, coupled with the speed characteristic, the attack speed and movement speed are very fast, we can't let it take the lead!"

"Fortunately, the weakness is also obvious, but it is not difficult to deal with."

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng took advantage of the fact that the wolf demon just broke away from the sculpture and was still stretching his body, he slashed at it with his sword.

At the same time, the Sky Swallowing·Exquisite skill erupted, and the Raging Flame Demon Horse was summoned. Its own qi and blood suddenly soared to 28000+, and its attack power also soared. The two swords waved and slashed on both arms of the wolf demon.


Blood splattered everywhere, and several wounds of up to 2000+ damage suddenly floated from the head of the wolf demon.


The wolf demon suffered from the pain and didn't care about other things, swiping his claws and sweeping towards Ye Fusheng.

The blades of the swords staggered, and suddenly pinched the arm of the wolf demon. Ye Fusheng controlled the angry flame horse and kicked it violently.


After all, it was a fairy-level mount with great power, and immediately forced the wolf demon back.

Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, Ye Fusheng stepped forward quickly, his two swords flying, constantly slashing at the wolf demon.

In just a few breaths, the wolf demon has already lost nearly 20000 blood!

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng was particularly satisfied. Sure enough, after the mount was upgraded, even hard-steel ground-level bosses would have no problems!
From this point of view, dragging the skills, the wolf demon can be killed in two to three minutes.

However, the earth-level boss is not a vegetarian either. Seeing that his qi and blood continued to drop, the wolf demon suddenly accelerated, like lightning, constantly flashing beside Ye Fusheng.


The sharp claws swung out continuously, grabbing Ye Fusheng's leg violently, causing nearly four-figure damage.

Although the damage was not very high, Ye Fusheng frowned.

After turning on the fast shadow, the wolf demon moves too fast, even if it stares at the wolf demon, it is difficult to hit it.

In this way, it will take more time to kill the wolf demon, and if it can still explode, it may still pose a threat to Ye Fusheng.

"No, we can't drag it any longer, we must kill it as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes and stopped swinging his sword. When the wolf demon attacked again, he controlled the angry flame horse to release the trample skill!
With the fall of the horse's hooves, strong winds swept across, blocking the wolf demon's figure for a moment.

"good chance!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and he released his sword for nine days!


The thunder burst out together with the sword energy, and instantly slashed at the wolf demon. Then, the charge broke out, and the wolf demon was stunned in place.

Just as he was about to pick up other skills, Ye Fusheng suddenly heard the system bell.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the kiss of the goddess of fortune, any reward will be increased by 1000% for 300 minutes!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique, and getting attribute jumping power +500!"

"Added 500 jumping power all at once?!"

"This BUFF effect is a bit fierce!"

Seeing the long-lost Goddess of Luck kissing BUFF arrive, Ye Fusheng was a little shocked, this effect is too strong!

It's fiercer than opening and hanging!

However, Ye Fusheng's surprise is not over yet!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's jumping power attribute reaching 500, and unlocking the special skill Light as a swallow! When the jumping power reaches 1500, the skill can be advanced to walk against the wind!"

Light as a Swallow (special skill): After opening, the attack speed and movement speed increase by 20%, and the dodge rate increases by 10%, the duration is 10 minutes, and the cooling time is 30 minutes
"The effect of this skill is a PK magic skill!"

Overjoyed, Ye Fusheng quickly opened his body as light as a swallow before the wolf demon was over from the dizzy state.


In an instant, Ye Fusheng felt comfortable all over his body, his whole body was much lighter, he really deserved the name of the skill "Light as a Swallow".

Withdrawing the angry flame demon horse, Ye Fusheng took a step forward, and the heavy slash fell suddenly, hitting the wolf demon.


After the dizzy state ended, the wolf demon quickly retreated, intending to distance itself from Ye Fusheng, and then use the previous tactics to harass.

However, after Ye Fusheng activated the skill of being as light as a swallow, his attack speed and movement speed were not much slower than that of the wolf demon, so he quickly caught up and slashed with his sword.

The two swords kept waving, and the blood bar of the wolf demon could no longer hold up. He was even hacked to death before the other two skills had a chance to be released.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the prefecture-level boss, Wolf Demon. You will be rewarded with 500000000 experience points, 100000 reputation points, and 1000000 merit points!"

I have to say, the effect of a hundred times the reward is too strong!

It's just a BOSS. Normally, it can only bring Ye Fusheng 500 million experience points, but now, it has skyrocketed him to 5 million experience points!
If it wasn't for Ye Fusheng's dual professions, the extremely high experience required for leveling up, and the stars absorbing his experience, he would definitely be able to go up two levels in a row! (Pets will absorb experience points since they are summoned for the first time, and dual occupations will also increase the experience required for leveling up. In addition, this game is similar to poisoned milk powder. The higher the level, the harder it is to level up!)
Grinning, he was about to check the equipment of the wolf monster, when another system bell rang suddenly!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's pet [Chaos Dancer·Star] for successfully advancing to level 40 and comprehending the phantom cherry blossom form!"

The pet panel suddenly jumped out!
(PS: The first update today!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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