Invincible in one touch

Chapter 156 The 9-story Soul Suppression Tower, Tiansha kills God!

Chapter 156 Nine-story Soul Suppression Tower, Tiansha kills God!
"Finally advanced successfully!"

"Phantom Sakura form? Is it a new form after absorbing the source of God?"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng opened the pet panel, and checked the attributes of the world's first holy pet!
【Star】(Holy Class)

Rating: 40
Blood value: 18000
Attack Power: 3400-3800
Defense: 3600
Form: human form, phantom cherry form (Note: Different forms have different skills that can be used)

Humanoid skills:
Chaos Five Elements (Increase all attributes of yourself and an additional target by 30%, last for 60 seconds, cooldown time is 15 minutes)

Concentrating star cut (concentrate the power of starlight, accumulated in the sword body, causing 180% high damage to the enemy, and has a 10% chance to make the enemy tremble, can interrupt the skill, cooldown time is 60 seconds)
Flashing Star Step (passive skill, increase own 20% dodge rate, and, for every three attacks, the fourth attack will cause a knowing blow, trigger the crit effect, and ignore the defense)

Shunpo (transform body shape in an instant, can shuttle freely within 50 yards, cooldown time is 90 minutes)

Five Elements Sword Formation (Concentrate the whole body to transform into a Five Elements Sword Formation, causing multiple attacks on the target in the sword formation, must be a critical strike, must ignore defense, duration is 15 seconds, cooldown time is 180 seconds)
Phantom Sakura Form Skills:
Cherry Rain Cimu (restores 30% of the target's HP, cooldown time is 30 seconds)
Illusory Cherry Blossoms (the scent of cherry blossoms is rippling, filling the area of ​​50X50 yards, lasting 300 seconds, causing the target creature to have a 10% chance of falling into an illusion state, unable to move, lasting 15 seconds, cooling time 600 seconds)
God's Blessing (designate a player, increase its experience value reward by 50%, no cooldown)
Shen Yun (link contract with the player, whenever the distance between the two is less than 100 yards, every hour, increase the experience value of the current level by 1%)
stage: growing up
Growth qualification: Attack 30 stars, stamina...

"Hiss... All attributes have doubled, blood and attack power are almost catching up with me, and skills are so strong that they explode!"

"Especially in the phantom cherry blossom form, it is simply a god-level support!"

Ye Fusheng was amazed, not to mention the human form, they are all high attack output skills, especially violent, but they don't improve him much.

The Phantom Sakura form is different. It not only increases all attributes, but also has healing skills, strong control skills, and God's Blessing that increases experience rewards.

Especially the Shen Yun, once connected, it is equivalent to Ye Fusheng being able to upgrade to a level every day without doing anything!
The early stage was fine, but at the end of the game, he might not be able to collect enough experience points to upgrade in ten days and a half months, but he can just upgrade without doing anything!

Even if you don't talk about the later stage, this effect is terrifying now. You can practice one level more than others every day. As time goes by, the gap will become a world of difference!
With this in mind, Ye Fusheng couldn't wait to summon the star, and turned it into the phantom cherry blossom form.


The pink light surged, and abruptly, a small pink cherry tree with two feet-like fibrous roots floated beside Ye Fusheng.

"This image..."

Stretching his hand to his forehead, Ye Fusheng thought that the phantom cherry blossom form was the appearance of the phantom cherry blossom goddess, it seems that he was thinking too much.

"Master, I am not strong enough now to transform into a human body."

Sensing Ye Fusheng's thoughts, Xing Xing made a clear voice: "When I grow up, I can become a human."

"That's it!"

Rubbing his chin, Ye Fusheng said with a smile: "Xing Xing, you will use this form to be by my side from now on. You can't speak when there are people around, understand?"

The phantom cherry shape can not only add experience points for him every hour, but also increase the experience points of spawning monsters and doing tasks by 50%, which is far more useful than the human form.

Unless he meets a very difficult boss, Ye Fusheng, he won't use his human form.

"Yes Master."

Xing Xing was very well-behaved, and immediately under Ye Fusheng's control, he cast cherry blossom blessings on Ye Fusheng.

Anyway, if you don't meet the second floor boss in a short time, you can definitely wait until the cooldown passes.


With the pink light entering his body, Ye Fusheng only felt that his body was full of strength, and when he looked at the attribute panel, he couldn't help but gasped.

The blood value has skyrocketed to 4, the three-speed boost can also be superimposed with Jiying, and the attack power has skyrocketed to 8+, which is even more terrifying than the attributes of a sky-level boss!
"Tsk tsk, with the blessings of the stars, it seems that it is not a problem for me to single out a spirit-level boss?!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng suppressed the urge to single out the spirit-level boss, and picked up the equipment that the wolf demon exploded.

It seems that there are too many earth-level bosses killed, even if Ye Fusheng's luck value exploded, there was no earth weapon, only two gold artifacts of the excellence level.

The attributes and levels are relatively moderate, but it is suitable for auction sales.

Putting away the equipment, Ye Fusheng led the star towards a ball of orange light not far away.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the portal to the second floor of the Soul Suppression Tower.

"Ahem...Warriors, please stay!"

Before Ye Fusheng walked in front of the orange light, a slightly old voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng turned around to look, but saw a mass of light and shadow emerging from the previously broken sculpture, condensing into a human figure.

That was an old man!
"There is a mission!"

Feeling overjoyed, Ye Fusheng hurried over and asked, "Old man, is there anything I can do?"

"Warrior, you can kill the wolf demon, which is enough to prove your strength. Can I ask you to suppress the monsters in the soul suppression tower and prevent them from rushing out of the seal?"

The old man looked at Ye Fusheng with hope in his eyes.

"Okay, what exactly do I need to do?"

Ye Fusheng nodded and accepted the task.


The old man showed joy, and quickly said: "As time goes by, the monsters sealed in the Soul Suppression Tower began to riot. You need to go to the nine-story Soul Suppression Tower and kill the monsters to prevent them from breaking out of the seal and causing harm to the world. !"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully receiving the S-level mission [Re-suppressing the Soul Tower], the mission goal: kill all the demons in the nine-story soul-suppressing tower, the current killing progress is 1/9! Mission reward: rich experience rewards, and equipment rewards!"

"S-level mission, earned!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng just wanted to ask about the specific situation of the mission, but saw that the phantom old man disappeared again.

Obviously, that was just a plot that triggered the mission, and no more information could be obtained from it.

"Phew, there are still eight floors left in the nine-story soul-suppressing tower, and there are eight bosses. We must kill all the bosses before Bai Yizilong and the others! I don't believe it, so they can still get the guild establishment order." !"

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng raised his feet and walked towards the orange light ball.

The address book rang suddenly, Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, seeing that it was Qian Shanxue calling, he took it.

Qian Shanxue looked solemn: "Fusheng, the coordinates have been posted on the forum!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but change his face slightly, and immediately smiled and said: "It's okay, let them come, when the time comes, if they dare to make trouble, I will send them back with my own hands! Where are you?"

Qian Shanxue replied: "I'll be there soon, and you and Xuejia Fengxian have already become popular on the forum! You also got two popular titles!"

"I'm hot all the time!"

Ye Fusheng's voice was calm.

"Cut, stinky! We'll be there soon, just wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, Qian Shanxue hung up the communication, Ye Fusheng touched his nose, and sat down cross-legged, waiting for the arrival of Qian Shanxue's daughters.

Qianshan Xuezhong's strength is not weak. If the three hidden professions can be matched well, they can definitely keep most players out of the Soul Suppression Tower and buy him time to kill those bosses.

While waiting, Ye Fusheng opened the forum idly, but his face changed slightly.

He finally understood why Qian Shanxue said that.

At this time, the top two posts on the forum, besides the introduction and coordinates of the Soul Suppressing Tower, was a video - a video of Ye Fusheng and Xue Jia Fengxian leading hundreds of cavalry and fighting tens of thousands of players!

The video is very detailed, from Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian leading the cavalry for the first time to the battle, until Ye Fusheng returns powerfully and sweeps away tens of thousands of people!

In particular, the scene of Xuejia Fengxian dying several times, still standing upright at the mouth of the canyon, using his flesh and blood to block the waves of impact, was edited so soul-stirringly!

Looking down, there are more than 300 million replies, and almost everyone is amazed.

Among them, Ye Fusheng is known as the God of Killing, and Xuejia Fengxian is called the God of Bloody War by them!

What's more, it is prophesied that Bongxian in the blood armor is likely to become the third person after Floating Life and Zilong in White!
"Heavenly Fiend Killing God... Isn't this title too low?"

"It seems that we have to do a few big things in the future, and change this title!"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Ye Fusheng looked at the forum for a while, determined that there was no useful news, and closed the forum directly.

"Da da da--"

Footsteps sounded from a distance, and with a movement of his ears, Ye Fusheng got up quickly and turned on the special effects of the equipment on his body.

The light bloomed, and the person not far away was immediately reflected, it was the daughter of Qianshan Snow.

Seeing Ye Fusheng, the girls of Qianshanxue hurried over.

"Brother President, you are now a celebrity on the forum!"

"I didn't expect that blood armor Fengxian to be so powerful. You two killed tens of thousands of shield warriors!"

"I didn't expect that the blood armor Fengxian looked so simple and honest, and he fought so wildly, so handsome!"

The girls were chattering, looking at Ye Fusheng with eyes filled with admiration.

"I've said it before, Fengxian is very powerful."

Ye Fusheng smiled slightly, it is a good thing that Fengxian Xuejia can be recognized by everyone.

"Hey, brother president, what's the matter with the cherry blossom tree next to you?"

When Xiaoxiang Yeyu saw the stars, she couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

Hearing this, all the girls looked very curious, why would someone carry a tree with them?

"Nothing, my pet!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "Okay, don't say so much, are you ready? The monsters in the Soul Suppression Tower are of good level, and there are a lot of them, enough for you to level up!"

"OK, you can go to the battlefield anytime!"

All the goddesses looked upright.

Only Qian Shanxue gave Ye Fusheng a meaningful glance, but she knew the details of the stars!

With a big wave of his hand, Ye Fusheng stepped into the orange light ball first, and with a "shua", when he opened his eyes again, he was already in a passage.

However, before Ye Fusheng could take a step forward, there was a whistling sound, and countless sharp thorns flew up, falling towards him like an overwhelming sky!
(PS: The second update today, there will be an update tonight!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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