Invincible in one touch

Chapter 157 Prepared Surprise

Chapter 157 Prepared Surprise


Sharp and sharp thorns fell all over the sky, like a rain of arrows, piercing Ye Fusheng's armor continuously, causing cremation one after another!

The three-digit damage kept jumping up, even if it was low individually, but when nearly a hundred acupuncture attacks were superimposed, it was very terrifying!

However, within two breaths, Ye Fusheng's blood volume plummeted by 70%, which directly shocked him.

Looking up, Ye Fusheng saw dozens of naked hedgehogs bursting with magic energy.

Obviously, those needle pricks just now came from them.

"There's something about these hedgehogs!"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng controlled the stars to give himself a shower of cherry rain and kindness, and raised his hand to the place where the group of hedgehogs gathered, a shower of meteors and fire came.


The burning meteorite fell and crashed into the hedgehogs, burning their bodies.

At the same time, the attributes of those hedgehogs also floated in front of them.

Hidden Hedgehog (Elite Monster)
Rating: 55
Blood value: 15000
Attack Power: 1300-1600
Defense: 300
Regeneration: Every 3 seconds, restore all acupuncture points

Skill: Acupuncture Impact (Shoot out all the Acupuncture stored in the body, causing extremely high damage to the enemy)

Description: Hedgehog invaded by magic energy, very aggressive

The attribute is very single, and there is only one skill, but when they are gathered together, the power that erupts can make people despair!
Ye Fusheng was wearing an earth weapon and an extraordinary gold weapon, and he was almost killed in an instant in the face of the acupuncture attack. If it were any other player, even a shield warrior, he would have to die on the spot!
Not to mention, the attack power of these hedgehogs is also very high. Although they are just mobs, they are not much worse than the prefecture-level bosses.

Even if the other players rushed over by relying on crowd tactics, they probably couldn't stop the attacks of those hedgehogs.

However, their attacks are strong, their skill combinations are abnormal, and their blood volume and defense are surprisingly low.

Meteors and fire rain fell, and before hitting ordinary monsters at level 50, they barely dealt 2000+ damage, but when they fell on them, bloody numbers of 7000+ exploded!
In just a few breaths, hundreds of Hidden Demon Hedgehogs were all burned to mummies, bursting out a lot of gold coins, which turned into white light and dissipated.


The sound of piercing the air continued, and the daughters of Qianshanxue also followed.

As soon as they reached the second floor, they smelled the flames, and they couldn't help being surprised when they saw the gold coins all over the floor.

"The monster on the second floor is a kind of hedgehog, which can cause extremely high damage, so be careful!"

Ye Fusheng reminded, and after using the tree heart earrings to recharge his blood, he took the lead, walked in the forefront, and walked forward along the passage.

This second layer of map is similar to a maze, with countless corners and passages, and there are many hidden devil hedgehogs hidden.

Suddenly encountering the Hidden Demon Hedgehog, especially after the needle-pricking attack erupted, all the girls turned pale with fright.

Most of them are squishy occupations, and they can't handle it at all. Even Qian Shanxue, who faced less than ten hedgehogs, was almost killed in seconds.

This made them dare not run around anymore, and followed Ye Fusheng carefully.

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up.

Qian Shanxue is now at the forefront of the entire Huaxia War Zone, regardless of level or equipment. Even she can't withstand the combined attack of a few hedgehogs, and neither can other players!

Not to mention, there are not many masters in Sunset City.

The only people who can make it to the top of the list are all crispy professions!

Then, can I lead all the hidden devil hedgehogs to the entrance of the second floor?
At that time, whoever comes in will die!

Even Zilong in white can't hold it back!

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng threw his fist violently, grinning and said: "You wait for me here first, I will prepare a big surprise for the people behind!"


Hearing this, the girls of Qianshanxue looked at each other with curiosity.

But, before they could ask, Ye Fusheng rushed out like flying.

boom boom-

Just when the girls of Qianshanxue were surprised, they saw Ye Fusheng kept turning corners, but after a while, he attracted a bunch of hidden demon hedgehogs behind him!
Hidden Demon Hedgehogs are extremely aggressive, so they can be alarmed if they are within 50 yards, and their skills will be released within 25 yards.

Therefore, when Ye Fusheng activated the Eyes of Slaughter, his movement speed was so fast that he could run back and forth behind them.

After a while, Ye Fusheng attracted more than 300 hidden devil hedgehogs to the entrance of the second floor.

"Stars, let the fantasy cherry blossoms bloom!"

With a loud shout, Xing Xing waved the branches of cherry blossoms, and immediately a pink mist gushed out quickly, covering hundreds of Hidden Demon Hedgehogs.


Strange fluctuations, as the breath of pink pollen fell, those hidden demon hedgehogs froze in place, motionless.


Taking a long breath, Ye Fusheng quickly walked through the hidden demon hedgehogs and left the entrance.

However, there was a smile on his face.

"Tsk tsk, I wonder if the surprise I prepared will make them happy?"

"By the way, Bright Feather is very loyal to me, so I can remind him."

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng remembered that he still has an alliance and a little licking dog.

Even though Ye Fusheng doesn't like to lick dogs, it's really comfortable when being licked!

Hastily sent a message to Liuyue and Bright Feather, telling them not to enter the Soul Suppressing Tower first, Ye Fusheng turned off the communication, and returned to Qianshan Xuezhinv.

"Tsk tsk, you are too bad!"

At this time, the girls of Xiaoxiang Yeyu also understood what Ye Fusheng did, and they had different expressions.

Especially Qian Shanxue, walked in front of Ye Fusheng, patted him on the shoulder angrily, and said: "It is estimated that all guilds will hate you!"

"Hate or hate, as long as we can get all the benefits!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders, and waved his hand: "Let's go, stop killing mobs, and leave it as a gift for the people behind! Just kill the boss!"

Naturally, the girls of Qianshanxue would not question Ye Fusheng's decision, and hurriedly followed.

Going all the way, after cleaning up the monsters that fell alone, the group finally came to the main hall in the middle of the second floor.

This time, the BOSS is not in the sculpture, but in a cage.


It seemed that Ye Fusheng had killed too many hidden demon hedgehogs, and that hedgehog, which was as big as a small mountain, burst through the cage and killed Ye Fusheng and the others.

"Be careful, you can output later!"

"Qingqing give me a buff!"

With the other people's equipment, they couldn't hold the hedgehog boss at all, Ye Fusheng let out a soft drink, and quickly activated the spirit seizing technique - essence, summoning the angry flame horse, which collided with the rushing hedgehog impressively.


As soon as his body warmed up, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt that the strength in his body soared, and the BUFF that was as clear as water was in place!

The blood value has skyrocketed to 4W, and the defense power has also increased, making it even more fleshy!
The angry flame horse slammed into the giant hedgehog, and Ye Fusheng also swung his two swords, slashing continuously.


A deep voice sounded, the hedgehog stepped back immediately, and -500 continuously appeared on Ye Fusheng's body! -500!The numbers come.

"what's going on?"

Ye Fusheng was slightly surprised, and released the Eye of Truth, and the Hedgehog BOSS attribute panel suddenly flew out.

Thorn Hedgehog (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 52
Blood value: 300000
Attack Power: 2100-2600
Defense: 200
Regeneration: Every 100 seconds, restore [-] needles to yourself

Skills: Acupuncture Impact (Shoot out all the Acupunctures stored in the body, causing extremely high damage to the enemy) Meat Bullet Impact (impacts the target, and has a 5% chance to stun the target) Thorn Thorn (when attacked, It will trigger its own acupuncture defense effect, causing the target to deduct 500 points of blood)

Description: After absorbing the magic energy, the hedgehog, which mutated twice, is extremely aggressive. It once slaughtered thousands of people overnight. It was suppressed by the saint and thrown into the soul tower. Now its strength has weakened.
Weakness: Belly


"Strong control, high explosion, and anti-injury! This boss is very brave!"

After reading the attributes of the thorny hedgehog, even Ye Fusheng couldn't help complaining.

With high attack power, high blood value, and good skills, ordinary people really can't kill them.

Fortunately, its defense is very weak, otherwise, Ye Fusheng would have to work hard to kill it.

"Stay away, this boss has a high attack power!"

With another command, Ye Fusheng raised his hand to summon a shower of meteors and fire. In an instant, dozens of flaming meteorites fell, continuously burning the blood of the thorny hedgehog.

Immediately afterwards, the stars made a move, the phantom cherry blossoms fell colorfully, and countless pink mist rippled.

Xing Xing is worthy of being a holy pet. Even the boss, after persisting in the mist for more than ten seconds, his whole body is still stagnant in place, falling into a hallucination state.

"good chance!"

With a happy expression on his face, Ye Fusheng hurriedly steered the angry flame horse forward, and slammed into the thorny hedgehog.



After bumping into it three times in a row, the angry flame demon horse erupted at the spiritual level, and made a great contribution. With a kick of the horse's hoof, it directly threw the thorny hedgehog's body over.


The sharp needle fell to the ground, and the soft belly of the thorny hedgehog was immediately exposed to Ye Fusheng's sight.

Well, since its weak point is the belly, turn it all over!

In this way, it is unbelievable that it can shoot sharp needles!

"Suffer to death!"

With a grin, Ye Fusheng's state was fully opened, and he swung his two swords, like shooting stars, slashing at the thorny hedgehog continuously.

Only -6000! -8000+ damage keeps rising, and the blood of the thorny hedgehog drops faster than the jumping machine!
The damage caused by the weak point attack is three times!
After a while, the thorny hedgehog withdrew from the illusion state, but it lost its focus and couldn't turn over at all, let alone fight back. It could only keep shaking its four short legs and making a miserable sound.


The acupuncture impact skill erupted, however, its back was facing the ground, all the needles were on the ground, and could not cause any danger to Ye Fusheng and others.

In addition, the thorny hedgehog has no means of counterattack!

Ever since, under Ye Fusheng's crazy offensive, in less than 2 minutes, the thorny hedgehog turned into everyone's experience and equipment.

Picking up the equipment and gold coins, Ye Fusheng was just about to check the attributes of the equipment, but the laughter of the girls from Qianshanxue and Xiaoxiang Yeyu suddenly sounded in his ears.

Looking up, Qian Shanxue and the others laughed so hard that they didn't look like a lady at all.

"Fusheng, come and take a look! I really laughed to death!"

Qian Shanxue covered her mouth and suppressed a smile, which made Ye Fusheng even more curious.

After all, what happened?
(PS: 8 words today is OK, Sunday is still [-] words, and then [-] more broke out in the early morning of Monday!!! I love you, soooo!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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