Invincible in one touch

Chapter 158 The special level is opened, impenetrable!

Chapter 158 The special level is opened, impenetrable!


"Sunset City player Xiong Batian yelled: I hate you, uncle, which bastard led all the monsters to the entrance of the second floor? You can just clear the monsters on the first floor and set a trap. This is to occupy the town soul Tower? This map belongs to everyone, not you alone!"


Ye Fusheng's face changed slightly as the server's horn sounded, and he finally understood what Qianshanxue girls were laughing at.

It turned out that Xiong Batianxia rushed over so quickly, and hit the surprise left by him!

"Come and see, they died too badly!"

Qian Shanxue waved and shared a video window.

Among them is the scene where many players of the Xiongba Guild are covered in hedgehogs and die tragically on the ground.

Especially Xiong Batian, with needles all over his head, it is especially tragic!

"Tsk tsk..."

"I didn't expect that guy Xiong Batian to be so heroic. He dared to spend so much blond trumpet after being killed. In this way, other guilds will be prepared!"

Ye Fusheng's expression was solemn: "Those hedgehogs can't stop them for too long."


Qingqing Rushui blinked, and asked curiously: "I think the hedgehog's attack power is very strong, and that skill is so perverted, no one should be able to hold it!"

"That's right. They have very strong skills. It takes time to recover from the needles after being released once. As long as there is a guild willing to pay the player's life, all the hedgehogs can be ground to death in about an hour!"

Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Let's speed up too!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Fusheng took out the equipment that was exploded earlier, all of which are gold items with good attributes, although they are useless to Ye Fusheng, they are still attractive to Qianshan Snow Maiden.

After distributing the equipment, everyone stepped into the third floor space.

The third space is full of mages wearing black robes, their level has been raised to level 56, and their magic output is extremely strong. Even if Ye Fusheng carried a set of skills, he lost more than 600 drops of blood.

If you change a player, you might die after two rounds.

Bypassing the mobs and coming all the way to the middle, it was still an earth-level boss. With the blessing of various BUFFs as clear as water and stars, it was overthrown in less than 5 minutes.

The same is true for the fourth floor.

In less than half an hour, everything was swept away.

The Tower of Souls is too big, and it is a version map, many players will come over, no matter how strong Ye Fusheng is, it is impossible to stop everyone from entering and leveling.

So, he could only kill all the bosses while the hidden demon hedgehog was hindering many players!
The mobs can stay, they won't blow up good things anyway, the boss must be his!

Arriving at the fifth floor, the space changes abruptly, moist water vapor hits the face, and crystal jade is everywhere!

"Wow, what a beautiful map!"

"Are there always monsters in this kind of map? Hey, it's too ugly!"

As long as they are women, they have no resistance to crystals and diamonds, let alone a group of eighteen or nineteen year old girls?
Seeing the crystal jade, each one's eyes lit up.


Ye Fusheng curled his lips, took the lead, and rushed out.


Suddenly, a ball of blue light fell from the sky and hit Ye Fusheng.


As soon as he raised his head, the blue light hit Ye Fusheng's face, and immediately bounced out.

The numbers floated up, even though the blood bar didn't move much, Ye Fusheng's face suddenly became gloomy.

Hitting people without slapping them in the face is too much!
With a glance, the blob of blue light flew out of the data panel and emerged.

At the same time, the blue light landed on the ground, bounced up again, turned around, and had the facial features of an anime elf!


Opening his mouth slightly, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of a creature!
Slime (Elite Monster)

Rating: 60
Blood value: 30000
Attack Power: 950-1100
Defense: 800
Toughness: The body is crystal clear and soft, reduces the damage received by oneself by 10%, and has elasticity, which can bounce continuously.

Skills: Slime Crash, Slime Bubble, Slime Toxin
Description: A heterogeneous creature that can assimilate any creature and corrode inanimate objects. It has destroyed several cities and was suppressed by Da Neng in the soul tower

Weaknesses: none
"Hiss... Even slimes have come out, this world is really interesting!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng hadn't had time to make a move, but the exclamations of the girls came from his ears.

"Wow! What a cute monster!"

"What kind of monsters are these? They look so soft and soft, I really want to keep one as a pet!"

The girls rushed to Ye Fusheng's side, staring at the slime closely, with stars shining in their eyes.


The sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, and not far away, groups of blue slimes fell one after another, bouncing in the passage, looking extremely cute.

For a while, the girls became even more excited.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng sent out the slime attribute directly.


"Damn it, the attribute is so high?!"

"It's poisonous! The attack power is so strong!"

Seeing that the slime was poisonous, the girls were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they hid behind Ye Fusheng one after another.

Especially when it was as clear as water, it almost rushed into Ye Fusheng's arms, holding his arm tightly, even with the sacrificial robe blocking it, Ye Fusheng felt the warmth.

"Huh? This chick doesn't look big, but her growth is okay!"

Glancing at Qingqing Rushui, Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "Girls, if you don't let me go, when those slimes attack, we may die together!"

"Cough cough..."

Hearing this, the faces of all the girls were slightly red, and they quickly let go of their hands, and distanced themselves from Ye Fusheng.

Qingqing Rushui stuck out her tongue, and also retreated.


There was a sound of breaking through the air, and those slimes rushed forward, with blue lights flashing on their bodies.

With a slight movement in his mind, meteors and fire rain fell, and Ye Fusheng held two swords, like a knight, blocking all the slimes that rushed.

The stars waved their branches, and the phantom cherry blossoms fell colorfully. In an instant, those slimes were more or less trapped in an illusion, unable to move.

The damage was constantly beating. Under the multiple blows of the meteor fire rain and the double swords, the slimes couldn't resist at all, they shattered one after another, turned into crystals, and fell to the ground.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the looting technique and getting the toughness +300 attribute!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the looting technique and getting the toughness +200 attribute!"


Following the system prompt, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up. These monsters can actually increase his attributes?
With a jumping power of 500, the activated skills are already powerful enough, so what skills will this tenacity bring to him?
What's more, now he has the goddess of luck's 2-fold reward BUFF. Previously, he could only grab 5-[-] points of attributes at a time, but now he can increase it by [-] times. How could he give up this opportunity?

In an instant, Ye Fusheng looked at those slimes again, just like looking at a beautiful woman in a scarf!
Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng put away his long sword, waved his fists, and charged towards many slimes.


"It's too powerful. Monsters with levels over 60 have such high defense and can also reduce damage. The little brother of the president can also chop off more than 4000 of their blood with one sword!"

"I dare say, apart from the president, no one in the world can do this!"

The girls watched Ye Fusheng gallop freely among the slimes, and couldn't help but be amazed.

If it were them, it would be okay to deal with several slimes at the same time, but if you encounter so many slimes, you might not be able to last even a minute!

"It's a pity, those slimes look so cute..."

"Yeah, if it's not poisonous, I'd like to catch a slime as a pet!"

Even Qian Shanxue agreed.

Ye Fusheng didn't hear the conversation of the girls, he was immersed in the joy of brushing attributes.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the toughness +300 attribute!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the toughness +400 attribute!"


The tenacity value increased wildly, and it rose to tens of thousands in a short while!

The system notification sound kept shaking Ye Fusheng's nerves.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's tenacity attribute reaching 1000 points, and the special skill · Resolute Demeanor is activated! When the tenacity value reaches 10000, the skill can be advanced to impenetrable!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's tenacity value attribute reaching 10000 points, the advanced special skill is impenetrable! When the tenacity value reaches 50000, the skill can be advanced to rock solid!"

Fortified as Gold (special skill): After opening, the value of vitality and defense will increase by 50%, and the damage received by oneself will be reduced by 20%, and it will enter the super body state, which cannot be repelled or knocked into the air. The duration is 10 minutes, and the cooling time is 25 minutes

"Niupi, with this domineering state, in the future I will be besieged by countless shield warriors, and I can easily kill it!"

"Unfortunately, you can't be immune to all controls!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng was very excited.

If the effect of solid soup is so strong, wouldn't it be stronger if it is as solid as a rock?
If there are higher-level stunts on top of being as solid as a rock, wouldn't it be invincible?


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining tenacity +100!"

An abrupt ringtone broke Ye Fusheng's illusion.

If the 1-fold reward increase is removed, this time only [-] point of attribute is grabbed, which means that no more attributes can be plundered from mobs.

"I hope that the next boss can make me advance to the level of a rock!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng switched weapons, and once again swung the butcher knife at those cute slimes!

In less than a minute, after killing the bunch of slimes, Ye Fusheng spared the rest of the mobs and went straight to the boss.

He's looking forward to that, rock solid special effects!

Ten minutes later, after bypassing countless blue, green, and red slimes, in the middle of the main hall, a snow-white head was constantly emitting cold air, as if a giant slime that could freeze the space, waiting for a long time.

The Eye of Truth bloomed, and the attribute panel appeared in front of him.

Snowflake Slime (Heavenly Boss)

Rating: 65
Blood value: 880000
Attack Power: 2550-2810
Defense: 1600
Impregnable: Reduces the damage received by oneself by 30%, dominates the body, cannot be repelled, and is knocked into the air (note, the stunt has different effects on players and monsters, and it will be more flexible on players)
Skills: Ice and Snow (summons the sky full of ice and snow, causing damage to enemies within 30X30 yards, and slowing down their movement speed by 50%) Cold Wave Surge (makes targets within 50X50 yards fall into a state of cold wave, losing 100 blood points per second) Frenzied Strike (attack When the target is in the cold wave state, the damage will be increased by 100%) Toxin bubbles (spit out poisonous bubbles on the target, making them fall into a highly poisonous state)
Description: The slime that has absorbed the power of ice and snow has the power of elements, especially powerful

"Good job, it really has special effects that are impenetrable!"

"Rock-solid stunt, here I come!"

Possessing an impenetrable special effect means that the Snowflake Slime has the tenacity attribute, and Ye Fusheng can capture it!

The corners of his mouth curled up, he waved his fist, and rushed towards the Snowflake Slime!

(PS: The first update today!)

(End of this chapter)

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