Invincible in one touch

Chapter 159 Rock Solid, Heavenly Pet!

Chapter 159 Rock Solid, Heavenly Pet!

Sensing Ye Fusheng's arrival, the Snowflake Slime sucked in his stomach, and immediately a burst of cold air rushed out, filling its body within 50x50 yards, it was the cold wave surge skill!

Almost instantly, everyone including Ye Fusheng was covered by the surge of cold wave, bleeding continuously.

The cold air was bitter, and the excited girls retreated quickly.

They know that if they want to deal with high-level bosses, they still have to rely on Ye Fusheng!


However, Snowflake Slime exhaled again, and in an instant, the cold air that filled the air turned into ice-blue snowflakes, sweeping towards Ye Fusheng.

Whether it's cold wind or snowflakes, mixed with terrifying power, they are like knives, constantly blowing on his face!

The speed of movement slowed down suddenly, coupled with the surging blood of the cold wave, for a while, Ye Fusheng's blood bar continued to drop.

"This boss is a bit capable! It's worthy of being a sky-level boss!"

Frowning slightly, he summoned the Raging Flame Demon Horse, and charged fiercely. Ye Fusheng also summoned two swords, and sliced ​​through the crystal-like body of Snowflake Slime.

Originally, Ye Fusheng thought that he couldn't kill Snowflake Slime so quickly, so he dispersed his mount and switched weapons, but now it seems that it may overturn the car!

The damage increased, Ye Fusheng calculated in his mind, with the blood value of 88 snowflake slime, it may take more than 200 swords to kill, with the combination of skills, it can save a lot of time.

However, Snowflake Slime is really annoying. The Cold Wave Surge is always on, and it doesn't matter if it keeps draining blood. Once the Snowflake Slime turns on Berserk Strike, it will cause double damage to him.

Over time, Ye Fusheng couldn't bear it any longer. As soon as he gritted his teeth, all his passive skills were activated, his blood value skyrocketed, his attack speed was fast, and he tried his best to cause high damage to Snowflake Slime.

If you really can't get the tenacity attribute, that's okay. After all, the skill combination of Snowflake Slime is too strong, and he doesn't have many ways to deal with magic attacks.

Fortunately, Snowflake Slime has all the methods that can make Ye Fusheng feel troubled, but they can't make Ye Fusheng fail!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the toughness +500 attribute!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the toughness +700 attribute!"


It seems that the stormy offensive awakened the goddess of luck, and the long-lost luck returned. Almost every two or three sword cuts can trigger a looting technique.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng's tenacity value rose wildly.

However, in 60 seconds, as the Snow Slime's vitality and blood decreased, the tenacity value finally reached the advanced condition!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for reaching 50000 toughness points, the advanced special skills are rock-solid! Follow-up can be advanced stunts, unknown, advanced requirements, unknown!"

Solid as a rock (special skill): After opening, the own blood value, defense power, and magic defense power increase by 100%, reduce the damage received by itself by 50%, and enter the super body state, unable to be repelled or knocked into the air, 30% Chance to be immune to any control state!Duration 10 minutes, cooldown 20 minutes
"Hiss...Double resistance and qi and blood value have doubled, the damage has been reduced by half, and it is also immune to control. Overlord body... This... is definitely a magic skill!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng instantly activated the rock-solid skill.


The orange-yellow light surged and gathered around Ye Fusheng's body, like a golden bell.

The next moment, the effect was triggered, and when the snow slime mixed with snowflakes attacked Ye Fusheng again, it could have dealt 8000+ damage, but it suddenly became less than 2000!
The blood value has doubled to nearly 8. In this way, not to mention that the snow slime's attack on him has been reduced, even if it has not changed, it will no longer cause any danger!

With a loud laugh, Ye Fusheng no longer held back his hands, and the two swords kept chopping off Snowflake Slime's head.

After a long time, with the passing of the last sword, the crisp system bell sounded!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the sky-level boss Snowflake Slime. You will be rewarded with 10 billion experience points, 100000 reputation points, and 100000 merit points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading! The current level is 44!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player's military rank promotion. He is currently Dadutong, and all attributes have increased by 15%!"

With a hundred times the reward, not only did Ye Fusheng rise to level 44, but his military rank was also promoted, reaching Dadutong, which is far away from Marshal... well, still very far away!
"Tsk tsk, with this hundred times the reward, I wonder if it can be upgraded to level 45 after finishing the Soul Suppression Tower?"

Ye Fusheng was full of energy in his heart.

"Little brother Fusheng is really amazing!"

"Brother Fusheng, may I ask you to accept apprentices! The kind that can warm the bed!"

Seeing that the Snowflake Slime died, the Snow Girls of Qianshan quickly greeted her, their faces full of admiration.

Ye Fusheng singled out such a powerful boss, how powerful is this?
"No, let's look at the equipment first!"

Turning over from his horse, Ye Fusheng just wanted to look at the equipment, but he was surprised to find that after the death of Snowflake Slime, there was no equipment exposed, only a crystal clear and round egg exuding cold air!

A dignified sky-level boss, unexpectedly an egg exploded?

Then play an egg!

The eye of truth swept away, but Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, and directly sent the attribute to the team.

In an instant, the expressions of all the goddesses changed, and the sound of gasping for air continued to resound.

Snowflake Slime Egg: After signing the contract, you can hatch a sky-level pet Snowflake Slime

Snowflake Slime (Sky Pet)

Rating: 0
Blood value: 300
Attack Power: 20-40
Defense: 50
Solid as gold: reduce the damage received by oneself by 30%, dominate the body, and cannot be repelled or knocked into the air

Skills: Ice and snow fall, cold wave surge, violent strike, toxin bubble

Description: A slime that has absorbed the power of ice and snow
Required level: 50
Gender requirement: female
"Hiss...unexpectedly, a pet egg exploded!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng directly handed the pet egg to Qian Shanxue.

In itself, Qianshanxue is a hunter in the national server, with a high level of operation. Coupled with the group deceleration and additional BUFF of Snowflake Slime, she is definitely capable of flying thousands of kites!
If there are no masters, no matter how many ordinary players there are, they will all die under the sharp arrows of Slowdown and Qian Shanxue!

"Wow, this is a heavenly pet, so you just gave it to me?"

With big watery eyes flickering, Qian Shanxue stared at Ye Fusheng.

She knew that even though she and Ye Fusheng were engaged, they didn't have any feelings after all. It was just that the two of them cooperated to deceive their parents to achieve their respective goals.

A heaven-level pet, let alone a few months in the game, gave her a great advantage. This kind of value is hard to measure!

Therefore, when she saw Ye Fusheng traded his pet to her without hesitation, she was stunned.

"You are the vice president. When I'm not around, you have to be able to calm down the situation. If the equipment and attributes are too poor!"

Ye Fusheng shook his head and said, "Let's practice hard and hatch a snowflake slime as soon as possible!"

"Okay, thank you boss!"

Although she couldn't hear the answer she wanted, Qian Shanxue was still very happy and put away the pet eggs with a smile.

At this time, the girls of Xiaoxiang Yeyu also started discussing in a low voice: "It's true, so polite, they must not be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"You said, the president's little brother is so powerful and handsome, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Cough cough!"

Hearing these discussions, Ye Fusheng's face darkened, and he coughed: "Arranging the chairman's speech, each person will be spanked 100 times!"


Xiaoxiang Yeyu suddenly took a step forward, blushing and said, "Can I pay in installments?"

"Payment in installments? Can it be paid in installments?"

Ye Fusheng looked confused.


Xiaoxiang Yeyu said shyly, "Slap once a day, as many days as you want!"

"Go away, you are taking advantage of me!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng quickly winked at Qian Shanxue.

After all, I'm still leveling now, so I can't wave.

Otherwise, Ye Fusheng wouldn't mind fighting with Xiaoxiang Yeyu for [-] rounds!


Qian Shanxue said with a smile: "The monsters are getting stronger and stronger, and we will be slow to follow. Or, Fusheng, you fight alone? We will spawn monsters on the fifth floor, and block other guild players for you by the way!"

"The little monsters can let go, but the nine bosses, we can't let go!"

"Well, indeed, no matter how high the level is, we won't get much experience. It's better to farm monsters and practice skills."

The girls are all top-ranked players on, so they naturally have self-esteem, they can level up by themselves, and they will never let Ye Fusheng lead them.

It's fine if you can help, if you can only be a vase by following Ye Fusheng's side all the time, then it would be sad!
"Well, yes!"

Ye Fusheng groaned, and also agreed: "However, you have to follow me for Qingqing Rushui."

"Ah I?!"

Qing Qing Ru Shui blinked her eyes, and was immediately overjoyed.

"That's right, aren't you a hidden class? Give me some buffs, otherwise I'll be hard-pressed to kill high-level bosses."

Ye Fusheng nodded slightly.

Originally, Qing Qingru Shui could bless him with a lot of attributes before he had advanced his career, but now that he has become a hidden profession, the BUFF will definitely be more powerful.

If you encounter a spirit-level boss in the soul-suppressing tower, if it is as clear as water, you can fight more safely.

"Yeah, I will work hard and not hold back!"

With a blushing face as clear as water, she walked towards Ye Fusheng.

Pulling Qingqing Rushui onto the horse, Ye Fusheng told Qian Shanxue to be careful, and then turned and stepped into the sixth floor space.

As soon as he stepped into the sixth-floor space, there was a hot breath, and even in the game, sweat flowed out.

The ground is full of fiery red lava, and flames are erupting.

However, walking on both sides of the lava did not trigger any monsters, which surprised Ye Fusheng.

Could it be that there are no mobs on the sixth floor?

As soon as it was said, the magma spewed out, and the flames condensed into a series of flame elves. With both hands waving, a fireball was thrown immediately, roaring endlessly!

(PS: There will be a big explosion tonight! I will continue to code and ask for a recommendation ticket!!! In addition, the recommendation will be changed soon, brothers, please follow up every day, let me make a good recommendation ! I'll keep it updated!)
(End of this chapter)

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