Invincible in one touch

Chapter 160 You are too bad

Chapter 160 You are too bad
"Brother Fusheng, be careful!"

Seeing those fireballs hit, Qing Qing Rushui's face changed slightly, and he waved his staff quickly.


The silver light was shining brightly, and a barrier fell down immediately, blocking Ye Fusheng's surroundings.

boom! boom! boom!
Immediately afterwards, the fireballs hit the barrier one after another, and dissipated under the violent tremor.


Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, what kind of skill is this, it can block several skill attacks.

You know, the monsters here are at least 20 levels higher than Qingqing Rushui, so they should be unstoppable!
However, surprises were all surprises, Ye Fusheng would not give up the opportunity to attack, he released his dashing skills, and he was in front of those fire elves in an instant with his man and horse.

The next moment, the heavy slash broke out!


The sword qi was passively triggered, and the extraordinary stunt was triggered at the same time, and in an instant, it hit the fire elf.

High damage kept flying up, Ye Fusheng raised his sword, and the sword blossomed with the power of thunder.


A series of attacks erupted, and the fire elves wailed and died instantly.

"Wow, brother Fusheng, your attack power is really high!"

Qing Qingru Shui looked up at Ye Fusheng.

"Small idea!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said, "It's you, what kind of skill was that just now?"

"Holy light barrier, can resist any attack within 2 seconds!"

Qing Qing Ru Shui stuck out her tongue: "It's a pity that it consumes too much mana..."

"Hiss...resist any attack? Isn't that invincible?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but envy, if you give him an invincible skill, it will be absolutely against the sky!

"It can only resist attacks from one direction, it is difficult to judge, and it doesn't feel very useful."

Qingqing Rushui smiled and said: "However, it would be great if you can help Brother Fusheng."

"Well, add BUFF to me! Start spawning monsters!"

Ye Fusheng continued to move forward, Qingqing Rushui gave a shallow smile, waved his staff, and a faint light fell on Ye Fusheng immediately.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting [clear as water] sacred sharpness BUFF, which will cause an additional 50% damage to the enemy when attacking, lasting for 300 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting [clear as water] immovable as a mountain BUFF, defense power increased by 30%, qi and blood value increased by 50%, lasting for 300 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting the sacred bathing buff of [clear as water], which restores 3% of his blood value every second for 60 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting [clear as water] Fearless Charge BUFF. When hit by a skill, there is a 5% chance of being immune to any control effects for 300 seconds! Cooldown time is 450 seconds!"


Seeing those BUFF effects, and looking at his own attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing.

The BUFF of this sacred sacrifice is too powerful, right?Almost catching up with the stars before the upgrade!
The only flaw is that it has no attack power at all!

"That's right, with your buffs, you should be able to deal with bosses like the Soul Tower!"

After getting the BUFF bonus, Ye Fusheng no longer grumbled, galloped his horse, quickly passed many monsters, opened the distance and escaped from the battle. He couldn't escape from the battle, so he forcibly killed him and rushed to the boss.

The sixth and seventh floors are all sky-level bosses. Although their attributes are strong, under the double blessing of stars and clear water, they were killed one after another without even turning up a storm.

After fighting all the way to the eighth floor, Qian Shanxue suddenly sent a communication.

After more than half an hour of hard work, Xiongbatianxia, ​​Glico and others finally solved the hidden demon hedgehog that was led to the entrance, and rushed into the soul-suppressing tower.

Not only them, but also the major guilds and casual players in Sunset City arrived one after another.

This made Ye Fusheng's heart tremble, he had to speed up, and quickly kill the bosses on the eighth and ninth floors!
However, just a few steps away from galloping the horse, Ye Fusheng's eyes suddenly went dark, and he heard "Ah", a gust of wind hit his chest.


The high damage jumped out, although Ye Fusheng couldn't see it, but calmly in his heart, he controlled the angry flame horse and kicked it out.

The power of the fairy-level mount was so strong that it instantly repelled the attacker.

After the blinding effect ended, Ye Fusheng recovered his eyesight, and he suddenly saw an assassin wrapped in leather armor brandishing a dagger, attacking him again.

The Eye of Truth skill bloomed, and the monster's attributes suddenly flew out.

Dark Shadow (Leader of Monsters)

Rating: 65
Blood value: 30000
Attack Power: 2800-3100
Defense: 800
Skills: Stealth (put yourself into an invisible state and increase the damage of the next attack by 30%) strong stealth (force yourself into an invisible state and increase your movement speed by 50% for 10 seconds) Blind (inflict high damage to the enemy damage, and fall into a 2-second blinding state) strong attack (a powerful blow, causing extremely high damage to the enemy)

Description: Assassin of the fallen kingdom of darkness, imprisoned in the Tower of Souls

"'s actually the commander, little boss! We can only kill him by force!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help frowning slightly.

This skill, combined with this attribute, is very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, they are not players, and they don't have such a high AI, so they can't cause too much trouble.

The only pity is that you can no longer go directly to fight the BOSS!
It is difficult to get out of the battle to lead the monsters. Once too many shadows of darkness are brought in and they release their skills together, Ye Fusheng will not be able to hold back.

However, it is still easy to kill one by one.

The Eye of Truth can see through invisibility, they are crispy, and the blood is thin, once they get close, they can be taken away without explaining the combo.

The killing speed is not too slow, but there are too many such small bosses in the eighth floor.

An hour later, Ye Fusheng had killed all the small bosses to level 45, and brought Qing Qing Rushui to level 37, and he hadn't even killed the boss yet!
Being bored, Ye Fusheng simply opened the forum, glanced over, but frowned.

In the forum, a video post suddenly appeared.

Open it and look, it turned out to be what happened in the Soul Suppressing Pagoda!

Xiongbatianxia, ​​Griffin, and Tianzhihen formed an alliance to stop other players from rushing to the fourth floor.

At this moment, a group of mysterious people appeared, led by Rende Xuande, Qingshan Yunchang, Baiyi Zilong and others.

I don't know what to say, I saw Zilong in white, Yunchang in green shirt, Yide in tiger leopard, Mengqi in Jinpao rushed into the crowd and started a massacre!

Almost no players were able to survive for three seconds in front of Bai Yizilong and the others, and they were all sent back to their hometowns.

After a while, thousands of people from the three guilds of Xiongbatianxia were killed to the fourth floor by Baiyi Zilong and Qingshan Yunchang!
Rende Xuande led some other players, and also followed.

After watching the video, Ye Fusheng couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly. It seemed that he would be able to get in touch with Bai Yizilong and the others soon.

I don't know what kind of strength they have in the game.

There was a lot of amazement in the post, asking about the identities of Zilong in Baiyi and Yunchang in Qingshan.

After all, in their memory, the top [-] players on don't have these IDs at all!

Seeing those comments, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing.

If, the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, and even the last time he saw several mythological IDs were really organized and could appear together, I'm afraid, the previous rankings are just a joke!

Those so-called top ten masters, in front of Ye Fusheng, in front of Bai Yi Zilong and the others, are not even worthy of lifting shoes!
"Brother Fusheng, what are you laughing at?"

Qing Qingru Shui noticed it and couldn't help asking.

"Nothing, I thought of a joke!"

Ye Fusheng quickly held his smile.

"What joke?"

Clear as water, follow goodness like flow.

Ye Fusheng murmured, and said: "A woman was newly married, but when she woke up the next morning, she leaned on the wall with one hand and cursed at the same time: "You son of a bitch, lied to me that he has 30 years of savings, so it's not money!" "

"You... are too bad!"

Hearing this, Qing Qingru Shui's face was flushed, her heart was beating wildly, she didn't dare to speak anymore, but her hands tightly hugged Ye Fusheng's waist.

"Hahaha, stop talking, start spawning monsters, start spawning monsters!"

Ye Fusheng's face didn't blush, his heart didn't beat, and after achieving the effect of making Qing Qing Ru Shui shut up, he continued to induce the Shadow of the Darkness to level up crazily.

After another 10 minutes, Ye Fusheng and Qingqing Rushui finally arrived at the center of the eighth floor as the dark shadow fell to the ground.

All I could see was a man wrapped in a black robe sitting in the hall, playing with a sharp dagger in his hand.

"The boss is here, give me a good buff!"

As a reminder, Ye Fusheng waits for the BUFF to be in place, the Eye of Truth will bloom, and check the attributes of the boss.

Wind Stalker Richard (Spirit-level BOSS)

Rating: 68
Blood value: 1300000
Attack Power: 3600-3900
Defense: 1600
Skills: Stealth, strong concealment, poisoning, blinding, feast of blood (spins at extreme speed, throws countless poisoned daggers, causing super high damage to the enemy) Gouge (causes 300% damage to enemies in defense state, And there is a 10% chance to ignore the target's defense)

Description: Originally a famous assassin in the kingdom, after falling into a demon, he became a running dog of the demon clan, and was suppressed by Da Neng in the soul suppression tower

"Six skills, 130 million qi and blood, and more than 3600 attack power, this boss is really ruthless, it is worthy of being a spirit-level boss!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng was amazed. Fortunately, he brought Qingqing Rushui, so that his defense power could exceed 3000 with several boosts. Don't be too afraid of this spirit-level boss.

"Spirit-level boss? Will the spirit weapon explode? Are we going to release it?"

Qingqing Rushui opened her mouth slightly, she was full of surprise, her whole heart was already fascinated by Ye Fusheng, she had no doubt whether Ye Fusheng could kill the boss!

"Well, it's very likely!"

Ye Fusheng grinned, waited until the buffs were filled up for him as clear as water, and immediately galloped his horse, his two swords staggered, and the sharp blades immediately charged towards Richard.

"Humble human beings, sink into the darkness of eternal life!"

Feeling the strong wind, Richard suddenly raised his head, and the next moment, his whole body became illusory.


Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng secretly used the Eye of Truth, and immediately saw through Richard's figure. Just as he was about to step forward to attack, the address book suddenly rang!
(PS: The first update this morning!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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