Invincible in one touch

Chapter 161 Fighting 6 Famous Generals Alone

Chapter 161 Fighting Six Famous Generals Alone

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng withdrew his two swords, blocked in front of him, and quickly opened the communication.

"Fusheng, Zilong in white broke through Xiongba's line of defense, led a few people, and blocked three guilds! Moreover, Rende Xuande and Hubao Yide are too powerful, I can't stop them, let them charge Go to the sixth floor! Be careful!"

Seemingly knowing that Ye Fusheng was fighting the boss, Qian Shanxue immediately hung up the communication after saying a word.

However, Ye Fusheng's heart sank.

Have Rende Xuande and Tiger Leopard Yide rushed forward?

Fortunately, Zilong in white didn't rush up!
[No, this Richard is already difficult enough, and it will be difficult to deal with Tiger Leopard Yide and the others!We must speed up and kill Richard! 】

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng immediately turned on his body as light as a swallow, his attack speed increased, and he no longer dodged. With his blood-sucking stunt, he stood up with Richard, without even using his skills, it was a crazy basic attack!

Richard is an assassin, and his defense is extremely low, so naturally he is no match for Ye Fusheng in this kind of slashing.

However, after the cooldown of Richard's skills was over, the combo of invisibility + gouging + poisoning still gave Ye Fusheng a headache.

That also greatly reduced the speed of attacking the boss.

After all, in the blinding state, the attack must be a MISS!

Even if Ye Fusheng kept his punches and shocking punches, he couldn't short Richard's skills, so he had to keep him out of battle.

The level gap is too large, the luck value is high, and there is no guarantee that the skills will hit 100%!

After killing for 6 minutes, when Richard performed strong concealment again, the punching and slashing finally made a contribution, and the blade fell, stunning Richard in place.

"good chance!"

His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng operated with two lines in his mind. While controlling the character to perform a combo of basic attack + heavy slash + general attack + sword swing nine days + general attack + switching weapons, he controlled the angry flame demon horse to perform War trampling + magic flames + black flame fluctuations!

In an instant, the black flames rose endlessly, burning Richard's body, Ye Fusheng also burst into fangs, and the two swords were like beasts, tearing Richard's body apart.

If this is not a game, and there is no blood volume, I am afraid that Richard can be killed in an instant!

Even so, Richard wailed loudly, and his blood volume plummeted to 20%, leaving only the last 260000 points!
Seeing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that Richard can be dealt with before Rende Xuande, Hubao Yide and others rush up!
"Da da da!"

At this moment, footsteps sounded suddenly.

Ye Fusheng's complexion suddenly darkened.

"Huh? Brother Fusheng, it seems that someone is here!"

Qingqing Rushui has been paddling, and when he heard the footsteps, he immediately shouted.

"It's okay, but you have to be careful, the strength of this person is not bad!"

Ye Fusheng nodded slightly, but the attack in his hands was not slow. The two swords were like dragons, and they kept grazing Richard's flesh and blood.

Richard must be killed, otherwise, once the BOSS and Tiger Leopard Yide form a pincer attack, it will be difficult to deal with it with the clear water.

He was the only one who could fight guerrilla warfare and slowly consume them to death.

But with the clearness like water, there is no way to keep her like that.

Ye Fusheng, number one in the rankings, if he can't even keep a girl, he will be laughed to death if it spreads!

The blood bar kept dropping, Richard's offensive was interrupted, he retreated steadily, and he couldn't even find a chance to regroup.

"Brother, I saw them!"

"Ah, that guy is killing the boss, let's rush over and grab the boss!"

There was a thunderous bluff, and Tiger Leopard Yide came.

"That's right, the high-level BOSS has a very high chance of releasing a guild formation order, we can't give up!"

"My lord, let's do it!"

There was another stern voice, which immediately surprised Ye Fusheng.

Who is this person?

It doesn't seem to be the voice of Qingshan Yunchang!
However, no matter how surprised and suspicious he was, Ye Fusheng didn't look back, with a firm expression, he attacked Richard crazily.

Qingqing Rushui turned her head to look, and said in a low voice: "Brother Fusheng, there are six people here, all with four-character IDs..."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, if there are only six people, it's not too difficult to deal with!

"This guy hindered us from killing the blood armor Fengxian last time. He must not be a good person. Now he is attracting monsters to the second floor map, trying to occupy the Soul Suppression Tower. Killing him can be regarded as doing justice for the heavens!"

"Do it, kill Floating Life Thousand Thousands, and then kill the boss!"

Rende Xuande's voice sounded, as hypocritical as always, making Ye Fusheng sick.

In the past, he didn't like Liu Xuande very much in Romance, but he didn't expect that in the game world, he still couldn't make people like him.

If it was Liu Xuande in the official history, Ye Fusheng would still look at him with high regard, but since this is in the romance, then I'm sorry, I can only see him once and kill him once!

"Brother, watch out, let's see how I kill this bastard this time!"


There was a thunderous roar, Qing Qingru Shui turned her head to look, her complexion changed drastically, and said anxiously: "Brother Fusheng, that black-faced tiger and leopard Yide rushed up! Everyone else followed behind him too!"


His brows were tightly furrowed, seeing that Richard still had less than 6 blood in the end, Ye Fusheng was very troubled.

If he really didn't dodge the attacks of Tiger Leopard Yide and those people, with his current blood volume, he might not be able to withstand it!

However, if Richard is abandoned, he will definitely be given a chance to breathe.

Who knew how terrifying his last blood feast was!
"Made, Richard is still an NPC no matter how strong his attributes are. If he doesn't understand brains and tactics, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Kill Rende Xuande and the others first!"

As the strong wind got closer, Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, turned around immediately, stretched out his body, with his two swords staggered, and impressively blocked the long spear stabbed by the tiger and leopard Yide.


The two swords pinched the spear, Ye Fusheng suddenly twisted the spear, and then let go.

Hubao Yide couldn't let go, he felt a huge force coming out, his whole body staggered back, and immediately looked at Ye Fusheng, his eyes were full of horror.

He couldn't believe that Ye Fusheng could evade his attack with this kind of operation!

After forcing the tiger and leopard Yide back, Ye Fusheng galloped to the side, and coldly looked at the tiger, leopard, Yide and Rende Xuande.

There are six people in total, apart from Tiger Leopard Yide and Rende Xuande, there are four people who are staunch Yuan Rang, Bai Di Miao Cai, General Pan Feng, and Wu Shuang Hua Xiong.

However, when Ye Fusheng saw the last two people, he couldn't help but look weird.

Hua Xiong still has some strength, what happened to General Pan Feng?
Really counterattack?Can you show up with these people?
However, what surprised Ye Fusheng the most was how these people were together!
The strong Yuan Rang and Bai Dimiao are Cao Cao's people, the generals Pan Feng and Hua Xiong belong to different vassal forces, Rende Xuande and Hubao Yide are Shu Han, how can the six of them be together?
"Good guy, you still have some strength!"

Tiger Leopard Yide glared at Ye Fusheng, last time, although the three of them were repelled by Ye Fusheng, but they were still alive at that time, and they were caught off guard, and they were not convinced.

Meeting Ye Fusheng again this time, how could Tiger Leopard Yide hold back?
"Boy, do you dare to dismount and fight me?"

Tiger Leopard Yide roared.

"Haha, brother Yide, mere ants, what is it worth your shot!"

Abruptly, General Pan Feng smiled and said, "Let me deal with this guy!"

While speaking, Pan Feng slammed his knife and rushed out, with a turbulent aura, his face was not angry and majestic, especially ferocious, like a beast!
[Hiss... This general Pan Feng, can't be really powerful, can he? 】

Seeing this scene, even Ye Fusheng was astonished, but he would not be caught without a fight.

Riding the horse forward, just as Pan Feng was about to swing the long knife, Ye Fusheng poked around, and the angry flame horse immediately reined in his body, dodging Pan Feng's long knife.

The next moment, the two swords flickered coldly, and they swept across Pan Feng's head.


With the sound of screams, two blood-red numbers emerged, and General Pan Feng's body suddenly became illusory, turning into light and shadows that dissipated.


The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing, it seemed that he had thought too much earlier.


"You guy, how dare you kill our people!"

Hu Bao Yi De and Gang Lie Yuan made the two of them furious, immediately raised their weapons and rushed towards Ye Fusheng.

"Come on, let's do it together, don't talk nonsense with this family!"

Rende Xuande rolled his eyes, and hurriedly beckoned Miaocai and Hua Xiong to come forward.

"Hahaha, come on, even if there are five of you, why should I be afraid?!"

With a loud laugh, Ye Fusheng suddenly became full of pride, separated his two swords, and took advantage of the moment when the angry flame horse galloped out, swung out violently, and swung away the attacks of the tiger, leopard Yide and staunch Yuanrang.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fusheng rushed in front of Miaocai and Hua Xiong, before Miaocai could react, the two swords merged and stabbed at his chest together.

"My grass!"

Bai Dimiaocai's face changed drastically, and he quickly flashed the two swords across an iron bridge.


Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing, "Very well, it seems that those famous generals are really much better than Pan Feng and his like!
However, he is not vegetarian!
The wrist was reversed, and the black light sword suddenly burst into thunder, and the sword burst into the sky!
In an instant, dozens of lightning sword qi raged, instantly split Bai Di Miaocai into a black stick.

Undoubtedly, it was a tragic death!
"Damn it, kill my brother, I want you dead!"

Seeing Miaocai's death, Ganglie Yuanrang was furious, jumped up suddenly, and the long knife in his hand spun and fell, bringing up sword winds one after another.

"Dance of Blades!"

"Break it for me!"

"Wrath Thunder Slashing Saber!"

There was a thunderous shout, and the tiger and leopard Yide also exploded with a killer move, the blade in his hand flashed with thunder.

"Go together!"

Rende Xuande and Wushuang Huaxiong also sensed the crisis, worried that they would be defeated one by one, so they also followed.

"Strike Huashan!"

Swinging the long knife, Wushuang Hua Xiong slashed at Ye Fusheng's back, cutting off his retreat.

"call out--"

At this moment, a hidden figure quietly rushed into the crowd, it was Richard!
"Huh? How did Richard rush in?!"

Ye Fusheng, who was always running the Eye of Truth to observe the tiger and leopard Yide and the staunch Yuanrang, immediately saw Richard.

Slightly dazed, Ye Fusheng came to his senses——Richard, you want to unleash the feast of blood!
"not good!"

His complexion changed drastically, and Ye Fusheng looked intently again, and he could clearly see that Richard's figure was spinning, and the next moment, the blood-red whirlwind contained astonishing power, burst out suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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