Invincible in one touch

Chapter 162 Bloodthirsty Earrings

Chapter 162 Bloodthirsty Earrings

As the hurricane appeared, the strong wind roared, and the bloody blade contained sharp power, bursting out continuously.


In an instant, Ye Fusheng quickly dispelled the angry flame horse, his whole body sank down suddenly, then turned around, hugged Qing Qing Rushui with a panicked face, a donkey rolled and rushed towards the side.


Swish swish!
Almost the moment Ye Fusheng rushed out with Qing Qing Rushui in his arms, the bloody sharp blades bloomed like fireworks, constantly stabbing at Rende Xuande, Tiger Leopard Yide and the others.

The blood bars of the four of them, like pieces of paper, dropped sharply!

Not far away, Ye Fusheng rolled Qingqing Rushui on the ground several times in a row, their bodies were almost stuck together, face to face, mouth to...well, I don't know where they are.

Blinking their eyes, both of them were a little dazed.

The development of this matter seems to be wrong!

Raising his head suddenly, Ye Fusheng got up quickly and looked at the four people of Rende Xuande, but saw that they were all half blooded and kept retreating.

After all, they are spirit-level bosses. With these skills, even if their equipment is good, their blood volume is very dangerous.

To be honest, if Richard hadn't allocated most of his strength to Ye Fusheng's position, they would all have been instantly killed with just that one skill!

But, this is enough!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng summoned the Raging Flame Demon Horse again, with a figure like lightning, and rushed towards Wushuang Huaxiong, swinging out the twin swords!

Blood gushed out, and Wushuang Huaxiong fell!

Immediately, Ye Fusheng killed Ganglie Yuanrang again.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't notice it, not far away Qing Qingru Shui sat up quietly, covered his hands with his hands, his face was flushed, and his face changed from joy to anger.

"Eat my knife!"

Gang Lie Yuan Rang is worthy of the word "Gang Lie", even if his blood volume was low, seeing Ye Fusheng attacking, he didn't back down at all, trying to get hit by the sword, he also slashed at Ye Fusheng's back, trying to knock him off his horse.

However, that slash on the back didn't even kill Ye Fusheng's 1000 drops of blood, let alone break his tenacity.

Ever since, Ganglie Yuanrang turned into white light in shock and returned to the happy spring.

Until his death, Ganglie Yuanrang couldn't believe that the damage he caused to Ye Fusheng would be so low!
You know, facing other players, even shield guards and knights with 3000 blood can't stop his knife!

Of course, Ye Fusheng didn't pay attention to Yuan Rang's thoughts and thoughts, after sending him home, he turned around again and went to kill the tiger and leopard Yide.

"Hey, boy, do you dare to dismount and fight me?!"

The tiger and leopard Yide roared like thunder.


Ye Fusheng cursed in a low voice, parried the Tiger Leopard Yide spear with his sword, and the flames of Tian Zhan swept across, immediately triggering extraordinary stunts, instantly killing him.

Are you kidding me? I don't need to fight you one-on-one if I have a horse. Is it a waste of time?


"Impossible! My third brother is unparalleled in the world, how can you kill him?!"

On the other side, Rende Xuande was stunned, holding a long sword, and was too frightened to step forward.

"Well, your second brother was invincible in the world and then died, and your third brother was invincible in the world and then died too..."

Ye Fusheng sneered and said, "Next, let me send you on your way!"

After the words fell, Ye Fusheng stepped forward immediately, and swung out his two swords, killing Rende Xuande in an instant.

Originally, Ye Fusheng was worried that the six of them could cooperate with Licha to attack together, but the general Pan Feng was so stupid, he came up to die by himself, which made the six of them unable to fight together, two of them died in a row, and their combat power dropped drastically.

Richard originally wanted to attack Ye Fusheng, but by chance, he rescued Ye Fusheng and beat the remaining four to half blood, so he was able to harvest so easily.

Otherwise, it will definitely take more effort.

After finishing off the six people of Rende Xuande, Ye Fusheng turned around and looked around, looking for Richard, don't let that guy run away!
Spirit-level boss, definitely can produce good things!

It would be a big loss to let him run away!
The Eye of Truth bloomed, and Richard's figure appeared. As Ye Fusheng expected, that guy was hiding in a corner to recover his blood, as if he wanted to escape.

Seeing that Richard's blood volume was not healthy, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, pretended not to notice it, and approached slowly.

After reaching 30 yards, the rushing chop + the magic flame collision skill of the angry flame horse will be released at the same time.



The horseshoe and the blade fell together, and Richard fell into a dizzy state in an instant!
General attack + heavy slash + general attack + sword swing for nine days + general attack + kick.

Richard, who was left with only blood skin, crashed to the ground, turned into a pile of gold coins and equipment, and disappeared into the space.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the spirit-level BOSS Gale Stalker Richard, and get a reward of 20 billion experience points! 100000 reputation points and 100000 merit points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading!"

"It's done!"

Having completely killed Richard, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, got off his horse, sat on the ground and gasped.

The series of operations just now was also quite stressful for him.

After all, he was new to online games for less than a month!
More importantly, his opponents are very strong.

Spirit-level bosses can be said to be invincible at this stage.

If other players are asked to attack, at least tens of thousands of people will be required to succeed!
Tiger Leopard Yide and Ganglie Yuanrang are both famous generals of the Three Kingdoms with extraordinary strength.

Among other things, in the melee just now, only these two people can cause an offensive against him, so we can see their strength.

Facing these two people at the same time, there are several people who are stronger than professional players, plus a spirit-level boss, it is not easy to survive intact!

Fortunately, the harvest is not small. After this time, Ye Fusheng became stronger both technically and psychologically.

The level has even been raised to level 45, which is a little closer to equipping a supernatural weapon.

"Brother Fusheng, what's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

Qing Qingru Shui saw Ye Fusheng sitting on the ground, hurried over and asked anxiously, "Where did you get hurt?"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing, and said: "Silly girl, this is a game, how could you get hurt? It's just that the operation is a bit intensive, and I'm tired!"


Qingqing Rushui stuck out her tongue and said, "I don't care about you..."

"Well! It's okay, as long as it can protect you from harm."

Ye Fusheng grinned, and got up immediately, but he didn't realize that Qingru Shui was especially shy when he heard his words.

Picking up the gold coins and equipment, a token flashing light came into Ye Fusheng's eyes.

"Huh? Guild building order?!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng reached out and brushed off the gold coins on the token, looked carefully, and couldn't help laughing.

Guild building order: users can consume gold coins and reputation points to create tokens

"Tsk tsk, it seems that in Qian Shanxue's dream, I didn't directly fight the boss, but let them kill Richard first, and then I issued the guild formation order!"

"However, since I already know all this, I naturally won't let you get it. This guild establishment order is mine!"

Putting away the guild establishment order, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but think about whether to sell this guild establishment order for money, or what to do.

In addition to the floating world, their Ye family also has the trump card of Fengyun Pavilion.

In the past, Fengyun Pavilion has always been filmed at the end of the top ten guilds. If we can establish a guild first this time, can it increase the momentum and attract more people?

After pondering for a moment, Ye Fusheng made up his mind and handed over the Guild Establishment Order to Fengyun Pavilion.

At any rate, Fengyun Pavilion is also one of the top ten guilds. This time, the guild can be established in advance, which will definitely attract many experts.

That will be his help!
"Brother Fusheng, what are you thinking? Why don't you look at the equipment!"

Seeing that Ye Fusheng fell into a daze again, Qingqing Rushui gave a soft cry.


Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng took out his equipment.

"Hee, Big Brother Fusheng, I found that you really like to be in a daze!"

Qing Qingru Shui smiled.

"I'm not in a daze, I'm thinking about something."

Ye Fusheng sighed: "Do you think that being the number one player in the world, I am very happy and relaxed?"

"Is not it?"

Clear as water staring at Ye Fusheng blankly.

"Of course not, I still have to think about how to repay the debt!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng reached out and brushed the exploded equipment.

Luck is against the sky, the spirit-level boss unexpectedly exploded with three celestial artifacts!

Ye Fusheng was so angry that he almost threw the Raging Flame Demon Horse out without raising it!

What is this burst rate?
Spirit-level boss doesn't even give a piece of spiritual equipment?Just gave three celestial artifacts?

Is this sending beggars?

The attribute panel floated out, and Ye Fusheng glanced at it, swallowing his saliva involuntarily.

Shadow Armor (Celestial Artifact)
Blood value: 2000
Defense: 900
Magic Defense: 700
Power: 200
Stamina: 200
Shadow: You can enter the stealth state, increase the movement speed by 30%, last for 60 seconds, and cool down for 10 minutes
Tenacity: Increase own defense by 15%
Blade: Increase own attack power by 30%
Pride: Increase your own qi and blood by 40%

Handy (Intermediate): Reduce user requirements by 20 levels

Description: Dark armor stained with blood
Rating: 65
Boots of Speed ​​(Heavenly Artifact)
Defense: 800
Magic Defense: 600
Power: 100
Stamina: 150
Speed: Increase movement speed by 10%
Breaking Wind: When moving, superimpose 1 layer of Breaking Wind status on self, when reaching 100 layers, the next attack will cause an additional 200% physical damage

Description: War boots filled with magic energy and blood
Rating: 65
Bloodthirsty Earrings (Heavenly Artifact - Earrings)

Intelligence: 300
Power: 300
Stamina: 300
Spirit: 300
Bloodthirsty Slaughter: Increase own damage by 30%, increase blood-sucking effect by 10%, the effect can enjoy the rest of the BUFF bonus
Description: Earrings full of strong bloody smell
Rating: 65
Each of the three heavenly artifacts is suitable for Ye Fusheng, especially the bloodthirsty earrings, even if there is only one special skill, it makes Ye Fusheng so excited that his breathing becomes short of breath!
Increase damage by 30%, increase blood-sucking effect by 10%, and enjoy the rest of the BUFF bonus, which is an extremely great improvement for him!
Inlay the speedy combat boots and bloodthirsty earrings with handy gems, and equip them with three heavenly weapons. In an instant, Ye Fusheng's attributes skyrocketed.

"Okay, let's go to the last floor, kill the last boss, and we can leave!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng got on his horse, and pulled Qing Qing Rushui up again.

Stepping into the ninth floor, the environment suddenly changed, and it returned to the appearance of the first floor, extremely dark.

Fortunately, Ye Fusheng had just obtained three celestial artifacts, and the light bloomed, illuminating some areas.

The space was silent, except for the sound of horseshoes and Ye Fusheng's breathing, there was no sound.

Walking straight forward, for a long time, the sound of the subtle chains rubbing against the ground was heard clearly in the ears of the two of them!

Raising his head suddenly, he could clearly see dozens of chains intertwined vertically and horizontally, entwining a huge figure. Not far away, at the end of the chains, a sharp sword pierced through the chains and was stuck on the ground.

" the final boss?"

With a murmur, Ye Fusheng stared at that figure.

(End of this chapter)

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