Invincible in one touch

Chapter 163 Star Explosion Abandoned Healing Slash, Instant Kill!

Chapter 163 Star Explosion Abandoned Healing Slash, Instant Kill!

Looking at it, the figure is like an abyss, especially dark and deep.

The Eye of Truth bloomed, and the attribute panel appeared, and even Ye Fusheng's expression became serious.

Sin Sword Blue (Spirit Level BOSS)

Rating: 70
Blood value: 1500000
Attack Power: 4100-4500
Defense: 2000
Guilty bloodthirsty: increase blood-sucking effect by 5%
Skills: Sin Slash (causes high damage to the target, and will be imprisoned for 3 seconds) Ghost Slash (concentrates demon energy and ghost energy on the sword, causing double damage to the enemy, and has a knockback effect) Specter Sword (Summons the magic energy to condense into a sword shadow, causing several consecutive attacks on the enemy) Sword of Sin (the ultimate ultimate move, triggered when the blood is lower than 10%, the effect is unknown)

Description: Thousands of years ago, a swordsman who slaughtered tens of thousands of people and proved his way with blood later fell into the devil way and killed countless people.
Weakness: Requiem Sword
"This boss...can actually suck blood?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng gasped, how does it feel, this boss is a bit hard to kill!
With an attack power of 4000+, the damage won't be low when hitting him, and the blood recovery effect is absolutely outstanding.

How long will it take to kill this boss?

"Ho ho ho..."

Just when Ye Fusheng was shocked by Bruce's characteristics and skills, hoarse laughter suddenly sounded.


The chains swayed and trembled constantly, the figure slowly raised its head, its face was dark, only its eyes were blood red, which was particularly frightening.

"After so many years, finally... someone came here again..."

"Looks like I can drink blood again today! Hahaha!"

A loud laugh sounded, and Bruce showed his teeth, which were as sharp as a beast!
"Hiss... is this guy still human?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng clenched his swords tightly.

"Qingqing, get off your horse first, this guy is a bit strong, just give me a buff from a distance!"

Said something in a low voice, Qingqing Rushui was very well-behaved, she quickly dismounted, and added all the buffs to Ye Fusheng by the way.

Xing Xing also added BUFF to Ye Fusheng. For a while, Ye Fusheng's blood value, under various bonuses, reached a high of 10!
The attack power and defense power are not much worse than Bruce's. The only difference is the level!
Under the effect of level suppression, it is possible that the attack caused by Ye Fusheng is not as good as that of Bruce.

However, his blood-sucking effect is stronger than that of Bruce, so it can make up for it.

With all kinds of buffs and skills ready, the angry flame horse galloped and rushed towards Bruce, and the sharp double swords fell down.


However, before the blade fell, Bruu rolled his right hand and lifted up some chains, blocking the blade suddenly, causing countless sparks.


"Give me death!"

"Ghost Slash!"

Bruce shook vigorously, and the chain became extremely hard, like a sword blade, gathering countless ghost energy and demon energy, rushing out.


The double force impacted on Ye Fusheng's chest, immediately forcing him back a few steps including the man and the horse.

The damage of -5827 appeared on the head!


His eyes froze, the punching skill was released, the dizzy effect was triggered, and the basic attack + heavy slash + normal attack was launched, causing more than 4 damage in an instant, and it even filled his blood.

"Hahaha, good job!"

"After so many years, someone can finally hit me!"

"In that case, I will let you experience the pain of despair!"

"Slay the crime!"

When Bruce was attacked, he laughed instead of anger, and immediately waved his body. The chains around him were like his arms, and they approached Ye Fusheng one after another.

The next moment, they slashed at Ye Fusheng like hard sword blades.

The imprisonment effect was triggered, and Ye Fusheng couldn't move. Fortunately, he was able to swing his two swords to attack, causing damage to Bruce and recovering his blood.

But, Ye Fusheng can restore Qi and blood, and Bulu can also restore it!

The two kept attacking and using their skills, causing damage to the enemy while restoring their own blood!

After playing for 20 minutes in a row, the buff was continued several times, and the blood value of the two of them surprisingly remained above 80%!

The more he fought, the blue was also shocked, he couldn't believe that Ye Fusheng could fight with him for so long!
Ye Fusheng was even more helpless, could it be that he really couldn't kill Bruce?
As for finding other people to help, it is simply impossible.

Bruce can control the chain, as long as he enters the attack range, he will be instantly killed.

After all, not everyone has the attributes of Ye Fusheng.

I have to say, adding a blood-sucking special effect to the boss is really a rascal!
Unless it can be killed in seconds, it will be difficult to get it done.

But, that's a BOSS. With the level being suppressed, who can instantly kill him?

[No, we must find a way!Otherwise, I will be exhausted, and I will not be able to kill this Bruce! 】

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng kept looking around, trying to find any hints for this game.

This is a game after all, there must be a way to kill him!

However, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing in this layer of space except for the chain and a sword pierced on the chain.


"Soul-suppressing sword!"

As if a thunderbolt struck his head, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered that Bruce's weakness was the Spirit-Suppressing Sword!
Could the one pierced by the chain be the Spirit-Suppressing Sword? !
With this in mind, Ye Fusheng hastily controlled the stars to spread the colorful phantom cherry blossoms.


Ten seconds later, the Phantom Cherry Blossom skill was triggered, and Bruce's body froze in place, unable to move.


"System prompt: Due to Bru's level is too high, the effect of control skills will be reduced by 50%!"

"Hiss... you need to speed up!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng flew towards the sword, before he got close, the Eye of Truth swept over him, and he kept praying in his heart, it must be the Soul Suppressing Sword!


His eyes swept over, and the attribute of the sword floated out.

Soul Requiem Sword (Peerless Hallows)

Attack Power: 17800-23200
Power: 3000
Stamina: 3000
Requiem: Deal 1000% damage to all dead bodies

Suppressing demons: Cause 1000% damage to all demon creatures, seal their souls, imprison their flesh and blood, and prevent them from escaping
Description: A generation of supreme powerhouses with swords. After building the soul suppression tower, put it in the tower to suppress the demon soul
Requirements:? ? ?
grade:? ? ?
"Am he... unexpectedly unknown?"

His complexion changed slightly, and Ye Fusheng couldn't help but pause in his steps, but then he thought about it, at this time, there is no other way than to try to use the soul-suppressing sword!
Gritting his teeth, he galloped up to the soul-suppressing sword, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and used all his strength.


Only the sound of a sword was heard, the cold light shone, and the bright brilliance filled the entire ninth floor space.

Ye Fusheng only felt the power in his body surging, and his whole body grew taller.

An infinite sense of power fills the body!

"It works!"


Overjoyed in his heart, Ye Fusheng quickly turned around and charged toward Bulu.

"No! How could you... how could you afford the Soul Suppressing Sword?!"

It seemed that the holy aura was too strong, but Bruce struggled out ahead of time, looking at Ye Fusheng who was holding the soul-suppressing sword, his eyes were full of horror!

Without replying, Ye Fusheng let out a loud shout, and let go.


The soul-suppressing sword burst out with bright brilliance, and instantly slashed on Bruce's head.


There was a scream, and a number that surprised Ye Fusheng slowly floated up!

37 damage!

One sword cut off nearly a quarter of Bruce's blood, which is really too ruthless!

"No... I don't believe it, I'm going to kill you!"

Bruce was suffering from pain, but his eyes became more and more fierce, his body was full of devilish energy, and countless bloody sword energy kept appearing behind him.

"No, he is going to use a trick!"

"Didn't it mean that less than 10% of the blood can be triggered?!"

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help having a headache. Although he got the Soul Suppressing Sword now, the damage was extremely terrifying, but his defense power was still low!

The effect of that trick is unknown, but it is definitely very powerful, so that the eye of truth cannot see through it.

Facing that kind of attack, Ye Fusheng was not sure that he could withstand it!

Only by killing Bruce first can his skills be interrupted.

But, at this time, how can I lose Bruce's remaining 100 million blood points in seconds?

The blood-colored sword energy continued to gather, and the aura it emitted became more and more fierce and sinister. Even if it was as clear as water far away, it trembled all over and kept retreating!


"Almost forgot about Starburst Abandoning Healing Slash!"

"Give me some strength from Lord Tong! Give me some strength from Lord Hou in white! I must kill this guy!"

Suddenly, Ye Fusheng thought of the dazzling sword dance entrusted to him by Lord Hou in white!

That move can cause thousands of indiscriminate attacks in an instant, combined with the damage of the soul-suppressing sword, as long as there is no accident, it will definitely be able to instantly kill Bruce and make him give up the treatment!
Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng held the sword in both hands and triggered the skill.


The gust of wind howled, and the surging spiritual power gathered, as if cheering in Ye Fusheng's hands, and immediately poured them into the soul-suppressing sword and Tianzhan Lieyan respectively.


"Sword Dance!"

The twin swords swung suddenly, like butterflies fluttering, ethereal and nothingness.

Terrifying sword energy continuously shot out from the sword body, bursting out crazily.


Almost instantly, more than 3000 silvery white and fiery red sword qi burst out, covering the area tens of yards in front of Ye Fusheng, intertwined together, just like fireworks!
However, under that beautiful splendor, what is hidden is a peerless murderous intent!

A scream sounded suddenly, and the sword energy was like a dragon, continuously piercing through Bruce's body.

At the same time, one after another tens of thousands of injuries floated up.

Bruce's health bar instantly cleared, without even a chance to react, and the bloody sword energy dissipated behind him.


After a while, the sword energy dissipated, and Bulu was dripping with blood, half kneeling on the ground, staring blankly at Ye Fusheng.

But, before it could open its mouth, its body dispersed with a "bang", leaving only a bloody long sword.

The next moment, countless system bells rang one after another, making Ye Fusheng's head hurt!

(PS: Four chapters were published first in the early morning, and something happened in the afternoon, and I was reported by someone, and I have been changing chapters, so I started writing at night, and I can only post four chapters in the early morning, and make up during the day, and will add a little more!
Hey, I'm almost going to die of anger, as I said in Chapter 1, this is a pure and cool article, the protagonist is very invincible, I think it's illogical, so I don't have to read it, or I have to jump out and pick things up, I really don't know what they are doing Thought.

Don't wait, everyone, go to bed first, I will continue to write, I will make up for the updates during the day, and I will make more updates by the way, as an apology!

In addition, I recommend a book for everyone. If you haven’t read enough, you can read it. It’s a great urban novel, the return of the young emperor of the city! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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