Invincible in one touch

Chapter 164 Brother looks good, just pour a glass of water!

Chapter 164 Brother looks good, just pour a glass of water!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the spirit-level boss. You will be rewarded with 50 billion experience points, 100000 reputation points, and 100000 merit points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading, the current level is 46!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for being approved by the Soul-Suppressing Sword. All attributes will be increased by 3%! It will take effect permanently!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully beheading all the monsters in the Soul Tower. The dungeon map will disappear within 10 minutes. Please exit the map as soon as possible!"



Taking a long breath, Ye Fusheng didn't take any action even when he saw the prompt that the map was about to disappear, he just panted heavily.

I'm so tired, if I didn't get the soul-suppressing sword in the end, I'm afraid I'll keep fighting until the end of time, and maybe he and Bruce are still standing.

He didn't want to spend so much time with an ugly gentleman!


"Sunset City Server Announcement: Since the player [Floating Life] completed the task and killed the souls of the monsters in the Soul Suppression Tower, the copy of the Soul Suppression Tower in Sunset City will be closed within 10 minutes. Players are requested to exit as soon as possible!"

The server announcement fell, and not far away, Qing Qingru Shui who was waiting for the result hurriedly ran towards Ye Fusheng.

When she got close, she saw Ye Fusheng sitting on the ground, gasping for breath, and hurried up to him and said, "Are you tired? Shall I give you a shoulder rub?"

"no need!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng just remembered that someone was still here, quickly got up, picked up the equipment that Bru had exploded, and before he had time to look at it, he pulled Qing Qing Rushui on his horse and rushed downstairs.

There are still missions to be handed over in the Soul Suppressing Pagoda, so we must rush to the first floor as soon as possible to find the old man.

At this time, Qian Shanxue sent a message, congratulating Ye Fusheng.

"Take people out as soon as possible, drive them away so quickly, and stay in the dungeon at that time, there may be big problems!"

Ye Fusheng gave an order.

Sure enough, many players knew the authority of game announcements like "Reincarnation of the Heavens", and they didn't dare to stay in the Soul Suppressing Tower anymore, and they quit one after another.

When Ye Fusheng descended to the last floor, a phantom figure of an old man had been waiting for a long time.

"Warrior, I did not misread you!"

After taking a deep look at Ye Fusheng, the old man waved his right hand lightly. In an instant, his figure disappeared, and the system bell rang in Ye Fusheng's ear.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the S-level mission [Re-Suppressing the Soul-Suppressing Tower], and getting a reward of 10 billion experience points, Soul-suppressing Sword X1!"


"The Soul Suppressing Sword was given to me directly?!"

Seeing the system rewards, Ye Fusheng couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

The soul-suppressing sword, that is a peerless sacred weapon, with particularly powerful attributes.

He should have been in the process of a mission before, so he could use it. Otherwise, if he got this holy sword, he would have no problem playing the entire game by himself!
However, the old man had disappeared, and Ye Fusheng couldn't ask any questions, so he had to open the backpack and check the properties of the soul-suppressing sword again.

No attribute has changed, nor has it been weakened. The damage, power, and special effects are so strong that it makes people drool.

However, in terms of usage requirements, there have been changes.

Rating: 288
Realm: God
"Why is there a realm requirement?!"

Suddenly seeing the new request, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought that Xing Yun once said that if the human race obtains the source of the gods, they can have the power of the gods and be recognized by the gods.

If the player gets the god source, can he advance to become a god?Get a boost?

"Huh... Forget it, those things are too far away from me, don't think about it yet!"

"This soul-suppressing sword is also a task item to be given to the senior sister. I hope she can reward me with something good!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng looked at the time, 10 minutes was about to pass, he hurriedly rode his horse and ran out with Qingqing Rushui.


"Sunset City Server Announcement: The Soul Suppression Tower map is officially closed, so stay tuned for the advanced map to appear!"

Almost at the moment when the system sounded, Ye Fusheng rushed out of the tower with clear water, and then, two people on one horse fell directly into the water.

The angry flame horse neighed continuously, its hoofs shook, and the flames on its body dimmed.

If the Raging Flame Demon Horse could talk, it would definitely spit out angrily. Although I am not a human, you are a real dog!Knowing that there is water outside, why don't you take me back?

Sensing the damage caused by the water to the Raging Flame Demon Horse, Ye Fusheng hastily retracted it into the space of the mount, and was just about to swim out when a body was already squeezed into his arms.

"Brother Fusheng, I can't swim, you take me with you..."

Qingqing Rushui leaned into Ye Fusheng's arms, his cheeks were blushing, and his voice was even more pitiful.

"No way?"

Ye Fusheng was surprised and said: "Swimming in the game only needs to give commands!"

"I'm afraid of water..."

Qingqing Rushui made a weak sound, but puffed up her mouth.

Can I swim?If it weren't for the fact that you are handsome and make people feel safe, it would not be a problem for my wife to take you for ten laps!
As long as my brother grows well, he can pour a glass of water!
"Okay, then try not to think about water, and think about something happy, how about I tell you a joke?"

Ye Fusheng grinned, and with one arm around Qing Qingru Shui, he swam towards the shore.

"don't want……"

Qingqing Rushui blushed and said, "You're going to tell those jokes again!"

"What jokes?"

"I do not know!"

Ye Fusheng looked innocent.


Walking in the water with Qing Qingru Shui in his arms, feeling the touch of the water flow and skin, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look at Qing Qing Ru Shui a few more times.

It seems that this girl is very good in terms of character and figure.

The most important thing is that this girl seems to be interested in him, and she is also hooking up with him. Then, do you want to try it?
Anyway, the doctor told him that his illness would require a lot of diarrhea within a month or so to survive the competition two months later, and it seemed that Qingning alone was not enough.

Just as Ye Fusheng was contemplating, he was almost at the shore.

On the shore, the girls of Qianshanxue gathered together and waved to Ye Fusheng and the others.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng suddenly speeded up, glanced over, and suddenly found that there were not only players from their Floating World Guild on the shore, but tens of thousands of them!
They are all major guild players who have just exited from the Soul Suppression Tower.

I have to say that they were really miserable. For the first hour, they were stuck on the second floor by the Hidden Demon Hedgehog, and then Xiongbatianxia, ​​Tianzhishen and other guilds joined forces to stop them for more than half an hour.

After finally rushing to the tower, he saw the refreshed mobs, but before he had practiced for a long time, Ye Fusheng cleared the Soul Suppression Tower, causing the entire map to be closed!

I worked for hours in vain, but I didn't get much experience!
Some unlucky people accidentally died, and even lost experience in vain.

This made them very depressed. If they had known that Ye Fusheng could solve it so easily by himself, they would never interfere with this map.

Wouldn't it be nice to have more normal monsters when you have time to go back and forth?
However, they didn't leave after quitting, they waited on the shore all the time, just to see what benefits Ye Fusheng got from this map.

In addition, they all felt a special atmosphere.

However, when they saw Ye Fusheng going ashore with a beautiful girl in his arms, all thoughts were thrown away, and there was only one word in their hearts - sour!

As if eating countless tons of lemons, I almost didn't shed tears.

After going ashore, Ye Fusheng quickly joined the girls of Qianshanxue, and after ensuring that everyone was safe, he turned and left.

As for the players from other guilds, Ye Fusheng didn't even look at them.

Bright Feather, Liu Yue, and Sui Yue Cheng Bei, the three people who had worked with him before, originally wanted to go up and get close to him, but seeing Ye Fusheng with so many girls, he didn't dare to go forward again, for fear of disturbing him Good news for Ye Fusheng.

In Liuyue's heart, there was even a slight spit.

When she thought of making such a big sacrifice, Ye Fusheng hadn't brought her a few times, at most he had given her two warnings so that she didn't suffer much, she was still very aggrieved.

None of these people dared to move, and the other players were even more cowardly. No one dared to speak, but silently watched Ye Fusheng and his party leave.


However, just as Ye Fusheng and his party were about to leave, a series of figures suddenly appeared, blocking their way.

The first person was also riding a white horse, holding a long spear, and his equipment was shining brightly.

"It's him... White Clothes Dragon!"

"Hiss... Earlier in the Soul Suppressing Tower, Bai Yizilong killed hundreds of players by himself, and he was particularly powerful. You think he is going to challenge Floating Life, right?"

"I think it's a bit confusing. Although Bai Yizilong's combat power is also very high, far surpassing No.3, but compared with Floating Life, there is still a big gap!"

"Hey, don't talk about the gap between Baiyi Zilong and Fusheng Wanqian, with his equipment, I'm afraid we won't be able to get it in a few months!"

Seeing that Zilong in white clothes blocked Ye Fusheng's path with dozens of figures, the eyes of many players lit up, and they began to discuss curiously.

They don't have the guts to challenge Ye Fusheng, but that doesn't mean they don't want to see others challenge Ye Fusheng!

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng raised his head and looked at Zilong in white. It was obvious that he was a young man with an extremely handsome appearance, excellent figure and temperament!
Even though Ye Fusheng didn't have any interest in men, the moment he saw Zilong in white, he felt an involuntary love for him!
Of course, that is not the love for women, but the love for heroes!

"Heh, Zilong in white, are you... trying to block my way?!"

His gaze was slightly solemn, even if Zilong in white clothes had a good impression in Ye Fusheng's heart, and even regarded him as a hero, at this time, Ye Fusheng would not make any concessions.

While talking, Ye Fusheng swept his eyes, and suddenly realized that there are quite a lot of acquaintances beside this white-clothed dragon.

Wolong Kongming, Fengchu Shiyuan, Qixi Wenchang, etc., are all famous generals in history.

Their levels are not low either, all of them have reached level 30, and most of their occupations are hidden occupations, which is staggering!
Sure enough, to become a famous general in history, there are still a few brushes!
"Don't dare!"

Bai Yizilong said in a deep voice: "A few elder brothers died at your hands earlier, it seems that they lost their equipment. I hope that you can return it with your noble hand!"

"Equipment? What equipment?"

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "Don't say that I didn't pick up the equipment, even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you! It's ridiculous, can I go back with the things in my hands?"

"Since that's the case, in order to seek justice for the brothers, today..."

Zilong in white raised his sword eyebrows: "Zilong, please enlighten me!"


"System prompt: Do you want to accept [Bai Yi Zilong]'s invitation to compete?"

(PS: Supplementary update, there will be more later!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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