Invincible in one touch

Chapter 165 Defeating the White Clothes Dragon!

Chapter 165 Defeating the White Clothes Dragon!

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng originally wanted to reject Zilong in Bai Yi, since he wanted to fight, he should do it for real!
What's the point of sparring?
But, after thinking about it, if you can subdue Zilong in white clothes like subduing the blood armor Fengxian, it is not unacceptable to do more!

After making up his mind, Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Since you are the only one who can catch up with me on the major rankings, I will agree to your sparring!"


"System prompt: The sparring will start in 10 seconds!"

The system prompt sounded, and a blood-red flag fell out of nowhere, and was inserted between Ye Fusheng and Zilong in white.

In an instant, the rest of the players were forced back by an invisible force. Tens of thousands of people watched the two nervously, not even daring to blink.

It can be said that this is the battle between the world's number one player and the world's second player!

The daughters of Qianshanxue kept cheering for Ye Fusheng, which made countless players envious.

If they could join the Floating World Guild, they would all be willing to lose ten years of life!
Through the appearance of Xuejia Fengxian and Zhanzhiguard, they also understood that Ukishi does not only accept female players, but there are more female players.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to join the Floating World Guild!

Summoning the mount and pet, Ye Fusheng raised his eyes and saw that the white-clothed dragon also summoned a phantom of a small silver dragon, he couldn't help being surprised.

That silver little dragon is the Eastern Dragon!Not a western winged lizard!

【This Zilong in white is indeed the luckiest person among the spearmen!Although it is not a real dragon, it is possible to get a pet related to the dragon, which is also very strong! 】


The silver dragon circled and danced, and immediately rushed into the body of the white-clothed dragon. In an instant, an invisible force flooded his body.

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng asked Xing Xing to fill up his BUFF and get ready.


After the preparation time ended, all the restraints disappeared, and the breath between Ye Fusheng and Bai Yi Zilong became serious.


With a soft shout, the white-clothed dragon galloped out, stabbed Ye Fusheng with his spear, and launched an attack first.

"Dragon spear thrust!"


The blade of the gun rotated, bringing up a strong wind, like a whirlwind, wrapped in terrifying power.

"The sword swings for nine days!"

Ye Fusheng raised the sky-slashing flames, and in an instant, thunder sword energy and fiery red sword energy burst out together, and suddenly collided against the spear blade.


The terrifying power surged and swept out, even if the two horses suddenly raised their hooves, they leaned back, as if they were about to fall.

However, Zilong in white clothes pulled the rein with his left hand, stood up, shook the shoulder of his right hand, and suddenly sent out a long spear, the sharp point of the spear pierced the head of the angry flame horse.

Bai Yizilong still understands the principle of capturing a thief before capturing the king, and shooting a man first before shooting a horse!

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, even if Ye Fusheng was Bai Yizilong's opponent, he couldn't help shouting hello.

How many people in the world can fight back while being shaken back?

However, Ye Fusheng knew that Bai Yizilong was powerful and had been on guard against him. When he stabbed that spear, Ye Fusheng's two swords interlaced, the blades of the swords were like crosses, and suddenly locked the spear head in the air.


Immediately afterwards, the angry flame demon horse opened its mouth and spewed out a stream of magic flame.

How fast is the skill of the Raging Flame Demon Horse?
Bai Yizilong had just reacted when the ball of fire exploded in front of him, blowing the mount down directly.


The angry flame horse stepped forward quickly, and the war trampled down, full of angry flames!

Feeling the terrifying strong wind, Bai Yizilong's face changed slightly, and he quickly retracted his mount, a donkey rolled and rolled aside.

However, even so, the shock wave of the war trampled on him still hit him, causing three damage figures of over a thousand.

The output of [-] damage in an instant, coupled with the bonus of the white-clothed dragon without his mount, the blood value plummeted to a quarter, and the blood volume was at risk!
All of a sudden, the faces of Wolong Kongming and everyone changed drastically. The previous indifference and disdain all turned into worry and disbelief!
Previously, they had defeated several guilds, and those players, no matter how ruthless they were boasted, were ruthlessly crushed against them.

However, Ye Fusheng slapped them hard!

Only a few of them can push Zilong in white to this point!

Many ordinary players were stunned by the battle between Ye Fusheng and Bai Yizilong. They didn't expect that they could fight like this!

Shouldn't the character be unable to operate when the mount is retreating?
And the mount, can it also be used as an offensive method?

His expression became more and more resolute, Zilong in white spun his legs, jumped up from the ground, and stared at Ye Fusheng.

In the past, he always thought that Ye Fusheng was only strong in equipment, but in this fight, he discovered that Ye Fusheng was also very strong.

Although just now he was more likely to be repelled because the mount had no means of attack, and he didn't expect that the Raging Flame Demon Horse had skills, so he was repelled, but Ye Fusheng deflected his two attacks in succession, which still surprised him!

"Looking at your demeanor, it seems that you don't believe in my strength?"

Sensing the change in the expression of Zilong in white, Ye Fusheng wanted to subdue Zilong in white, smiled lightly, and scattered the angry flame demon horse.

If you want to subdue a loyal person like Bai Yi Zilong, you must not be in a hurry. You must first convince the other party, and then... huh?No spoilers!
" don't need to put away the mount!"

Bai Yizilong's expression changed, and his tone of speech became much more correct, he said: "I was the one who fell into the disadvantage earlier, and my skills are not as good as others!"

"Hahaha, I also want to see your true strength!"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Come on, one move will determine the winner!"

"it is good!"

Clenching the spear with both hands, Zilong in white took a deep breath, stepped in the direction of five elements and eight trigrams, and kept moving, staring at Ye Fusheng.

Ye Fusheng remained motionless, waiting for the attack to come.

He knew that in the face of a master like Bai Yi Zilong, attacking rashly would only expose his flaws, so it would be better to stay the same and respond to all changes!
Anyway, the urgent thing is the opposite side!
"Seven Detectives of Coiling Dragon!"


In an instant, the white-clothed dragon rushed forward at a high speed, and the long spear kept shaking, unexpectedly transformed into seven giant dragons, each stretched out their sharp claws, swung their bodies, and attacked Ye Fusheng together.


The roar sounded, and the seven giant dragons burst into dragon roars as if they had come to life, containing terrifying power!
[Seven Detectives of Coiling Dragon!According to legend, Zhao Yun's ultimate spear skill is stronger than that of a hundred birds and a phoenix! 】

His pupils contracted, Ye Fusheng didn't dodge, he slashed out, first splitting the first giant dragon, and then released the rushing slash, before the second giant dragon was about to rush to him, he rushed to the last giant dragon in an instant In front of the dragon, the two swords slashed down.


Another giant dragon was split, but the remaining five giant dragons behind them turned around quickly, flicked their tails, and slapped Ye Fusheng.

At the same time, in the shadow of the dragon, a white-clothed dragon suddenly appeared, holding a long spear, and stabbed Ye Fusheng fiercely.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, he had always thought that the white-clothed dragon was hidden within the seven giant dragons, but he didn't expect that those giant dragons were all a cover!
Ye Fusheng didn't have any defense against that spear, and immediately after that, five giant dragons exploded one after another, and bloody numbers flickered on Ye Fusheng's head.

As high as 1 damage flew out, Ye Fusheng's blood volume plummeted by one-fifth (without the mount and Qingqingrushui BUFF bonus, the total blood volume is only more than 5), but the white-clothed dragon was stunned, Whispering: "How is it possible? More than 1 damage? Only knocked out one-fifth of his blood?"

Ye Fusheng was also quite surprised. It seems that it is not unreasonable for Zilong in white to be ranked No.2 all the time.

After entering the game for so long, apart from various bosses, Bai Yizilong is the one who has caused the most damage to him.

But that's it!
Just at this moment, Zilong in white also came to his senses, gritted his teeth, raised his spear again and stepped forward, his figure spun around. Driven by his body, the spear turned into a silver-white phoenix.


The crisp sound of phoenix cries rang out, and a hundred birds exploded towards the phoenix gun, containing astonishing power.

"Very strong, unfortunately, you are not my opponent yet!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng didn't even use the BUFF effect of Seizing the Sky Hand, he raised his two swords, and activated the skill of Dazzling Sword Dance!
In the battle flag battle, the cooldown of all skills is recalculated, so Dazzling Sword Dance can also be used.


As the silver-white and blood-red sword energy converged into Ye Fusheng's hands, the two swords trembled, and the fighting spirit was soaring!

"Sword Dance..."


With a soft shout, the two swords swung suddenly, and in an instant, two-color sword energy burst out, covering the phoenix directly.

The next moment, the sword energy howled and exploded suddenly!

Only the sound of gold and iron screaming continued to sound, the sword energy was shocking, and strong smoke and dust erupted, covering the entire battlefield.

Dust filled the air, and no one could see clearly what the ending would be.

All of a sudden, many players were short of breath, their faces full of astonishment.

"'s too strong!"

"So this is the strength of the world's top two powerhouses!"

"How do I feel, those masters on our battle net in the past are completely incomparable with the two of them!"

"Yeah, both of them feel like art, whether it's operation or skills!"

"I don't know, who is stronger between the two of them..."

Everyone kept discussing in low voices, especially curious in their hearts.

The daughters of Qianshanxue, Wolong Kongming and the others became worried.

After all, in their hearts, both Ye Fusheng and Bai Yizilong have never been defeated. No one knows the outcome of this battle!
"Cough cough..."

With the sound of coughing, the dust gradually dispersed, and everyone could see clearly the situation in the arena.

All I could see was that Zilong in white was kneeling on one knee, his armor was covered in dust, and his blood was also black.

On the other hand, Ye Fusheng, except for being hit by the white-clothed Zilong once and losing one-fifth of his vitality and blood, he didn't lose any more blood, and instead recovered his vitality and blood.

His battle armor was spotless!
Who wins and who loses is clearly visible!
"you lose!"

Ye Fusheng put away his swords, turned around and left, and a faint voice came out: "Also, I would like to advise you, the person you trust may not necessarily believe you, but will lie to you instead!"


Hearing this, Zilong in white was very surprised, but before he could ask, Ye Fusheng had already summoned the flame horse and left with all the girls!

(PS: Baiyi Zilong is an idol in my heart, so he will be stronger and very loyal, and he will definitely be accepted in the future. Hehe, everyone can guess how he came here!

Also, there will be an update tonight!Brothers who are chasing books can join the group: 713879534, there will be a surprise on Friday night! )
(End of this chapter)

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