Invincible in one touch

Chapter 166 The Auction Starts, Shocking China!

Chapter 166 The Auction Starts, Shocking China!

Looking at Ye Fusheng's leaving back, Zilong in white froze in place.

Behind him, Wolong Kongming, Jinyi Ma Chao, and Qixi Wenchang rushed up to greet them, and asked with concern, "Zilong, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"

Zilong in white shook his head and said, "Military Master, what did he mean by the words he just said?"


Hearing this, Wolong Kongming was stunned, Jinyi Ma Chao and Qixi Wenchang also turned their eyes to him, full of curiosity.

Although they are famous generals, they are only good at battle and don't understand people's hearts.

"Hey, he means..."

Feng Chu Pang Tong sighed: "The lord's equipment has not been exposed by him, I think, the lord is using that statement to let you do something about Fu Sheng Wan Qian and test your strength. Unexpectedly, he saw it!"

"No way?"

The white-clothed Zilong showed a startled expression: "My lord, why did you lie to me? If you want to do anything to Fusheng Wanqian, he will do it! Why do you have to do that?"

Hearing this, Wolong Kongming couldn't help but glared at Pang Tongtong. He couldn't see Liu Bei's careful thinking, but such words were not suitable for speaking in person.

"Ahem, Zilong, maybe the lord has other ideas! Why don't we go back first?"

"We failed to grab the BOSS in the Soul Suppressing Tower this time, and got the guild building order, we have to think of other ways!"

Wolong Kongming quickly changed the subject and led everyone away from Zilong in white.

Following the departure of Ye Fusheng and Bai Yi Zilong, the crowd of onlookers suddenly became excited.

"'s too powerful. Their operation doesn't look fancy, but it's just like art!"

"This is a game. When the mount is forced to retreat, it should be unable to move. They actually thought of attacking at that time!"

"In the past, the top [-] players on just used their positioning and tactics within the mechanism, but the two of them did whatever they wanted. It feels too strong!"

"How do I feel, Son of the Dragon, West Lake Longjing, and Ye Yin, those top ten masters in the past, will be abused into dogs in "Reincarnation of the Heavens"!"

Many players were discussing, but they didn't notice at all that the leaders of their respective guilds had already turned pale.

After all, neither Ye Fusheng's Floating World Guild nor Baiyi Zilong's group have any interest relationship with them, but instead have many conflicts!

————Pure dividing line———

In this battle, Ye Fusheng gained a lot, and the girls of the Ukishi Guild also gained a lot of benefits. Although their level could not be further improved, they still occupied the top ten with the previous leader of the gods' relics.

Let the girls go back to the territory to continue leveling, and by the way, after gathering resources for the territory, Ye Fusheng drove back to the Sunset City with the Raging Flame Demon Horse.

The quick horse rushed into the city lord's mansion, and Ye Fusheng rushed directly into the study.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Little guy, are you so impatient?"

Xing Yun put down the map, and looked at Ye Fusheng suspiciously, but at the next moment, her face changed slightly, and she said in surprise: "Little guy, you brought back the Soul-Suppressing Sword so quickly?"

"Not bad!"

Ye Fusheng grinned, took out the soul suppressing sword from the backpack, and handed it to Xing Yun.

"Very good, as expected of my junior brother! That's great!"

Xingyu smiled: "With this soul suppressing sword, I can refine the soul of Empress Scarlet Moon!"

"Refine the soul of Empress Scarlet Moon?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng questioned: "Senior Sister, are you going to kill Fei Yue?"

"Not bad!"

Xing Yun said in a deep voice: "Queen Crimson Moon is the number one demon emperor sent by the demon clan to guard and lurk around Sunset City and Silver Moon City. If we don't kill her, we won't be able to eradicate all the demon generals!"

"In case, one day the demons attack on a large scale, with them cooperating inside and outside, it will be too dangerous!"

"Why, you little fellow, are you unwilling to kill her?"

Speaking of this, Xing Yun frowned, and suddenly looked at Ye Fusheng with a smile.

"No, how is it possible?!"

Ye Fusheng's expression was dignified, and his righteousness remained forever: "That kind of witch, everyone can kill her! If I have the strength, I will kill her with my own hands!"

Having said that, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Empress Scarlet Moon is not to mention other things, she is still very fierce, and she is also an interesting person, so much fun.

Unfortunately, he is about to die soon.

Do you want to wait for the senior sister to leave?
Just as Ye Fusheng was thinking about it, suddenly he felt cold all over and shivered suddenly, but he saw Xing Yun was looking at him with a smile.

"Cough cough..."

With a cough, Ye Fusheng quickly suppressed his thoughts.

It's terrible, my senior sister is so strong, I can't be unrestrained in front of her, otherwise something big will happen!

"Okay, you go back to rest first, after I have refined the Soul Suppressing Sword, you will lead your Ninth Legion to the Black Demon Abyss to lure Empress Scarlet Moon out! As long as you lure her out, everything will be fine." Much easier!"

Xing Yun shook her head with a smile and said, "You little brat, don't think about those unhealthy things in the future!"

"Okay, no problem, Senior Sister!"

Ye Fusheng is very well-behaved and kind-hearted.

"This is your reward!"

Xing Yun waved her hand: "Go first, get the Ninth Legion in order, and I'll let you go in a few days!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the task [Soul Suppressing Tower], you will be rewarded with 1 million experience points, 10000 reputation points, and 10000 merit points!"

When the reward falls, it is no longer as abnormal as before, and the effect of a hundred times increase is finally over!

Unable to get the gold coins and equipment, Ye Fusheng originally wanted to complain, but when he thought that he owed so many gold coins to his senior sister, he was too embarrassed to speak up, and hastily left the city lord's mansion.

Withdrew amidst the respectful salutations of many soldiers along the way, Ye Fusheng was just about to leave the city when a system bell rang in his ear.


"Huaxia Server Announcement: Tomorrow at 12:[-] noon, the auctions of major sub-main cities will be officially opened, and you can go to the auctions for consignment immediately! If there are high-grade equipment or treasures, the system will publicize them! I hope all players have fun! "

This server announcement fell, and in an instant, everyone in the entire Huaxia was boiling.

Especially the major guilds are very excited.

Of course, Ye Fusheng was the most excited!
The gold utensils and earth utensils that have been stored for so long can finally be sold!

As long as the equipment is sold, he will have enough gold coins to pay off the debt, and even support Senior Sister Xingyun.

Of course, what Ye Fusheng hopes most is to start the krypton gold system as soon as possible. At that time, he only needs to recharge some money casually, and he can support Xingyun every minute. Raising a city is simply a trivial matter.

Even if Xingyun wants to develop into a country, he will help!
Grinning, Ye Fusheng immediately drove the Raging Flame Demon Horse to the auction.

At this time, the rest of the players also frantically rushed to the auction.

When Ye Fusheng arrived, there was already a sea of ​​people, very crowded.

"Damn it, the Great God of Floating Life is here!"

"Honey, come out and see the Great God!"

"Niu Pi, quickly make way for him..."

"Hiss... This is the first time I have come into close contact with this great god, and his equipment looks so cool!"

"And that magic horse, really domineering!"

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, when those players saw Ye Fusheng, they retreated one after another, making way for him.

There is no way, Ye Fusheng has experienced several killings before, not only he is fine, but also killed several guilds who dare not say a word.

A few days ago, Shenglong, the number one guild that was killed, ran away in disgrace. Just now, he defeated the second player in the world, Bai Yizilong.
Ye Fusheng was also polite, got off his horse and rushed directly into the auction hall.

"Hey, so handsome! If only I could marry Fusheng Wanqian!"

"Bah, you don't even look at what you look like, but you still want to marry Fusheng Wanqian? Hmph, only a woman like me, who is like a fish and a wild goose, is worthy of him!"

"Ho ho ho, are you thinking of peaches?"

Suddenly, a female voice started arguing, and some men turned around quickly, curious.

However, when they saw the two girls who were arguing to the point of fighting, their faces turned pale and they retched.

——————Handsome dividing line—————

In the auction hall, it was very quiet, and Ye Fusheng rushed directly into the highest-standard sales room.

There was only one old man in the room. Seeing Ye Fusheng come in, he mechanically asked, "Young warrior, what do you want to auction?"


Ye Fusheng didn't reply, he directly opened the backpack, and threw out a series of gold and ground weapons, including the equipment he replaced.


In an instant, the brilliant equipment bloomed and filled the entire room.

The old man's pupils constricted suddenly, and he became short of breath immediately. He kept pointing at Ye Fusheng: " equipment?"


Suddenly, the old man passed out without slowing down a single breath.

"Huh? I'm stupid?"

"What the hell is going on with this system? An NPC will faint from fright?!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng was stunned, and immediately gave a thumbs up to the official setting.

This is no ordinary skin, Li Shizhen's skin!

However, the system officials quickly modified it, and another person appeared and began to pack the equipment for Ye Fusheng.

"This warrior, would you like to set a starting price for equipment?"


"Because these equipments are of high quality, a system announcement will be triggered. Do you want to hide the ID?"


Two in succession, all the equipment disappeared, and in an instant, dozens of system server announcements fell one after another, directly dominating the screen, and even more shocking in the Huaxia service area, all the players in the secondary main city were stunned.


"System prompt: Congratulations to Sunset City player [Floating Life] successfully consigned the earth device..."



"System Notification: Congratulations to Sunset City player [Floating Life] for successfully consigning the excellent gold artifact, the Bracer of Will and Protection. The auction will be officially held at 12 o'clock tomorrow!"

Dozens of server announcements fell, and in an instant, all the players in the secondary main city went crazy.

"Made, hurry up and prepare gold coins for me! Go to Sunset City tomorrow!"

"Grass, gather everyone in the guild together, and hand in the gold coins! You must get those earth and gold utensils!"


(PS: Ah, I saw someone talking about the Ninth Legion, why is there no movement in the territory? That's because the previous missions can't be used, and I will write about it in the follow-up. Moreover, it is very useful!)

(End of this chapter)

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