Invincible in one touch

Chapter 167 Winning Walkers Without Boundaries, Layout Thunder Mountain Range

Chapter 167 Winning Walkers Without Boundaries, Layout Thunder Mountain Range
After consigning the equipment, Ye Fusheng just wanted to go out when he suddenly thought of the terrifying crowd before.

Looking at the time again, at six o'clock, she sent a message to Qian Shanxue, and she went offline directly in the auction house.

Opening his eyes, Ye Fusheng stood up and stretched.

It has to be said that after going out to play once, lying down for several hours, his whole body was sore and numb, which gave him an urge to go out to play again.Or, get some healthy exercise.


Qian Shanxue also quit the game, sat up without even laying out her clothes, and said with a smile: "Great, after Bai Yizilong is defeated by you, your reputation will be even higher! The same is true for the Floating World Guild !The most important thing is that the establishment of the guild in Shenjiang Pavilion has to be postponed again!"

"What's the use of having a higher reputation in the Floating World Guild?"

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "You're not accepting anyone anymore!"

"who said it?!"

Qian Shanxue said mysteriously: "I have already recruited a mysterious master. If nothing unexpected happens, I will be able to join the guild the day after tomorrow!"

"Oh? What mysterious master?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being surprised.

"The only casual player in the top ten on, Lingfeng!"

Qian Shanxue didn't give up.

"Lingfeng? I didn't see her on the leaderboard before!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng thought about it, but he didn't see the name, so he couldn't help asking: "Are you sure, she really has the strength to rank in the top ten?"

"Well, I believe it!"

Qian Shanxue nodded and said: "I talked to her, it is said that she fell into the mysterious map as soon as she entered the game, and has been unable to upgrade, she just came out yesterday!"

"Well, that's interesting..."

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "In that map, she should get a lot of benefits, right?"

"Hey, then it's up to you to dig slowly!"

Qian Shanxue smiled and said, "Accompany me out tomorrow night, she said that we have to meet in reality before we can make a decision!"

"Tsk tsk, is this the special feature of the top ten masters?"

Having said that, Ye Fusheng still agreed.

Who told him that he lacked nothing, but lacked talents!

"By the way, have you brushed the guild building order yet?"

Qian Shanxue asked suddenly.

"What are you asking about?"

Ye Fusheng touched his nose, curious.

"Hee hee, our Qianjia also wants to form a guild. If it is possible, I will buy it!"

Speaking of this, a sadness flashed in Qian Shanxue's eyes.

Originally, she wanted to escape from Qianjia, but unexpectedly, they had already promised her out, and Qianjia wanted to use him.

"Forget it, I'm still useful to build a gang!"

Ye Fusheng shook his head and said: "Swipe to the next guild establishment order, let's talk about it!"


Qian Shanxue is as good as a stream.

"Huh? Are you not angry?"

Ye Fusheng was quite surprised.

"Why are you angry?"

Qian Shanxue shrugged his shoulders, and said: "That's what my father will do, not what I will do, not to mention, I am the daughter-in-law of the Ye family now!"

"Look at what you said, it's justified!"

Ye Fusheng sneered, and couldn't help but be careful, um, this girl is really unpredictable, so we must pay more attention.

At that time, the cooperation is false, but the desire to join the Ye family is true. Then he will lose money?

How many beautiful girls haven't slept yet, why are they getting married?
After chatting for a few more words, he sent Qian Shanxue to help Qingning prepare meals, and Ye Fusheng sent a message to the person in charge of Fengyun Pavilion, asking him to wait for him in Sunset City.

In the past, Fengyun Pavilion had always been friendly with the Holy Dragon Guild, but this time they still gathered in Tianfan City, together with the Holy Dragon Guild.

Of course, with Ye Fusun now, Fengyun Pavilion will never be with the Holy Dragon Guild again, and if they don't stab him a few times, they will be merciful!

"According to Qian Shanxue's news, the Sacred Dragon Guild is attacking the boss in the morning, so I can't come back tonight. Huh, anyway, the level and equipment have been pulled away. It's okay to rest for a night."

Thinking about this, Ye Fusheng made up his mind and went out to eat.

It has to be said that Qingning's craftsmanship is getting better and better, with a good color and fragrance, and even Qianshanxue can't stop praising it.

After eating a good meal and exercising for a while, Ye Fusheng went back online.

At this time, after experiencing the initial frenzy, the flow of people in the auction house was not as crowded as before, and they left quickly.

Returning to the territory first, seeing Qianshan Snow Maiden completing the task of the territory, the resources continue to increase, and I am completely relieved.

After summoning some cavalry and archers and upgrading the defense mechanism, Ye Fusheng left and rushed to the Ninth Army.

Nowadays, there is no high-intensity war happening, and it is too wasteful to summon heroes and wise men.

As for the Ninth Army, he may not have visited it for a long time due to mission reasons, so he must get in touch with them, and by the way, help them level up.

The next step is to deal with Empress Scarlet Moon. At first, Xing Yun won't make a move, so he can only rely on himself and the Ninth Legion!

The arrival of Ye Fusheng made Bai Ye and others quite excited, and immediately after, a group of thousands of people went out to practice leveling, sweeping across the map.

After practicing for more than two hours, after raising the entire army by two levels, Ye Fusheng let them develop freely, and drove the angry flame horse to Tianfan City.

After arriving in Tianfan City, Ye Fusheng rushed straight to Thunder Canyon, and sent a message to the person in charge of Fengyun Pavilion, asking him to meet at the canyon.

Thunder Canyon is full of high-level monsters, so Tianfan City players dare not go to leveling, it seems very desolate.

When he came to the entrance of the canyon, Ye Fusheng rode his horse slowly, waiting for someone from Fengyun Pavilion to come.


Suddenly, a scream sounded, and a figure was seen rolling down from the hill not far away, followed by a deafening roar.


Hearing that sound suddenly, Ye Fusheng looked up, and he saw a huge blood-red dinosaur rushing from a distance, chasing a figure.

Without making a move, Ye Fusheng's expression was calm, and the Eye of Truth glanced casually, and the information of that figure suddenly emerged.

However, when Ye Fusheng saw the message, his face changed slightly.

Boundless Walker (The Recluse——LV30)

[It's him, a walker without boundaries? ! 】

Turning his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng looked at the bloody dragon again.

Scarlet Raptor (Elite Monster)
Rating: 50
Blood value: 13000
Attack Power: 1100-1300
Defense: 500
Abilities: Dragon Crash, Raptor Tail Swing, Ripping Claw

Description: The velociraptor group in the Thunder Mountain Range, please do not attack them, be careful of being retaliated
"The 50-level elite blames that guy can't kill it. It seems that this traveler has a way of exploring maps, but his skills are not very good!"

"If you save him, maybe you can drag him into the guild!"

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng suddenly sped up, and the angry flame horse neighed, and ran towards Wujiang Walker.

However, the speed of the flame horse was so fast that Walker Wujiang heard the sound, looked up and saw a flaming mass rushing towards him, thinking that he had encountered another monster, he was so frightened that he sat on the ground in a daze. In place.

The angry flame horse galloped past, and the moment Ye Fusheng unsheathed the two swords in his hands, he released the rushing and slashing skills, and locked the bloody velociraptor!


With the thunderous twin swords falling down, coupled with a set of combos from the Raging Flame Demon Horse, the blood-colored velociraptor died miserably on the spot before it could launch an offensive.

Turning over and getting off the horse, picking up the exposed gold coins, Ye Fusheng looked at the dazed Walker Wujiang and said with a smile, "Hey, don't be dazed, the monster has already been killed by me."


Hearing the human voice suddenly, Xing Zhe Wujiang trembled and turned around quickly. Seeing Ye Fusheng and the angry flame horse, he couldn't help being ecstatic: "So you are a player! Great, thank you for saving me!"

"Oh, you're welcome."

Ye Fusheng waved his hand.

"Wait... this mount..."

Walker Wujiang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ye Fusheng carefully, but his expression froze, and he looked at him in surprise: " are the legendary Fusheng Qianqian?"


Ye Fusheng frowned, and said with a smile: "Walking without boundaries, it seems that you are not only obsessed with map making!"

"Ahem, these days, the forum is full of videos or screenshots about you every day. I'm familiar with it."

Walker Wujiang said with a sneer: "I originally wanted to repay you with gold coins, but now it seems that I can't do it at all."

"Hahaha, then you join my Floating World Guild?"

Ye Fusheng took advantage of the situation and changed the topic.


The corner of Xingzhe Wujiang's mouth twitched and said, "But don't you only accept professional players?"

"You are different, you are special."

Ye Fusheng shook his head and said, "If you want to come, you don't have to look at any other conditions!"


"I promise!"

Walker Wujiang stood up abruptly, grinned and said, "I have always wanted to join a powerful guild to avoid being bullied by others. I will not miss this opportunity!"

"President, don't worry, as long as I can join the guild, I will release all maps in the guild for free in the future!"

"That's not necessary, but you can exchange it with guild points."

Hearing Xing Zhe Wu Jiang's performance, Ye Fusheng was satisfied, and immediately invited him to join the guild.

The traveler is extremely talented in exploring the map. In the future, if there are any hidden missions on the map, or new maps, he will be able to explore the way.


"Guild System: Congratulations to [Walker Without Borders] joining the guild!"

Following the system notification, in an instant, the Floating World Guild became lively again.

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Walking without borders? The one on the forum who has been tinkering with new map data?"

Clear as water: "Welcome newcomers!"

Non-sweet toffee: "Another big boss! Did the president's little brother pull it?"

Feng Lingxue Wu: "Gone silently, by the way, as long as it's a man, it must be pulled by the president!"

Xue Jia Fengxian: "I feel that there are so few people. When will I be able to lead thousands of troops on the battlefield?"

Seeing these conversations, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but turn dark. Damn, why is he being as clear as water to save face, and other people don't even welcome him?
It's me, Ye Fusheng, who can't hold a knife anymore?
Floating like this?

Xing Zhe Wujiang didn't have much opinion, he quickly sent a few messages, got acquainted with everyone, and then quit the guild chat.

"Boss President, you came here suddenly from Sunset City, you should have something to do, I won't bother you, let's go first!"

Xing Zhe Wujiang was famous in previous games and had a very high EQ. Knowing that Ye Fusheng came here suddenly, he must have something important to do, so he quickly found an excuse and left Thunder Canyon.

For a while, Thunder Canyon fell silent again.

After a long time, news came from the communication, and a figure came from a distance.

After confirming that the person who came was the president of Fengyun Pavilion, Tianxia Fengyun, Ye Fusheng hurried forward.

"Young Master Ye!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng go up to welcome him, Fengyun Tianxia looked terrified and hurriedly saluted.

"Okay, you don't have to be so polite in the game."

Ye Fusheng directly threw the guild establishment order to Fengyun Tianxia, ​​and said in a deep voice: "Next, we will develop Fengyun Pavilion vigorously, make good alliances with the Holy Dragon Guild and the others, and contact me immediately if you know that there is news about me being targeted! Others, You can figure it out for yourself, in short, be safe!"

"Understood, I will monitor the Holy Dragon Guild and prevent them from posing any threat to the young master!"

After receiving the guild building order, Fengyun Tianxia was very excited. In the past, Fengyun Pavilion was the lowest among the top ten guilds to establish a gang, but this time he was able to beat the rest, which is too embarrassing!
He gave Tianxia Fengyun a few more words, and seeing him leave, Ye Fusheng drove the angry flame horse deep into the Thunder Canyon a little bit, to ensure that he would not be discovered by the Raiders of the Holy Dragon Guild after he went online, and then he was ready to go offline.

"call out--"

However, just as Ye Fusheng was about to go offline, a low and hasty voice suddenly sounded.

"Huh? What sound?"

Looking around, but seeing nothing, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being surprised.

However, that voice became louder, faster, and clearer to his ears!

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt something, and when he looked up, his face changed instantly!

(PS: two chapters in one, and one more tonight!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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