Invincible in one touch

Chapter 168 Lolita from Heaven

Chapter 168 Lolita from Heaven

There was an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and Ye Fusheng looked up, only to see a huge black shadow falling from the sky at an extremely fast speed, and due to the extremely fast friction, flames were ignited.

"I'm stupid?! Is this a meteor or a meteorite?!"

Seeing that scene suddenly, Ye Fusheng exclaimed and dodged quickly.

However, Ye Fusheng was like a magnet, tightly attracting that huge black shadow.

No matter how Ye Fusheng dodges, it can adjust its position and change direction, making Ye Fusheng dumbfounded.

When will meteorites change direction independently?
"Nimma hiss...that's really ruthless!"

After dodging for a while, Ye Fusheng knew that there was no way to avoid the huge black shadow, so he quickly squatted down, covered his head with his hands, and protected it.

You can be smashed and injured, but your head must be safe!


A moment later, the huge black shadow slammed onto Ye Fusheng's body like a thunderbolt.

In an instant, the blood-red numbers flew up, even though Ye Fusheng had 8 HP, it turned into residual blood at that moment, and a terrifying shock wave burst out, even sending Ye Fusheng flying and falling to the ground.

"Cough cough!"

" hurts to be hit by that thing!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng got up quickly, but felt the pain all over his body was unbearable. When he looked up, a huge deep pit appeared not far away, and a flame was still burning in it.

"This is actually a meteorite?!"

Seeing that scene, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, he forgot even the pain, and hurried forward.

Those are meteorites and shooting stars. In the game, they must be very advanced equipment materials.

With Xing Yun here, maybe he can use these materials to help him improve his equipment.

Rushing to the edge of the deep pit, with a sweep of his eyes, he saw a huge black meteorite shining brightly.


Swallowing his saliva, just as Ye Fusheng wanted to jump off the deep pit and approach the meteorite, a small voice suddenly sounded!


With the sound, Ye Fusheng's pupils contracted suddenly, and he was shocked to find that many cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the meteorite!

The sound of the explosion spread with great force, and the meteorite exploded and flew all over the sky.

After all the meteorite fragments were splashed out, Ye Fusheng looked up again, but was stunned.

In that meteorite, there was actually a little loli lying down!

"I'm stupid?! In the meteorite, there is actually a little girl?"

"Is she an alien?"

Ye Fusheng was stunned in place, stunned!
This is a game world. A meteorite suddenly appeared and fell in front of him. Maybe it was because he was so handsome that the system deliberately sent him artifact materials.

But, there is a little loli in the meteorite, so what's the matter?

Even if it's a beauty from heaven, why not a fierce girl?Instead, send a tablet little loli?

Look at that little girl's exquisite facial features like a porcelain doll, and her crystal clear skin. She is seven or eight years old at best, so she feels very guilty!

Three years in prison, laughing while walking on the road to execution, that's not Ye Fusheng's style!
Even if it's a little lolita, is it okay to be fierce?

The expression was particularly weird, looking at the little girl who was still sleeping, she was so cute, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling pity in his heart, and quickly threw away all the previous thoughts.

However, after careful observation, Ye Fusheng found that there was a soft radiance covering the little loli's skin.

"Huh? Is this an NPC?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng's heart moved, and he quickly cast his Eye of Truth.



"System prompt: Skill release failed! The reason is unknown!"

"Eye of truth can fail! This little loli is definitely not an NPC!"

Ye Fusheng frowned, wondering in his heart, since this loli is not an NPC, what could it be?
Thinking like this, Ye Fusheng continued to stare at little Lolita, but forgot to turn off the Eye of Truth skill.

In an instant, in Ye Fusheng's eyes, the clothes on that little loli gradually became transparent and turned into nothingness!

What caught Ye Fusheng's eyes was icy muscles and bones!

Throat rolling, swallowing saliva, Ye Fusheng's eyes moved down uncontrollably, immediately, nosebleeds flowed out.

"It's a crime to be drunk!"

"I can't do that!"

Shaking his head violently, Ye Fusheng closed his eyes and silently recited the 24-character socialist core value mantra.

If it was a young girl who appeared in front of him, maybe Ye Fusheng could take a few more glances.

Anyway, it wasn't the clothes he took off, it just appeared suddenly, why can't I see it?

But, the little loli is really too small and too cute, which makes her feel guilty!
Moreover, subconsciously, Ye Fusheng didn't want to treat that little loli like this, but he didn't even realize it.

However, Ye Fusheng was surprised at one point, the eye of truth actually has the effect of perspective?
After a long time, the effect of the Eye of Truth dissipated, Ye Fusheng took a deep breath, and looked at Little Lolita again, with an extremely weird expression.

This little loli couldn't see any attributes at all. She wasn't an NPC at all, but she didn't seem to be a player either. How could she suddenly fall into the game world?

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Fusheng stepped forward, and just as he walked to Little Lolita's side, he saw her frown.


A soft, creepy sound sounded, and the little loli raised her hand, rubbed her eyes, and sat up slowly.

Looking around, little Lolita looked timidly, but when she saw Ye Fusheng standing beside her, her eyes lit up immediately, she quickly flew forward, and threw herself into Ye Fusheng's arms!
For a moment, Ye Fusheng was stunned, what's going on?

Could it be that I am so handsome that even a seven or eight year old girl can't resist?
Frowning slightly, just as Ye Fusheng was about to push little loli away, a sentence rang in his ear, but made him stunned in place as if struck by lightning.

"Woooo... Daddy, I finally found you!"

Little Lolita hugged Ye Fusheng tightly, crying was called sadness, and that was called truth.

However, Ye Fusheng looked confused.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?
It doesn't matter if the beauty from heaven is a little loli, maybe she can be taken home and raised to be self-sufficient, but, this little loli hugged her and called her daddy as soon as she met her, what the hell is going on?

Ye Fusheng doesn't want his father's love to be like a mountain!
That is to be banned!
"By the way, daddy! Hurry up and save mother, she was injured by bad guys!"

Little Lolita grabbed Ye Fusheng's clothes tightly, her tears were rushing like a waterfall, and she couldn't stop.

"Cough cough!"

Hurriedly picking up little Lolita, Ye Fusheng frantically wiped away her tears.

In the past, those girls served him, how could he take care of others?

Wiping the tears for the little Lolita, the little Lolita exclaimed, it hurts.

"Then what, don't cry!"

Ye Fusheng wanted to cry without tears, hugged the little Lolita and said: "I am not your father, have you misunderstood the person? Where do you live, tell me, I will take you to find your parents!"


Hearing this, the little Lolita stared at Ye Fusheng with big watery eyes, and said firmly: "Mother said, she will send me to Daddy's side! I saw you when I woke up , you must be my father!"

"Besides, you have a familiar smell on you, I can't be wrong!"

After finishing speaking, little Lolita burst into tears again, as if Ye Fusheng didn't admit it, and she cried out.

This made Ye Fusheng's head so big that he couldn't stop rubbing his head.

"Impossible, you are seven or eight years old, and I was still a virgin eight years ago!"

Ye Fusheng almost vomited blood.

It's okay to raise a loli, but raising a loli who is not related by blood and still calls her father is really a big loss!

Although, Ye Fusheng didn't have that idea!

"you you……"

Little Loli stared at Ye Fusheng, and burst into tears with a "wow", tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Dad, don't be careful, it's so pitiful!"


In an instant, the sound of crying resounded through the heaven and earth, until Ye Fusheng's scalp went numb, and his whole soul felt dizzy.

This shit, who can stand it? !
"Wait! Don't cry! If you don't cry, I can take you to find your mother!"

After a long time, Ye Fusheng calmed down and said viciously: "But if you cry again, I will throw you away!"

Hearing this, Xiaoxin immediately stopped crying, and timidly pulled Ye Fusheng's sleeves with both hands, his expression aroused pity: "Daddy, then you hurry to save mother! I miss mother!"

"Where can I go for help?"

Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, and asked, "Do you know how to find your mother?"

"Follow me back on the spaceship!"

Carefully waved her pink fist, but when she turned around to look, she was stunned in place.

Where are other spaceships around?
All that's left is meteorite fragments!

For a moment, Be Careful looked sad, full of despair and sadness!

(PS: Loli’s setting, I didn’t want to write it originally, it’s a novel I can read in the pit, I forgot the title, I just remember it’s an online game novel about Xiuxian, the protagonist picks up a daughter, and can freely travel between the game and reality Medium. It's a pity that the ending of the daughter is not very good. I really like that daughter, so I thought of writing it in!

Well, the little loli is either a harem, or the protagonist's daughter. You can guess who her mother is, it has already appeared in the previous article!I can guarantee that the story behind this little lolita will also be very interesting!

The transitional plot is about to end, and a new plot will begin immediately!In addition, everyone can join the group, and I will send red envelopes in the group on Sunday!Group number: 713879534! ! !Thank you for your support since it was launched for half a month! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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