Invincible in one touch

Chapter 169 I will not give birth to you!

Chapter 169 I will not give birth to you!

"Hey, don't be sad!"

For some reason, Ye Fusheng felt a little sad when he saw little Lolita crying. He walked to her side and stroked her little head with his hand.

The eyes are full of pity, extremely pure.

"The spaceship is gone!"

"The spaceship is gone... How can I go back and save my mother! Woohoo!"

Little Loli squatted on the ground, her tears were like a flood that burst a bank, and she couldn't stop, she kept streaming down.

This made Ye Fusheng feel distressed, and hurried forward to calm her emotions.

Although Ye Fusheng didn't know this little loli and didn't know who her mother was, but he couldn't bear to meet such a poor little girl.


Little Loli threw herself into Ye Fusheng's arms, crying wantonly.

Ye Fusheng has no experience coaxing a girl of this age, so he can only keep patting her on the back.

Crying and crying, little Lolita's crying weakened, her breathing gradually stabilized, and she fell asleep in Ye Fusheng's arms, which left him dumbfounded.

"It seems that this little loli really treats me as a relative! Otherwise, she wouldn't trust me so much, and fell asleep!"

Ye Fusheng sighed, quite helplessly: "What the hell have I done?"

"Beauty from the sky, at least you have an older one with a better figure, why send such a little loli?"

After complaining for a while, Ye Fusheng carefully picked up little Lolita and found a cool and stable place to sit.

Time passed slowly, but little Lolita showed no signs of waking up, so Ye Fusheng didn't dare to go offline and could only stare slowly.


After a long time, little Lolita finally woke up, rubbed her eyes, and said softly, "Daddy, be careful you're hungry!"

Be careful?

What kind of bad name is this?

He complained in his heart, but Ye Fusheng was soon surprised again, this little loli actually knew that she was hungry?

NPCs don't feel hungry, but if it's a player, why can't Ye Fusheng see little loli's occupation and ID?

"There's weirdness! There's definitely weirdness!"

Breathing heavily, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Little girl, I'm going offline, I can't be with you anymore, why don't you go home by yourself?"

"Daddy, where you are is my home!"

Carefully blinked his eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Offline? What is that? Also, Dad, why does your body feel so illusory? It seems that this is just your soul?"

These words struck Ye Fusheng's heart like thunder.

This little loli can actually see this!
Frowning, Ye Fusheng pondered: "Then, can you follow my soul?"

"Yes you can!"

Carefully showed a bright smile: "You are my father, I can go wherever you are!"


Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice, "You can follow me from now on, but you can't call me Daddy anymore!"

"I don't care, you are my father!"

Little Lolita stared at Ye Fusheng's eyes, and became crystal clear again, as if if you disagree, I'll cry for you!
This caused Ye Fusheng a headache, so he could only say: "All right, all right, you can call me whatever you want, but when there are many people, you can't call me Daddy!"

There is no way, this little loli is too cute, she can't be beaten, and she can't sleep in sleepwear, so she can only compromise temporarily.

Once you find her weakness, you can make her obedient!

"Yeah, why?"

Careful and pitiful said: "Daddy, don't you want to be careful? Don't abandon me, Careful will be very obedient! Mother also said, Daddy will definitely take good care of me!"


"Who is your mother?"

Ye Fusheng was also very curious about that daughter-in-law who appeared out of nowhere after listening carefully to his mother.

"Mother is the number one fairy in the God Realm!"

Be careful with a proud, proud smile.

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was also interested, if that cheap wife is really the number one fairy in the God Realm, it wouldn't be a loss.

Staring closely at Careful, however, she stopped talking.

"Huh? Then?"

Ye Fusheng couldn't hold back, and asked suspiciously: "Your mother is the number one fairy in the God Realm, what is her name?"

"Mother, please call me Mother!"

Cautiously blinking her big Shui Lingling eyes, she asked doubtfully, "Could it be that you don't know who the number one fairy in the God Realm is?"

Mad, if you don't tell me, how would I know? !

His face darkened, Ye Fusheng finally understood, this little loli is really young, her mind is not complete, she doesn't understand many things, asking her about those things is a waste of time!

This also made Ye Fusheng completely lose the intention of chatting with her.

"Forget it, you can play alone, I'm offline!"

Unable to understand the origin of Little Lolita, Ye Fusheng was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he directly chose to go offline.

Maybe, what she said earlier was all false!

After logging off, Ye Fusheng twisted his neck, but felt his chest was heavy.

Looking down, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being speechless.

Qian Shanxue was lying on his chest, standing alone in the game!
"No wonder I always feel my chest being pressed in the game, and sometimes I can't breathe. It turns out that it was you who pressed it!"

Taking a long breath, Ye Fusheng shifted his gaze downwards. In an instant, his face became stiff, his pupils shrank, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently!

Under the thousand mountains and snow, there is also a delicate doll-like little loli lying in his arms!
Ye Fusheng: "(д)b!"

what's the situation? !

Why did the little loli suddenly come to reality? !


Little Lolita woke up, yelled sweetly at Ye Fusheng, immediately sat up, looked around, and looked at the surrounding environment.

Feeling the soft mattress, she lay down again, and shouted with a happy face: "Wow, this is so soft, as comfortable as a cloud!"

"By the way, Daddy, this pretty sister is lying on your bed, is she my little mother?"

"Little... Miss?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng wants to cry but has no tears, what the hell, it's not an illusion!

It really is the little loli who followed him out of the game world!

At the same time that he wanted to cry but had no tears, Ye Fusheng was even more astonished, what is going on in this game?

Little Lolita is obviously not a player in the game "Reincarnation of the Heavens", and she doesn't even look like a person from this planet, otherwise she wouldn't be talking about the God Realm.

However, she can turn into a meteorite and fall from the sky!

What's even more shocking is that she can also freely shuttle between the game and reality!
Is it because this little loli's ability is too powerful and terrifying, or is it that the game itself contains a big secret? !

"Daddy, is this your home?"

"Where will I live in the future? Will my lady bully me?"

"Ah, Daddy, I'm so hungry!"

Just as Ye Fusheng was contemplating, the little loli suddenly climbed onto Ye Fusheng's chest, her big watery eyes flashed.

" crushed me!"

Ye Fusheng gasped, Qian Shanxue lying on him was already heavy enough, plus little Lolita, it was almost dead!
"I'm hungry!"

Little Lolita looked at Ye Fusheng pitifully, which broke my heart.


At this moment, Qian Shanxue also felt uncomfortable and made a noise.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng couldn't help becoming nervous.

Will Qian Shanxue play the game too?
What the hell, if Qian Shanxue sees a little loli lying on his body like this, his innocence will be over!

Even if you jump into the Huangpu River, you won't be able to wash yourself clean!
It seems that God really didn't want Ye Fusheng to live too comfortably, and after feeling uncomfortable, Qian Shanxue actually chose to go offline!


Rubbing his eyes, Qian Shanxue subconsciously patted Ye Fusheng, and said angrily: "Hey, pervert, what did you do to me while I was playing games?"


Qian Shanxue's slap happened to hit Little Lolita's arm, and she felt something was wrong all of a sudden!
This feeling seems wrong!

Turning her head to look, Qian Shanxue immediately screamed and sat up, staring in surprise at the little loli lying on Ye Fusheng's chest.

Hearing the scream, the little Lolita stopped and looked sideways at Qian Shanxue, her big eyes flashed, very cute.

Ye Fusheng sighed, he could imagine that his reputation was completely ruined!

"Ye... Ye Fusheng!"

Qian Shanxue pointed at Little Lolita with a look of astonishment on her face.

However, her next action made Ye Fusheng stunned.

"Wow, what a cute little girl!"

Without any hesitation, Qian Shanxue rushed forward and hugged little Lolita.

This kind of operation made Ye Fusheng dumbfounded!

what's going on?
Faced with a person you don't know at all, you just hug him directly?

"Hello, little girl!"

Little Lolita is very polite.

"Little girl?!"

Hearing this address, Qian Shanxue looked confused, hugged the little loli, and asked, "Ye Fusheng, where did you abduct this child from? It's so cute!"

"Her facial features are too exquisite, just like a porcelain doll. When she grows up, she will definitely be a great beauty!"

"Also, why did she call me Xiaoniang?"

Before Ye Fusheng could reply, Little Lolita replied sweetly: "Because you are Daddy's woman, so I want to call you little mother!"


Hearing these two words, Qian Shanxue trembled all over, and immediately looked at Ye Fusheng in surprise, sized up the little loli, then looked at Ye Fusheng again, his expression became more and more strange.

Little Lolita looked to be five or six years old, but Ye Fusheng was only eighteen or nineteen years old. Could it be that he impregnated other girls when he was thirteen or fourteen?

Thinking of this, Qian Shanxue couldn't help sighing and said, "I never thought you would be this kind of person! Beast, how old were you then? Thirteen or fourteen years old!"


Ye Fusheng wanted to cry without tears, so he got up quickly, snatched back little Lolita, put her on the bed, then pulled Qian Shanxue and ran outside the door.

"What are you pulling me out for?"

Qian Shanxue stared at Ye Fusheng with suspicious eyes, suddenly thought of something, hugged herself tightly with both hands, and said with a cautious face: "I warn you, don't even think about asking me to give birth to you, it will be very painful of!"

In an instant, Ye Fusheng's face turned ashen.

(PS: Today's first update, today is still an update of [-]D, see the situation tonight, can you add more!)

(End of this chapter)

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