Chapter 170

"Fuck off, you want to give birth to me, but labor and capital don't want it!"

Ye Fusheng's face was ashen, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't talk so much nonsense! I met this little girl in the game! At that time, a meteorite fell from the sky, and she was in the meteorite!"


Hearing this, Qian Shanxue froze in place, her face was full of horror, she couldn't believe it at all.

Let alone her, whoever heard Ye Fusheng say this, the first reaction would be disbelief!
This is too fantasy, even novels are not written like this!
"This little girl is not an NPC, but she is not a player either. She can still follow me out of the game! It's amazing!"

Ye Fusheng sighed endlessly.

" don't want to tease me, do you?"

Swallowing, Qian Shanxue couldn't believe it, and said quietly: "You can tell the truth, don't worry, even if she is really the crystallization of love you had when you were twelve or thirteen years old, I will not laugh at you!"

"What's on your mind?"

Ye Fusheng said helplessly: "I'm not joking with you, and you don't even think about it. Our Ye family doesn't say how heavily guarded it is, but there are people watching. She is a six or seven-year-old girl, how could she not alarm anyone? in the room?"

"She... really followed me out of the game!"


Hearing this, Qian Shanxue's face changed dramatically, and she realized that, yes, the Ye family is the largest family in Jianghai City, and their defenses are extremely strong. It's as difficult as climbing the sky, let alone a little girl?

Unless, she is not human!
"Hey! She really appeared out of nowhere?!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Qian Shanxue couldn't help thinking.

"I don't know who she is!"

Ye Fusheng shook his head and said: "Fortunately, I can sense it, she doesn't have any bad intentions for me."

"Moreover, she contains many secrets. I plan to raise her for a while. Can I find out her secrets, or find out the secrets about this game from her!"

"Why can a person freely enter and exit the game?"

"Even, she is very likely to come from other worlds. Then, the game world, will it be our passage to other worlds?"

Speaking of this, Ye Fusheng's eyes sparkled even more. If all of this is as he speculated, maybe he can use this game to go to other worlds.

"What other world? A passage leading to another world!"

Qian Shanxue rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "I think you read too many novels?"

Seeing Qian Shanxue's reaction, Ye Fusheng shook his head slightly, and stopped talking.

After all, Qian Shanxue is not like him, she is the child of destiny, and she doesn't believe that such a thing is normal.

"Okay, that little girl is a bit hungry, you should cook her something quickly!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng said.


Qian Shanxue waved his hand and said, "Have you seen me do it?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you don't know anything."

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng looked at Qingning's room.

It seems that it is better to leave this kind of thing to Qing Ning.

I have to say that he was lucky that day to meet a girl like Qing Ning.


From behind, the little loli's voice suddenly sounded: "Careful, can you cook by yourself? Be careful, you're really hungry!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue turned their heads, only to see little Lolita standing by the door with an aggrieved expression on her face. In an instant, Qian Shanxue's heart was about to break.

Hurriedly picking up the little loli, Qian Shanxue urged Ye Fusheng to call Qingning.

Ye Fusheng had no choice but to wake up Qingning and ask her to go to the kitchen to cook something suitable for children.

Seeing Little Lolita suddenly, Qing Ning was extremely shocked, and kept looking at Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue. Obviously, she was thinking too much.

While walking towards the kitchen, Qing Ning bit her lip, she was tangled in her heart, the eldest and young mistresses have children, so should she also have a baby with Ye Fusheng?
One day when I am suitable, I must let Ye Fusheng come here a few more times!

However, as soon as they walked to the hall, Ye Fusheng, Qingning, and Qian Shanxue, who was holding the little loli, ran into Old Man Ye who came back from outside!


Old Man Ye looked at Ye Fusheng and the others, especially when he saw Little Lolita, his expression changed drastically and he was shocked.

Originally, he thought that Ye Fusheng's asking him to go to Qian's family to propose marriage was a trick, but looking at it now, it's a trick!

It is clear that all the children have been brought out, and there is no way if you don't get married again!

"Okay, get the kids out so quickly!"

"Forget it, as long as you are happy!"

Old man Ye sighed unceasingly, this child has quite the demeanor of his back then!

"Daddy, is this grandpa?"

Just when Ye Fusheng was about to explain, Little Lolita yelled out sweetly: "Grandpa, good evening!"

I have to say that the lethality of the little loli is too great, too cute, whether it is an adult or a child, whether it is a man or a woman, seeing her, I can't afford any feeling of disgust in my heart.

Otherwise, how many times would Ye Fusheng tolerate her?

Of course, in addition to this, it was because of Ye Fusheng that I felt a sense of intimacy from her!

If it wasn't for Ye Fusheng to be sure that none of the girls he had slept with had ever been pregnant, I'm afraid he would really think that this is his own daughter!
"Hey, this granddaughter is so cute!"

The old man Ye was very happy when he was called "Grandpa", he stepped forward and pinched the little loli's face, the more he looked more and more satisfied, he said to Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue, "You two little fellows, you have had it so early My child, it seems that the wedding is going to be brought forward!"

"I really didn't two! Hey, that's all! In short, you have to take good care of your children in the future! And you, everything about Qianjia, Fusheng, and our Ye family's property, you also have to try Take over!"

"In the game, you managed the guild for him. In reality, he doesn't have time to deal with those company affairs, so you have to take over."

After giving these instructions, Old Man Ye felt refreshed all over, and felt relieved!

Well, these annoying business can finally be sent out!

After finishing speaking, old man Ye teased little Lolita for a while, and then left slowly.

However, old man Ye relaxed, while Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue looked confused.

Especially Ye Fusheng, he was almost blown up!
After all, Qian Shanxue and him were pretending to be engaged, and the in-game affairs could be entrusted to her because of his own strength, and he was not afraid of Qian Shanxue's petty tricks at all.

But if the real company were to be handed over to Qian Shanxue, it would be easy for big troubles to happen!

However, these reasons cannot be told to Old Man Ye!
For a moment, Ye Fusheng looked at Qian Shanxue with eyes full of aggression.

Or, just make a fake show and cook the raw rice into rice, so that Qian Shanxue can really become her own person?

That way, there is no need to be afraid that Qian Shanxue will treat him and the Ye family badly!

Being stared at by Ye Fusheng with that kind of eyes, Qian Shanxue suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and quickly stepped back, staring at Ye Fusheng: "I warn you, don't think bad things about me!"

"Little mother, mother said that no matter what father thinks, women should support him!"

Suddenly, the little Lolita who was lying in Qian Shanxue's arms clenched her fists and said, "Mother, you have to listen to Daddy!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't stop laughing: "Look, even children know that you want to listen to me!"

"Okay, let's cook!"

Qian Shanxue's cheeks were slightly red.

Following Qing Ning's cooking, everyone had a supper, and little Lolita was also full.

Originally, Ye Fusheng planned to prepare a separate room for little Lolita, but little Lolita was too clingy to him, and Qian Shanxue seemed to be afraid that Ye Fusheng would become a beast, so she insisted on letting little Lolita sleep with her!

Ever since, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​looking for Qingning, and went to sleep with Qian Shanxue, hugging little Lolita.

While coaxing little Lolita to sleep, Ye Fusheng was thinking about the magic of this game.

The appearance of characters from the Three Kingdoms before was already mysterious enough. Unexpectedly, there will be people who can travel freely between reality and the game. Then, what kind of strange things will happen next?
"Hey, what are you thinking?"

A whisper sounded, Ye Fusheng heard a gentle female voice, for a moment he forgot that the person opposite was Qian Shanxue, let go of the little loli with his left hand, habitually stuck to Qian Shanxue's mouth, and poked in.

In an instant, Qian Shanxue was stunned, she couldn't believe that Ye Fusheng dared to be so arrogant with little loli around!


As if congested with blood, Qian Shanxue's cheeks were flushed, she quickly slapped Ye Fusheng's hand off, and then bit her lip, glaring at Ye Fusheng angrily.

"Cough cough!"

Being so big, Ye Fusheng woke up instantly, and said awkwardly: "Sorry, I thought I was in Qingning's room!"

"Hmph, pervert, if you do it every day, you won't be afraid of exhausting you to death!"

Qian Shanxue let out a low spit, blushed immediately, stepped back a little, closed her eyes and prepared to sleep.

Eyelashes fluttered a few times, eyes opened and teeth clenched again: "If you dare to bully me, I will bite you to death!"


Glancing at his mouth, Ye Fusheng didn't pay attention to Qian Shanxue's words at all, he didn't fall asleep until little Lolita fell asleep.

However, in the early morning of the next day, when Ye Fusheng woke up, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

What the hell, Little Lolita and Qian Shanxue are like two koalas, one on the left and the other on the right, hugging his arms tightly, hanging on both sides of him.

Especially Qian Shanxue, whose soft and elastic skin pressed directly on his body, and her snow-white, smooth and crystal clear jade legs were even more entangled with his legs, which was very indecent.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of goddess it is, on the bed, well, it's no different.

Waking up Qian Shanxue, before she could scream, Ye Fusheng covered her mouth: "Shh, don't wake up, be careful, let's go eat, and then I'll order a gaming helmet for her. You watch them install, I advance the game and guard the Dragon Sons!"

Seeing that what Ye Fusheng said was serious, Qian Shanxue's expression froze, and he quickly agreed.

After finishing everything and making breakfast, the two woke up little Lolita again and went out to eat.

When the little loli appeared in the hall, the faces of the butler and the servants suddenly became strange.

Especially the butler Lao Liu silently gave Ye Fusheng a thumbs up.

Obviously, they all thought that little Lolita was the crystallization of the love between Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue who secretly kept Chen Cang!
Otherwise, how could the two get engaged and married so quickly?
During this meal, apart from Xiao Luoli and Old Man Ye who were very happy, Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue were quite embarrassed.Qingning also stared at Ye Fusheng resentfully.

After a good meal, Qian Shanxue brought Little Lolita and other people from the game company, while Ye Fusheng quickly went back to the room and logged into the game!


Surrounded by thunderous mountains, Ye Fucheng breathed a sigh of relief, taking care of children is really not suitable for him!
Looking at the time, Ye Fusheng was driving the Raging Flame Demon Horse, shuttling between the mountains.


Suddenly, the roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, and hurried to the direction from which the sound came.

As they got closer, they suddenly saw a seven-foot-tall cyclops giant criss-crossing the mountains, bursting with thunder all over its body, bursting out continuously, like a god!
(PS: There will be another update in the evening, and today is still a [-]-word update!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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