Invincible in one touch

Chapter 171 Bet everything with one blow!

Chapter 171 A Strike That Gambles Everything!

The silver-white thunder kept bursting out from the Cyclops giant's body, and as its fists continued to hammer down, the players around it who were attacking it were chopped to death by the thunder.

However, after one player died, another player rushed up immediately. They were all templar knights after level 30 professional advancement. Holding shields in both hands, the rays of light condensed into a shield wall, resisting the attack of the Cyclops giant.

Shield Guard at level 30 can be transferred to a Templar who focuses on defense and support, a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, a guardian who can attack and receive, a spirit assistant who gives up his power and devotes himself to the spirit, and a violent fighter!

Among them, the Templars have the highest defense, and they also have a group BUFF that increases defense. Once the number reaches a certain level, it will be difficult for the boss to kill them.

It is a necessary occupation for attacking advanced bosses.

Guardians, spirit assistants, and fighters all have their own uses, either assisting or attacking!

"Hiss...the Holy Dragon Guild really went all out!"

"They brought so many Templars!"

Seeing that there were thousands of templar knights, and there were spirit assistants behind them buffing them, as well as some guardians backing up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

If he was alone, it would be quite difficult to kill all these Templar knights.

Of course, the Holy Dragon Guild is far more than these people!

The Shadow Thorn kept coming forward to attack, and after finishing a set of attacks, he quickly retreated in stealth, and the hunter crazily poisoned the Cyclops giant, keeping it in a poisoned state, depleting blood every second. (All are shadow transfers)

Berserkers, sword fighters, gun fighters (warrior job changers) and others follow the Templar queue. Once the crispy professions such as mages, hunters, and sharpshooters in the rear have a high explosion, causing the hatred value to transfer, they will It will rush up quickly, interrupting the attack of the Cyclops giant, so that it cannot cause an impact on the back row.

After all, for such a high-intensity boss, unless there is a professional player of the god level, the real main force is the profession of mage and shooter.

The last side is a paradise for the priests, constantly applying BUFF to the players in front is not considered a stroke.

As for the senior members of the Holy Dragon Guild, Son of the Dragon and other players were in the mage formation, watching the Cyclops giant being besieged from a distance.

The vice president, Mackerel, stood on a high place, constantly directing the players in the phalanx, and stuck the Cyclops to death.

For a moment, the health bar of the cyclops giant kept dropping!

When Ye Fusheng arrived, it had already dropped to as much as 80%!

"The Holy Dragon Guild is worthy of being the number one guild in the past, and this command ability is pretty good!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng glanced at the Cyclops giant with his eyes of truth, and his attributes fluttered.

Cyclops (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 50
Blood value: 300000
Attack Power: 1200-1400
Defense: 900
Petrification: defense power increases by 10%, every 10 seconds without being attacked, can increase own defense power by 100%, lasts for 30 seconds

Skills: Thunderbolt, Thunder Stomp, Earth Shake, Thunderbolt, Cracking Mountain Fist

Description: It was originally a mountain in the Thunder Mountain Range. After absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, it has spirituality and wisdom.
Weakness: too strong and easy to break (when encountering an attack that exceeds what you can bear, the damage you receive will increase by 100%)

"The attributes of this boss are not bad. Although the attack power is relatively low, the defense power and blood value are comparable to a level 60 earth-level boss!"

"Well, looking at it like this, it should be able to last for a while. I'll wait until it only has 35% of its blood left, and then I'll kill it in seconds!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng secretly calculated in his heart, and after making sure that his set of combos could kill the Cyclops giant's [-] points of vitality, he felt relieved.

In fact, it would be very difficult for Ye Fusheng to lose 10 drops of blood in an instant with a boss of the same level and attributes.

However, the Cyclops giant's weakness of rigidity and fragility made it sad!

At this time, Ye Fusheng's attack power was as high as 4000, far exceeding the Cyclops Giant's defense power. It would not be a problem to hit him with 100 to [-] blood with a set of attacks, plus the [-]% damage increase that was too easy to break, he still couldn't kill him. If the Cyclops was lost, then Ye Fusheng would just learn from someone and change his job to pour coffee!
With this confidence, Ye Fusheng was not in a hurry, and slowly watched the Holy Dragon Guild attack the Cyclops giant, and let them take on the Cyclops giant's skills for him by the way.

The skills of the ground-level bosses are not that weak.


Sure enough, when the Cyclops giant's blood value dropped to 70%, it suddenly raised its fists, and the thunder all over it was like a silver snake, frantically gathering away.

In just a few breaths, the lightning between its hands flickered, containing astonishing power.


A hoarse roar sounded, and the cyclops giant slammed down its fists, and the terrifying force instantly knocked out several templar knights in front of it. Immediately afterwards, the thunder ball exploded.

Those thunder lights spread out like poisonous snakes overwhelming the sky.


There were screams one after another, even the Templars who had buffed more than N, couldn't stop the damage from spells, and their blood bars dropped crazily due to the electric shock all over their bodies.

Just like the leeks, the players of the Knights Templar team fell down one after another and rolled back into the spring.

However, there are too many players in the Holy Dragon Guild, Dances with Wolves and other high-level knights are also there. Seeing the Cyclops activate his skills, they rushed up quickly, and they used high defense and countless sacrifices to treat them. Forcibly blocked the thundering attack.

Twenty seconds later, the Thunderbolt skill ended, and the thunderbolt in the hands of the Cyclops giant was weak, and the rest of the templars rushed up again, continuing to execute the previous method to consume its vitality.

This is a game after all, and the cyclops giant has a mechanism, once the blood drops to a certain level, it will trigger the skill.

That mackerel is not an ordinary person either. He has seen many bosses, and he can judge the situation at the moment the skill is released, mobilize various occupations, and resolve the mechanism of the Cyclops giant.

Various skills are continuously released, and then continuously resolved.

In this case, it only took about 30 minutes, and the Cyclops' blood had dropped to about 38%!

I'm afraid that if you give her another ten minutes or so, the Cyclops can be flattened, only at the cost of the lives of tens of thousands of players.

But, will Ye Fusheng give them a chance?

According to the official setting, once the BOSS blood drops below 30%, the ownership will be locked.

Seeing that his qi and blood were about to drop by 35%, Ye Fusheng no longer hid, let out a light drink, and immediately summoned a star, turned into a phantom cherry blossom form, and applied BUFF to himself. Watching the cyclops giant leap away.


Standing in the air, with the two swords already unleashed, Ye Fusheng even activated all his passives and reached a perfect state!
There are too many players in the Sacred Dragon Guild. As long as he can't kill the Cyclops giant in seconds and lose the right to belong, then... this action will be useless!

"Damn it, someone wants to steal our BOSS!"

Suddenly seeing Ye Fusheng rushing out, the faces of Shenglong's many high-ranking players changed drastically, and they hurriedly shouted to their subordinates to shrink the camp, but when they realized that there was only one person who came, they were stunned.

"Hahaha, is that a fool?"

"How dare a single person come to snatch the boss of our Holy Dragon Guild!"

"If it's an assassin job, it's fine if he can be invisible. He dares to come alone as a knight. He's looking for death!"

Countless players of the Holy Dragon Guild were laughing so hard that they couldn't straighten up. For a while, even the offensive was slowed down for a moment.

However, the faces of those high-level officials changed slightly.

They have seen the battle video of Ye Fusheng many times, and they recognized it immediately, and their hearts are chilling!
These days, Ye Fusheng's reputation is too high, even if there are tens of thousands of people around them, seeing Ye Fusheng coming alone, they still have lingering fears.

"Dances with wolves, you lead three thousand spirit assistants forward, try to control Floating Life Thousand Thousands, and don't let him rush in front of the boss!"

Mackerel shouted loudly: "The rest of the players, all increase their attack power and try to kill the boss as soon as possible!"

Behind him, Dragon Son looked gloomy, staring at Ye Fusheng.

If it wasn't for the attack on the boss at this time, I'm afraid he would have issued an order to besiege Ye Fusheng!

When Dances with Wolves heard the mackerel's cry, his expression froze and he felt very depressed.

He has fought against Ye Fusheng twice, and he clearly knows how terrifying Ye Fusheng's strength is!
However, Mackerel was the commander-in-chief of the Holy Dragon Guild, and he didn't dare to disobey the order. He could only grit his teeth, waved his hand, and led his team of direct knights to kill Ye Fusheng.


In an instant, countless skills were released and fell towards Ye Fusheng.


"System prompt: Because the player is affected by the impact of the mind, the movement speed has been reduced by 10%!"

The battle prompt sounded suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but frowned slightly, he didn't expect that the assistant spirit possessed this kind of control skill.

The speed of movement dropped, and in an instant, the Raging Flame Demon Horse couldn't leap over, and immediately landed in the crowd of the Holy Dragon Guild.


For a moment, those players raised their shields and leaned towards Ye Fusheng one after another.

With a sneer, Ye Fusheng waved the sword with both hands, and the sword energy burst out in the riding state, coupled with the passive trigger from time to time, countless sword energy shot up into the sky, taking away the lives of the spirit assistants.

Auxiliary souls are only auxiliary after all, and their defense power is not even comparable to that of guardians. Naturally, they cannot withstand the attacks of Ye Fusheng, an earth and sky weapon.

"Kill me up, all with shield walls, don't let him go over!"

Dances with Wolves gritted his teeth, knowing that he couldn't defeat Ye Fusheng, he directly ordered everyone to use their shield wall skills, just to block Ye Fusheng's attack.

"Hiss... be patient!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then looked at the Cyclops giant in the distance, who had already dropped to 34% of his blood, and his heart shuddered.

Can't delay any longer!
If it drags on, the guild establishment order will still belong to the Holy Dragon Guild!
Gritting his teeth, Ye Fusheng hastened to use the special skill, firm as a rock, and special skill, light as a swallow!


Ye Fusheng only felt a force flowing in his body, and in an instant, all the deceleration effects were dissipated, and his whole body became lighter.

"Hahaha! With you people alone, can you stop me?!"

With a loud laugh, Ye Fusheng reined in his horse abruptly, and at the moment when the angry flame horse was flying, he stomped on the horse's back with his right foot, and his whole body seemed to fly, and crossed the countless shield walls!
The jumping attribute has made meritorious service!
With the high jumping power attribute bonus and the stunt of being as light as a swallow, Ye Fusheng's descent speed is quite slow, and he keeps approaching the Cyclops giant in the air!

"All Templars, Spirit Assistants, Guardians, and Warriors step forward together!"

"Including priests, priests and other occupations, unify the release of long-range attack skills, and be sure to hit the boss's blood volume below 30%!"

The pupils contracted suddenly, many high-ranking members of the holy dragon got up, and the mackerel shouted out in a hurry, directing everyone to focus on the boss with all their strength!

I have to say that mackerel is really smart, after seeing that Ye Fusheng couldn't be blocked, he directly shifted his target to the boss!

She knew that once the boss' blood volume dropped below 30%, Ye Fusheng would not be able to prevent them from killing the boss, unless Ye Fusheng could kill the tens of thousands of players before the boss died!

Under the command of mackerel, all players worked hard and began to release their skills.

Ye Fusheng was also very surprised, he didn't expect that mackerel would be so decisive!
Breathing steadily, Ye Fusheng stared at the Cyclops with blazing eyes, without using any skills.

Only one chance!
If you can't beat the Cyclops above 30% HP, this operation will fail!Therefore, he can't shoot at will!
37 yards...

31 yards...

25 yards!
With his eyes brightened, Ye Fusheng suddenly activated his skill - Slash!
Only the sound of thunder could be heard, Ye Fusheng rushed in front of the Cyclops giant like a thunderbolt, his two swords burst into brilliance, and he slashed down.

At the same time, countless spells and arrows rained down from the sky, covering Ye Fusheng and the Cyclops giant under the attack.

In an instant, the hearts of tens of thousands of players in Thunder Canyon suddenly tightened!
(PS: The [-]D update is complete today, and there will be surprises starting tomorrow! Red envelopes will be distributed in the group on Sunday, thank you for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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