Invincible in one touch

Chapter 172 Yu Wanjun takes the head of the general from it!

Chapter 172 Yu Wanjun takes the head of the general from it!

"Dazzling Sword Dance!"

"The sword swings for nine days!"

Almost as a relief from being in front of the Cyclops giant, Ye Fusheng activated all available skills.

In an instant, the light effects of various skills bloomed, countless sword qi burst out, and before the offensive of many players from the Holy Dragon Guild fell, they suddenly swallowed the Cyclops giant!

Unwilling roars sounded, and the several-foot-tall body of the Cyclops giant exploded, dropping gold coins, equipment, and a shiny golden token all over the floor!

"not good!"

"The order to establish a gang has been issued! Damn it, that guy killed it!"

"Everyone rush up, we must not let Fu Sheng Wan Qian go away!"

Not far away, the expressions of the Dragon's Son and Mackerel changed dramatically, and they shouted loudly.

They don't need equipment and experience, but they need the guild building order!
The Floating World Guild stole their limelight, so they endured it, but last night, even Fengyun Pavilion successfully established a guild and received many rewards.

How could they still watch the guild building tokens miss in front of them?
"The shadows are all hidden in front of him, blinding him continuously, and the hunter stuns him with concussion arrows, and he must not be allowed to get the guild formation order!"

Following the mackerel's order, many shadows all entered the invisible state, and killed Ye Fusheng.

The hunter even drew his bow and set his arrows, and the shocking arrows were triggered continuously.

However, Ye Fusheng has a rock-solid effect at this time, immune to any control, and the concussive arrow will not take effect at all when it hits him.

As for killing Ye Fusheng with an injury officer, that is even more nonsense!

Not to mention the 10,000+ combat power gap, just the various BUFF bonuses, those ordinary players couldn't even beat Ye Fusheng, and white misses kept floating out, as if they were laughing at those players.

Some players with fairly good attributes and equipment successfully hit them, but their attack power can't break through the defense, and they can only play -1-1 forcibly deducting blood!
"My grass..."

"Is this guy still human? Why is the concussion arrow ineffective against him?!"

Many hunters were stunned. Even high-level bosses would be stunned by their concussion arrows, but Ye Fusheng was immune. Could it be that Ye Fusheng is stronger than the boss?


"If you want to create a guild, you have to ask me first!"

With a big laugh, Ye Fusheng jumped up suddenly, and with the help of his powerful jumping ability, he stretched out his hand, and received the equipment, gold coins, and guild formation orders that fell from the sky into his backpack.

"Hahaha, farewell!"

Turning around, Ye Fusheng ignored many control skills such as concussion arrows, spell resistance, etc., and quickly landed on the angry flame horse, galloping towards the distance.

There are too many players in the Holy Dragon Guild, although Ye Fusheng can definitely kill them all if he is willing to spend his time, but it is not worth it.

How comfortable would it be to flirt with more girls and find some powerful female bosses when you have time to increase your relationship?
No, how about finding more bosses, killing them, and spawning more equipment?
"We must not let Floating Life Wanqian run away! What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and chase me!"

Seeing Fusheng Wanqian riding the angry flame horse, shuttling through the crowd, as if entering no one's land, rampaging, mackerel was furious, roaring and shouting.

The son of the dragon was even more furious, he rushed forward and shouted: "Floating life, I will give you one last chance to return the order to establish a gang, otherwise, I will formally declare to your Floating World Guild!" Go to war!"

"If you run away, the players in your guild will not run away! I will definitely kill Qian Shanxue and the others back to level zero!"

"Da da da!"

After the words fell, the sound of horseshoes stopped suddenly, and Ye Fusheng raised his brows, with murderous intent in his heart.

Turning the horse's head, Ye Fusheng brandished his sword with both hands, casually reaping the players rushing towards him beside him, but his eyes were firmly locked on the Dragon Son in the distance.


Suddenly being stared at by Ye Fusheng, the son of the dragon felt chills on his back, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

Soon, the son of the dragon came to his senses, his cheeks were reddish, and he was ashamed.

In front of so many younger brothers, to be scared off by a player, is it shameful to say it?

"Made, this kid is too arrogant, come on, let's kill him together!"

The Son of the Dragon gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe it, seven to eighty thousand players can't kill a Floating Life!"


After all, the son of the dragon is the president, and he has his orders. Besides, except for a very small number of those players who have been abused with Dances with Wolves, the others have never seen Ye Fusheng's strength, so they all rushed forward screaming at this time. He wanted to directly beat Ye Fusheng to death by relying on the crowd attack.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng shook his head slightly, and couldn't help sighing: "There are too many stupid people in the world! I originally wanted to let you go, but who knows, you are going to seek your own death!"

After all, Ye Fusheng glanced at BUFF, there are more than 5 minutes left, enough!

The Raging Flame Demon Horse burst into flames, released its trampling and dashing skills, and immediately pushed away all the surrounding players, leading Ye Fusheng to charge towards the Son of Dragon.

"not good!"

In the distance, the mackerel saw this too, his pupils constricted suddenly, and he was terrified in his heart.

In this situation, normal people would think about how to break out, after all, this is surrounded by tens of thousands of players!

However, Ye Fusheng rushed to the center of the battle formation with one man, one horse and two swords, which made mackerel stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

However, mackerel is a master commander after all, shaking his head, exclaimed: "All gather around the center, protect the president!"

With the mackerel's shout, the Templars and Guardians retreated quickly, trying to stand in front of the Dragon Son.

At the same time, countless shadows and forest hunters either used invisibility or hidden skills to come to Ye Fusheng's side, and countless traps and poison skills exploded, trying to hinder Ye Fusheng.

However, those skills are all control skills, and under the rock-solid stunt, they can't affect Ye Fusheng in any way, even if they can't hinder him for a second.


Like a flash of lightning, the angry flame horse rushed to the front of the Templar phalanx.

Ye Fusheng's two swords fluttered, and his attack power was terrifying when he was in a full BUFF state. Even the Templars couldn't resist it, and they all turned into white light and dissipated.

Like a sharp knife, it slashed into the formation, and the Templar phalanx was instantly torn apart!
Seeing this scene, the faces of Dragon Son and Mackerel could not help but gasp, they finally understood why Ye Fusheng was so famous before!
It is so strong that almost every sword strike can kill a player. Once the passive sword energy and special effects such as excellence are triggered, the lethality will be multiplied.

The Raging Flame Demon Horse is powerful, and its damage is not bad. A burst of flames and a kick can kill many players.

Killing a person in ten steps, leaving a thousand miles behind!
No, it's not just killing one person in ten steps, it's simply killing ten people in one step!

"Damn, his attack power is too strong, the Templars can't stop it!"

"The priests all use negative skills to reduce his attack power! The mages all use AOE kill skills to attack him indiscriminately. Even if they can't kill him, they must first destroy his mount!"

The mackerel was startled by Ye Fusheng's combat power, and almost tremblingly issued an order.

If, this time, her orders still can't resist Ye Fusheng, then she will be in despair.

Having experienced several games, she has never seen such a powerful player!

The overwhelming magical attacks fell, the sky was filled with fire and rain, the wind and sand swept through, and the water arrows roared...

However, under the suppression of the attributes of the combat power level, even if all their attacks hit, they could still cause more than 1 blood points to Ye Fusheng, and a random revival of the Holy Spirit would return the blood to Ye Fusheng.

What's more, Ye Fusheng also has the blood-sucking special ability. While killing a bunch of templar knights with a few sword strikes, he filled up his blood again.

Not only that, Ye Fusheng's forward speed was not slow, and he was getting closer to the son of the dragon.


Seeing Ye Fusheng getting closer, Long Zhizi became a little flustered.

Even though he used to be number one on the, but he spent money to buy people to level up for him, and spent a lot of money to get the strongest equipment in order to develop.

In addition, other players didn't dare to make a real move against him, which made him the so-called number one on

Now that he meets a master, and his subordinates can't stop him, he will naturally be afraid!

The sound of horse hoofs sounded, and the angry flame horse spewed out another mouthful of angry flames. After burning more than 30 templar knights to death, it jumped up and rushed to the high-level group with Ye Fusheng.

In an instant, the attacks of those mages and hunters stopped.

Ye Fusheng would not give up his offensive just because they stopped, and ride the angry flame horse straight towards the son of the dragon.

"Not good, protect the president!"

Many high-level people panicked and hurried forward, but before they got close, Ye Fusheng cut him off with a sword.


"Thousands of floating lives!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng rushing towards him, the son of the dragon staggered back and forth, fearful in his heart, but still sternly shouted: "I warn you, I am the president of the Holy Dragon Guild! If you dare to kill me, I guarantee that the top ten guilds will all kill me!" Boycott you!"

"As long as you hand over the guild building order, leave now. I can pretend that what happened before didn't happen! Otherwise, you will regret it!"

The Son of Dragon glared at Ye Fusheng, but there was still a trace of fear in the depths of his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, it's already such a time, and you still dare to threaten me?!"

"What folly!"

Ye Fusheng sneered endlessly: "Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of Fusheng Qianqian!"


Hearing this, Dragon Son's pupils contracted, but before he could speak again, the two swords staggered and quickly passed over his chest.

The blood-red number flew up, and the son of the dragon died instantly. Under the horrified eyes of many players, it turned into data and flew back into the spring!

In an instant, tens of thousands of players were stunned and looked at Ye Fusheng in horror.

They couldn't believe that Ye Fusheng dared to fight against the leader of the top ten guilds on and the leader of the top ten guilds, Dragon Son!
What is even more astonishing is that Ye Fusheng succeeded!
Alone, among the ten thousand armies, take the head of the son of the dragon!

Is this really something humans can do? !

(PS: I have a lot of homework in the afternoon, I just started to write, and then I will write crazy code words, and I will update at least [-] tonight!!! Please subscribe!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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