Invincible in one touch

Chapter 176 Come on, chick, kiss me!

Chapter 176 Come on, chick, give me a kiss!

"Everyone is waiting here, what are you doing?"

Ye Fusheng looked calm and walked in front of everyone.

Xue Jiafeng stepped out first and followed behind Ye Fusheng, his eyes were like tiger's eyes, glaring at everyone, his ferocious aura bloomed, making everyone's hearts tremble.

In the last battle in the canyon, not only did Ye Fusheng earn his reputation, the title of the Immortal God of War was given to the blood armor, and it was also passed on to the entire Huaxia theater.

"Of course I want to make friends with Brother Fusheng!"

The leader of the Hidden Killing Alliance, Slaughter Tianxia, ​​stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Fusheng is indeed very imposing, and this Immortal God of War is also very imposing. If you two go to this stop, no one will dare to be presumptuous."

"Slaughter the world, tell me, what do you want from me?"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said, "No way, someone wants to buy my head, right?"

Although the Hidden Assassination League is one of the top ten guilds, the guilds are all assassins with strong assassination capabilities. For revenue, they will naturally do some business.

"How dare!"

Slaughtering the World said in a deep voice: "I learned that Brother Fusheng has obtained the Clan Establishment Order, brother, I specially brought some gold coins, and I want to ask Brother Fusheng, can we part with each other?"

In the past, Ye Fusheng's sentence "I don't love money, I'm not interested in money" spread throughout the Huaxia War Zone and became popular in forums. These people naturally knew that what they brought with them were gold coins, and they didn't even dare to use gold coins to smash Ye Fusheng. Floating life.

"Cough cough..."

As soon as the words of killing the world were said, the other guild leaders couldn't sit still, and they all stepped forward and said: "Our Demon Gate Guild is willing to use 80 gold to buy a guild establishment order!"

"Shenyu, willing to use 90 gold to buy a guild establishment order!"

This time, the leader of God's Domain was a warrior, and Bright Feather stood behind him.

"Tiangong, willing to spend 120 million gold!"

"Hehehe, you guys are really rich, this is going to make my little sister bleed!"

A charming laugh sounded, a female sorcerer stepped forward, cast a wink at Ye Fusheng, and said seductively: "Little brother, my sister is willing to use 150 million gold to buy a guild formation order, and if my brother goes to Jiangnan to play in the future, Sister can entertain you, as a landlord!"

"Hmph, just some gold coins!"

The son of the dragon suddenly stepped forward, and said disdainfully: "Floating life is thousands of thousands, as long as you give me the guild establishment order, within 10 minutes, I can transfer you 20 billion Huaxia coins!"

After the words fell, everyone was shocked, and almost all the guild leaders fell silent.

Even the girls behind Ye Fusheng were all amazed.

20 billion Huaxia coins, how many people spend their entire lives in poverty, but they can't get one-tenth of it!

However, the son of the dragon agreed to come out casually!
"Sorry, I'm not interested in money."

Ye Fusheng shook his head and said, "All your Huaxia coins are worthless in front of me!"


Hearing this, Dragon Son couldn't help but his pupils shrank suddenly, staring at Ye Fusheng.

The rest of the players were also stunned, looking at Ye Fusheng with horror in their eyes.

Previously, Ye Fusheng was able to reject 5000 million Huaxia coins, which had already shocked them, but now he even refused 20 billion Huaxia coins, it is really unbelievable!

Is it possible that you have a mine at home?
20 billion Huaxia coins are much more valuable than game coins!

" are not stupid, are you?"

The Dragon Son gritted his teeth and said, "That's 20 billion Huaxia coins, would you like it?"


Ye Fusheng sneered: "Only a hot chicken like you would take money so seriously!"


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help gasping, and then looked at Ye Fusheng with extremely weird eyes.

Dragon's Son was so angry that he trembled all over, but when he saw Qian Shanxue behind Ye Fusheng, he held back his fury.

"Okay, you all retreat."

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "I don't have the idea of ​​selling the guild building order yet. If I want to sell it in the future, I will naturally make an announcement."

"Okay, since Brother Fusheng has no will, I won't pester him either!"

Rende Xuande suddenly brought four people, Qingshan Yunchang, Tiger Leopard Yide, Wolong Kongming, and Baiyi Zilong, to salute Ye Fusheng: "Brother Fusheng, we may have misunderstood a few times ago. If you have a chance in the future, you can sit down and have a chat, and settle your suspicions!"

The voice was very sincere, but Ye Fusheng knew Rende Xuande's thoughts, waved his hand impatiently, and drove him away.

In an instant, Tiger Leopard Yide's expression changed drastically, and he was about to speak, but was stopped by Rende Xuande, and the group left immediately.

Looking at the back of Rende Xuande leaving, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing, it's a pity that Zilong, Yunchang and Kong Ming are three, if the three of them can rely on him, then he can completely ignore the guild and the territory up.

Rende Xuande and his group left, and the rest of the guilds also knew that they couldn't get the guild establishment order today, and the auction was over, so there was no point in staying, so they all bid farewell to Ye Fusheng and left.

Not long after, only thousands of people from the Holy Dragon Guild and some spectators were left in the arena.

"What? You people from Shenglong, are you still leaving?"

Ye Fusheng frowned, looking at the son of the dragon, his words were full of disdain.

"Heh, it's not your family's business, you care about me?"

The Son of Dragon glared at Ye Fusheng viciously, then walked towards Qian Shanxue, smiled, waved his hands, and a longbow, an earth tool, appeared.

"Xiaoxue, I know you are angry. I got angry last time. I already know that I was wrong. Come back!"

"This is an earthenware longbow, I bought it especially for you!"

Long Zhizi showed Qian Shanxue a flattering smile.

At this time, everyone finally understood that the son of the dragon really liked Qianshanxue!
The girls from Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Qingqing Rushui couldn't help looking at Qian Shanxue suspiciously. They were also very curious about the relationship between Qian Shanxue and Dragon's Son.


Qian Shanxue looked indifferent, and could not hide her disgust in her words: "I have never been angry, no matter what you do, there is no need to tell me, let alone buy equipment for me, we haven't reached that kind of relationship yet."

"Also, it was only my father who wanted to get married to your family, not me! Now I've got engaged to someone else, please don't bother me again."

After the words fell, the onlookers were stunned, especially some women. They could see that the son of the dragon is definitely a wealthy young master in reality, and he is the leader of the top ten guilds in the game. If they meet this Everyone, don't miss it!
Therefore, when they saw Qian Shanxue rejecting the son of the dragon, they were stunned and couldn't believe it.

The girls of Xiaoxiang Yeyu had known about Qian Shanxue's attitude for a long time, so they were not surprised, but they still admired them.


The corner of Long Zhizi's mouth twitched, he never expected that Qian Shanxue would reject him in front of so many people!
According to his thinking, at this stage, no woman should be able to refuse a piece of earthenware, let alone a man of his status who is courting him!

However, Qian Shanxue gave him a slap in the face!

Not far away, Mackerel couldn't help stretching out her hand to rest her forehead. She had a premonition that from today onwards, the reputation of the Holy Dragon Guild would plummet because of the son of the dragon's stupid choice!
But more is despair.

The son of the dragon really didn't understand, in front of so many subordinates, if he gave a woman an earthenware that he had collected at a high price, would it make others feel so cold?

We worked desperately for you, but you used it to curry favor with women?

Taking a deep breath, the son of the dragon forced a smile, and said: "Stop making trouble, I know I had a bad temper last time, you put away this longbow first, I believe that with it, you will become the number one archer in China !"


Qian Shanxue shouted coldly: "We haven't gotten to know each other yet, so we can use nicknames! Son of the Dragon, put away your longbow and leave! Sunset City is not your place!"

Hearing Qian Shanxue's words, Long Zhizi's face was extremely distorted. If there were not many people watching, he might have thrown something!

"Tsk tsk tsk, son of the dragon, do you not understand human speech?"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders, and said mockingly: "Go away, otherwise, I will treat you as someone who is bullying my Ukiyo guild!"

"Ma De, there are thousands of floating lives, it's none of your business here!"

The son of the dragon growled: "Is it you who threatened my Xiaoxue so that she could not come to my side?"


Ye Fusheng smiled, this son of the dragon is simply a stunned young man!
It seems that if it weren't for the mackerel and those people carrying it, this guy would definitely not be able to support the Holy Dragon Guild.

"Yes, that's right!"

Qian Shanxue also laughed, stepped forward suddenly, put his arms around Ye Fusheng's arm, and said with a smile: "It is true that he threatened me! He is so powerful, how dare I defy him?"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng didn't understand what Qian Shanxue meant, turned around slightly, stretched out his index finger, picked Qian Shanxue's chin, and said, "Come on, little girl, give me a kiss!"


Qian Shanxue tiptoed and kissed Ye Fusheng's lips.


Seeing that scene, the son of the dragon exploded instantly as if his head had been struck by a thunderbolt, and his whole body staggered back a few steps.

He couldn't believe that the high-cold goddess whom he fell in love with the first time he met, actually kissed his enemy in front of tens of thousands of players!


All the girls in Xiaoxiang Yeyu exclaimed, and were even more frightened by this scene.

Only Qing Qingru Shui's expression changed slightly, and his body trembled.

After the kiss, Ye Fusheng hugged Qian Shanxue, turned to look at the son of the dragon, and sneered, "What's wrong with me?"

"Bastard! Damn bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

How could the son of the dragon see Ye Fusheng's ostentatious smile, he was furious, and rushed towards Ye Fusheng.


However, before the Son of Dragon approached, Ye Fusheng kicked him out, kicking him back directly.



Seeing this, everyone in the Holy Dragon Guild rushed forward to help the son of the dragon.

"Go away!"

The son of the dragon was short of breath, his eyes were flushed red with anger, and he waved his hand: "Everyone, fuck me, kill Fu Sheng Qian Qian!"


With an order, those people could only sigh when they saw Long Zhizi's angry appearance, and stepped forward one after another, surrounding Ye Fusheng, Qian Shanxue and everyone in the floating world.

"Yo, is this going to be a fight?"

"Oh hehe, I can't leave out the fight!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu and the girls of Xiaolingdang are not vegetarians either, so they hurried forward and confronted everyone.

In an instant, the surrounding audience became excited. The Holy Dragon Guild and the Ukiyo Guild, are they going to fight directly in the main city?
"Kill the floating life for me!"

"Even if you are chased by the main city, you have to kill this bastard!"

Dragon Son's eyes were bloodshot, and he glared at Ye Fusheng angrily, as if he could spew fire.


Mackerel knew that he couldn't stop the Dragon's Son in this state, so he sighed and waved lightly.

All of a sudden, thousands of players quickly gathered around, and all the women in the Ukiyo guild became nervous. After all, this time the Holy Dragon guild brought only the best of the best!
Only Ye Fusheng and Xuejia Fengxian were not nervous, on the contrary they were a little excited!


However, just as thousands of players were about to make a move, the earth trembled like thunder, roaring endlessly!

(PS: Today's third update has been updated with more than 1 words. I will write another chapter later, and try to write enough [-] words!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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