Invincible in one touch

Chapter 177 Empress Scarlet Moon's Bellyband

Chapter 177 Empress Scarlet Moon's Bellyband


The trampling sound of iron hooves was like thunder, echoing in everyone's ears continuously, making everyone tremble with fear.

Turning around quickly, I saw a black torrent galloping from a distance!

"That's the army!"

"Oh my god, how could the NPC army ride horses in the city?"

Seeing this scene, countless players were stunned.

" did the army appear in the city?"

Mackerel suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Fusheng, when she realized that the corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, she was stunned in place as if struck by lightning.


Under the horrified eyes of many players, thousands of cavalry troops arrived and suddenly surrounded everyone.

After all, they are NPCs with high levels and strong attributes. What's more, they are still in the city. Once they resist, they will be hunted down by the entire main city.

In this case, even the enraged Dragon Son had no choice but to wave his hand to make many players retreat.

Seeing this scene, Mackerel breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the son of the dragon was not stupid enough to fight the NPC army.


Seeing many players retreat, those soldiers also got off their horses. In an instant, the eyes of many players fell on the leading general.

All players are curious, why does a general appear at the entrance of the auction house in the city?
The general strode towards Ye Fusheng, and immediately, under the horrified eyes of many players, he knelt down on one knee facing Ye Fusheng, cupped his fists and said, "Subordinate Bai Ye, see the general!"


"Fuck?! Floating Life is actually a general?!"

"My God, how is this possible?! I remember the merit system. To become a general, at least a few million points are required? How did he do it?"

In an instant, countless players couldn't believe their ears, their eyes looking at Ye Fusheng were full of horror.

They really couldn't believe that Ye Fusheng became the general in the game, able to command thousands of troops!
In this way, if there are other large-scale events in the future, wouldn't Ye Fusheng be able to directly lead the NPC army to sweep them away?

The girls of Qianshanxue didn't know about Ye Fusheng's status, so they were all very surprised at this moment, but they still admired him more, and almost everyone had little stars in their eyes.

Ye Xin's little loli is even more proud, isn't she amazing?That's my dad!

However, the most shocking and unbelievable thing is the son of the dragon!
Almost staggering and falling to the ground, Dragon Son looked at Ye Fusheng and roared: "No, I don't believe it! I haven't become a general yet, how could you become a general?!"


As soon as the words fell, dozens of soldiers drew out their sharp blades and stabbed the Dragon Son with fierce expressions on their faces.


Feeling the cold edge suddenly, Dragon Son finally understood the situation, swallowed his saliva, and dared not move.

He understands that these NPC troops will never hold back!
As long as Ye Fusheng gives an order, they will definitely stab their swords at themselves without hesitation.

"General, this thief dares to insult you, do you want to kill him?"

Bai Ye glanced at Dragon Son with a cold expression.

"Need not."

Ye Fusheng waved his hand, signaling many soldiers to put away their sword blades.


A tidy voice sounded, and many soldiers put away their blades and returned to the queue.

Dragon Son breathed a sigh of relief, just about to get up, but Ye Fusheng stepped forward a few steps and came to him.

"You... what are you doing?!"

Frowning slightly, Long Zhizi wanted to curse at first, but when he saw Bai Ye and the others not far behind Ye Fusheng, he swallowed what he wanted to say.


Ye Fusheng smiled lightly: "I just want to tell you one thing, this person, sometimes you can't be too arrogant! Moreover, if you do something wrong, you have to admit it! You have to take a good beating!"


As he spoke, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand, and patted Long Zhizi's cheek, making a crisp sound.

Suddenly being slapped in the face, Dragon Son was furious in his heart, but before he could get angry, the murderous aura suddenly fell, and he was frightened immediately, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body shivered!

Under that kind of threat, how could Dragon Son dare to resist, he could only let Ye Fusheng slap him on the cheek.

clap clap-

The crisp voice kept ringing, Ye Fusheng's expression was cold, and he kept patting the face of Dragon Son.


"Too ruthless! This is to kill people!"

Many players onlookers felt the chill, swallowing their saliva and retreating.

Many players of the Holy Dragon Guild were also angered, but before they rushed forward, the mackerel reached out and stopped them.

Immediately, the eyes of the mackerel looking at Ye Fusheng were full of horror, as if looking at a devil.

Mackerel understood Ye Fusheng's thoughts, if Ye Fusheng let the army take the initiative to attack, which violated the official setting, he would definitely be punished by the higher-ups!
However, if the Holy Dragon Guild strikes first, then Ye Fusheng can completely make the army kill them all!

At a time like this, it is better to let the son of the dragon embarrass himself alone than thousands of people to die!
Sensing the mackerel's gaze, Ye Fusheng raised his head and smiled slightly at her, but in his heart, he said it was a pity.

Unexpectedly, the mackerel actually guessed his mind, he is indeed the brains of the Holy Dragon Guild!
However, what surprised him even more was that the Son of Dragon actually endured this kind of humiliation!

He slapped him a few more times, seeing that his face was swollen, and he didn't dare to fight back, Ye Fusheng felt bored, he couldn't help shaking his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, take your people, get out! Don't come here again Those who disturb my Floating World Guild!"

"We members of the Floating World Guild will not allow anyone to bully us!"

As soon as the words fell, the daughters of Qian Shanxue and Xiaoxiang Yeyu clapped their hands together, and immediately shouted: "Son of the Dragon, give up! Our sister Xue won't fancy an embroidered pillow like yours!"

"Hahaha, hurry up and get out, our Floating World Guild is not afraid of anyone!"

The two girls Xiaoxiang Yeyu and Xiaolingdang yelled directly. In an instant, the son of the dragon looked weird and looked at everyone. Then he got up, waved away with the members of the Holy Dragon Guild, and ran away in disgrace.

Seeing this scene, many players in the audience couldn't help but sigh.

That was the Holy Dragon Guild known as the head of the top ten guilds. Unexpectedly, it was defeated so miserably in front of the Floating World Guild.

The good show was over, and many players saw the armored army gathering, but they didn't dare to stay any longer, and left one after another.

For a while, before the auction house, only Ye Fusheng, the girls of the Floating World Guild, and Bai Ye and others were left.

"Brother President..."

Qing Qing Ru Shui pursed her lips, and suddenly asked softly: "You and Sister Xue are not really a couple, are they?"

As soon as Qingqing Rushui was asked, the eyes of all the girls in Xiaoxiang Yeyu lit up, and they all ignited the soul of gossip, and rushed forward: "That's right, little brother president, what are you and Sister Xue?" relationship?"

"The domineering one kisses her, ahhh, I'm so envious!"

The girls kept looking at Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue, even if they were blood armored first, they all stared deeply at Qian Shanxue, if Qian Shanxue really had something to do with Ye Fusheng, then she was the boss's wife, he had to be careful right.

"certainly not!"

Before Ye Fusheng opened his mouth to deny it, Qian Shanxue said with a smile: "I just hit the son of the dragon and borrowed the president's mouth to use it! Well, I don't like flirtatious old men with daughters!"

"Old man?!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but glared at Qian Shanxue viciously, labor and management are only nineteen, okay, dare to say that I am an old man, tonight, I will make you look good again!

Hearing Qian Shanxue's explanation, the girls started making noise again, and Qing Qing Ru Shui was no longer worried.

After chatting for a while, Ye Fusheng drove the girls away, and asked Qian Shanxue to continue leveling with little Lolita.

After all, Bai Ye came here directly, there must be something big happening, and it is completely impossible to bring little Lolita to level up.

Fortunately, little Lolita is very well-behaved, knowing that Ye Fusheng has important things to do, not only did she not cry or make trouble, but she even took the initiative to send a kiss to let Ye Fusheng work hard!
This made all the girls laugh, but Ye Fusheng couldn't laugh or cry, and was quite moved in his heart.

It seems good to have such a daughter.

The girls left chattering, and Ye Fusheng rushed to the City Lord's Mansion with Bai Ye and others.

Needless to say, if Bai Ye and the others were able to lead troops into the city, something big must happen!
Moreover, it must be related to his senior sister Xingyun!
"General, the city lord has said that you must hurry there today. We went to the city lord's mansion to receive the military salary, and we are going to the Beiping wilderness!"

"General, do you have any orders?"

Bai Ye asked carefully.

"It's nothing, just listen to my senior sister!"

Ye Fusheng patted Bai Ye's shoulder, and said in a low voice: "I only have one request for you, not how many demons to kill, how many offensives to repel, I just hope that you can all return safely!"

"Yes, General!"

Hearing this, thousands of soldiers were all staring at Ye Fusheng, feeling quite moved in their hearts.

It was the first time that someone cared so much about them!
After rushing to the city lord's mansion, Bai Ye went to collect the army's salary, while Ye Fusheng rushed towards the backyard.

When Ye Fusheng rushed to the backyard, Xing Yun was waving the soul-suppressing sword, and with a single strike, the invisible sword energy shot up into the sky, as if it could tear apart the sky and the earth.

"Junior Brother, you are here!"

Sensing Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun put away the Soul Suppressing Sword and smiled.

"Yeah, Senior Sister, I'm here!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said, "Senior Sister, guess how many gold coins I earned this time?"


Xing Yun originally had other things to say, but when she heard the word "gold coin", her eyes sparkled.

She was under too much pressure, the entire city and more than a dozen troops had to be supported by her alone, and she was extremely short of money, so when she heard Ye Fusheng's words, her breathing became short of breath.

"How much money did you make? Is it enough to pay off the previous debt?"

Xing Yun looked at Ye Fusheng with a smile.

"Hey, not only can you pay it off, maybe you can even buy it, Senior Sister!"

Ye Fusheng grinned.

"Buy me?"

Blinking her eyes, Xing Yun covered her mouth and smiled: "Little guy, do you still want to buy your senior sister? I am very expensive! If you want to support me, ordinary people can't do it!"

"Well, at least..."

Xing Yun wrung her fingers, turned her head slightly, stuck out her tongue towards Ye Fusheng, and said with a smile: "At least, it will cost 300 million gold coins! That's enough to cover the army and the city for three months!"

"300 million gold coins?"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly: "Then senior sister, you are mine! Hahaha, I made more than 400 million this time!"


"400 million?!"

"Then we got rich?!"

Hearing this number suddenly, Xing Yun was stunned, showing a look of happiness, she didn't notice what she said earlier.

"Yeah, I made a fortune!"

Looking at Xing Yun's happy smile, Ye Fusheng's heart warmed up, and he became much calmer, feeling very comfortable.

"It's great, junior brother, you are really amazing!"

After getting confirmation and solving the long-standing financial crisis, Xing Yun rushed to Ye Fusheng like a little girl, hugged him and twirled around, giggling and saying, "Junior Brother, how can you ask Senior Sister to thank you?" OK?"

"Stop, stop, stop! I'm almost dizzy!"

Xing Yun's strength is so great, Ye Fusheng's whole head was stunned when she flicked her speed, and he yelled out quickly.

Hearing this, Xing Yun came to her senses, suppressed her smile, put Ye Fusheng down, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Junior Brother, you are not in good shape!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but want to cry, why does it sound like that?
However, facing a powerful senior sister, Ye Fusheng didn't dare to be shy, what if he was beaten up?
"Okay, let's talk about the money later."

At this time, Xing Yun suppressed her excitement, and also remembered the business, her expression became concentrated, and she said in a deep voice: "I came to you this time because I have something to talk about!"

"The bellyband of Empress Scarlet Moon you got last time, is it still there?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Ye Fusheng shuddered violently!
(PS: Today is [-] words, ah, I will continue to write during the day!!! Also, please ask for the recommendation ticket of the day!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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