Invincible in one touch

Chapter 178 Eat Me

Chapter 178 Eat Me
"Last time, you got Queen Scarlet Moon's bellyband, is it still there?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Ye Fusheng shuddered violently, waved his hands quickly and said: "Ahem, Senior Sister, I have already thrown away that bellyband!"


"Really throw it away?"

Frowning slightly, Xing Yun sighed: "You stayed for so long, why did you throw it away all of a sudden?"

"Didn't you say last time, let me throw away those unhealthy things?"

Ye Fusheng's cheeks were slightly red, in fact, he didn't throw away the apron at all, but he was afraid that Xingyun was fishing, what if he took it out and was beaten up by his senior sister?
"Don't throw it away early, don't throw it away later, it seems that I can only consider other methods!"

Xing Yun's expression gradually became serious.

"Senior sister, what happened?"

Sensing that Xing Yun didn't seem to be joking, Ye Fusheng couldn't help asking.

"If you want to kill Empress Scarlet Moon completely, besides the soul-suppressing sword, you also need one of her things. Set up a formation against her and use extraordinary potions to purify her soul."

Xing Yun said in a deep voice: "But Empress Feiyue is very careful, she can't get her personal items at all!"

"I need something from Queen Crimson Moon..."

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought of the crimson heart, and asked: "Then is her heart okay?"

Saying that Ye Fusheng took out the crimson heart from his backpack, in an instant, a special power surged, and the devilish energy pervaded, pushing back even the power of light a little.

"This is……"

"The heart of Empress Scarlet Moon?!"

Xing Yun was quite surprised, lightly clenched her right hand, and the crimson heart immediately floated into her hand, lingering with devilish energy, traces of holy aura gathered.

"This is not her heart, but a power crystal nucleus."

Shaking her head slightly, Xing Yun smiled: "However, this is enough! Well done, little guy!"

"It's good if it's useful. Hey, sister, if I take this out, should I be rewarded?"

Ye Fusheng began to ask for benefits. If he wanted to become powerful, he had to have a thick skin.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly!"

Pointing at Ye Fusheng's forehead, Xing Yun put away her crimson heart, and said in a low voice: "At the moment, the only thing that needs is the extraordinary potion! Junior brother, there is one more thing to trouble you."

"What's the matter? Just say it!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, it seemed that another mission was coming!

"It is said that there are six extraordinary pharmacy masters in Dynasty, and one of them is hidden in Xinshou Village No. 696969. Junior brother, please go back to Xinshou Village and find that master of pharmacy for me!"

Xing Yun smiled and looked at Ye Fusheng.


"System prompt: whether to accept the A-level main task [Superb Pharmacy Master], mission objective: find the Transcendent Pharmacist hidden in Novice Village, and invite him to Sunset City. Task reward: According to the player's favorability with the Transcendent Pharmacist It depends!"

Resolutely accepting the task, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being surprised, he never thought that there was a pharmacy master of that level in Xinshou Village No. 696969 where he was at the beginning!
"Little guy, you must be careful! It is said that all the pharmacy masters are people with eccentric personalities. If you really can't invite them, find their seats and call me, and I will let them agree!"

Xing Yun patted Ye Fusheng's shoulder, the corners of her mouth curled up, especially confident.

Ye Fusheng smiled wryly, if you were asked to go, I'm afraid that he would directly tie someone else here!
"Don't worry, sister, I will definitely complete the task!"

After chatting for a while, after confirming that there were no other tasks that could be triggered, Ye Fusheng turned around and left the City Lord's Mansion.

From the looks of it, the main storyline for Empress Scarlet Moon is about to begin.

【Phew, I'm about to confront the Demon General... I don't know, what level will it be above the Demon General? Will the following plot attract people from the Dynasty? 】

[No, the level is still low now, so it shouldn't trigger a war between dynasties so soon! 】

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng didn't want to think too much, summoned the angry flame horse, and galloped towards No. 696969 Xinshou Village.

It has been nearly 20 days since the server was opened, and most of the players have already arrived at the secondary main city. The formerly bustling Novice Village has gradually become deserted.

Especially the number 696969, which is at the bottom of the list, has almost no players, only scattered NPCs, and looks like an expert.

Walking in Novice Village, Ye Fusheng kept looking for NPCs and talking to them, but none of them looked like a potion master, let alone triggering the mission.

After searching for a long time, even the village head and the patrol captain searched several times, but they couldn't find the medicine master, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but wonder.

There are no special old people in Xinshou Village!
"Forget it, since you can't find the extraordinary potion master, go find that girl first, and then exchange some special potions!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng felt faint pain in his kidney.

Others need to spend money to buy medicine, but he needs kidneys to buy medicine!
However, I was able to exchange for countless precious medicines with a temporary pain, and I made a profit!

After finding the room in the wooden house of the NPC girl who sells medicine, Ye Fusheng stepped forward after a moment of hesitation.

Look firm!

A true warrior who dares to face the lovely loli and face the dripping water, what kind of mourner and happy person he is!
Pain and happiness!

Maybe it's because there are no players, the NPC girl is not outside to pick up the guests, and there are constant "bang bang" sounds in the wooden house, as if she is researching some special medicine.

Stepping into the wooden house, Ye Fusheng glanced over, and saw the NPC girl rolling up her sleeves, mixing a pile of colored liquid together, continuously expanding and agitating.


As if sensing Ye Fusheng's arrival, the NPC girl turned around abruptly, and when she saw Ye Fusheng's appearance clearly, she opened her mouth slightly and froze in place.

"You... it's you!"

The NPC girl was so excited that she didn't even care about the liquid, she looked at Ye Fusheng excitedly.

The time in the game is different from that in reality, therefore, Ye Fusheng didn't come to her for ten days, but in the game it was several months, which made her miss her especially.

"Ahem, um, is there any special medicine?"

Ye Fusheng said seriously: "I'm here to buy medicine!"


The NPC girl showed a shy look on her face, and said: "I have all kinds of medicine, even if I don't have any, as long as you can tell the effect, I can refine it for you!"

While speaking, the NPC girl stared closely at Ye Fusheng, stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, her eyes were full of greed.

Even Ye Fusheng couldn't bear that look.

After all, this girl wants too much!
"What medicines are there? What is the price?"

Ye Fusheng asked.

"There are many kinds, including increasing strength, increasing qi and blood, and various enchanting effects! There are also poisons and spring medicines, it depends on what you want!"

The NPC girl blushed and said, "As for the price, it depends on... how you perform!"

After finishing speaking, a row of potions and their effects appeared, making Ye Fusheng's eyes brighten.

Special experience enhancement potion (LV5): After use, it can increase the amount of experience gained for upgrading by 50%, and the amount of experience gained for skill upgrading by 100% for 100 minutes
Special Strength Potion (LV5): After use, it can increase its own strength by 50%, and there is a 5% chance of triggering double damage when attacking, lasting for 100 minutes
Special stamina potion (LV5): After use, it can increase its own stamina by 50%, and has a 5% chance of triggering a rebound effect when being attacked, reflecting 100% of the damage it receives to the enemy for 100 minutes
Special Hawkeye Elixir (LV5): After use, it can increase its own critical strike rate by 50% for 100 minutes
Special Flame Potion (LV5): After use, it can make its own weapons with fire attributes, causing extra damage to undead, undead, demons, ghosts, and snow attribute enemies. When attacking, there is a 5% chance to trigger the flame explosion effect, Cause high damage to targets within 10X10 yards, lasting for 100 minutes
Special Ice Potion (LV5): After use, you can make your own weapon with ice attribute, causing extra damage to water attribute and wind attribute targets, and there is a 3% chance to freeze the enemy for 3 seconds when attacking, lasting for 100 minute
"Good things, all good things!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng had the urge to loot all the medicine.

In itself, he has dual hidden occupations, and the experience required for leveling up is terrifyingly high. He also has a holy-level pet, which is even a huge beast. The experience points he needs to level up are almost six times or even higher than other players. Ten times more!

With this special potion, at least half of his leveling time can be saved.

As for other potions, they are good helpers on the road to leveling up.

Increase strength, stamina, increase critical strike rate, enchant weapon attributes, can cause extremely high damage to monsters according to their attributes, and can definitely double or triple Ye Fusheng's spawning efficiency!
But, wanting to get all these potions, Ye Fusheng had a hunch that his kidneys might be hurting for a few days.

"Can you give me all these medicines?"

Clenching his fists, Ye Fusheng asked firmly.

For these medicines, fight!
"Oh? You want them all?"

Swallowing, the NPC girl looked at Ye Fusheng with glowing eyes, especially when she thought of Ye Fusheng's majesty last time, her saliva almost didn't flow out.

"That's right!"

Ye Fusheng looked determined.

"Hee hee, then you should be ready to accompany me for a day or two!"

Grinning, the NPC girl bounced and closed the door, and immediately threw herself into Ye Fusheng's arms, wrapped her hands around his neck, and kissed his face with her tender red lips.

Warm fragrance and warm jade in his arms, feeling the fiery body temperature, and the shy and fierce kiss of the girl, how could Ye Fusheng, a real man of iron blood, bear it?
Holding the girl tightly, Ye Fusheng returned a kiss.


Suddenly, Ye Fusheng's ear was bitten, and just when he was about to raise his head, hot air gushed out from his ears, and a whisper sounded: "Brother, tear me apart, eat me!"

Hearing these words, Ye Fusheng's heart became hot, and he threw the girl onto the bed.

For a moment, the whole wooden house shook violently again,

The sun in the game has dimmed!
(PS: Today's first update, I feel like I'm going to die, ah, Xingyun will kill me!)

(End of this chapter)

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