Invincible in one touch

Chapter 180 Reward, peerless sacred weapon? !

Chapter 180 Reward, peerless sacred weapon? !


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia theater player [Floating Life] and [Protoss] for getting married. May the two grow old together and love each other forever!"

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia theater player [Floating Life] for being the first to get married. You will be rewarded with 10000000 experience points, 10000 reputation points, and Pioneer Crystal X1!"

"World Server Announcement: Since the player [Floating Life] in the Huaxia War Zone is the first to get married, the version update will be performed in 30 minutes. All players are requested to log off within 30 minutes! The server will officially open at 12 noon tomorrow! This version update Please check the content on the official website!"

Three different server announcements fell in succession, and in an instant, the whole world boiled up.

"My shit?!"

"Didn't you say that the marriage system needs to be more than 100 levels? Why did the guy with a thousand lives get married right away?"

"Niubi, he can actually cross the version and force the official game to update overnight. Is this a bug?"

Countless male players were shocked, not only them, but all the female players were also shocked.

"Who is Protoss? Why haven't I seen her name on various rankings before?"

"Hiss... that girl is really lucky, hey, if I can marry Floating Life Wanqian, then I will be the wife of the first president!"

"Ah, why not me! Hey, I really want to join the Floating World Guild!"

Some female players are even more envious, or curious about the identity of the protoss.

In the Guangming Church, Ye Fusheng was also stunned. He didn't expect that because of his marriage to the Protoss, the version would be updated again.

"Beep beep!"

The address book kept ringing, Ye Fusheng glanced at it, and saw that it belonged to Qian Shanxue and Liu Yue, so he didn't care, and rushed to the city lord's mansion with the star spirit.

The chat interface of the Floating World Guild exploded at this time.

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Wow, who is that protoss? I've never heard of such a No. [-] person. Why did you marry the little brother of the president?"

Clear as water: "Sister Xue, you have a pretty good relationship with the president, do you know who that girl is?"

Ke Lan: "Same request, I'm also curious, who is that girl, the president doesn't seem to have brought her to see us!"

Feng Lingxue Wu: "Who knows where he found it, hmph, with his hard work, it's very easy to find a girl to marry!"

Non-sweet toffee: "I'm just curious, what kind of girl can make our president marry her, and how good-looking is she? She can't be prettier than Sister Xue, right?"

Ye Xin: "What is marriage? But I know who is prettier than my mother! My mother! Daddy must think so too!"

Feng Lingxue Wu: "..."

Clear as water: "..."

Ke Lan: "..."

Feng Lingxuewu: "Forget it, everyone go offline first, don't wait until the time is up, force to log off, it is easy to make mistakes!"

————————Pure dividing line———————

Sunset City, City Lord's Mansion.

Ye Fusheng brought Xingling, rode his horse to the front of the city lord's mansion, got off his horse, held the hand of Xingling, and walked slowly into the city lord's mansion.

Now that they are married, Ye Fusheng will not hide it.

As soon as he entered the City Lord's Mansion, Xingling suddenly raised his head, his face was shocked, and his footsteps stopped for a moment.

"what happened?"

Ye Fusheng hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing, I sensed a very strong person!"

Xingling shook his head, and immediately laughed: "You are so worried about me, but you are a competent husband!"

"Huh, resisting the demons is the most important thing, you go with me to see the senior sister first!"

Ye Fusheng sighed, and helplessly pulled Xingling to the backyard.

However, as soon as he entered the backyard, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt that the air around him became stagnant.

Looking up, he suddenly saw that Xing Yun was staring at Xing Ling with a solemn expression.

Xingling was smiling, happy and unafraid, but held Ye Fusheng's hand tightly with one hand.

There is a feeling among the strong.

Protoss can sense the existence of Xingyun, and Xingyun can naturally find Protoss!
Originally, Xing Yun thought that Xing Ling was here to find fault, but when she saw Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling holding hands, she was stunned.

"Junior Brother, who is this?"

Squinting her eyes slightly, Xing Yun asked softly.

"Senior sister, this is my wife!"

Speaking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help showing embarrassment, and said: "She is also the master of extraordinary medicine you are looking for!"

"Huh? She turned out to be an extraordinary potion master?!"

Hearing this sentence, Xing Yun was suddenly surprised.

There are only a few masters of extraordinary pharmacy in the whole world, and everyone has a very high comprehension of the way of medicine, and their status is very high, no worse than those of their peak warriors.

The Protoss in front of him is a Master of Extraordinary Pharmacy, but also possesses strength not much weaker than hers. How terrifying is that kind of talent?
However, what surprised Xing Yun even more was what Ye Fusheng called her.

"You mean, you two are married?!"

Xing Yun patted her forehead, unable to believe it.

"Xingling visits Senior Sister, if there is any order, the younger sister will definitely do it!"

Xing Ling saluted Xing Yun slightly, showing kindness.

Ye Fusheng took a careful look at the two of them, and found that the two looked normal and regarded each other as strangers, which dispelled a doubt in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Xing Yun and Xing Ling had similar names and little difference in strength, so there would be some connection, but now it seems that they don't know each other!


After a moment of silence, Xing Yun got up suddenly, and with a move with his right hand, a divine sword emerged. In an instant, the breath of ice spread, and heavy snow fell from the originally clear sky.


Snowflakes fluttered, mixed with cold air, and immediately flooded the entire backyard.

The terrifying power, mixed with crisp sounds, immediately turned into giant frost dragons, rushing towards Ye Fusheng and Xingling.

It's slow to say, but in fact, it's only a breath time, and there are ice dragons roaring all over the sky, and the sharp sword energy mixed with cold snow, slaps in front of Ye Fusheng and the two.


Seeing this scene suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but shrink his pupils suddenly, his eyes were full of horror.

He finally understood how terrifying Xing Yun's strength was!
It didn't even last a second, and he just blinked his eyes. The surroundings were filled with cold air and giant frost dragons, and he had no doubt that if Xing Yun wanted to kill them both, they would not even have any room to fight back. No!
【Gulu... This is the strength of Senior Sister Xingyun? 】

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng shook his head, quickly stood up, stood in front of Xingling, and said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, what are you doing? She is my wife!"

After the words fell, the cold air gradually dissipated, and the Frost Dragon glanced at Ye Fusheng, and also retreated slowly.

Xing Yun's wrist trembled, and she put down the Excalibur, but she still stared at the Protoss.

Looking at Ye Fusheng's thin, but majestic back like a mountain, Xingling smiled, tears streaming down his face.

She is very happy, but, for some reason, she always has the urge to cry.

"Hey, Junior Brother..."

With a sigh, Xing Yun threw out the divine sword with a "swish", and said in a deep voice: "How did you meet her? Do you know that she is not a weak woman, and her strength is far above that of Queen Scarlet Moon?" !Even if I don’t use all my strength, I can’t be sure to kill her!”

There is another sentence that Xing Yun didn't say, how could she be with you for a powerhouse of this level?
Even in the game world, if a man wants to conquer a woman, he has to surpass her in strength!
Therefore, Xing Yun doubted the motives of Protoss.


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help showing embarrassment, he couldn't say that he slept with this girl twice in order to buy medicine, so he could only be responsible for her and married her, right?

In that case, what would Xing Yun think of him?

"calm down!"

Xingling took a step forward, stood shoulder to shoulder with Ye Fusheng, and said to Xingyun: "Senior sister, Fusheng knows my strength, and I have never hidden it from him. As for the reason for marrying him, what do you think, like it?" Alone, do you have a reason? Sister!"

When the last senior sister said it, Xing Yun trembled all over, looking at the two girls Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling standing side by side, she was in a trance.

"Forget it, since you guys really love each other and haven't lied to each other, then naturally I won't care too much."

Slightly nodding, Xing Yun waved her hands lightly, and in an instant, the courtyard that was originally filled with cold air was once again singing birds and fragrant flowers.

Walking slowly to the pavilion, Xing Yun poured three cups of tea and sat down.

Seeing this, Ye Fuchang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly walked over with the protoss.

Sitting together in the pavilion, Xing Yun said in a deep voice: "Since you are already married, I should also call you brother and sister. I just want to ask you, can you really make extraordinary medicine?"

In the whole world, the Masters of Transcendent Potion that Xing Yun knew were all thousands of years old with gray beards. He had never seen one as young as Protoss.

"That's natural."

Xing Ling nodded and said, "Although making the supernatural potion consumes a lot of energy for me, for the sake of floating life, I am willing!"


The corner of Xing Yun's mouth twitched, feeling a little irritable for no reason.

Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Talk to Senior Sister!"

"Okay, senior sister, what kind of potion do I need?"

Xing Ling stuck out his tongue and said with a smile: "As long as it's not those kinds of forbidden medicinal materials, I'm fine!"

"The potion I need to make is the soul-eliminating liquid!"

Xing Yun's expression turned positive.

"Yes, but you need to prepare the medicinal materials!"

Protoss didn't refuse.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the mission [Extraordinary Potion Master], and get the reward of eternal love X1!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the follow-up task [Collecting the medicinal materials of the soul liquid]. The mission goal: to find the medicinal materials for making the soul liquid, task rewards, high experience value rewards, and generous equipment rewards!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the first phase of the task [Marriage] of [Three Lives], and reaching close friendship with Protoss!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for starting the second phase of the mythical chain mission [Three Lives] mission [Concentric], mission objective: ???, mission reward: peerless sacred weapon!"

"Huh? A peerless sacred artifact?!"

(PS: I will continue to write, there should be an update in the early morning!!! Ask the brothers for recommendation tickets on Monday!!! Check the list!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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