Invincible in one touch

Chapter 181 God Chapter Title, Eternal Love

Chapter 181 Mythical Title, Eternal Love


"Peerless sacred artifact?!"

Ye Fusheng was a little surprised, the game is still in the early stage, and the players are generally only over 30 levels, did they actually produce a peerless sacred weapon?
That's a reward, not a quest item, which means it can be used!

However, Ye Fusheng took a closer look at the task and was relieved again.

The goal of the mission is a question mark. It is estimated that it is extremely difficult to complete the mission, otherwise, the reward will not be a masterpiece.

What he has to do now is to find the medicinal materials for making the soul-eliminating liquid.

"Junior Brother, if you want to refine Lihun Liquid, the most important medicinal material, Lihunxiang, is located on the edge of the Ghost Realm and the Demon Race, the Valley of Myriad Tribulation Souls!"

"There is a mysterious barrier there, I can't rush over it, and I can only leave it to you to find the medicinal materials!"

Staring at Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun told the location of the mission.

"No problem, I will collect enough Lihunxiang as soon as possible!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng firmly memorized the names of the herbs.

"Okay, you guys..."

After ordering the task, Xing Yun sized up Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling, with a strange look on his face, hesitant to speak.

"Senior Sister, then you should be busy first. Xingling just came to Sunset City, so I'll take her to get acquainted."

Seeing that something was wrong with Xing Yun, Ye Fusheng quickly got up and left with Xing Ling.

Looking at the back of Ye Fusheng and Xing Ling leaving, Xing Yun couldn't help feeling inexplicably irritable.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Xingling hugged Ye Fusheng's arm like a little girl, looking at him with eyes full of love.

Just now when Xing Yun made a move, the terrifying power destroyed the world, and even she felt threatened by death, but Ye Fusheng stood in front of her without hesitation, making her even more grateful for her decision.

Bringing the Protoss directly back to the mansion in Sunset City, Ye Fusheng introduced Sunset City to the Protoss, and set the Protoss as the master of the mansion.

Numerous NPC guards and maids saluted the Protoss one after another.

After setting everything up, when Ye Fusheng and Protoss returned to the room, about 20 minutes had passed, and the server was about to go offline for maintenance.

"Xing Ling, you look at the mansion first, I'll go out to find the Lihuncao! These few days, you can wait at home with peace of mind, if you have anything to do, just go to the senior sister."

Ye Fusheng groaned, and said seriously: "After all, Xingyun is my senior sister and the city lord!"

"Well, I understand."

Xingling arranged Ye Fusheng's clothes, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will take care of the house. You must be careful when you go to the Valley of Myriad Tribulation Souls. There is a special kind of ghost in it, which is very strange and difficult to deal with!"

"Come back early, remember, I'm still waiting for you at home!"

Saying that, Xingling hugged Ye Fusheng and leaned his head against his chest.

The warm feeling is like a lady sending off soldiers before the battle!
"If you really can't get the Soul-Living Grass, you don't have to be brave, I can use other herbs instead! I just want to see that you can return safely!"

Raising his head, Xingling stood on tiptoe and kissed Ye Fusheng lightly on the face: "Go, my little husband! When you come back, this matter is over, let me have another wedding!"

"it is good!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng hugged Xingling, turned and left, and left the mansion.

But in his heart, he was quite uneasy. If it wasn't for the constant voices reminding him to go offline, he would even suspect that Protoss is a real person!
Whether it's the dialogue or the demeanor, it's all too real!
Touched his soul!
"What an amazing game! I'd like to see what a difference it makes!"

Taking a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the strange emotions and thoughts in his heart, Ye Fusheng opened his backpack, ready to sort out the rewards he got from the previous missions, and then go offline to rest.

It just so happened that ten hours of maintenance was enough for him to calm down.

There are two rewards in total, Pioneer's Crystallization and Eternal Love.

The Eye of Truth skill was released, and the attributes suddenly flew out.

Pioneer's Crystal (consumable): After use, permanently increase own strength by 100 points or blood value by 10000 points, and randomly increase a special attribute

Eternal Love (Mythical Class - Title)
Blood value: 30%
Mana: 30%
Strength: +30%
Defense: +30%
Critical rate: +30%
Movement Speed: +30%
Attack Speed: +30%
Casting Speed: +30%
Experience Point Gain: +50%
Husband and wife concentric: When the distance between the player and the partner is within 100 yards, all attributes of the player +300%
Life and death follow: When one of the partners is dying, the other half can sense it and teleport it to the other side in an instant, restoring 99% of its vitality and mana

Features: upgradeable

Description: A lucky fetish blessed by the goddess of love
Grade: none
" this actually a title?! It's still a mythical title!"

"All kinds of attributes increase by 30%, and the amount of experience gained can also increase by 50%. When you are with the Protoss, the attributes increase by 300%. This title is against the sky!"

After reading the attribute of eternal love, Ye Fusheng was amazed. This attribute is almost no worse than a fairy weapon, and its characteristics can be upgraded to become more powerful!
What's even better is that this title doesn't have any usage requirements, and the buff effect is still a percentage, which can be used from now until the game is closed!

He quickly took on the title of Eternal Love, and in an instant, Ye Fusheng's attack soared by 1000+, and his blood value also rose to a high of 12 points.

Looking around the world, there is probably no player who can reach half of Ye Fusheng's attributes!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully using the pioneer's crystal, dark attribute resistance +500!"

"Huh? Dark attribute resistance?"

"Another brand new attribute?!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was not disappointed. After passing through the characteristics of being as light as a swallow and being as firm as a rock, he already understood that when the special attribute reaches a certain value, he can activate special skills, and the attribute is extremely powerful.

That special attribute is far more important than blood value, attack power, and defense power.

Ye Fusheng is quite looking forward to it even if he still gets a special attribute with no known purpose.

Both good things have been used, prepare all the special potions, and go offline!
As soon as he got off the line, after Ye Fusheng opened his eyes, he felt that the air around him was not right.

Turning around, I saw Qian Shanxue with a calm expression, sitting aside, watching him quietly.

Be careful not to be seen, he should have run out of the room.

"What's wrong? Look at me like that?"

After moving his body for a while, Ye Fusheng suddenly found that he felt refreshed all over, and he didn't feel any discomfort from lying down for a long time.

What surprised him even more was that he couldn't relieve his anger after holding back all night yesterday, and after going offline this time, the restlessness completely dissipated.

This made him particularly shocked. Could it be that in the game, it can also resolve the sequelae of the drugs he used?
"It's nothing, I'm just curious, who is that protoss in the game?"

Qian Shanxue said angrily: "The two of us are engaged anyway, and you are still married to someone else in the game? Are you not afraid that your father and my father will find out?"

"only games."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng withdrew his thoughts, stared at Qian Shanxue, suddenly frowned slightly, and said with a smile: "Why, you care about me so much? Are you really in love with me?"

"Go to hell, who will fall in love with a big carrot like you!"

His face changed slightly, Qian Shanxue grabbed the pillow suddenly, and threw it on Ye Fusheng's head.


Reaching out to take the pillow, Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "This is not how pillows are used, they should be placed under the body!"

"Hmph, drive again!"

Qian Shanxue's cheeks were rosy, and she said angrily: "You haven't answered me yet, who is the Protoss? You may not know, but now you and the Prosper are the hottest people in the whole game!"

"I'm also very curious, how did you cross the version and get married so early! You actually forced the Destiny Group to maintain it overnight and open the function in advance!"

"I'm afraid, from tomorrow onwards, there will be many couples appearing, hey, I will be abused again..."

Speaking of this, Qian Shanxue couldn't help but glance at Ye Fusheng.

"Protoss is a game NPC."

Ye Fusheng didn't care too much, and said softly: "I accepted a hidden mission, so that I can marry the protoss, otherwise, do you think the system will open this function?"

"Phew, this game is really interesting. To do a mission, there is still such a plot!"


Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Qian Shanxue couldn't help but get dizzy, and said in shock: "You told me, that protoss is an NPC? Do you think I really..."

Just as she was about to say she didn't believe it, Qian Shanxue suddenly thought of Ye Fusheng's humanoid pet Xingxing, and dared not speak anymore.

After all, what happened to Ye Fusheng cannot be measured by common sense at all!

"That's right, I'm married to an NPC, and even triggered a hidden mission!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "Perhaps, in a few days, because of me, there will be a main story mission that will affect the entire China!"

"Bah, how is it possible?"

"Do you think that kind of task is so easy to get?"

Qian Shanxue rolled her eyes and exclaimed: "It's amazing, this game can actually marry an NPC..."

"Okay, don't say so much, take advantage of the maintenance for more than ten hours and have a good rest. Starting tomorrow, you have to worry about clearing the mission again!"

Ye Fusheng sighed, he had a hunch that the task of killing Empress Feiyue must be very difficult.

"It just so happens that you accompany me to see Lingfeng tonight, hoping to drag her into the floating world!"

Qian Shanxue's expression straightened.

At this time, Ye Xin was carried back by Qing Ning, there was still cream on the corner of her mouth, obviously, the little Lolita went to eat again just now.

"Daddy, I miss my mother!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng wake up, Ye Xin threw herself into his arms with a rather disappointed expression: "I miss my mother again!"


Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling dizzy, I don't even know who your mother is, how can I coax you?

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought, since he is going to see Lingfeng soon, he might as well take Qingning and Ye Xin out together, to relax and play in Jianghai City.

After all, Ye Xin is a little girl, so she should be easy to coax.

"Hey, be careful, we haven't built a spaceship yet, so we can't save your mother!"

"Why don't we go out together tonight and see if we can find other ways!"

Ye Fusheng showed a bright smile.

After a while, Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning packed up, and a group of four went out together under the invisible protection of several bodyguards.

After playing for a few hours, the sun was setting, Qian Shanxue immediately asked Qingning to continue playing with the little loli after receiving a call, and rushed to the agreed Lanyin Cafe together with Ye Fusheng.

Lanyin Cafe is one of the top business negotiating shops in Jianghai City. It can be seen from this that Lingfeng's net worth is not low, otherwise she would not dare to ask Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue to come here.

When they came to the agreed private room, Lingfeng hadn't arrived yet, Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue ordered two cups of coffee and waited for Lingfeng's arrival.

"Da da da!"

Not long after, the sound of crisp high-heeled footsteps came. Ye Fusheng turned his head and saw the small door open, and a pair of crystal clear, slender jade legs stepped into the private room.

Looking up, Ye Fusheng's pupils shrank suddenly!

(PS: The first update today, there will be more tonight!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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