Chapter 182
Slender jade legs, a proud figure, as for the face, it is even more beautiful!
Coupled with black high heels, red cheongsam, and the slightly raised corners of the mouth, it looks charming and charming!

Even Qian Shanxue couldn't help but look down at his plain grassland after seeing the look of the visitor, and immediately showed shame.

Sensing the expressions of Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue, Lingfeng smiled, closed the door with her backhand, and sat directly opposite Ye Fusheng.

"If you guess correctly, the two of you are Floating Life, Feng Ling Xue Wu, right?"

"Today's leader on the ranking list!"

Lingfeng's eyes seemed to be able to speak, staring at Ye Fusheng closely.

"That's right!"

Qian Shanxue suddenly came to her senses, and said with a smile, "Miss Lingfeng, to invite the No. 1 Floating Life in the world to come here, your face is not ordinary!"

"Indeed, the little girl is extremely frightened!"

Lingfengjiao laughed out loud: "I'm lying, I'm also very curious, what is the strength of the legendary Floating Life! After the arena opens, I wonder if the president can compete with me?"

"Huh? Is this called the president?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised.

"That's natural."

Lingfeng smiled and said: "I have already said that as long as you sincerely invite me, I will never refuse. Now that the president and vice president are here together, how can I refuse?"

"What's more, I believe in you and can lead the Floating World Guild to become the number one guild in the world!"

Saying that, Lingfeng looked at Ye Fusheng with a strange look in his eyes.

"Miss Lingfeng is really refreshing, she is indeed a top ten player on!"

Qian Shanxue smiled brightly: "I believe that with your arrival, our Floating World Guild will be even stronger!"

For a while, Lingfeng and Qianshanxue began to greet each other politely, flattering each other, which made Ye Fusheng's eyes look weird.

Rolling his eyes, Ye Fusheng rubbed his chin, staring at Lingfeng closely, he always had a premonition in his heart, the reason why Lingfeng was willing to join Ukiyo must not be simple!
However, he is not afraid. After all, he is extremely powerful in the game, and he has already opened a huge gap with other players. Even Zilong in white can't pose much threat to him, let alone a phoenix?
If Lingfeng had other intentions, he would let Lingfeng realize what despair is!
After a long time, after Lingfeng and Qian Shanxue finished their courtesies, and Ye Fusheng also finished his coffee, Lingfeng stretched out his hand, knocked on the table, and said to Ye Fusheng: "President, the little girl has another unfeeling request, I don't know Can you promise?"

"any request?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng asked aloud.

"In the future, if the guild forms an assassin army, can I lead it?"

Lingfeng said confidently: "As long as you give me five thousand assassins, I can do anything for you!"

"This one……"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "If you have the corresponding strength, let alone [-] assassins, [-] assassins can be your commander! But, if there are others whose strength surpasses yours..."

Saying that, Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders, noncommittal.


Lingfeng proudly said: "In this world, there will be no assassin more powerful than me!"


Ye Fusheng also smiled: "Let's wait and see, if you can really show that kind of strength, it doesn't matter if the Assassin Legion is under your control?!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Lingfeng glanced at Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue, and said with a smile: "Since we have settled on the business, the little girl should leave too, and don't disturb the two of you who are in love!"

After finishing speaking, Lingfeng smiled coquettishly, and walked away in high-heeled boots.

Like a gust of wind, it comes and goes in a hurry.

"This girl is quite confident, maybe she really has strength."

Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Assassins... It's not bad to have a high-level assassin join us, he can easily spy on the enemy, and he can also perform beheading missions!"

When entering the later stage of the game, all kinds of guild melees are battles involving hundreds of thousands or millions of people. The map spans a huge scale. No matter how strong Ye Fusheng is alone, he can only stabilize one city in the end. Other masters went to sit in town.

Assassin-type masters are indispensable for every guild!

"Well, how is it? Am I doing well? Another top ten player on!"

Qian Shanxue tilted her head and looked at Ye Fusheng with a smile.

"Tch, if you can bring those top experts like Bai Yi Zilong to me, I will be satisfied!"

Ye Fusheng sighed: "Zilong in white clothes, Yunchang in green clothes, Kongming in crouching dragon, those people are the real strong!"

"The dragon in white..."

Hearing this, Qian Shanxue's face also became serious: "He is indeed very powerful, besides you, he is the only one who can defeat ten thousand with one!"

"Give Feng a period of time, and when his equipment and skills are improved, he will have that kind of strength."

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "From now on, you don't have to focus all your attention on I dare say that in "Reincarnation of the Heavens", the former masters will be tortured and doubt their lives! Perhaps, the top [-] on will Replace it with someone you've never known!"

"You mean, there are many hidden masters?"

Hearing this, Qian Shanxue was quite shocked.

"Shenjiang Pavilion, and Shennong, who was short-lived in the rankings last time, after those people, there must be many masters!"

Ye Fusheng groaned, staring at Qian Shanxue, and said: "I will dream again in the future, if you dream of Shenjiang Pavilion and Shennong, you must tell me!"

"Well, I will."

Slightly nodding, Qian Shanxue picked up the coffee and said with a smile: "Stop talking about it, I finally came out, how about some coffee?"

"Hurry up and drink. After drinking, take her to eat carefully. Seeing that she is very curious about everything, it seems that she has never been to a big city. Let's take her for a stroll."

Not giving Qian Shanxue any face at all, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes in disgust.

Qian Shanxue gritted her teeth, but when she thought that Xiaoxin hadn't eaten yet, she couldn't say much, so after a few sips of coffee, the two went out to pay, and then went to meet Qingning and Xiaoxin.

He found a restaurant at random, and the configuration of a group of four attracted a lot of surprised looks.

Don't talk about Qian Shanxue, just talk about Qingning, Ye Fusheng will be attracted to her, which is enough to prove her appearance. Now that she has arrived at Ye's house, her clothes have been greatly improved. Walking with Qian Shanxue is simply two beautiful landscapes .

Coupled with the cute care, as delicate as a porcelain doll, for a while, everyone couldn't take their eyes off.

Especially when the two women were serving Ye Fusheng, those men's eyes were straightened!
Be careful, it seems that you have never touched many things, and ask questions from time to time, which surprised Ye Fusheng, and made him more sure of his speculation.

Perhaps, Beware really came from other worlds, or even other planets!
Otherwise, how could she not understand even the most basic technology?
After eating, Ye Fusheng took care again and continued playing with the two girls.

Anyway, the game hasn't opened yet, so it doesn't matter if you play outside for a while.

Not long after, Ye Fusheng led Qingning, Qianshanxue, and Caution to the most famous scenic spot in Jianghai City——Jianghai Dachao!
There are seven floors of high platforms, each layer is high, and there are countless tourists standing on each floor, feeling the tide constantly coming from below, like an angry dragon, slapping not far in front of them.

The tide of Jianghai is a wonder in Jianghai City. The sea water is surging and rushing in. It keeps beating on the shore of the tide and sending up waves all over the sky.

Standing on the high platform, tourists feel the turbulent waves and look at the sky full of water, and suddenly feel many emotions.

Throughout the ages, many poets have recited poems and had fun here, which shows that this scene is extraordinary.

The further you go down, the more turbulent the tide is, but the more dangerous it is, the seawater can even hit the channel inside the platform.

However, there are many bodyguards beside Ye Fusheng. Although he has bad genes in his body and cannot live for too long, he has practiced martial arts all year round and has excellent physical fitness.


"These waters are so cute!"

When I came to the deepest part, I looked carefully at the blue water curtain, my eyes lit up, and I cheered.

Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning did not come to the deepest part to see the wonders. Although they were afraid, but with Ye Fusheng beside them, they were not very afraid. Watching the waves one after another, and the waves breaking up, they were also is excited.

Looking down at Xinxin in his arms, and then glancing at the excited Qian Shanxue and Qingning, Ye Fusheng was also quite satisfied.


Suddenly, an exclamation sounded, Ye Fusheng moved his ears, looked up, and suddenly saw, on several high platforms, a figure suddenly fell from the railing.

"Not good! Dangerous!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly pulled Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning back, and handed the care to Qian Shanxue.


Dozens of figures jumped out, quickly protected Ye Fusheng and his party, and forced all the tourists beside them back, causing a burst of exclamation.

But, even so, he still had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Huh? That woman's could it be so familiar?!"

Thinking back carefully, Ye Fusheng felt something was wrong as if he was struck by thunder in his heart!
That exclamation sound is very familiar!
In other words, the person who fell from the high platform was most likely someone he knew!

"No, I can't let her fall alone!"

Lifting his head suddenly, Ye Fusheng let out a soft drink, without the slightest hesitation, he jumped out and flew out from the railing.


"Master, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing this scene, the bodyguards were stunned.

The next moment, Ye Fusheng flew out, but he didn't fall into the sea, but instead rushed towards the fallen woman.


With a loud noise, Ye Fusheng put his hands together, and immediately pulled the woman into his arms.

However, the woman weighed nearly a hundred catties, fell from the several feet high tower, and hit Ye Fusheng on the body, that terrifying force immediately smashed the rising Ye Fusheng down.


With a muffled snort, Ye Fusheng only felt his bones shake violently, but there wasn't much pain, so he didn't have time to be surprised, he hugged the woman vigorously, turned over, immediately hugged the woman into his arms, and immediately fell continuously.

After ensuring the woman's safety, Ye Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief, and looked intently, but his face showed surprise!

At this time, the woman lying in his arms has exactly the same appearance as Qing Qingru Shui in the game!
(PS: Didn’t guess it, Qingqing Rushui is coming out! The next chapter will return to the game, well, as for what happened with Qingqing Rushui, I will never say anything!
Today's second update, 7000 words, and there will be another update tonight! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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