Invincible in one touch

Chapter 183 Artificial Respiration

Chapter 183 Artificial Respiration
"It's you!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't help but exclaimed when he suddenly saw that it was as clear as water.

However, Qing Qingru Shui was in fear, she didn't hear Ye Fusheng's words at all, just like an octopus, she hugged Ye Fusheng tightly and buried her head in his arms.

At this moment, she has regarded Ye Fusheng as the only chance to save her life!


Ye Fusheng and Qingqing Rushui fell quickly and fell into the sea water suddenly, the sea water was violent for a moment, but the waves not far away were strong and beat towards Ye Fusheng and them again.


The surging tide instantly hit Ye Fusheng and Qingqing Rushui, engulfing them completely.


On the high platform, seeing this scene, the bodyguards couldn't help but change their expressions drastically, and they were all anxious.

If something happened to Ye Fusheng, old man Ye would definitely blow their heads off!

Soon, the tide dissipated, and Ye Fusheng floated up with Qing Qing Rushui in his arms.

At this time, the bodyguards breathed a sigh of relief.

On the higher floors, some people in strong clothes frowned and looked fierce.

"Clear as water!"

"How are you? Wake up!"

In the sea water, Ye Fusheng looked at the pale face, fell into a coma, and the sea water was as clear as water gushing out of his mouth and nose, so he couldn't help feeling worried.

Just now the sea water came fiercely, it was as clear as water and was slapped. His physical fitness was too weak, he was directly knocked out, unable to hold his breath, and was flooded by the sea water!

The lethality of sea water is much stronger than that of fresh water, what's more, the clear water is frightened, and the body can't bear it if it is drowned again.

No matter how Ye Fusheng shook her or slapped her on the face, he couldn't wake her up.

This made Ye Fusheng very dizzy, if she couldn't wake up as clear as water, maybe she would die!
"Sorry, I offended you to save you!"

After a long time, Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, pinched his clear and watery nose, and moved towards her mouth.

At this time, only artificial respiration can suck out the seawater in Qingru Shui's body!

"not good!"

"Someone is going to save her!"

On the high platform, those who attacked Qing Qingru Shui saw Ye Fusheng using artificial respiration to save her, their expressions changed drastically, they looked at each other, they turned over and jumped from the railing, and jumped down.

As professional killers, even if there are crocodiles and sharks in the sea, they will never give up their mission!

The sound of breaking through the air continued to sound, and the killers quickly jumped off.

However, the Ye family's bodyguards were not vegetarians either. Seeing this scene, they also reacted and jumped out together, into the sea water.

"It's not good!"

"Come on, someone jumped into the sea!"

However, the group of them jumped into the sea one after another, scaring away many tourists who were still watching the theater just now.

For a moment, only those killers, bodyguards of the Ye family, Ye Fusheng and others were left near Jianghai Dachao.

While giving artificial respiration to Qingru Shui, Ye Fusheng swam towards the shore.

As the sound of diving kept ringing, Ye Fusheng glanced out of the corner of his eye, and immediately discovered the identities of those people, and couldn't help but look cold.

【Is the target of these people me?Or do you want to hunt down Qing Qing Ru Shui? 】

【Phew... No matter who you are, if you want to hurt the people of my Floating World Guild in front of me, you are courting death! 】

His eyes gradually turned hard, Ye Fusheng had already made up his mind, he must make the person in the dark pay the price.

"Come on, kill that bitch and that kid!"

The group of people fell into the sea water, drank a few mouthfuls of sea water, and then floated up, obviously the water quality is not weak.

Immediately, they took out the dagger from their waists and swam towards Ye Fusheng together.

At this time, Ye Fusheng also heard that the goal of those killers is to be as clear as water!
This surprised Ye Fusheng, he didn't expect Qing Qingru Shui to have a high status in reality, and there could be a killer of this size attacking him.

It's just that I don't know which family's eldest lady Qing Qingru Shui is!

Before the group of killers approached Ye Fusheng and Qingqing Rushui, many bodyguards of the Ye family descended from the air.

They are all retired soldier kings. Although their water skills may not be very good, they know how to unload and borrow strength. They found their targets at the moment of falling into the water, and entangled the group of killers.

Ye Fusheng swam to the shore with clear water.

In less than a minute, he quickly swam to the shore, and Ye Fusheng laid Qingruo horizontally on the ground, giving her artificial respiration and pressing her heart at the same time.

"Amitabha, it's as clear as water, I'm here to save you, not to take advantage of you!"

"Well, don't thank me!"

Feeling the warm touch of his hands like suet jade, Ye Fusheng felt a little distracted for a while.


After squeezing for a moment, Qing Qingru Shui suddenly sat up and spit out a mouthful of sea water.

This mouthful of sea water was spit out, clear as water, and he immediately woke up, opened his eyes, and lay weakly in Ye Fusheng's arms.

"Huh... great, you finally woke up!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief when he saw that the water was as clear as water.


As if hearing Ye Fusheng's voice, he raised his head as clear as water, glanced at Ye Fusheng, and smiled: "It seems that I must be dead! Otherwise, how could I see Mr. Chairman..."



Ye Fusheng looked confused, what does it mean that it is as clear as water?
"The embrace of the president is so warm... I really feel safe!"

Qing Qingru Shui's smile became brighter and brighter, and as the sea water spit out, her breath also recovered, and suddenly, her eyes lit up: "Since you are almost dead, and you can still see the president, just give it a kiss. No regrets in life!"

With a murmur, Qingqing Rushui wrapped his hands around Ye Fusheng's head and kissed him directly.

"Come on!"

Ye Fusheng didn't react until he was kissed, he just froze in place, what's going on, I was kissed forcibly?

However, it still feels good!

"Huh... no regrets anymore, even if I die today, I have no regrets!"

Qing Qingru Shui smiled, but her whisper made Ye Fusheng feel distressed.

What kind of life did Qing Qingru Shui live before, not even afraid of death?

After coughing, Ye Fusheng said softly: "Qingqing, you are not dead... I am really your president!"


Hearing this, Qing Qingru Shui couldn't help being stunned, and blinked his eyes.

"Fusheng, what's the matter?!"

At this moment, exclamations continued, and Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning ran over cautiously.

Hearing Qian Shanxue's voice suddenly, Qing Qing Ru Shui was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head to stare at Ye Fusheng, when she felt the fiery body temperature, her cheeks turned red like a boiled crab !
Qing Qingru Shui couldn't even imagine that when he met the president for the first time, he forcibly kissed her!

What would Ye Fusheng think of her?

Fortunately, Qingqing Rushui didn't know that Ye Fusheng had kissed her for several minutes in order to save her.

When Qing Qing Ru Shui was feeling shy, Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning both ran over. At this time, Qian Shan Xue also saw Qing Qing Ru Shui lying weak in Ye Fusheng's arms, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

It seems that they have absolute confidence in their appearance, girls like Qian Shanxue and Qing Qing Ru Shui didn't make any adjustments, so they recognized them with just one glance.

" is it you?!"

Qian Shanxue was particularly surprised.

"Snow... Sister Xue?!"

Qing Qing Ru Shui was also stunned, she looked weakly at Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue, and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

Seeing that the two met in real life, and thinking of Qian Shanxue kissing Ye Fusheng in the game, Qing Qingru Shui naturally regards them as a couple.

Perhaps, be careful they are all their children!

"Oh my god! It's you! Fortunately, Fu Sheng shot and saved you!"

Qian Shanxue patted his chest, then said in fear: "Fusheng, how is Qingqing, is she safe?"

"Well, it's all right!"

Slightly nodding, Ye Fusheng got up and said in a deep voice: "You take care of her, I'll go and see where those killers come from!"

"I...I won't!"

Qian Shanxue's cheeks were slightly red, she was also a young lady after all, and she had never taken care of anyone.

"Let me do it!"

Qing Ning handed Xin Xin over to Qian Shanxue, and Xin Xin leaned in front of Qing Qing Ru Shui, patted her back, and drained the sea water completely.


Glancing at Qian Shanxue, Ye Fusheng sighed, and in an instant, Qian Shanxue was ashamed.

At this time, Qing Qing Ru Shui also saw Qing Ning, and couldn't help but become suspicious of Qing Ning's identity.

Qingning and Ye Fusheng don't look like siblings, so how could two girls be born with Ye Fusheng together?

There was another sound of water flowing, and Ye Fusheng turned around to look, and he could clearly see that the killers were like dead dogs, picked up by the bodyguards and thrown up from the sea.

Landing suddenly, the killers struggled to get up, but before they got up, many bodyguards jumped ashore and beat them up again.

After beating them until they had no room to fight back, Ye Fusheng walked over.

"Young Master, I have caught them all, please dispose of them!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng approaching, those bodyguards quickly stopped and saluted Ye Fusheng.

"Well, not bad, you guys did a great job! Let Ah Qi go to the Finance Department tomorrow, and each of you will receive a bonus of 50 yuan!"

Slightly nodding, Ye Fusheng's words immediately made those bodyguards look happy.

Bending down and squatting in front of a killer, Ye Fusheng asked coldly: "Who are you? Why are you right..."

Speaking of this, Ye Fusheng found out in embarrassment that he didn't know Qingqing Rushui's real name.


The killer twisted his body like a poisonous snake, and said through gritted teeth, "Our killers from the Dark Night Alliance will not reveal any information even if they are dead!"



The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng looked at the killer again, and suddenly became weird.

Are you trying to laugh me to death and inherit my trillion fortune?

"Cough cough..."

A weak cough sounded, and Qing Qing Rushui suddenly shouted: "Brother President, don't ask them, I think, I already know who is going to attack me!"


(PS: Ten thousand updates today, tomorrow I will try to update earlier, write more!!! Ask for a recommendation ticket!! I love you, yum!)

(End of this chapter)

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