Chapter 184

"You already know the murderer..."

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help shaking his head slightly. In this situation, it is reckoned that the person who attacked Qingqing Rushui should be an acquaintance.

"In that case, let's kill all of these people!"

With a long sigh, Ye Fusheng turned around, motioned for Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning to help Qing Qingru Shui to leave, waved his hand, a few bodyguards behind him understood, and shot one after another, breaking the necks of those killers.

Not long after, several bodyguards followed Ye Fusheng and said in a low voice: "Master, the body has been tied with stones and sank into the sea!"

"Well, you stay nearby and be careful, lest any fish slip through the net!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng strode up to Qian Shanxue and his daughters. At this time, they were actually quite familiar with each other.

"Brother Fusheng, thank you so much this time!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng, his cheeks were as clear as water and slightly flushed, and he thought of the scene where he kissed him proactively.

"It's okay, you are a member of my Floating World Guild, how can you watch something happen to you?"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "I didn't expect that you are also in Jianghai City. If you have any difficulties, tell me. I can still talk to you in Jianghai's three-acre land!"

Hearing this, the eyes that looked at Ye Fusheng as clear as water became more energetic.

"Phew, the sea water is cold, don't say so much, where is your home, go home first, change your clothes, rest and rest, so as not to catch a cold!"

"As for the safety issue, you don't have to worry about it if I'm here."

Ye Fusheng took over Xinxin from Qian Shanxue, and let the two girls support Qingqing.

When asked about Qingqing's address, Ye Fusheng stopped a car, made sure that the bodyguards were all behind him, and then rushed towards Qingqing's house.

On the way, Ye Fusheng and the others also knew Qingqing's identity.

Ren Qing, the only daughter of the president of Ruiyun Group, sent her to Jianghai City to live with some relatives in order to protect her. Unexpectedly, someone still found her location and assassinated her.

If it wasn't for the game maintenance, and Ye Fusheng happened to be out, I'm afraid Ren Qing would definitely die this time!

Secretly writing down Ren Qing's information, Ye Fusheng made up his mind whether to send some bodyguards to protect her secretly.

Anyway, she is also a member of her own guild, so she can't just watch her have an accident!
Back at Ren Qing's residence in Jianghai City, Ye Fusheng didn't step forward, but asked Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning to bring Ren Qing to ring the bell.

The door of the villa opened, and a middle-aged woman came out, but when she saw Ren Qing, she was stunned for a moment, and a look of surprise flashed in the depths of her eyes.

The surprise disappeared very quickly, but Ye Fusheng sensed something was wrong, frowned slightly, and stared at the middle-aged woman.

Soon, the middle-aged woman entered the room with a worried look on her face, welcoming the Qianshanxue girls.

Not long after, Qian Shanxue and Qing Ning walked out of the villa and returned to the car.

"Huh... I'm exhausted!"

Qian Shanxue panted heavily, Xinxin in Ye Fusheng's arms quickly wiped the sweat from her forehead, making Qian Shanxue smile, hugging Xinxin was a kiss, which made Ye Fusheng and Xinxin disgusted for a while.

"How is it? Is Qingqing okay?"

Ye Fusheng asked Qingning aloud while handing the tissue to Qingning.

After all, she is her own woman, so she deserves to be favored!
"Take a shower, change clothes, what else can you do?"

"But... did you know it was her? Why did you just jump out?"

Qian Shanxue stared at Ye Fusheng suspiciously.

"Even if it wasn't for her, I couldn't save people?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Fusheng sighed: "I never thought that I would meet someone from the guild in Jianghai City!"

"Tsk tsk, why are you sighing? I think you are going crazy with joy?"

Qian Shanxue rolled her eyes, and said sourly: "Qingqing is cute and cute. She has always admired you, and this time she is a hero to save the beauty. I'm afraid she is thinking of making a promise with her body? Will you refuse?"

"One of my strengths is that I won't refuse any beautiful girl's request!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said, "Are you jealous?"

"Cut, why am I jealous?"

Qian Shanxue snorted coldly: "I'm just afraid that sister Qingning will be jealous!"


Suddenly hearing her own name, Qing Ning was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, as long as the young master is happy."

"Did you hear?"

Ye Fusheng looked at Qian Shanxue provocatively.


Qian Shanxue hated iron but said: "Sister Qingning, you can't be so weak!"

After returning to Ye's house and making sure that nothing happened, Ye Fusheng dispersed many bodyguards.

After playing for several hours, Be careful couldn't hold on, and soon became sleepy, and then pestered Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue to fall asleep, making Ye Fusheng unable to find Qingning at all.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, he had a love contact with the protoss, and his desire was not very strong.

Before going to bed, Ye Fusheng received a text message from Ren Qing about safety, he replied to pay attention to his health, and then he turned off his phone and went to sleep.

There was nothing to say all night, the next day, Ye Fusheng got up quite early, taking advantage of being careful, Qian Shanxue hadn't woken up, quietly left the room, found Qingning who was cooking, and ate sweethearts again.

After breakfast, before the game server started, Ye Fusheng made an excuse to go to the company to inspect, and asked Qian Shanxue and Xiaoxin to stay at home, and went to the group with Qingning.

After coming to the group, Ye Fusheng, who had been suppressed for nearly two days, begged Qingning several times, and his whole body became weak before he let her go.

After resting for an hour, Qing Ning went to work, while Ye Fusheng waited for Xu Bingqing to arrive in the office.

After a while, Xu Bingqing arrived, wearing white one-piece socks, a pink coat, and two braids. He looked as cute as a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl!
However, she held a bottle of ice water in her left hand, which was very strange.

Looking at Xu Bingqing who was dressed in a cute style, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong? Dress like this?"

"Didn't you say that you men like pure little girls?"

Xu Bingqing stuck out his tongue, put the ice water on the table, turned around and sat on Ye Fusheng's lap, wrapped his arms around his neck.

In an instant, the fragrant wind wafted through her nostrils, and Xu Bingqing was already lying in her arms.

"It looks innocent, but it's actually charming. It's a good match!"

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng had to admit that this contrast really excited him.

"Damn ghost, I know you like this tune!"

Xu Bingqing smiled coquettishly, her jade fingers brushed against Ye Fusheng's cheeks, and said in a low voice: "By the way, do you know that the people from the Hidden Killing League have not left?"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but frowned slightly: "Shouldn't the Hidden Killing League be in Blood Fire City? Why haven't you left yet?"

"I don't know, but they also posted a post on the forum today, saying that after the game server is launched, they will set up a ring in Sunset City to challenge all assassin players!"

Xu Bingqing was also the vice president of the Meteor Guild after all, with a quick mind, he said in a low voice: "It seems that they want to force someone out!"

"One of the top ten guilds actually did this for a player. It seems that that person is very unusual! I'm interested, I don't know who the master will be."

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but chuckled, coincidentally, Lingfeng came, if possible, let Lingfeng fight to see how strong she is.

If it was as she said, then the Floating World Guild would no longer have to worry about assassins.

"Hee hee, big hooligan, I told you this news, how do you plan to reward me?"

Warm breath came, Xu Bingqing raised his head, his mouth almost stuck to Ye Fusheng's face.

"What reward do you want?"

Ye Fusheng smiled, supported Xu Bingqing with both hands, and said with a smile, "Can't move for three days?"

"Bah! Seriously!"

Xu Bingqing blushed slightly, and said, "The Meteor Guild has just been created and has recruited a lot of people, but there are too many guilds around Sunset City, and there are relatively few leveling areas we can go to. Can you open the authority of the Meteor Guild in the territory?"

"Want to go to the territory to level up?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng did not refuse, nodded and said: "I will activate it when I go online today, but you can get a [-]% discount on all expenses in the territory at most, this is the system regulation."

"Yeah, it would be great if you could give us permission!"

"Love you, ya!"

With Ye Fusheng's consent, Xu Bingqing was very excited, and kissed Ye Fusheng on the mouth, which made Ye Fusheng stunned.

Immediately, Xu Bingqing showed a strange smile, first took a sip of ice water, tore open a pack of popping candy and put it in his mouth, his cheeks were slightly red, and he lowered his head...


The next moment, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt his scalp go numb, his whole body seemed to explode, and he gasped.

——————Pure dividing line—————

When Ye Fusheng came home, he was refreshed and full of energy, even Qian Shanxue and Xinxin felt that something was wrong.

However, the game was about to start, and Qian Shanxue didn't ask any more questions.

After eating lunch, and teasing her carefully for a while, the three of them went online together.


With a flash of light, when he logged into the game again, Ye Fusheng was in the center of the city impressively.

Just as he was about to leave the city, there were loud voices in his ears, his eyebrows raised slightly, and Ye Fusheng thought of the challenge that Xu Bingqing had mentioned earlier.

"So quickly, are you setting up a ring to challenge the entire Sunset City?"

"This Hidden Killing League is a bit arrogant, take a look, it's my territory anyway, I can't let them be presumptuous!"

Rubbing his nose, Ye Fusheng decided to go and see the excitement first.

Anyway, his task has no time limit and is very difficult, so it would be nice to relax before doing it.

At this time, at the most central square of the city, a tall arena was set up, surrounded by onlookers, tens of thousands of players, and the sound of hustle and bustle was endless.

A young man in his 20s looked stern, playing with a dagger, leaning on the ring, he was the number one assassin in the Huaxia theater, Ye Yin!

It was his existence that made countless players discuss in low voices, full of curiosity.

Slaughtering World stood on the edge of the arena, clasped fists with both hands, and said to the many players: "My friends, today I am here at Sunset City to pay a visit to the pier of the Hidden Killing League. I want to make friends with everyone, and let's exchange ideas by the way!"

"Of course, since it's a competition, it's also interesting to have a lottery! If anyone can defeat the little brother Ye Yin behind me, I will offer one hundred thousand gold coins with both hands!"

After the words fell, tens of thousands of onlookers stared wide-eyed, full of surprise, and the sound of gasping for air continued to resound.

One hundred thousand gold coins, that is definitely a lot of money!

"Then, what if we lose?"

Suddenly, there was a voice from the audience.

"Heh, if everyone loses, I don't need anything from the Hidden Killing League. I have the right to make friends with martial arts! However, everyone still has to watch the bet before going on stage!"

Slaughtering the world was full of smiles: "It's impossible, you don't bet at all, right?"

"Hahaha, that's true!"

"Slaughtering the World is worthy of being the leader of the Hidden Killing League, he is really bold and generous!"

All of a sudden, the eyes of many players lit up, and their hearts started thinking.

In case Yeyin is defeated, it will be a reward of [-] gold coins!
Even if you lose, there is no loss, so why not do it?

"This Slaughtering World is a character! I'm a little moved by what I said!"

Rubbing his chin, Ye Fusheng smiled and became interested in killing the world.

If possible, compared to Lingfeng, Ye Fusheng hopes that Slaughtering Tianxia can become the commander of his assassin army.

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility!

"Hahaha, Hidden Killing League welcomes anyone to challenge!"

"I hope that there will be more masters! Make friends with martial arts!"

Slaughtering Tianxia showed a smile, turned around and jumped off the ring. In an instant, only Ye Yin with a stern expression was left on the ring!
The originally bustling square suddenly fell silent!
(PS: Master assassins are coming too. By the way, do you like those ancient assassins?)
(End of this chapter)

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