Invincible in one touch

Chapter 185 Crossing the River in White Clothes, Killing Ye Yin!

Chapter 185 Crossing the River in White Clothes, Killing Ye Yin!

Ye Yin, although not well-known yet, has been on the ranking list for a long time, making many players fearful.

"I come!"

The temptation of [-] gold coins was too strong, a shadow player rushed to the ring with a trembling voice, hesitated for a moment, and bet [-] gold coins.

With so many people watching, even if Killing World had said that they could bet on anything, he didn't have the face to bet too small.


"System prompt: the bet is established, and the discussion will start in 10 seconds!"

When the system notification sounded, the shadow player lightly raised his right hand, sprinkled fluorescent powder, and disappeared immediately.

It is the strong hidden skill, whether it is a shadow thorn after a job change, or a hunter, a magical skill that everyone has!

However, the player was invisible, but Ye Yin didn't move at all, and even closed his eyes.


"Yeyin is a bit arrogant! The shadow thorns are already hidden, how dare you stay still?"

"He is also a crispy job. Once he is gouged and blinded, I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand a set of damage, right?"

Seeing this scene, many players frowned slightly, curious. They didn't understand why Yeyin, who was a crispy skin, dared to be so arrogant and didn't take the rest of the people seriously?
You know, Shadow Thorn is the profession with the strongest single output!


At the end of the countdown, Yeyin on the ring suddenly opened his eyes, clenched the dagger in his hand.

Everyone's breathing also became rapid, and they stared at Ye Yin, constantly looking around.

How will the Shadow Assassin player attack?


Suddenly, a figure emerged from behind Ye Yin, the dagger flickered coldly and raised high.

Backstab, once it hits, it will fall into a dizzy state!
This is also a common starting skill for Shadowthorn.

However, before the shadow thorn's dagger fell, Ye Ying turned around, raised his left hand to block the dagger, held the dagger in his right hand, released the poison + blinding skills, and instantly stabbed the player's chest.

The double damage erupted, and the Shadow Thorn player's eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything. He panicked and retreated quickly, trying to avoid Ye Yin's subsequent attack.

However, Ye Yin had already guessed his intention, threw the dagger, and locked the target behind him!

Another output of 1000, the Shadow Thorn player's health bar was emptied, he knelt down on the ground, and had already withdrawn from the sparring state.

For a time, many players were stunned.

The Shadow Thorn player even knelt on the ground with a dull expression.

He couldn't believe that he would lose so quickly!
"Hiss... Cowhide! You are indeed a master who can be on the ranking list!"

"Oh my god, he didn't even use the three ultimate moves of stealth, backstab and gouging. He killed a Shadowstab player in 3 seconds with only a small skill?"

"It's too strong. Sure enough, the Hidden Killing League is a very powerful assassin!"

Many players were amazed. At first, some people wanted to go up and challenge, but after seeing Ye Yin's strength, they all flinched again.

Of course, not everyone will back down.

After all, the Shadow Assassin player just now was quite weak, and Ye Yin was able to kill him instantly, which was surprising, but he didn't even have the courage to challenge!
Afterwards, those who dared to challenge Ye Yin were almost all Shadow Assassin masters from the major guilds, and some of them even reached the top [-] on!

However, in front of Yeyin, he was still like a rookie, and it was difficult to last even 10 seconds. Even, there were only two people, forcing Yeyin to use his backstab skill!
"Hey...the difference in strength is too great, but unfortunately the currency exchange system has not been opened yet, otherwise, I would use the Scroll of Destiny's Son and switch to an assassin class, so I can try his strength!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng was also quite surprised by Ye Yin's strength, and at the same time, he also looked forward to whether there would be a stronger assassin player appearing to have a real confrontation with Ye Yin.

"Hey, Brother President, you've come to watch the ring fight too!"

Just as Ye Fusheng was watching the exchange, a soft voice sounded, and when he turned his head to look, he saw Qingqing standing beside him with a blushing face.

"Well, I happen to have time, so I'll also see how good the assassin players are."

Seeing that it was as clear as water, Ye Fusheng smiled and said, "Are you okay? How are you resting?"

"It's good, but I'm still a little scared!"

Qingqing Rushui stuck out her tongue and said in a low voice: "Brother President, thank you very much yesterday, someday I will treat you to a meal to express my gratitude?"

"Hahaha, let's talk when you have time!"

Ye Fusheng changed the subject without a trace: "Why are you here alone?"

"Xiaoxiang and the others are going to resupply, I'm here to have a look."

Qingqing Rushui smiled and said: "Do you want to make a move?"

"No, they are all assassins, and I don't follow the rules when I go up."

Ye Fusheng chuckled lightly: "I just want to see how many master assassins there are in Sunset City!"

"oh oh……"

Qingqing Rushui hesitated to speak, Ye Fusheng saw that she was silent, turned around again, and watched Yeyin continue to slaughter assassin players.

I have to say that Killing the World dared to let Yeyin take the stage. Within 10 minutes, Yeyin defeated more than 20 assassin players, even assassins from guilds such as Meteor, Things Past, Xiongtianxia, ​​and Griffin. over again.

As more and more assassins were defeated, the onlookers fell silent, not daring to take the stage rashly.


Qingqing Rushui pulled Ye Fusheng's sleeve, and said abruptly: "Sister Xue, are you a couple? In reality..."

"What are you asking about?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng shrugged and said: "If she is my girlfriend, can I not tell? It's just that she lives in my house!"

"Not a couple yet?"

Hearing this, her eyes lit up as clear as water.


Ye Fusheng suddenly lowered his head, pressed his whole body towards Qingqing Rushui, and said with a smile: "You care so much, do you like me?"

"It's... it's not!"

Qingqing Rushui's cheeks were flushed, but she didn't dare to admit it, so she could only grit her teeth and say, "I'm just curious!"


Stretching out his hand to pinch his clear face, Ye Fusheng said softly: "Don't think too much, let's make yourself stronger first! Well, since we are all in the same city, you can come to play with me when you have nothing to do."

"If you are unhappy at home, tell me, I will make the decision for you! After all, no one can bully us floating world!"


Nodding constantly, hearing Ye Fusheng's domineering and concerned tone as clear as water, he felt a sense of security in his heart, and his eyes twinkled with starlight.

"Let's watch the sparring with peace of mind!"

After rubbing his head, which was as clear as water, Ye Fusheng turned his gaze to the ring again.


It was another dagger throw, which cleared the opponent's last health bar. Ye Yin was almost full of blood, standing on the ring with a stern expression.


The sound of air-conditioning continued to sound, and many players looked at each other in blank dismay. For a while, no one dared to go on stage again.

"How is it possible?! How did I die so quickly?!"

In the arena, a Shadowstab player from Griffin was full of disbelief and doubts about life.

"That's Griffin's chief assassin, Dark Fire! It is said that he is a master-level expert with a battle net ranking of more than 6000! I didn't expect that even he would lose so quickly!"

"No wonder Killing the World dared to bet [-] gold coins! That Yeyin is really strong!"

Many players smiled wryly, suppressing their desire to challenge.

Although one hundred thousand gold coins are many, they can't get them!

Dark Fire left the stage in a daze, Ye Yin stood on the ring, silently waiting for the challenge.

However, after waiting for 2 minutes, no one dared to go on stage, and they could not help but raise their brows slightly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, before Sunset City's various server announcements, many leaderboards were also taken over by you. Why don't you even dare to come up to challenge even a group arena now?"

In the Hidden Killing League, a loli wearing leather armor and holding a dagger showed a bright smile, but her words caused the expressions of many players in Sunset City to change drastically: "Is it possible that everyone in Sunset City has silver guns and candles?" Head, is it not useful?!"

He's a man, he can't stand such words!

What's more, it was said from the mouth of a delicate and cute girl!

However, when they looked up at Ye Yin with a stern expression, they retracted their strides.

In life, when you should be cowardly, you should be cowardly!
After all, if you lose once, you will get gold coins!

Seeing that so many players were said so, no one dared to go on stage. Behind the Slaughtering World, the two female shadow thorns shook their heads.

"Hahaha, who said that no one in Sunset City dares to go up again!"

Just at this moment, loud laughter sounded, whether it was the many players in the audience, or the Hidden Killing League, or Yeyin, they all became surprised and looked in the direction of the sound.

Looking from afar, one could see a group of players approaching, the leader with blue eyes and purple beard was particularly unique, and the people following him were also of extraordinary aura.

For a time, many players couldn't help but be surprised.

"Sun Quan?!"

"Wu people, are you coming too?!"

Even Ye Fusheng, the moment he saw that group of people, his expression became serious.

After the forces of Liu Bei and Cao Cao, the forces of Sun Quan finally appeared!
Looking around, the IDs on their heads are also in the same four-character format as before, namely Qiwei Zhongmou, Yushan Gongjin, Andu Ziming, Shanren Boyan and others!

This made Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, Sun Quan and the three governors came here together, this posture is unusual!

"Who are they? Why haven't I seen them before?!"

"Looking at the format of their IDs, it seems that they are with Bai Yizilong and the others!"

Many players were particularly surprised, thinking of Bai Yizilong and others who had opened their eyes last time.

"Hahaha, finally someone is here again!"

Killing World laughed loudly and said, "I thought that Sunset City didn't have any decent Shadow Assassin players anymore!"

Ye Zhiren also waved his hand and smiled, "I just don't know how long you guys can hold on in front of our little brother Yeyin!"

After the words fell, the corners of Yeyin's mouth on the ring twitched, as if he was very dissatisfied with his title.

"Oh, how long can you last, don't you know after a fight?"

Qiwei Zhongmou showed a meaningful smile, waved his hand, and Andu Ziming, who was beside him, signaled, and immediately jumped onto the ring.

"Since it's a bet, how about a bigger one and an extra 50 gold each?"

An Du Ziming frowned, looking at the world of killing.


"Add another 50 gold bet?"

"Hiss... As expected of a member of the Grand Council, this is going crazy!"

Hearing An Du Ziming's words, ordinary players were shocked.

Rao is killing the world, his expression is serious, he can't understand why these people who have never even heard their names have such courage!
However, Andu Ziming has already said, if he doesn't follow, what will others think of Yinshameng?
If the Hidden Killing League wants to enter Sunset City, they have to make a name for themselves, and they must not admit cowardice!
"Okay, then add another 40 gold!"

Killing the world with a dignified expression, stepped onto the ring and traded the gold coins to Yeyin.

Immediately, Yeyin and Andu Ziming raised the bet together!

"System prompt: the bet is established, and the discussion will start in ten seconds!"


This time, as if startled by the high amount of gold coins, Yeyin did not close his eyes, but stared at Andu Ziming.

On the other hand, Andu Ziming showed a smile on his face, as if he didn't take Ye Yin into his heart at all.


At the end of the countdown, Andu Ziming did not enter the invisible state. Instead, he touched the ground with his toes and rushed towards Yeyin. He threw it with his right hand, and the sharp dagger shot towards Yeyin like a sharp arrow.

Ye Yin also raised his dagger and threw it. In an instant, the two daggers collided and quickly returned to their respective hands.


With a sneer, Andu Ziming was already approaching Yeyin, the dagger was flickering with a dim light, poisoning + heavy blows were struck together.

Ye Yin's eyes locked on the dagger tightly, and when the attack was about to fall, he stepped back instantly, arched his right foot, and released the blocking skill, the dagger firmly blocked Andu Ziming's attack.

"What a fast response time!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help showing a look of surprise. Just now, Ye Yin released the blocking posture almost instantly, and his operation and reaction speed were far superior to other players he had seen.

Andu Ziming was even more shocked, he didn't expect Yeyin to operate so powerfully.

However, the victory or defeat in the game is not only based on the operation, but more, it is the tactics!

The poisoning and heavy attack skills were blocked, Andu Ziming guessed that Yeyin would attack next, and also retreated, raised his right hand, sprinkled fluorescent powder, and his whole body disappeared.


Almost at the moment when Andu Ziming's figure disappeared, Yeyin's offensive had arrived, but it was in vain.

This caused Ye Yin's expression to change drastically, and for the first time, he had an ominous premonition!
This is the first time he has encountered an enemy who can guess his movements!

However, Yeyin was not a rookie either. Seeing that Andu Ziming was invisible, he quickly moved left and right, stabbing out the dagger continuously, trying to hit Andu Ziming out.

3 seconds... 5 seconds...

After stabbing for a long time, Andu Ziming was not forced out. Yeyin stopped attacking indiscriminately, and stood on the spot, his ears constantly beating.

At this time, many players off the court also became nervous, staring at the ring.

They would never have imagined that the duel between the two assassins would be so elegant!
They are also very curious, who can win the final victory!
Slaughtering the World frowned, with an ominous premonition in his heart. As for the few people around him, they were still cheering for Ye Yin.

"Huh, Ye Yin is going to lose!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng sighed suddenly, as expected of Lu Ziming who crossed the river in white and captured Guan Yu, this tactic is too coquettish!
The most important thing in a duel between two shadow thorn masters is the tactical rhythm. Once the rhythm is interrupted and they enter the rhythm of others, it will be dangerous.

Obviously, Ye Yin's rhythm has been interrupted!

"Brother President, Ye Yin looks very powerful, will he lose?"

Qing Qing Ru Shui blinked her eyes, very curious.

"Well, if nothing unexpected, it's time to decide the winner!"

Ye Fusheng nodded, just as he finished speaking, there was a change in the arena.


A figure suddenly appeared behind Ye Yin, backstab + gouging were released together, and the howling wind roared endlessly.

Yeyin moved his ears, turned around quickly, and switched to the blocking state again.

However, just as he turned around, another figure appeared not far away, it was Andu Ziming!

As for the figure that appeared at the beginning, it turned out to be a doll!
"Ye Yin, you are dead!"

"Crossing the river in white clothes!"

With a soft drink, Andu Ziming's figure was like lightning, and suddenly rushed behind Yeyin, the dagger flashed, and stabbed behind Yeyin.


The blood-red numbers flew up, and the night hidden blood bar instantly turned into residual blood, and fell into a dizzy state.

Andu Ziming's expression was indifferent, and even his skills were useless. An understated normal attack took away Ye Yin's blood.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player [Andu Ziming] for winning!"

After the sparring was over, Ye Yin froze in place, his face gradually bitter.

Under the arena, many players of the Hidden Killing League were stunned. They all knew that Yeyin was strong, so after seeing him lose, they couldn't believe it!
Only Slaughtering World was the first to react, and quickly rushed to the ring to unlock Ye Yin.

He was worried that Ye Yin would be devastated because of this!

"Too strong! Cowhide and cowhide!"

"Good job, we really have masters in Sunset City!"

"From today onwards, I'll be Andu Ziming's little fan! It's so handsome, Shadow Thorn can still play like this, leaving no chance for others to use invisibility!"

Many players in Sunset City were overjoyed, and Andu Ziming also showed a smile. This time, killing Yeyin in front of so many people is a good opportunity for them to become famous!

As for Qingqing Rushui, he worshiped Ye Fusheng more and more. He could tell who would win and who would lose just by looking at him. From this we can see how strong he is!
Shaking his head slightly, Ye Yin was defeated, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to look any further, turned around and prepared to leave.

It's time to do the task!
"Hahaha, Ziming is so powerful!"

"In my opinion, even if you come here from a floating life, you won't necessarily lose!"

Several people from Qiwei Zhongmou stepped forward to create momentum for Andu Ziming.


An Du Ziming didn't understand what Qiwei Zhongmou meant, and immediately smiled and said: "That's right, even if Floating Life is here, I can still operate it, making him dizzy!"

After the words fell, Ye Fusheng paused, with a strange look on his face.

I'm about to leave, but you guys want to say that, isn't that forcing me to make a move?
I don't care if you want to be famous, but if you want to step on me to be famous, you... do you deserve it? !

"It's a blessing that Floating Life is not a Shadow Assassin class, otherwise, it would definitely not be your opponent!"

"Slaughter the world, Ye Yin is defeated, why don't you come up and fight Zi Ming?!"

Qiwei Zhongmou kept making noises, attracting everyone's attention.

However, before Killing Tianxia could reply to his words, a cold voice came quietly.

"Oh? Who said it can make me dizzy?!"

"Since there are such masters, why not, let's compete?!"

The cold voice fell suddenly, and in an instant, the tens of thousands of players in the square all showed shock!
(PS: Big chapter, 8000 words have been updated today, and another chapter will come tonight depending on the situation, breaking [-] words!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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