Invincible in one touch

Chapter 186 My territory!

Chapter 186 My territory!


"This voice is... Floating Life?!"

"My God, it turns out that Floating Life is also here!"

Hearing this, many players in the field were shocked, and their hearts were particularly shocked.

Fusheng Qianqian is the most powerful person in the game today, and he is also known as Tiansha Killing God. They will naturally be surprised when such a master appears.

As for Qiwei Zhongmou, Yushan Gongjin, Andu Ziming, and Shanren Boyan, the corners of their mouths twitched and their brows frowned.

They originally just wanted to take advantage of Fushengwanqian's reputation to step on it, but who would have thought that Fushengwanqian would appear in the ring!

What the hell is going on, this is clearly a ring battle between assassins, why did you, a fighter, appear?
But, no matter how surprised or unbelievable they were, Ye Fusheng had already arrived.

As the crowd parted, Ye Fusheng walked towards the ring with a calm demeanor.

No one dares to block his way!

Seeing that Ye Fusheng slowly entered the ring, Andu Ziming couldn't help but was covered in sweat, and staggered back a few steps.

He had fought against Bai Yi Zilong before, but he couldn't persist even ten moves. Therefore, facing Ye Fusheng, who even lost Bai Yi Zilong, he didn't have any confidence of victory.

However, at this moment, with so many players watching him, he must not back down!
Even dying in battle is better than retreating!

"Floating life, what are you going to do?!"

Qiwei Zhongmou is worthy of being the emperor, with a thick skin, he actually shouted: "This is a ring battle between assassins, are you breaking the rules by coming here?"


Ye Fusheng showed disdain on his face, and said calmly: "Since that's the case, then I don't need dual swords, mounts, or pets. You guys dare to fight?"

"Just now I heard that someone said that it can make me dizzy with the operation show!"

As soon as the words fell, Qi Wei Zhongmou and the others were startled, and immediately became ecstatic, even Dark Ziming's eyes lit up.

It is true that they all know that fighting against Peak Floating Life is courting death.

But, if you don't need dual swords, mounts, or pets, maybe you still have a chance of victory!

"Is this true?!"

Qiwei Zhongmou rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "Since you ask for it, I can't refuse, otherwise, wouldn't it be that I don't take you seriously!"

"Ziming, don't put any pressure on fighting him, even if you lose, no one will blame you!"

Hearing Qiwei Zhongmou's words, many players in the audience, including Yinshameng Killing the World, Yeyin and others, all spat and cursed shamelessly.

In itself, there are many restrictions in the arena and close combat, and you can't use pets and mounts. Isn't that a scam?

However, Fusheng Wanqian agreed, and they would not say much, but were very curious.

Without mounts and pets, what strength would Floating Life have!
"Huh, Floating Life Thousands, Please!"

"Bet... 50 gold coins!"

Andu Ziming hesitated for a moment, but still did not reduce the gold coin bet.

Once the bet is reduced, won't it let others see that he is counseled?
Now, their goal is to gain fame, even if they lose, they must never give up!
Nodding his head slightly, Ye Fusheng had no objection, handed over 50 gold coins, and the bet was established!

Fortunately, he only gave Xingyun 300 million gold, and there are still enough gold coins to use.


"System prompt: the bet is established, and the discussion will start in 10 seconds!"


The countdown started, and under the ring, Qingqing Rushui suddenly shouted: "Brother Fusheng, come on!"

Suddenly hearing the shout, countless players were quite shocked, and quickly looked at Qingqing Rushui. For a moment, Qingqing Rushui's cheeks were slightly red, and she was quite shy.

In this way, those players regarded her as Fushengwanqian's partner, and then recalling the system announcement of Fushengwanqian's marriage yesterday, and looking at her clear eyes, they suddenly became weird.

As for the female player, her eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't care, he just looked at Andu Ziming playfully.

He was very curious about how powerful Lu Ziming was in history who crossed the river in white and captured Guan Erye alive!

At the end of the countdown, Andu Ziming's eyes turned cold, and he was no longer as relaxed and comfortable as before. He flicked the fluorescent powder with his right hand, and immediately became invisible and disappeared on the ring.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he released the Eye of Truth skill, and in an instant, two figures quietly came into Ye Fusheng's eyes.

One of the figures suddenly came from in front of him, and the other figure circled behind Ye Fusheng, as if he wanted to repeat the previous routine of defeating Ye Yin!
Use the puppet behind him to trick Ye Fusheng into turning around, and then kill him with backstab, poisoning, blinding and other skills!

This made Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, he couldn't believe that someone like An Du Ziming would reuse a tactic twice!
[There is a problem, there is definitely a problem! 】

With a roll of his eyes, Ye Fusheng planned to take a gamble!
He has a high probability to be sure that the one who circled behind him is definitely not a puppet!

The speed of the shadow stabbing was extremely fast, with a soft sound, An Du Ziming's figure suddenly appeared from behind Ye Fusheng, and immediately raised the sharp dagger, stabbing towards Ye Fusheng.

"Here we go, this trick again!"

"Hiss... Tell me, will Floating Life be fooled?"

"Probably not, according to my guess, as long as you don't turn around, this move won't cause too much damage! After all, it's just a puppet!"

Seeing this scene, many players continued to discuss in low voices.

Ye Yin, who was defeated before, trembled all over, staring at Ye Fusheng and Andu Ziming with his eyes like torches.

Sensing that something was wrong with Yeyin, the killing world quickly patted Yeyin on the shoulder.


The sharp dagger was flickering, but just as the dagger was about to fall, Ye Fusheng turned around quickly, and the flames of the sky cut in his right hand rose, the target was locked, and the rushing skill was released!
Fiery red flames erupted, and the blade fell violently with terrifying power.


"It's over, I didn't expect even Floating Life to be fooled! This trick is really ruthless!"

"I don't know if Fusheng Wanqian can resist this set of combos, and then find a way to break the situation!"

Seeing this scene, many players sighed, but just when they thought that Ye Fusheng would be hit, a shocking scene appeared!

The flaming sword energy swept across, instantly stunned the shadowy Ziming in the air, and no other figure emerged.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fusheng's Heavy Slash skill fell, and a blood-red number flew high!

Nearly tens of thousands of injuries surfaced, An Du Ziming's blood bar was instantly emptied, he was stunned, he knelt down on one knee, staring at Ye Fusheng blankly.

It's not that he never thought that he would lose, but he couldn't believe that he would lose so quickly!
Not only Andu Ziming, but Qiwei Zhongmou, Yushan Gongjin, Shanren Boyan and countless onlookers were all stunned, with their mouths wide open and expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Previously, Yeyin was already good enough, and he was easily killed when he met Andu Ziming, but Andu Ziming was instantly killed in an instant in the face of thousands of floating lives!

This gap makes them feel unreal.

As if, Fusheng Wanqian is a god in the sky, and there is no ability comparable to it!
"I finally know why even Bai Yizilong lost to him so easily..."

Gongjin Yushan closed his eyes slightly, and sighed softly: "His strength is already beyond our imagination!"

Seeing Andu Ziming kneeling on the ring, the whole square became silent for a while, every player felt extremely unreal!
Only Qingqing Rushui was alone, cheering happily.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for winning the ring battle and getting 45 gold coins!"

"Hiss... 5 gold coins were drawn all of a sudden, this system is a bit dark!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but shook his head, but, to get 45 gold coins for nothing is already a big profit!
Putting away the gold coins, Ye Fusheng was about to leave when he heard An Du Ziming murmur: "You... how do you know? The person behind me is my body? Not a puppet?"

"You should have been there before, you definitely knew my move, why didn't you take precautions?!"

An Du Ziming stared at Ye Fusheng, full of suspicion.

Generally speaking, when most people know that he has the skill of doppelganger, the first reaction is that the backstab is fake, and they want to trick him into turning around so that he can perform a backstab, so they will never turn around.

But, why did Ye Fusheng dare to turn around when he knew he had that kind of skill?

Ye Fusheng is not afraid, this time he is just like Da Yeyin, behind him is a doll clone?

After a slight pause in his footsteps, Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "Smart people never use the same move twice! When you hit Ye Yin, the back is fake, so this time, the back must be real!"

After all, Ye Fusheng got off the ring without looking back, and walked towards Qiwei Zhongmou, Yushan Gongjin, and Shanren Boyan.

On the ring, Andu Ziming heard the explanation, but smiled wryly. He really didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

Ye Fusheng's words obviously regarded him as a smart person, but he, a smart person, was instantly killed!

At this time, the rest of the players also understood Ye Fusheng's tactical thinking, and immediately admired him.

"Qiwei Zhongmou?"

Walking in front of Qiwei Zhongmou, Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "I don't care what you want to do, but don't try to use me! Even if it's just using my name!"

"At least for now, you... are not worthy of mentioning my name!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng was condescending, looking at Qiwei Zhongmou with a look of disdain in his eyes.


Hearing this, Qiwei Zhongmou flew into a rage, and just about to get angry, but was held back by Lushan Gongjin.

"Hahaha, Brother Fusheng, I'm sorry, we were the ones who got carried away!"

Yushan Gongjin waved his right hand fan, clasped his fists and said, "I'm really sorry, from now on, we brothers and I will never speak such nonsense again! Ziming, we should go!"

After finishing speaking, Gongjin Yushan and Boyan Shanren dragged Qiwei Zhongmou away.

Yushan Gongjin and Shanren Boyan are smart people, knowing that they are not Ye Fusheng's opponents, naturally they will not choose to turn their faces at this time.

An Du Ziming also hurriedly followed, and for a while, only the Hidden Killing League, many players watching the excitement, Ye Fusheng, Qing Qingrushui and the others were left in the arena.

"Ahem, brother Fusheng...I'm letting you see a joke!"

Slaughtering the World led Ye Yin and Ye Zhiren to come forward, looking rather embarrassed.

Originally, they wanted to make a name for themselves by defeating the other Shadow Assassin players, but unexpectedly, they were taught a lesson by others instead.

"No joke no joke."

Ye Fusheng looked at Ye Yin, smiled lightly and said: "This Ye Yin is very powerful, I am very curious, where will he go in the future! Also, killing the world, if you want to develop in Sunset City, I will not care about you ! However, you have to remember one thing! This Sunset City is my site!"

"I think you should know what you can do and what you can't do!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Fusheng didn't wait for Killing Tianxia and others to reply, he turned and left, waving his hand.

Looking at Ye Fusheng's leaving back, Slaughtering World couldn't help sighing, doubting in his heart, did he make a wrong move or a right move when he came to Sunset City?
Walking out of the square under the admiring gazes of everyone, Qing Qing Ru Shui quickly followed.

However, Ye Fusheng coaxed her away with the excuse that he still had to do a task.

After leaving the gate of Sunset City, when Ye Fusheng was about to summon the Raging Flame Demon Horse, a server announcement at the level of the Huaxia War Zone suddenly fell!

(PS: [-] updates, please recommend tickets, [-] words are still updated during the day!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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