Invincible in one touch

Chapter 187 The Surprise Map of Travelers Without Boundaries

Chapter 187 The Surprise Map of Travelers Without Boundaries

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Bai Yi Zi Long] successfully created the fourth guild [God General Pavilion], and received a reward of 1 point of extraordinary achievement value, Rainstorm pear flower gun X1!"


"Hiss... This white-clothed dragon is quite a character! The Soul-Suppressing Pagoda stole his chance, but I didn't expect to get the Guild Establishment Order so soon!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng didn't feel too angry, the more guilds there are, the more competition there is, the more fun this game will be.

Even if the Pavilion of Divine Generals is created, he has already seen those famous generals, their strength is stronger than ordinary players, and each of them has the ability to defeat a hundred with one.

However, under the pressure of his absolute attributes and skills, those famous generals are no match!

What's more, he is not alone, he still has the holy pet Xing Xing and the helpers of the Floating World Guild!


"Sunset City server player's loudspeaker call—[Rende Xuande]: Good afternoon, brothers in Sunset City, I am the head of the Shuhan Hall of Shenjiang Pavilion. Let’s create our own glory together!…”


Not only Ren De Xuan De, but Zhi Shi Meng De and Qi Wei Zhong Mou also sent out server speakers to recruit people in three urban districts.

These loudspeakers yelled, and Ye Fusheng immediately laughed.

He originally thought that the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms belonged to one group, but now it seems that they are just forming an alliance and using a guild for the time being.

Otherwise, the recipients would not be scattered and collected, and three halls were set up.

Thinking about it, neither Zhishi Mengde nor Rende Xuande and Qiwei Zhongmou are people who have lived under others for a long time, so how could they be in the same guild together?

I'm afraid, if it wasn't for the fact that the other guilds were too numerous and powerful, and Ye Fusheng suppressed everything, their three forces would have been fighting for a long time, how could they work together?
Shaking his head, Ye Fusheng didn't think too much, and rode the flame horse to look for the Valley of Myriad Tribulation Souls.

On the map, there is no location of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, only an icon that keeps flashing to guide the way forward.

Obviously, Soul Valley of Myriad Tribulations is still on an unpublished map at this time.


The address book suddenly rang, it came from Bright Feather.

【This guy, why are you looking for me all of a sudden? 】

Frowning, Ye Fusheng hesitated for a moment, but still answered the communication.

After all, he is his dog licking brother, so he can't be too ruthless.

"Brother Fusheng, can you help us deal with the Shenjiang Pavilion?"

After contacting Ye Fusheng many times, Bright Feather also knew Ye Fusheng's character, so he got straight to the point without any hesitation.

"Against them?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was a little surprised, and asked suddenly: "Could it be that they got their clan formation orders from you?!"

"Not bad!"

Bright Feather gritted his teeth and said: "Rende Xuande, Jinfu Mengqi, and that tiger and leopard Yide, the three of them suddenly appeared, robbed the boss of our guild strategy, and also snatched the guild establishment order!"

"At that time, in order to kill the BOSS, the Paladins, Guardians and other professions were killed and injured, and they had no ability to stop those three people!"

Hearing Bright Feather's words, Ye Fusheng pouted, noncommittal.

Even if you don't have too much loss, with Jinfu Mengqi and Hubao Yide, it will be difficult to stop them.

After all, Ma Chao and Zhang Fei are both top ten players!

Especially Ma Chao, in some versions, the evaluation is stronger than Zhao Yun, ranking below Lu Bu!
"Then what do you want to do?"

Ye Fusheng asked indifferently: "At this time, they have just finished accepting people, and it is the time when their momentum is grand. With you, can you deal with it?"


Bright Feather gritted his teeth and said, "We have issued a statement to let all players come to Sunset City! As long as they dare to go out of the city to level up together, we can do it! However, Baiyi Zilong and Lushan Gongjin are very powerful. Strong, we are not sure."

"Brother Fusheng, can you help me deal with those people? After it's done, I will give you 50 gold coins with both hands!"

"No, I don't need gold coins now!"

Ye Fusheng said calmly, "I can help you, but I have to wait until my mission is over! Also, if it's good, I don't want gold coins. I just want your president to make a promise. In the future, you must Promise me one thing unconditionally!"


Hearing Ye Fusheng's request, Bright Feather couldn't help but hesitate.

"Don't worry, I will never let you do things like disband the guild, and it will not harm your interests."

Ye Fusheng laughed lightly, breaking Bright Feather's last hesitation.

"Okay, Big Brother Fusheng, I can promise you!"

Bright Feather said with a smile: "Our God's Domain is very willing to form an alliance with the Floating World Guild!"


Ye Fusheng replied: "Then you should prepare first. In a few days, after my task is completed and I return to Sunset City, if there is an action against the Shenjiang Pavilion, just call me!"

With that said, Ye Fusheng directly hung up the address book.

This time, the reason why he agreed to Bright Feather's request was because he wanted to suppress the Shenjiang Pavilion.

In today's God General's Pavilion, countless talents gather together. Boss Cao, Boss Liu, and Boss Sun can easily develop and grow a force if they work together.

Ye Fusheng will not let them develop so comfortably!
"Top ten guilds, Fengyun Pavilion is my backer, and God's Domain is also an ally! Yeyin and Yeyin are all good members of the Hidden Killing League's killing world, and maybe they can be used by me in the future!"

"Liuyue is quite smart, maybe he can develop the Meteor Guild, and I personally sit in the Floating World Guild... The rest are definitely not opponents!"

"The only thing to be wary of is the Shenjiang Pavilion! And, that... the Shennong family who only appeared once!"

After sorting out the power distribution, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, full of pride.

Afterwards, he started a long running map again.

After running for more than three hours, it was almost night. The map changed several times, but I still couldn't find the seat of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations.

Ye Fusheng, who was really bored, had no choice but to open the forum to read interesting stories in the game, and open the guild chat interface from time to time to watch the chats of those little girls.

Well, even though male players are gradually increasing, the usual chats are still dominated by girls.

Walker Wujiang: "Oh my god, this map is really scary. The monsters are so troublesome that I died six times!"

Suddenly, Xing Zhe Wujiang's words surfaced, interrupting the girls' chat, and it also moved Ye Fusheng's heart.

Walker without borders, is this a new map?

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Wow, did Xingzhe make a new map? Please share!"

Non-sweet toffee: "Xingzhe has amazing perseverance. He just released the map of Tianfan City the day before yesterday, and now he has found a new map?"

Ke Lan: "Hee hee, Xingzhe, now that you have come to Sunset City, why don't you explore all the maps around Sunset City and tell us where is the fastest way to level up?"

Walker Wujiang: "Hahaha, coincidence, the map I found this time is from Sunset City! Wait a minute, I'll upload it right away, but I hope you don't pass it on to others, after all, I have to rely on this to support my family! ( ┬_┬)!"


"System prompt: Player [Walker Without Borders] uploaded the map of Sunset City and named it Ghost Realm!"

Clear as water: "Ghost World... the name sounds scary!"

Floating Life: "!!!"

Xue Jia Fengxian: "This name is good, it should be a good leveling point!"

Ke Lan: "Hey, I am surprised to see the president's little brother!"

Mi Yue: "Wow Kaka, the president's little brother looks very surprised. Could it be that he knows about Ghost Realm?"

As soon as Ye Fusheng came out, all the girls were shocked and they all made noises.

Floating Life: "Wujiang, have you gone deep into the Ghost Realm? Are there any other maps behind?"

While asking, Ye Fusheng opened the guild file and downloaded the map.

Walker Wujiang: "No, I died six times just entering the Ghost Realm. Those monsters are immune to physical damage. I can only run all the way, and I can't go deep at all!"

Seeing the words of Walker Wujiang, Ye Fusheng became more and more sure that it was the Ghost Realm!

Fusheng Qianqian: "Okay, then you go back to leveling first!"

Walker Wujiang: "OK, boss, if you want to go, you must be careful, I can vaguely see several bosses!"

Clear as water: "Brother president, I heard from Xingzhe that the ghost world is so dangerous, do you want to take me with you? I can give you a buff!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Huh..."

Ke Lan: "Huh..."

Non-sweet toffee: "When did sister Qingqing take the initiative?"

Little Bell: "Have we discovered something?"

Seeing these words, Ye Fusheng's head grew dizzy, just thinking about how to reject Qing Qing Ru Shui, another message popped up.

Feng Lingxuewu: "Have you completed all the territory tasks? Has the guild reached level 2? Chat here one by one! Let me level up! Don't disturb the little brother of the president to level up!"

Floating Life: "Ahem, that's right, everyone practice hard, the map I'm going to is more difficult, you can't survive, okay, I'm going!"

In response, Ye Fusheng quickly closed the guild chat interface. When there are many girls in the guild, it is very difficult to be a man!
Especially a handsome man like him!

Under Qian Shanxue's coercion, the girls obediently went to level up.

After loading the map of Traveler's Borderless, Ye Fusheng followed the route and rushed towards the Ghost Realm.

With the specific route, the speed was much faster, but within an hour, the surrounding environment suddenly became gloomy, with gloomy wind blowing from time to time, and the cold air gusts.


As it went deeper, there was a cold shout, and a blood-red silk thread flew from a distance, and instantly wrapped around Ye Fusheng's body.

"This kind of thread? Ghost Queen?!"

With a raised brow, Ye Fusheng suddenly saw the Queen of Ghosts in his mind.

The ghost queen's skills are all kinds of silk threads, and she is also immune to physical damage. Could it be that all the monsters here are ghost queens?

In an instant, Ye Fusheng couldn't help getting excited.

Of course, the reason why Ye Fusheng was excited was not that he could continue to use the nihilistic attribute of the Ghost Queen.


I can see that white Nako again...


I can happily brush BOSS and level again!
(PS: The first update today!!! There will be an update tonight!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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