Invincible in one touch

Chapter 188 Nosebleed

Chapter 188 Nosebleed


"Combat reminder: due to the attack of the ghost rope, the player is imprisoned and unable to move. The duration is 3.75 seconds (resilience offset)"

Just when Ye Fusheng was pleasantly surprised to meet the Ghost King again, the bloody rope fell on him, binding him, and then, another emerald green light flew out and quickly landed on him.


"Combat reminder: Since the player is attacked by the thread of devouring, the player's blood value will be reduced by 3% every second for 10 seconds!"

"Huh? New skills?!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng looked up as he watched his blood bar drop continuously, only to see a figure floating in the dense forest in the distance.

It was a female ghost, wearing a pale white robe, which was broken, revealing a huge and surging softness, but her face was not as good-looking as the Ghost Queen I met before, it can only be said to be average.

However, as long as Nako is big, she doesn't need to care about her appearance!
Ru is not huge, why gather people's hearts?

The eye of truth bloomed, and the next moment, the attributes of the female ghost emerged and landed in front of Ye Fusheng.

After all, it is different from the Ghost Queen, and its attributes have also changed, so don't be careless.

Ghost Actress (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 70
Blood value: 1000000
Attack: 0
Defense: 2000
Ghost Cord (Immobilize the enemy, unable to move, lasts for 5 seconds)
Plague aura (all enemies within 30 yards will fall into a weak state, attenuate 10% of all attributes, last for 20 seconds)
Aura of Slowness (…)
Cord of Devouring (absorbs 3% of the enemy's blood value per second, and restores the body, lasts for 10 seconds)
Special: Immune to all physical and magical attack damage (empty reaches 1000 points and the attribute is turned on)
Description: The actress of the ghost clan, with extremely terrifying power, can be described as a nightmare for the human race

Countless skills are listed, which are exactly the same as the Queen of Ghosts, except that there is an extra thread of devouring, which can absorb the target's life value.

"Hiss... the original ghost queen was just a support, but these ghost actresses have an extra thread of devouring, which has the possibility of killing players!"

"It's still a percentage of blood deducted, ignoring the defense, even if I'm not careful, I will overturn!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look serious.

The blood value is as high as 100 million, and it can also be immune to physical and magical damage, and can also force blood to be deducted. It is a bit difficult to touch her.

It is necessary to control her one after another, unable to let her continue to release the thread of devouring, and then plunder the empty attribute, turn off its special state, and then kill her!

However, facing this kind of difficulty, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, instead he was a little excited.

After many years, Nako was finally able to beat up the female ghost sister again!
Ah no, after many years, I finally met a monster with the empty attribute again!

Once Ye Fusheng has also plundered enough empty attributes and activated the stunt of being immune to all physical and magical damage, then he will really be invincible in the world and despise all players in the world!


The cord of devouring and the cord of ghost entangled Ye Fusheng together, consuming his vitality and making him unable to move.

At the same time, the female ghost got closer and closer to Ye Fusheng, with a ferocious expression on her face, which looked particularly terrifying.

If her nipples were not big enough, that kind of smile would make Ye Fusheng couldn't help beating her up!
The 3.75 seconds of imprisonment ended, and by coincidence, the Ghost Actress entered within 25 yards of Ye Fusheng's attack range!
Locking his eyes, he retracted his mount instantly, and Ye Fusheng activated his punching and slashing skills!

The Heavenly Slashing Holy Sword burst into brilliance, and suddenly slashed on the head of the ghost actress. The blade swept across her body, but did not bring any blood.

The Ghost Actress didn't even move her health bar, but she was still hit by the stun effect, and she froze in place.

With a grin, Ye Fusheng put away his weapon, replaced it with a fist, and hit the big white spot.


I punched it, but it was bounced away. The feeling of Q bomb Q bomb is so refreshing!
Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng punched one after another, hammering down continuously.


When the ghost actress was attacked, she immediately screamed, and when the dizzy effect ended, another plague halo was thrown out, trying to reduce Ye Fusheng's overall attributes and attack speed.

Afterwards, the Ghost Actress quickly backed away, trying to widen the gap with Ye Fusheng.

Even if it's a female ghost, she still wants to save face!
However, will Ye Fusheng give her a chance?
Almost at the moment when the ghost actress retreated, she punched out a shocking skill, which stunned the ghost actress again.

Immediately afterwards, there was another iron fist of love!
Bang bang bang!
It has to be said that if the elasticity is too good, every attack opportunity will be bounced away, so that Ye Fusheng failed to hit many times.

However, Ye Fusheng's luck value of more than 9000 points is not a vegetarian, even if the number of hits is very small, the plundering technique is constantly triggered.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining 5 points of void attribute!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining 3 points of void attribute!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique and getting the actress' breast wrap X!"

"Huh? Wrapped breasts?!"

While typing, Ye Fusheng noticed something was wrong, what was in the system prompt?
Also, why does it feel different when hitting the Ghost Actress?
At this thought, Ye Fusheng looked down, and with a "poof", almost no nosebleed came out, and he was stunned in place.

There is no breast wrap on the ghostly actress!

In other words, everything about the ghost actress was exposed in front of Ye Fusheng!

"Hiss...can you still be this exciting?"

Wipe off the saliva, ah no, wipe off the sweat that flowed out from punching too much just now, Ye Fusheng was so excited that he started to fight hard again.

God will never treat hard-working people badly!

It must be because God saw that he was too boring to farm monsters alone, so he triggered the looting technique and snatched that thing over!
"Ah! Ah!"

"Damn bastard! Ah!"

The Ghost Actress is constantly being attacked at her weak point, and even the most basic protection is lost at this time, and she is filled with grief and indignation, but she has no pure offensive skills, so she can't stop Ye Fusheng's offensive at all, so she can only be attacked continuously, sending out tactful words Scream!
However, her scream made Ye Fusheng more excited, and her attack speed became faster!

Men, just be fast and last!

After beating the huge and soft Oupai for nearly 10 minutes, a system bell rang, making Ye Fusheng look at the ghostly actress with eyes that suddenly changed from greed, love, to disgust.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining 1 points of void attribute!"

"System prompt: Since the nihility attribute of Ghost Actress is lower than 1000 points, the characteristics of immunity to physical attacks and magic attack power have disappeared!"

"Hey, I can't continue to swipe so soon, what's the use of you?!"

"Except for Nako being bigger, it's useless at all!"

"A bunch of trash! Kill them!"

Sighing, Ye Fusheng stopped attacking the ghost actress, and quickly switched the two swords, released the skills such as punch + heavy cut, and continued to kill the ghost actress.

In itself, the basic attributes of the Ghost Actress are extremely low, coupled with the blessings of Ye Fusheng's various states, the attack power is extremely terrifying, but in just 2 minutes, all 100 million blood points have been emptied, turning into Ye Fusheng's experience!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the prefecture-level boss Ghost Actress. You will be rewarded with 8000000 experience points, 10000 reputation points, and 10000 merit points!"

After getting 800 million experience points, the experience bar only increased by less than 1%, which made Ye Fusheng sigh.

There are too many things on him that swallow up % experience, such as mounts, pets, and dual hidden professions, the experience points required for him to level up are exponentially increased.

For other players, I am afraid that 800 million experience points can increase their experience points by more than half!

"Well... 91 points of nothingness attribute, and then go, if I can use the nothingness attribute to perform special effects in this ghost world, I will really be invincible!"

Glancing at the attribute panel, Ye Fusheng didn't summon the angry flame horse, and walked straight ahead, intending to use his body to seduce those giant girls who wandered in the deep forest and were confused!

He wants to use his own hands to purify the souls and bodies of those ghostly actresses!

Sure enough, it seems that Ye Fusheng's body is too fragrant, and those ghostly actresses are constantly seduced by him, wanting to devour his life essence.

Unfortunately, they were all fooled!
With the end of the first wave of control, Ye Fusheng turned around and slashed dizzy, Kato Ying's hand broke out, and the ghost actresses who hit him immediately kept wailing, which sounded very pitiful.

Their various attributes are constantly being plundered by Ye Fusheng at an extremely fast speed.

Time passes slowly.

As Ye Fusheng became more proficient, almost every 5 minutes, he could plunder the nihility attribute of a ghost actress, purify their bodies, and then kill all the blood of the ghost actresses at a speed of 2 minutes, and purify their souls!

Almost every ghost actress can bring Ye Fusheng about 50 nihility attributes and 800 million experience points!
Killed more than 30 ghost actresses in a row, the nihility attribute reached 1500 points, but still failed to activate the stunt, and the experience value also increased to 70%. If the next monsters in the map are also BOSS, I am afraid that the map of the ghost world has been scanned. Ye Fusheng can upgrade again.


Suddenly, there was a gust of wind, and Ye Fusheng suddenly felt chills all over his body, as if falling into an ice cellar.

Looking up abruptly, she saw a huge figure floating from a distance, beside her, there was still a lot of brilliance lingering.

Obviously, he killed too many ghost actresses just now, and he has already alarmed the king of the ghost world.

Looking intently, the eyes of truth bloomed, and what caught my eyes was a pair of papayas the size of footballs, white, round and narrow!

This time, the nosebleed flowed directly!

(PS: Today's update is over, and a new story will be opened soon, which is a bit stuck! Finished, and the update of more than 1 words per day will resume immediately!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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