Invincible in one touch

Chapter 189 Battle 300 Chapters Together

Chapter 189 Three Hundred Rounds of War

Nosebleeds, but Ye Fusheng did not forget to check the attributes of the huge ghost actress.

Well, Nako is so big, it must not be a mortal thing!
The Eye of Truth was released, and a list of attributes flew out directly.

Ghost Queen (Fairy Boss)

Rating: 78
Blood value: 300000000
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Skills: ... (the ellipsis means the same as before) the cord of magic thunder (release the chain of thunder, causing multiple damages of 5% blood per second to the enemy)
Description: The Queen of the Ghost Clan stayed in the Ghost Realm, she is powerful and has a figure that matches her strength

"Hiss... As expected of Nako being so big, she is the queen!"

"It seems that above the Queen, there are even stronger powerhouses in the Ghost Clan!"

After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing.

It's just the ghost queen, that thing is already bigger than a papaya, if there is a more powerful ghost, isn't it as big as a football?


Too big to mess with, RBQ!

"Damn it to a human being, how dare you hurt the heroic fighters of my Ghost Clan!"

"I am going to kill you!"

Just like the ghost actresses before, as soon as the ghost queen appeared, she put on a cold face, raised her hand and threw a ghost rope, binding Ye Fusheng's body.

Immediately afterwards, the cord of magic thunder erupted, and the purple thunder was like a poisonous snake, hitting Ye Fusheng continuously.

The damage figures kept flying up, but within three seconds, Ye Fusheng had already lost 15% of his blood.

This made Ye Fusheng dare not keep his hand anymore, if this girl still has hidden skills, I'm afraid he will overturn!
Released the punching skill, Ye Fusheng rushed to the Ghost Queen in an instant, and the flames of Heavenly Zhan fell down, stunned her suddenly.

Afterwards, switching weapons, Ye Fusheng started the delightful journey of brushing the void attribute again!
But this time, every time Ye Fusheng punched, it didn't have the smooth Q bomb feeling like before, but was soft and sank directly into it.

This made Ye Fusheng feel very uncomfortable, it was too big, every punch went in, feeling the smooth friction, it felt like it was hard to press the gun!

"Ah - damned bastard!"

"How dare you humiliate the great Ghost Queen, I will take your soul out and send you to the eighteenth floor of hell!"

The Ghost Queen screamed a few times, her face was flushed, her eyes were shining brightly, and she stared at Ye Fusheng.

It's just that I don't know what the look in those eyes means.

He raised his hand and shot out with a purple rope, but before the rope was tied to his body, Ye Fusheng punched out with a startling punch, once again imprisoning the Ghost Queen in place, interrupting her skills.

Who dares not accept the person I, Ye Fusheng, want to touch? !


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining 5 points of void attribute!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining 8 points of void attribute!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting 100 blood points!"


The plundering technique was triggered continuously, and the fists were like machine guns, hitting the ghost queen continuously, causing her to scream continuously, and the lingering sound lingered for three days without a break!

They can even play an epic score!

At this time, Ye Fusheng was glad that he did not bring other girls, otherwise, he would not be able to use his fists when he encountered such a good opportunity!
You can only, slowly, use normal attacks to make wool, how can it be so refreshing?
In fact, it is mainly the attribute mechanism of the Ghost Clan, which restricts their attack power. Therefore, even if Ye Fusheng's attribute is not as good as theirs, the reason why he can easily suppress them and continue to plunder their attributes.

Even the ghost queen, who is as strong as a spirit-level boss, can only be pushed to the ground by Ye Fusheng, beating Nako crazily!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and gaining 10 points of void attribute!"

The beating continued for about ten minutes. When the ghost queen was beaten, her face turned red and she didn't even want to resist. When she just yelled a few times symbolically, a system notification sounded suddenly!

"System prompt: Since the nihility attribute of the ghost queen has been reduced to 9999 points, the nihility stunt level has dropped!"


Almost at the moment when the system prompt sounded, the face of the Ghost Queen changed drastically, and a very strong force burst out with a "bang", sending Ye Fusheng flying.

"You... who are you?"

"Why can you plunder my power?!"

The Ghost Queen looked at Ye Fusheng in fear. If Ye Fusheng couldn't plunder her attributes, maybe she would continue with half-push.

However, the special attribute of nothingness is the basis for their ghost clan to live and work. After feeling that her own attribute has dropped, she panicked in her heart. Even if she felt comfortable, she would not continue and sent Ye Fusheng away.


Hearing what the Ghost Queen said, Ye Fusheng looked confused, this monster has a pretty high level of AI!
Dazed for a moment, Ye Fusheng suddenly realized that in this game, only high-level bosses can have anthropomorphic AI!

In other words, the ghost queen in front of her is a high-level boss, if she can be killed, wouldn't there be a very generous reward? !

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and then looked at the Ghost Queen's eyes, full of greed!


Suddenly being stared at by this kind of eyes, and thinking of her ability being plundered, the Ghost Queen, even though she saw that Ye Fusheng's strength was not strong, was still terrified, and retreated without fighting, screamed, turned around and ran away!


After all, the Ghost Queen is a fairy-level boss. Even if she is not aggressive, other basic attributes still exist, especially speed. She runs so fast!
Just as Ye Fusheng blinked, the Ghost Queen had already disappeared into the forest.


The corner of his mouth twitched, and after Ye Fusheng came to his senses, he couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Are you so cowardly, anyway, he is also a fairy-level boss, stay and continue fighting with me!"

"Hey... It's a shame, if I can plunder all her nihility attributes, I will definitely be able to trigger the nihility attribute special effects! Then kill her, hehe, if one or two immortal artifacts are released, I can massacre the city! "

He rubbed his nose, no matter how he thought about it, the Ghost Queen had already run away, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to sigh, he meditated and returned to his blood, ready to continue the adventure.

Without the ghost queen, I can only continue to explore, looking for those confused ghost actresses, and using their graceful bodies to sublimate my attributes!
However, walking all the way, Ye Fusheng became puzzled!

After walking for ten minutes in a row, I didn't even meet a ghost actress!
It doesn't matter if he doesn't meet the ghost actress, every time he encounters a fork in the road, even the trees will take the initiative to give way to make a way for him.

Ye Fusheng was a little strange at first, but soon, he understood.

This, it should be that the Ghost Queen is afraid of him, and wants him to quickly pass through the Ghost Realm and enter the realm of other ethnic groups!

Don't look at them as allies, but a dead fellow is not a poor fellow!
She doesn't want to see her beautiful young lady being eaten up by a big pig's hoof and refusing to admit it, and finally killed!
After realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel weird. It turns out that he can still clear a map like this!

Although, in this way, Ye Fusheng would not be able to plunder enough nihility attributes in a short time, but without so many earth-level bosses and a fairy-level boss blocking the way, his progress speed is also much faster.

It is also very good to rush to the Valley of Myriad Tribulation Souls as soon as possible, pick the Lihun Grass, and complete the task.

As for those ghost actresses and ghost queens, when he has time someday, when he has the ability to control the ghost queen and prevent her from escaping, he will come back and eat her fiercely, blowing her nipples!
No, come back and brush her attributes hard, then kill her to explode her equipment!
What Ye Fusheng wanted was to become stronger, not Nako!
There was no ghost actress blocking the way, but in less than half an hour, Ye Fusheng came to the end of the forest, and what appeared in front of him was a dark and deep river.


Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng jumped down without hesitation and swam towards the shore.

Almost at the moment when Ye Fusheng jumped down, in the forest not far behind, the Ghost Queen was leading a group of disheveled ghost actresses with amazing breast milk, sighing at the same time, showing joy.

"Finally sent this guy away!"

"Oh my God! It's so cruel, he actually sat on our sisters and ravaged them! He even killed them in the end!"

"If our strength is not too weak, I must go up and fight him for [-] rounds!"

Many ghost actresses looked sad, but the meaning of their words was quite strange.

Three hundred rounds of war, how to fight?

Where is the fight again?

Is it between the mountains and fields?
——————Extremely pure author dividing line—————

Swimming through the black river, when Ye Fusheng came ashore again, he suddenly found that his whole body felt different.

In the original dense forest, it could be said that there was only gusts of wind, but after landing, it gave him a feeling of lifelessness.

Looking around, Ye Fusheng suddenly saw that even the flowers and plants on the shore were withered, without any vitality.

"Hiss... As expected of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations of Souls, when I first came here, there was no life, and I don't know what the monsters inside will look like!"

"I hope that the Soul-Living Grass can be obtained easily. If I stay in such a lifeless place for too long, I'm afraid it will be unhealthy for my body and mind!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng called out his two swords, and walked forward cautiously.

This kind of high-level map must be full of dangers. If you are not careful, you may be sent back to the birth point directly.

Walking forward step by step, moving up along the shoreline, not far away, a few dry trees appeared.

Other than that, nothing else.

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng made sure again before continuing to move forward.

However, when Ye Fusheng gradually approached the big tree, two sounds of "咻咻" suddenly sounded in his ears, and the next moment, a terrifying wind swept in!

(PS: Today's first update, there will be more tonight!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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