Invincible in one touch

Chapter 190 Soul Leaf, Dead Zombie

Chapter 190 Returning Soul Leaf, Hundred Dead Zombies

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the next moment, those dead trees exploded, and several crossbow arrows as thick as a man pierced through the trees, and suddenly shot towards Ye Fusheng.

"Hiss... a siege crossbow?!"

Seeing those crossbow arrows, Ye Fusheng's expression changed dramatically.

Those are the crossbow arrows used by NPCs to attack the city. They do extremely high damage. Once they are hit, they can be killed instantly.

Eyeballs rolled, seeing that those siege arrows were about to attack him, Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, suddenly reined in his horse and stood up, but immediately rolled to the side.


The next moment, the siege crossbow, wrapped in the momentum of thunder, pierced through the body of the angry flame horse in an instant, emptying its blood bar.

Before dying, the Raging Flame Demon Horse still looked confused!

Maybe I am not human, but you are a real dog!

What the hell, how many times have you sacrificed me? !
However, no matter how the Raging Flame Demon Horse complained, it had already sacrificed honorably and returned to Ye Fusheng's mount space.

call out!
After the siege crossbow pierced through the Raging Flame Demon Horse, it was still wrapped in a powerful force, and it didn't know where it flew.

Ye Fusheng also got up, frowned, and kept looking around.

Only the human race can use the siege crossbow, which means that there must be a human race here.

"The crossbow bolt has been triggered!"

"A monster is coming, let's be careful!"

Suddenly, a small voice rang in the ear.

Lifting his head suddenly, looking in the direction of the sound, what Ye Fusheng saw was a group of warriors in iron armor.

"Made, it really is a human race!"

Ye Fusheng's face was gloomy, and he quickly flew forward. At this time, the group of people also saw Ye Fusheng.

However, before Ye Fusheng stepped forward to scold them for why they attacked him, they respectfully said: "This subordinate didn't know that your lord came here, so you are far away from welcoming me, and I hope you will forgive me!"

Human merits and military ranks are common. Ye Fusheng has both the Ninth Legion and the military rank. These ordinary soldiers will naturally respect him when they see him.

As the saying goes, don't reach out to hit the smiling face. Seeing that these soldiers are so sensible, Ye Fusheng didn't want to say anything, so he coughed and said in a low voice: "Which unit are you from? How did you come here?!"

"My lord, we were entrusted by the king and Lord Bai Yi to come here to investigate the movements of the Ghost Clan, Demon Clan, and Undead Clan! Unexpectedly, we were trapped in this Valley of Thousand Tribulation Souls!"

One of the soldiers said: "Our lord has set up a camp in the distance, please move it!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng immediately understood that there should be missions here as well, or the main plot missions.

Otherwise, it would not have been entrusted by the king and Lord Hou in white.

The AI ​​in white is extremely high, and he is affectionate and righteous. He must be the main NPC in the game. As long as he participates, it will definitely be the main storyline mission.

[It's also very good to have tasks, you can collect experience while looking for Lihuncao!Otherwise, just looking for a stalk of grass, running so far back and forth, is really too bad! 】

Nodding his head slightly, Ye Fusheng didn't refuse, and immediately waved his hand to let the soldier lead the way.

The soldier ordered the others to take back the siege arrows, then turned around and took Ye Fusheng back to the camp.

The camp wasn't too far away, only a thousand or two thousand steps away, so when the siege arrows were triggered, the people in the camp could also know.

Back at the camp, Ye Fusheng glanced roughly, there were not too few people, but most of them were dazed, sitting on the ground dully, not speaking, as if their souls had been snatched away by someone.

"How is this going?!"

Seeing those people, Ye Fusheng couldn't help asking.


Before the soldier could reply, a soft female voice suddenly sounded: "They have been poisoned by Lihun poison, and now they are out of their wits, confused and unable to take care of themselves! If not, our team would not stop here!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng turned around to look, and suddenly saw a female general walking from the side holding a sharp knife, staring fixedly at Ye Fusheng.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, there are so many female generals in the kingdom?

The female city lord Xingyun has surprised him for a long time!
Looking at each other for a moment, Ye Fusheng released the Eye of Truth, and the next moment, the female general's attributes bloomed and floated.

Rose Thorn Xuewei (spiritual leader)
Rating: 70
Blood value: 2700000
Attack: 3800
Defense: 2100
Skills: Sword thrust, sword dance, thorn of thorns, defensive counterattack, heavy slash, chain sword
Description: One of the commanders of the imperial guards, possessing extraordinary strength, even though she is a woman, she is not inferior to any man
Weakness: speed
The attribute is still average, quite satisfactory, not too outstanding, compared with NPCs like Baiyi and Xingyun, they are simply weak!
However, if compared with ordinary generals, this attribute is indeed not weak.

Of course, facing Ye Fusheng, there is still not much chance of winning.

"As the head of the Sunset City's exclusive legion, why did you come here?"

Xuewei stared at Ye Fusheng closely and asked.


After hesitating for a moment, Ye Fusheng did not answer, but shook his head and said, "Sorry, this is a secret mission entrusted to me by Senior Sister Xingyun, and it cannot be passed on to the outside world!"


"Master Xingyun is your senior sister?!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's answer, Xuewei's expression changed dramatically, and she immediately began to scrutinize Ye Fusheng carefully.

Xing Yun, in the kingdom, she is a god-like figure, except for the people in white and the king, almost no one dares to look at her squarely!
How could such a character suddenly appear as a junior?
What's more, she also couldn't see what advantages Ye Fusheng had.

"Not bad!"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Senior sister asked me to come here to collect some medicinal materials, and I happened to meet you, but it seems that you are in great need of help now."

After familiarizing himself with this game, Ye Fusheng also understood that facing such a high AI NPC, the task would not be obtained on his own initiative, and he had to trigger it by himself.


Sure enough, when she heard Ye Fusheng's words, Xuewei snorted coldly, turned her head away, and just about to speak, the personal maid at the side stepped forward and whispered: "My lord, if you can't find Huihun Ye again, brothers and sisters will all come back!" It's hopeless!"

Hearing this, Xuewei sighed: "You are right, we really need help now!"

"Brothers strayed into the ecstasy formation, lost their souls, and were in a daze. There are countless unjust ghosts and evil spirits around, and they will attack the camp at any time! Therefore, our remaining combat power cannot go out, and we can only protect them. However, if it drags on , their souls cannot return for a long time, and they will die."

"Since you are here, can I ask you to help find the soul-returning leaf and save my brothers!"

As she said that, Xuewei looked at Ye Fusheng with a look of hope in her eyes.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the A-level main mission [Investigate the Horror]. Mission objective: Pick 300 soul-returning leaves and bring them back to the camp within 72 hours! Mission rewards: rich experience rewards, kingdom favorability, and troops Favorability!"

"Huh? It's just collecting soul leaves, and you're given a 72-hour deadline?"

"It seems that this task is really difficult!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng accepted the task without any fear.

The task is not difficult, how can he show his ability?

"Where is the soul-returning leaf?"

After accepting the task, Ye Fusheng asked directly.

"Returning soul leaves are not common. In the central area of ​​the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, if you want to pass through here, you have to go through three areas and deal with the ghost pawns, angry souls, and hundreds of dead zombies before you can reach the pool of souls. Returning Soul Leaf!"

Xuewei sighed: "Those monsters are not only very difficult to deal with, but also have a huge number. It is very difficult to kill them! You must be careful!"

"Don't worry, I will bring Huihun Ye back safely!"

Smiling slightly, Ye Fusheng originally wanted to ask Xuewei where she could find the Soul-Living Grass, but on second thought, only he, Xing Yun and Xing Xing knew about that mission, and Xuewei belonged to the Kingdom faction, if it was revealed If the news is unfavorable to Senior Sister Xingyun, it will be troublesome.

From the arrival of Bai Yi last time, Ye Fusheng could tell that the so-called king didn't trust Xing Yun!
"Okay, you guys take good care of your injuries and protect these people, I'm leaving!"

Since he received the mission and the girl had resistance to him, Ye Fusheng naturally wouldn't stay in the camp anymore, waved his hand, turned around and left the camp.

Seeing that Ye Fusheng left so easily, Xuewei was stunned, her mouth was slightly opened, and she looked at Ye Fusheng with strange eyes.

"This guy is really interesting! Phew, he is actually the younger brother of Xingyun God of War. It seems that other people should pay attention to him!"

——————Pure dividing line—————

Leaving the camp, Ye Fusheng recalled Xuewei's description, and immediately summoned the stars.


The light flickered, and a cherry blossom tree emerged. Then, several rays of light fell and turned into buffs, blessing Ye Fusheng's attributes.

With Xuewei's strength, those monsters are difficult to deal with, and there are many of them, so he has to be careful.

Gradually deepening, the land around me dries up, and the BGM gradually changes, dark and eerie.

After a while, a ramp appeared and went straight down.

Ye Fusheng just stepped on the ramp, but Xing Xing said: "Master, there are many monsters down there!"

"Huh? Is there a monster?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng looked forward to it, and hurriedly ran down.

Running down the ramp in one breath, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised by countless low growls and "bang bang bang" sounds in his ears.

What kind of monster could that sound be?

Turning a ramp, Ye Fusheng's footsteps came to a sudden stop, his scalp felt numb, and his whole body froze in place.

What came into view was overwhelming, densely packed, nearly thousands of zombies wearing ancient official uniforms, with yellow talisman paper on their heads, bouncing around!

"I'm so stupid... so many zombies, how many people have died here?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng quickly cast his Eye of Truth, and the attributes of those zombies floated out.

Hundred Dead Zombies (Elite Monsters)

Rating: 70
Blood value: 24000
Attack: 1800
Defense: 1000
Skill: Corpse Tide (when the number of zombies around reaches 500, increase all attributes by 50%, when it reaches 1000, increase all attributes by 100%, when it reaches 2000, increase all attributes by upper limit) walking corpse (the more zombies around more, the more flexible the zombie, the more advanced the attack method)

Description: After death, the resentful corpse became a zombie with strong attack and defense power.
Weakness: Tao


The sound of air-conditioning resounded, and Ye Fusheng's complexion gradually turned ferocious!

(PS: Some people say that I am not pure, so I will prove it to everyone in this chapter. I, Liu Xianfeng, never drive!)

(End of this chapter)

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