Invincible in one touch

Chapter 191 Create an opportunity and get another stunt!

Chapter 191 Create an opportunity and get another stunt!

Individually, the attributes of these hundreds of dead zombies are not strong, and Ye Fusheng can kill a bunch of them in minutes.

However, the skill effects of the tide of corpses and walking corpses changed his expression drastically!
The more zombies around, the stronger the attributes, the more attack methods, and the more flexible. If the number of zombies is small, it doesn't matter.

However, in this deep pit, there are thousands of dead zombies within Ye Fusheng's line of sight alone!
No one knows if there will be more zombies in the future, if they come out together, the zombies with four or five times the attributes, even if Ye Fusheng is equipped with earth and sky weapons, can't stop the attack power of over ten thousand!
Looking around, Ye Fusheng could not help but frown. The terrain in the deep pit is flat, and there are no obstacles, only a few large trees that are about to die beside the mountain wall, which cannot restrain the attack of the dead zombies.

In other words, there is no monster spawning point in this map, as long as hundreds of dead zombies are triggered, they will definitely attack in groups, at least dozens of soldiers can attack Ye Fusheng at the same time.

Coupled with the attribute increase, Ye Fusheng couldn't bear the damage at all!
"There are so many zombies gathered together, and they are all famous red monsters. There is no way to rush over! Is it possible that they really need to be killed?"

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng's head grew dizzy for a while, the task has a time limit, really kill slowly, I'm afraid the 72 hours are over, and he just finished cleaning up the hundred dead zombies!Not to mention there are two monsters behind!

"No, you have to attract and kill! Try it, attract about 500 at a time, as long as their attributes do not increase by 100%, they should be able to resist!"

"It depends on whether Xingxing can breastfeed!"

Rubbing his chin, Ye Fusheng's expression became ruthless, fighting hard!
If you are timid, it is even more impossible to complete the task!
However, if you really want to spawn monsters, you must first wait for the Raging Flame Demon Horse to recover its tenacity.

Without the attribute blessing of the mount, it would be difficult for Ye Fusheng to block the attacks of dozens of zombies.

Ten minutes later, the mount's tenacity value was restored to full, and with a neighing sound, the Raging Flame Demon Horse was summoned again, and Ye Fusheng rode it under him.

The qi and blood value soared to more than 10, and Ye Fusheng gained some confidence.

With 10 blood points, coupled with the buff increase of the stars, it is no problem to block the attack of dozens of zombies in a short time.

Big deal, back off when the buff disappears, and wait for the buff to go up to fight, that way the speed is several times faster than killing one by one.

Taking a deep breath, just as he was about to control the angry flame horse to rush out, Ye Fusheng, who was sitting on the horse's back, stared at a dead tree.

He didn't see the flame horse just now, and he couldn't see far enough and clearly enough. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the dead tree happened to be connected to the mountain wall behind him. Instead, maybe we can artificially create a monster spawn point to block many zombies and let him spawn monsters!
However, that tree was about [-] yards away from him, and it was very difficult to rush directly to it!

"There are two forms of stars, the human form has the five-element sword array, and the phantom cherry form has phantom cherry blossoms. Add a blessing BUFF to me, and it should be no problem to rush over!"

His eyes turned cold, and Ye Fusheng made up his mind to let Xing Xing add the buff of Sakura's blessing to himself, transforming into a human form.


Colorful lights flickered, and stars in battle armor emerged, holding a sword in one hand, staring at many zombies.


With a loud shout, Ye Fusheng took the lead, riding the angry flame horse and charged out, swinging his two swords, the sword energy swept and raged, and immediately alarmed the hundreds of dead zombies around.


The roar sounded, and those hundreds of dead zombies jumped towards Ye Fusheng one after another like in the TV, even though the sword energy hit them and caused countless injuries, they didn't stop at all.


"System prompt: Since the number of 500-dead zombies in the range has reached 50, the attributes of all zombies will increase by [-]%, and the way of action will become more flexible!"


As the system bell rang, the zombie who was bouncing around like a rabbit was able to walk like flying and rushed towards Ye Fusheng.

"Hiss... 500 zombies can become so flexible?!"

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel his scalp go numb, he quickly locked onto the farthest zombie, and released it with a slash!


Like a thunderbolt, Ye Fusheng charged in front of the zombie with his men and horses, and then kicked it away with a kick from the angry flame horse, and was 30 yards closer to the dead tree!
However, zombies that can run are faster, and before Ye Fusheng can go further, countless zombies are besieging him one after another.

As he got closer, he was able to wield the sharp, hard black nails and continuously attack Ye Fusheng, causing countless four-figure damage.

The blood volume dropped one after another, but Ye Fusheng didn't release the rest of his skills, he just carried it silently and squeezed forward.


The five elements of chaos erupted, and both Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing got their attributes increased. The next moment, Xing Xing cast it in an instant, and came to Ye Fusheng's side, and the star slash fell down!

The sword energy swept across, and under the high skill damage, it immediately attracted the damage of all the hundreds of dead zombies around.

The hundred dead zombies without high AI immediately shifted their targets and besieged Ye Fusheng one after another.

In this way, Ye Fusheng has no restraints, and he continues to ride on the angry flame horse. Only the zombies that have not been attacked by the stars will continue to hinder Ye Fusheng.

However, if the number is small, those zombies can't stop Ye Fusheng at all.

Ten seconds later, Ye Fusheng rushed out about 50 yards, but the hundreds of dead zombies flooding around stopped Ye Fusheng again.

"Five Elements Sword Formation!"

When those zombies crowded around Ye Fusheng's side, his eyes turned cold, he gave a soft drink, and quickly raised his sword behind him towards the star he had killed.


Colorful rays of light bloomed, strong sword energy gathered, and the next moment, a formation appeared on Ye Fusheng's head, which contained an astonishing aura, and suddenly fell down.


Only the sound of piercing through the air could be heard continuously, and the colorful sword energy, like a rain of swords, suddenly penetrated the bodies of all zombies within the range!

Under the attack of the five-element sword array that must be critically struck and must ignore defense, tens of thousands of damages continue to jump out. Even if those soldiers get full attribute boosts and their blood reaches nearly 30000 points, they cannot withstand the damage at all.



The wailing sounded one after another, and all the zombies approaching Ye Fusheng were pierced by the sword energy, unable to hold back even for a second.

Ye Fusheng also took advantage of this opportunity, rushed forward again, and continued to close the distance with the dead tree.


The colorful sword rain contained astonishing power, continuously killing hundreds of dead zombies, but when the skill duration expired, countless zombies rushed out again, rushing towards Ye Fusheng who was galloping.

At this time, Ye Fusheng stared at the dead tree with his eyes, constantly calculating his skills and distance.

120 yards... 110 yards...

The distance was getting closer and closer, but the zombies who came to besiege Ye Fusheng blocked their way again.


"System prompt: The number of startled hundred dead zombies has reached 1000, and all attributes will be increased by 100%!"

"Hiss... the convergence speed is so fast?!"

Hearing the beep again, Ye Fusheng's face was embarrassed. It only took more than 30 seconds, and the Five Elements Sword Array was still slaughtering zombies. They all gathered to 1000?
"No, we must speed up and try to get there before the next attribute increase! Otherwise, their attributes will increase, and there is no need to fight at all!"

Gritting his teeth, Ye Fusheng controlled the Raging Flame Demon Horse to continuously display its skills, using its vitality and tenacity to rush forward with difficulty.

100 yards...90 yards...85 yards...

Even though the Raging Flame Demon Horse is a high-level mount with extremely high vitality and toughness, it cannot last long under the attack of dozens of zombies.

Kankan rushed out less than 30 yards, the qi and blood of the angry flame horse emptied again, neighed, and finally burst into a burst of flames, clearing away the zombies within 10 yards around him, and killing Ye Fusheng for a while, and then died miserably In the mount space.

If the Raging Flame Demon Horse had an AI, it would definitely be furious. In less than a day, let me die twice?
Is this what people do? !

But Ye Fusheng didn't care, to be precise, his whole heart was on that dead tree.

After the cooldown of the charge and slash was over, he rushed a few steps forward, and when the zombies came up again, he released the charge and slash suddenly, passing through dozens of zombies, and came 30 yards away!
At this time, there are still 30 yards away from the dead tree!
However, the Raging Flame Demon Horse collapsed, and the stars were still far away. The last 30 yards were the most difficult!


Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng speeded up and rushed forward, colliding with the zombies rushing around again.

"Sword Dance..."

Under the attack, Ye Fusheng calmly raised his sword with both hands, and released the fairy-level skill again!


When the skill was released, the fiery red sword energy and the silver white sword energy came together, suddenly bursting into gorgeous sword light, covering all the zombies in front of Ye Fusheng.



The sword energy is like a dragon, extremely sharp, and almost at the same time it penetrates through the zombies, it completely tears them up, and the blood value is emptied!
The originally dense crowd of zombies turned into a blank space!

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ye Fusheng put away his two swords and rushed towards the dead tree.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng controls the transformation of the star, transforming from a girl into a tree of cherry blossoms, appearing beside him, defending him from the zombies rushing up from behind.

Without the obstruction of the zombies, within a few breaths of 30 yards, he had already rushed to the front, and immediately Ye Fusheng swung the flames of the sky, and slashed on the dead tree.

boom! boom! boom!
The crisp sound kept ringing, and the dead tree was crumbling.

However, when Ye Fusheng chopped down the tree, the zombies behind him also rushed up.


Even if the star is a holy boss, it is difficult to block the siege of zombies whose attributes have been increased by 100%.

Within ten seconds, he was controlled by Ye Fusheng to retreat and recover his blood.

At the same time, Huan Ying's colorful skills fell and covered Ye Fusheng's side.


Almost all the zombies that rushed over were controlled by skills, fell into a phantom state, and froze in place.

There was another loud bang, Tianzhan Lieyan triggered a stunt, cut off the dead tree suddenly, fell down with a "click", just fell behind Ye Fusheng, isolating him from all the zombies.

Behind, is the mountain wall!No zombie can attack him!


At this time, Ye Fuchang let out a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Bet right!
In this way, as long as those zombies can't fly, they will never attack him over the dead tree!

Instead, he switched to the Lone Star Ranger class, and he was able to cause explosive damage to those zombies!


Sure enough, those zombies were blocked by dead trees and couldn't move forward, but their hatred was still on them, so they could only stand where they were, glaring at Ye Fusheng.

"Hahaha, a pleasant journey to gain experience, start again!"

With a loud laugh, Ye Fusheng switched to the black light bow, opened the bow and set the arrow, and the next moment, the arrows burst out continuously like stars.

Coupled with the passiveness of the Lone Star Ranger, once the starburst attack is triggered, it will explode and cause damage to many zombies.


Even though the attribute of the black light bow is relatively low, but with all kinds of blessings, those zombies can only be beaten, and they still have a lot of fun killing them.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing hundreds of zombies. You will be rewarded with 40000 experience points and 4000 merit points!"


The experience keeps increasing, and after Xing Xing's energy and blood recover, he transforms into a girl again, and together with Ye Fusheng, he harvests hundreds of dead zombies.

There is no way, there are too many dead zombies, you must kill them as soon as possible to complete the time limit task!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique, and getting a hard attribute point +5!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique, and getting a hard attribute point +7!"

"Huh? Hard attribute?"

"These zombies can still brush attributes?!"

Seeing the reminder, Ye Fusheng, who was already exhausted from brushing, regained his energy, and shot like crazy with his bow and arrows!
The system notification tone also keeps ringing.

After nearly half an hour of brushing, the hard attribute that can be brushed has finally been reduced to 1 point, but, a surprise, also came!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the plundering technique, and getting a hard attribute point +1!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player who has reached 1000 hard attribute points and activated the special skill Unyielding Will!"

(PS: Today’s first update, a chapter of nearly 4000 words, um, ask the brothers, how many words do you think is better in a chapter? Yesterday, 3000 words was said to be too short by a friend, so I’m asking for advice today, and I’ll continue with 3000 words in the future. Chapter, or increase to 4000 words?
In addition, today's update resumes, [-] words are the base, and there are at least two updates tonight! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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