Invincible in one touch

Chapter 193 God Chapter Boss, Bull Head and Horse Face!

Chapter 193 Mythical Boss, Bull Head and Horse Face!

The sound of breathing was like wind and thunder, extremely ferocious, and those two bodies were like mountains, containing terrifying power.

"Hiss... is this a super boss?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling excited.

His own stunts and the cooldown skills of the stars are all over. He can be said to be in peak form. If he can kill these two seemingly strong bosses at once, he will definitely explode something good!

boom boom-

A thunderous sound sounded, and the two monsters roared hoarsely: "Mortal, get out of here! Nether hell is not a place you can come to!"

"Huh? Let me go? These two bosses are a bit high-spirited!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng raised his head to look at the two bosses, but when he saw the two bosses clearly, he was full of surprise, opened his mouth slightly, and froze in place!
What came into view was a horse face and a bull head!
[Fuck? !Bull head and horse noodles? ! 】

【Isn’t that the subordinate of King Yama?Could it be that this game even has the Ten Kings of Hades? ! 】

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being surprised.

The setting in this game is so weird!

"Mortal...leave this place, otherwise, don't blame us for bringing you into the underworld!"

Ma Mian stared at Ye Fusheng with a cold voice.

However, its words awakened Ye Fusheng.

"It's just a game, but you still want to bring me into the underworld?"

"Then let's see if you have the ability!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng glanced over, released the Eye of Truth skill, and the attributes of bull head and horse face suddenly appeared in front of him.

Bull Head (Mythical Boss · Clone)

Rating: 50
Blood value: 20000000
Attack: 3800
Defense: 3000
Three stacks of steel fork (wield the steel fork, perform three consecutive strikes, causing 200% skill damage to the enemy target)
Seductive (10% of the target's blood value is forcibly deducted, if the opponent's current blood volume is lower than 30%, the instant kill effect will be triggered)

Reversal of the universe (cast on the enemy, make a judgment, 50% trigger negative effects, including but not limited to stun, restraint, bleeding, poisoning, tearing, weakening, etc., 50% chance to trigger buff effects, including but not limited to recovery, Free from control, increase damage, reduce cooling time, etc.)

Description: It was originally a guard in the underworld and eighteen layers of hell. In order to guard the edge of the ghost world and the nether world, and guard the strange treasures, it is transformed into a clone. Its strength is less than 1% of its own, and its level changes according to the target.

Weakness: Tao
Horse Face (Mythical Boss Clone)

Rating: 50
Qi and blood value: Qi and blood value: 20000000
Attack: 3800
Defense: 3000
Spear combo (wield a spear, perform three combos, causing 200% skill damage to enemy targets)
Seductive (10% of the target's blood value is forcibly deducted, if the opponent's current blood volume is lower than 30%, the instant kill effect will be triggered)

Reversal of the universe (cast on the enemy, make a judgment, 50% trigger negative effects, including but not limited to stun, restraint, bleeding, poisoning, tearing, weakening, etc., 50% chance to trigger buff effects, including but not limited to recovery, Free from control, increase damage, reduce cooling time, etc.)

Description: It was originally a guard in the underworld and eighteen layers of hell. In order to guard the edge of the ghost world and the nether world, and guard the strange treasures, it is transformed into a clone. Its strength is less than 1% of its own, and its level changes according to the target.

Weakness: Tao
"Hiss... Mythical Boss? Although they are just clones, if you kill them, the rewards will be very rich, right?!"

After reading all the attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing excitedly.

When Ye Fusheng first saw the Mythical Boss, he even felt desperate and thought of leaving.

However, once I saw the word avatar, and then looked at the attributes and skills, I was completely overwhelmed.

Their attributes, apart from stronger qi and blood and skills, their attack power and defense power are not as good as those of spirit-level bosses.

Of course, this is also the reason why Ye Fusheng's level is low.

The levels and attributes of the two bosses, bull head and horse face, will change according to the target level.

Ye Fusheng's level is too low, so that their attributes are relatively poor, but Ye Fusheng has attributes far beyond the level, and this is why he has the strength to kill the two clones of the bull head and the horse face!
"Even though there is an instant kill effect, as long as I keep my qi and blood above 30%, I don't have to worry about it! As for turning the world around, with my 9000+ lucky value, can there still be negative effects?"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng was not afraid of these two bosses at all, he couldn't help grinning and said: "If I don't leave, what can you do to me?"

"If you don't leave, don't blame me for doing it!"

It was said that the bull head and the horse face looked at each other, and immediately raised their steel forks and spears respectively (according to the books, the weapons used by the horse face are spears, so please don't say anything, the spears are different weapons, etc.), and stabbed at the same time. Xiang Ye Fusheng's chest.


A terrifying gust of wind suddenly rose, carrying astonishing power, and pressed towards Ye Fusheng.

"Hahaha, come on!"

"The stars add BUFF to me!"

With a loud laugh, Ye Fusheng's two swords slashed at the steel fork and the spear respectively.

The next moment, many BUFFs dropped one after another, various special effects were activated, and Ye Fusheng's attributes suddenly skyrocketed!

Not only that, the Sky Swallowing·Spiritual Abilities exploded, and his blood value increased, reaching as high as 17!

The two swords collided with two powerful weapons respectively. In an instant, there was a huge tremor. Ye Fusheng suddenly felt pain in his arms, and two damages as high as four digits floated out of his head.

But, for his 17 total blood, those injuries are just a drop in the bucket!
On the contrary, Ye Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The bull head and horse face with weakened attributes, even mythical bosses, have no ability to pose a threat to him!

"Xing Xing, transformed into a human body, entangle the bull's head for me!"

With a soft shout, Ye Fusheng swung his left arm, hit the steel fork back, quickly locked on the horse's face, and released the punching skill.


Like a thunderbolt, Ye Fusheng broke through the space, and the two swords respectively released the heavy slashing skills, slashing hard at Ma Mian.



Under Ye Fusheng's attack power of 5000+, two damages exceeding [-] came out, and the blood value recovered even more.

Aware of this, Ye Fusheng was completely sure that he was fully capable of killing the clones of these two mythical bosses!
Even without skills, he can cause more than 2 damage per second, 1 million in one minute, and with skills, 120 million is absolutely no problem!
2000 million blood points may seem like a lot, but the two bosses, Bull Head and Horse Face, don't have the ability to restore blood points. As long as they don't run, they can slowly grind them to death!
In other words, with an output of 1 million damage per minute and 150 million qi and blood, at best it can last for less than 2000 minutes.

"It takes 14 minutes to kill one... the other one is carried by Xing Xing, and it will consume a lot of energy and blood. If you work hard, you should be able to solve it in 20 minutes!"

While wielding the double swords, Ye Fusheng kept harvesting the blood of the horse face, while counting the time to kill the two bosses, Ye Fusheng's eyes gradually brightened.

That is the avatar of the mythical boss. If you kill them, will a whole set of god-level equipment be revealed directly?

Cough cough... That may be overthinking, but there should be some hope for spirit-level equipment or fairy-level equipment to be revealed!

"Hey! Bastard, Hugh hurt my brother!"

Seeing that the horse's face fell into a dizziness, being attacked by Ye Fusheng's sword continuously, the bull's head let out a roar, and raised its steel fork, intending to kill Ye Fusheng.

But, before it rushed to Ye Fusheng, a beautiful girl appeared in front of it in an instant, and the next moment, bright starlight bloomed, and the sharp sword blade stabbed at its forehead.


The burst of terrifying power actually caused the huge body of Niutou to stagger and retreat several steps in succession.

This made Niutou startled, he quickly lifted the steel fork, and wrestled with Xing Xing.

Although Xingxing's equipment is not good enough, but she is a holy pet anyway, her growth aptitude is terrifying, and her attack power is not much worse than Ye Fusheng's. In addition, she has the blood-sucking ring replaced by Ye Fusheng. They are evenly matched!

The bull's head was entangled, and Ye Fusheng dealt with the horse face alone, and it immediately became much easier.

Even if Ma Mian exited the dizzy state and continued to fight back, it would be difficult to pose a threat to Ye Fusheng.



As the sound of swords and weapons colliding continued, the blood values ​​of the horse face and bull head continued to drop.

On the other hand, Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing, relying on high attack skills and blood-sucking effects, have maintained a blood value of more than 70%, very healthy.

Even if the horse-faced and bull-headed skills are used to seduce souls, they cannot trigger the instant kill effect and instantly turn the tide of battle.

"Roar—stupid human beings, bear the wrath of the Nether!"

Suddenly, when the blood value of the horse's face dropped to 50%, it suddenly formed seals with both hands, and a terrifying aura surged around it.


"System prompt: Because the player is affected by the skill Reversal of the Universe, he gets the fighting spirit BUFF, and the damage he causes increases by 30%, and the duration is 100 seconds!"

When the system notification sound fell, Ye Fusheng's expression suddenly became weird.

Is this the horror of high luck?

Others release their skills on themselves, and as a result, their output ability becomes stronger!


With the continuous attack in his hands, Ye Fusheng's damage to the horse's face instantly increased by 30%, from more than 1 to 2!
In this way, Ma Mian became more vulnerable in front of Ye Fusheng, and his blood value continued to drop!
In fact, at the current stage, even if the attributes of the two bosses, bull head and horse face, are at the same level as the player, they will not be too strong. , will be killed.

However, Ye Fusheng's high luck value directly abolished the skill of turning the world upside down!

The bright light sword and the sky-slashing flames kept waving. Due to the increase in fighting spirit BUFF, it lasted about 10 minutes. The blood value of the horse's face had dropped to 1%, and it was shining black, and it would die at any time.

"good chance!"

With his eyes fixed, Ye Fusheng violently unleashed the punching slash, and the sword swayed for nine days with aggravated slashes falling one after another, killing the last of the horse's blood!

"Hey—you, you will eventually fall into the despair of God!"

With a howl, Ma Mian's body exploded, revealing a glittering golden book and purple equipment all over the floor.

"Golden book? Purple radiant equipment?!"

Ye Fusheng's breathing suddenly became rapid!

(PS: Today’s update will be sent, and there will be two updates in the future!!! The bottom line will be updated!!! Please recommend tickets, please ask for monthly tickets!!)
(End of this chapter)

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