Invincible in one touch

Chapter 194 Sky Burial Suit, Blessing of Heaven!

Chapter 194 Sky Burial Suit, Blessing of Heaven!
"The equipment of purple brilliance, is it a fairy weapon?"

"There is also a golden skill book..."

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng quickly put away the equipment and books, instead of checking the attributes, he turned around quickly and rushed towards the bull's head.

After all, the attributes and equipment of stars are not as good as Ye Fusheng's, and his blood has dropped to about 40%. Ye Fusheng must cooperate with her to kill Niutou as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the cooldown of Niutou's soul catching skill is over, if he uses it on the star, he can kill her instantly!

Ye Fusheng, would he have the heart to watch such a beautiful loli die? !

The two swords fell one after another, Ye Fusheng's arms warmed up, and the next moment, two damage numbers as high as [-] flew up!
Critical strike + excellent characteristics!

The sudden [-] damage immediately pulled Niutou's hatred away, he ignored the stars, his eyes were bloodshot, he raised the steel fork and threw it at Ye Fusheng's face.

"Star Slash!"

Xing Xing released his skills to restrain the bull's head, and even cooperated with Ye Fusheng to crackle and output at the minotaur!
Ever since, amidst the wailing, the Minotaur's blood value dropped sharply.

However, in 3 minutes, even if the Minotaur turned the world upside down and released all of its seductive souls, it would be difficult to save the defeat, and died tragically amidst the wailing sound.


Gold coins were scattered all over the floor, and several pieces of equipment also shone with purple light.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the Mythical Boss Clone Bull Head. You will be rewarded with 10 billion experience points, 10000 reputation points, and 100 million merit points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading, the current level is 47!"

The golden light shone under his feet, and Ye Fusheng successfully rose to level 47 under the rich experience reward of killing two mythical boss clones in succession!
This made Ye Fusheng a little unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, it was just a task that made him go up two levels in a row!
Perhaps, after returning to the city, the reward Senior Sister Xingyun gave him will be a surprise!
"Tsk tsk, it's so cool! I hope you can give me more bosses like this in the future, the experience value is too rich!"

Licking his lips, Ye Fusheng opened the backpack and glanced over, even though he was mentally prepared, he felt a burst of surprise.

In the backpack, there are seven pieces of equipment shining with purple light!

The two bosses, Niutou and Mamian, have exploded a total of seven pieces of equipment!
He stretched his hand over the equipment, and the next moment, the attribute panels of those equipment flew out, shaking Ye Fusheng's mind.

Sky Burial Armor (Spiritual Artifact·Excellence)

Defense: 4300
Power: 700
Stamina: 1000
Tenacity: When attacked, reduce the damage you receive by 10%

Brilliant Qi Qianyun: Increase the total qi and blood value of oneself by 50%

Excellence: When attacked, 10% chance to recover 30% of own blood value

Set attributes:
Sky Burial (2/9): When facing undead, ghosts, and ghost race monsters, the damage to them is increased by 100%
Sky Burial (4/9): All stats increase by 30%
Sky Burial (6/9): When attacked, there is a 10% chance to trigger the effect of destroying spirits, reducing the enemy's HP by 5%


Sky Burial (9/9): When attacking, there is a 1% chance to trigger an instant death effect, causing the enemy target to die instantly, regardless of level, rank, and any invincible effects
Description: Contains a breath of soul requiem, possessing extremely powerful power
Rating: 50
Celestial Burial Bracers (Spiritual Artifact·Excellence)

Defense: 3500
Power: 600
Stamina: 800
Hawkeye: Increase critical strike rate by 30%, and increase damage by 50% when attacking

Undead Bodyguard: When attacked, there is a 10% chance to summon a ghostly undead, entangle the enemy, make it weakened, reduce movement speed, attack speed, and attack power by 30%
Excellence: When attacking, there is a 7% chance to summon a ghost energy impact, causing a plague state to the surrounding targets, losing 5000 blood points per second, lasting for 3 seconds

Set attributes:
Sky Burial (2/9): ...


A total of seven pieces of equipment, all spiritual weapons and excellent level, and all of them are sky burial suits, made Ye Fusheng dumbfounded!

What shocked Ye Fusheng even more was that the basic attributes of these seven pieces of equipment were powerful, and the characteristics of each piece of equipment were extremely useful.

There are control-free ones, damage-reducing ones, damage-increasing ones, qi-boosting ones, attack power-boosting ones, and even summoning undead and debilitating enemy attributes.

Once Ye Fusheng puts on this set of equipment, his attributes will definitely increase by 3-4 times compared to now, and his real strength will increase by more than 10 times!
At that time, Ye Fusheng might be able to fight against a fairy-level boss!
A spirit-level boss might not even be qualified to carry his shoes!
"Phew... really lucky this time! Already at level 47, I'm going to level 50 soon!"

"As long as you rush to level 50 and equip the sky burial suit, you will be truly invincible! Especially the final instant death effect, which can ignore the boss's blood value and rank, and instantly kill it!"

"It's a pity that only seven pieces of equipment have been released, and the last two pieces are still missing, so we can't make up the full effect of the suit! I hope that the last two pieces of equipment can be revealed before level 50!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng carefully put away the seven sky burial suits.

Even if he didn't get all the attributes of the suit, the effect of the seven pieces of equipment alone, as well as the effect of the previous suit, could bring him several times the improvement.

At least, it's far better than the equipment I'm wearing now!
When he puts on the celestial burial suit and gives the current equipment to Xing Xing, the strength of the two of them will still leap forward!
"The equipment has already given me a big surprise. I don't know what kind of treasure that golden book will be!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng stretched out his hand to brush the golden book, and the attributes appeared vividly in front of him.

Inverting the universe skill learning book (Fairy-level consumable): After use, you can learn the fairy-level skill - Inverting the universe, and increase your own attributes by 5%, which is permanently effective

"Just learning a skill, can you permanently improve your own attributes?!"

Originally, Ye Fusheng was a little disappointed when he saw that this was the skill book for turning the world upside down. After all, the effect of turning the world upside down was a bit useless.

When luck is good, it can weaken the opponent's state, but once the luck is bad, if you give the opponent a buff, the mentality will blow up!
However, after reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng felt happy all over.

Permanently increase the attribute by 5%, this effect is stronger than the artifact!
"Huh... learn, even if it is another monster that swallows...experience, you have to raise it! The 5% increase in all attributes, you can't miss it!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng directly used the skill book, his own attributes suddenly skyrocketed, the skill panel flickered, and another fairy-level skill was added!
Reverse the universe (Fairy-level skill——LV1): cast on the enemy, make a judgment, 50% trigger negative effects, including but not limited to stun, restraint, bleeding, poisoning, tearing, weakening, etc., 50% chance to trigger Gain effects, including but not limited to recovery, control-free, damage increase, cooldown reduction, etc., with a cooldown of 5 seconds (Note: This skill can be upgraded)

"Yo, can this skill be upgraded?"

"Tsk tsk, if the judgment can be cancelled, it must have a negative effect. This skill is still good!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng turned off the skill panel. After all, this skill is really useless to him.

Even if it can evolve, he will not be interested until it is determined to evolve.

At this time, the only thing that can still attract Ye Fusheng's attention is the shining medicinal herb in the distance!
Controlling the stars to protect the surroundings to prevent other bosses or monsters from appearing, Ye Fusheng rushed forward quickly, and the Eye of Truth swept across the herb.

Soul-Living Grass (God-level Medicinal Material): According to legend, the medicinal herb that can reverse the power of the soul is strictly guarded by the Nether clan. Only the master of extraordinary pharmacy can control its power (Note: Only players who have received special tasks can control it.) can be picked)

"Sure enough, it's the Soul-Living Grass!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng hastily stepped forward and picked off the Soul-Living Grass.

The task was completed, and then Ye Fusheng quickly picked the soul-returning leaves, and within 20 minutes, all 300 soul-returning leaves were in his hands.

Summoning the angry flame horse, Ye Fusheng rushed towards the camp.

On the way back, there were no obstacles from the monsters. In less than half an hour, they traveled through the areas of the three monsters and returned to the camp.

At this time, the camp was full of vigilance, and the only remaining soldiers were guarding outside, including Xuewei.

Seeing Ye Fusheng's return, Xuewei was slightly taken aback, then she was overjoyed and hurried forward to greet her.

Well, the system judges that the task is completed, so she will naturally welcome her happily.

At the end of the dialogue, hand over 300 medicinal herbs, and generous rewards will come together.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the A-level main mission [Investigate the Horror], and get a reward of 5000 million experience points and 100000 merit points! Kingdom favorability +10000 points! Xuewei favorability +1000 points!"

5000 million experience points fell, but Ye Fusheng's experience bar only jumped by less than 5%.

This made Ye Fusheng very depressed. Having too many good things is a sin. Others with 5000 million experience points may be able to advance to a level, but he can't even add 5% of the experience points!

"Estimatedly, it takes 10 billion experience points to level up! Hey, it would be great if there was another clone of the mythical boss!"

Sighing, Ye Fusheng chatted with Xuewei again, but no new task was triggered.

Obviously, the task here is over.

"Young warrior, you are very strong, I look forward to meeting you in the future!"

"However, this area is too dangerous. I will bring my brothers back to the kingdom immediately, and you should leave as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Xuewei took a deep look at Ye Fusheng, then turned and left.

Going forward, it can only trigger a specific dialogue.

After confirming that there were no other tasks, Ye Fusheng simply tore open the scroll to return to the city, and returned to Sunset City!

Once he got the Lihun Grass, he didn't know what kind of reward he would be rewarded for that mission!


The light flickered, and as soon as he returned to Sunset City, Ye Fusheng, amidst the exclamation of the crowd, drove towards the City Lord's Mansion, driving the angry flame horse.


"This is a myriad of floating lives!"

"Ah, so handsome, that mount is really handsome! It's a pity that the mount is too difficult to get. I have already reached level 34, and I haven't gotten the mount yet!"

"Not only is the mount handsome, Fusheng Wanqian himself is also handsome. I've seen his video, he's so strong! I really want to marry him!"

"Hey, just like you, you still want to marry Fusheng Wanqian? Heh, only a peerless beauty like me can be worthy of him..."


In an instant, the crowd boiled up, but they could only watch Ye Fusheng leave the square on a gallop.

Rushed to the city lord's mansion, rushed into the study room without hindrance, before Xing Yun frowned and asked, Ye Fusheng took out the Lihun grass, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, I brought the Lihun grass back!" !"


Dazed for a moment, Xing Yun showed joy, looked at Ye Fusheng fondly, and said with a smile: "Little guy, I knew you could get the Soul-Living Grass, this is your reward!"

Jingyingyu pointed to her forehead, and in an instant, a system bell rang next to Ye Fusheng's ear.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the task [Collecting the medicinal materials of the soul liquid], you will get a reward of 1 million experience points, 100000 merit points, and the blessing of the heavenly saint X1!"

"Huh? Blessing from the Holy Spirit?!"

"Another good thing?!"

His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng immediately looked forward to it. According to his experience, once the name is associated with gods, gods, blessings and other words, it must have an effect beyond people's imagination!

What kind of treasure will this heavenly blessing be? !
(PS: The second update today, I will continue to write, and strive to write the third update before 0:[-], to achieve the [-]D update!!!

The recommendation tickets are getting less and less, brothers, let's get up the recommendation tickets, I have already sorted out the plot, and there will be no fewer updates in the future! )
(End of this chapter)

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