Invincible in one touch

Chapter 195 Familiar Breath, Pure Friendship

Chapter 195 Familiar Breath, Pure Friendship

Opening the backpack, he found the potion that was shining with silver light, and with a flick of his hand, the attribute panel suddenly floated out.

Heavenly Blessing (Holy Consumable): After using it, players can randomly get 1-3 items from the urgently needed items, equipment, or attributes. The higher the luck value, the more and stronger items you get. Consumables, can only be used once within 72 hours

"Damn it... Randomly get 1-3 items from the items I need? With my lucky value, that is to get three urgently needed treasures!"

"Perhaps, the last two sky burial suits that are missing can be obtained directly from the blessing of the heavenly sage?!"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng decisively used the heavenly blessing!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully using Heaven's Holy Blessing. You will get skill upgrade volume X2, spirit fusion gem X5, and holy spirit potion X1!"

"Fuck! There is no equipment?!"

Seeing the reward, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing, it seems that it is still difficult to get the last two sky burial suits.

At least, not so easy to get.

Seeing the properties of the item again, Ye Fusheng also smiled, very satisfied.

Skill upgrade volume (consumable): can improve the skill level

Spirit Fusion Gem (consumable): It can make two pieces of equipment merge into one, and improve the grade, grade, and attributes. There is a 10% chance to add a new feature, and the success rate is 20%. The more gems consumed, the higher the success rate. High, up to 100%
Holy Spirit Elixir (consumable): after use, permanently reduce the experience value required for self-leveling by 30%
"Hiss...these three rewards are not bad!"

"I have a bunch of fairy-level skills on me. If I really want to upgrade slowly with experience, it will cost billions of experience! It will take a long time!"

"As for the Spirit Fusion Gem... well, the attributes of the Black Light Bow are too weak. There will be a lot of monsters in the future, and you still need to use the Lone Star Ranger profession to farm them. You must improve them a lot!"

"Holy Spirit potion, that's even more cool! Permanently reduce the experience points required for leveling up! Hahaha, with this, within two days, I can definitely rise to level 50!"

After taking the potion of the holy spirit, and putting away the fusion gemstone and skill upgrade volume, Ye Fusheng closed the panel and looked at Xing Yun.

At this time, Xing Yun was carefully guarding the Lihun Grass and looking at it carefully.

"Junior Brother, I don't know how to use this Lihun Grass, I'd better go find your wife... let's go find Xing Ling!"

Suddenly, Xing Yun raised her head, but when she mentioned the star spirit, her expression changed slightly, which was very unnatural.

Ye Fusheng didn't notice this, and when he heard Xing Yun speak, he immediately rushed to his mansion with Xing Yun.

Back at the mansion, before Ye Fusheng rushed to the inner courtyard, the protoss had already galloped out, his face was full of joy, like a little girl, he threw himself into his arms.

"Young Master, you are finally back!"

Xingling smiled and hugged Ye Fusheng tightly.

Seeing this scene, Xing Yun not far away felt mixed feelings in his heart.

"I've said it before, I'll come back when I get the Soul-Living Grass!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said, "The next task will be left to you two!"

"Yeah! I knew the little man would succeed!"

Xingling laughed, and suddenly kissed Ye Fusheng on the face.

"Cough cough!"

Xing Yun's expression changed slightly, she coughed, and said in a deep voice: "Stop talking about that, the most urgent thing is to create the soul-eliminating liquid, so that we can set up a killing array against Empress Scarlet Moon!"


Hearing this, Xingling couldn't help but glanced at her mouth, but she still let go of Ye Fusheng and landed slowly.

Ye Fusheng turned around and asked: "Senior sister, is there anything I need to do next?"

"Yes, go to the Star Watching Tower, join the Ninth Legion, clean up all the subordinates of Queen Scarlet Moon, and lure her out by the way!"

Xing Yun nodded and said: "You have been in contact with her before, and if you reappear this time, she will definitely sense you!"

"Good guy, this is using me as bait!"

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help complaining.

"How come, don't worry, Senior Sister will always watch you and won't hurt you!"

Xing Yun was quite helpless, and said dotingly: "When the time comes, I will give you a treasure to keep you safe!"

"Xiao Xianggong, I will protect you too!"

Xingling laughed tenderly at the side.


"Ahaha, okay!"

Being protected by two fairy-like girls, Ye Fusheng felt secretly happy. With these two girls with billions of vitality, in this game, almost no boss can touch him, right?

Even those mythical bosses, I'm afraid they have to kneel down when they come!
"Hmph, don't talk about this, you'd better refine the soul-eliminating liquid first!"

Xing Yun glanced at Xing Ling, and said in a deep voice: "What else do you need to refine the soul-eliminating liquid? Do you need my cooperation and help?"

"No need."

Xing Ling shook his head and proudly said: "I am not as good as you in terms of strength, but you are not as good as me in terms of refining elixir! Give me five days, and I will be able to refine the soul-eliminating liquid! But, in these five days , don't bother me!"

Xingling looked at Ye Fusheng again, and sighed: "The same is true for the young man, we will be separated for another five days, there is something wrong here, you have to make it up to me!"

Saying that, Protoss couldn't help licking his lips.

However, when Ye Fusheng saw her beautiful movements and heard those words, his whole body trembled, and he faintly felt the pain in his kidneys!

This girl is very strong and treats him very well, but she needs a lot of times!
【Looks like it's time for Qing Ning to cook me more kidney nourishing dishes! 】

With a low sigh in his heart, Ye Fusheng nodded heavily, and agreed to Xingling, which made Xingling smile brightly, and said to himself: "I have decided, I will go all out, and try to refine the soul-eliminating liquid within three days!"

"Okay, I'll go to retreat now! Little Xianggong, give me a hug, and I'll work hard!"

After finishing speaking, Xingling threw himself into Ye Fusheng's arms, wrapped his hands around his neck, and kissed his lips directly.

How could Ye Fusheng refuse?


When Xing Yun's face was red and green, and she was about to get angry, Xing Ling finally let go of her mouth, smiled coquettishly, and entered the backyard waving her hands.

Ye Fusheng was quite aftertaste, and sighed in his heart.

If he went back a month ago and someone told him that Two-dimensional's wife was so sweet, he would definitely call that person crazy.

But now, he can only say one thing, it's really delicious!
Two-dimensional girl, Saigao!

"Hmph, is it comfortable to kiss?"

Just as Ye Fusheng was reminiscing about that comfortable feeling, a slightly gloomy voice sounded, which immediately made Ye Fusheng's expression stiff, and he coughed quickly.

"Okay, you should hurry to the Star Tower too, I still have to set up formations!"

Xing Yun sighed, looking rather lonely, and waved to Ye Fusheng.

"Ahem, senior sister, you don't have to think too much, I love you too!"

Ye Fusheng hurriedly said: "Don't drive me away, look, you said you want to get the Lihun Grass, but I tried my best to get it!"

"Hehe, poor mouth, do you dare to say that in front of her?"

Xingyun snorted coldly.

"Of course I dare!"

Ye Fusheng said seriously: "We are the purest friendship between seniors, sisters and brothers!"

"Pfft... you're right!"

"Hey, why do you have a very familiar aura?"

"Wait...could it be..."

Xing Yun was amused, just about to reach out to hit Ye Fusheng, suddenly her expression changed drastically, she stared at Ye Fusheng!
(PS: The third update today, finally finished the battle before midnight, please recommend tickets, please ask for monthly tickets!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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