Invincible in one touch

Chapter 196 Black Demon Palace, the second territory!

Chapter 196 Black Devil Palace, the Second Territory!
"I have an aura that you are familiar with?"

Hearing Xing Yun's words, Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, suspicious in his heart.

He has never been in contact with anything, how could Xing Yun feel a familiar atmosphere?

However, before he could open his mouth, Xing Yun was already grabbing his sleeve, pulling him over, leaning over to press Ye Fusheng, sniffing lightly with his nose, continuously sniffing his breath.

In an instant, the distance between the two was less than a foot.

Ye Fusheng could even smell the unique fragrance of Xingyun, as well as the numbing exhalation.


"Strange? Why is it gone again!"

After sniffing lightly for a while, Xing Yun showed shock, and said with a serious expression: "Whatever you got these few days, show me all of them!"

"it is good!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng knew that Xing Yun was so powerful that he could turn her face off, so he must not let it go easily.

What if someone wants to plot against him?
Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng poured out all the items that could be taken out of the backpack... Well, as for Nako's obscene clothes, there are also some female boss items that are still crushed to death in the backpack!

"This... really has a familiar aura!"

Xing Yun glanced at many items, and suddenly locked her eyes on the sky burial suit, frowned, and whispered: "It is... the breath of the sky burial!"

"No, what I sensed just now is clearly related to the gods. Why did it become the aura of the sky burial?"

Biting her lips lightly, Xing Yun was puzzled, and looked at Ye Fusheng for a moment, and found nothing related to the gods except the sky burial suit, so she had to completely suppress other thoughts.

"Hey, senior sister, do you know the sky burial suit?"

However, when Ye Fusheng heard what Xing Yun said before, his eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "Then do you know where the last two pieces of sky burial equipment are?"

"Little guy, the celestial burial is a divine general who guards the borders of the nether world! This equipment is transformed by their divine essence. Even if they are living in the world, they still possess extraordinary divine power! How did you do that?" owned?"

Without answering Ye Fusheng's words, Xing Yun asked back: "There is only one set of this outfit in the world! If you want to get this equipment, you must contact those strong people..."

"Ahem, when I was collecting the Soul-Living Grass, I happened to meet the bull-headed and horse-faced avatars, because they only had a little strength, so I was lucky enough to kill them!"

Ye Fusheng laughed dryly.

"Hiss... Good boy, I didn't expect your strength to improve so much!"

Hearing this, Xing Yun was amazed: "There are four celestial burials, namely bull head, horse face, and black and white impermanence. They are not weak among the gods, but you actually killed their clones! Yes, you are indeed my junior brother." !"

After that, Xing Yun smiled and said: "It just so happens that Master also defeated the bull head and the horse face back then, and got a sky burial! It's because of your destiny!"

Smiling lightly, Xing Yun waved her right hand lightly, and a necklace with flashing purple light emerged and slowly fell into Ye Fusheng's hand.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for getting an extra reward, the Sky Burial Necklace!"

Sky Burial Necklace (spiritual artifact · excellence)

Power: 500
Stamina: 700
Agility: 700
Attack Power: Increased by 30%
Defense: Increased by 30%
Blood value: increase by 50%
Sky Burial Spirit Stealing: When attacking, convert 30% of the damage you inflict into blood value

Set attributes:
Sky Burial (2/9): When facing undead, ghosts, and ghost race monsters, the damage to them is increased by 100%
Sky Burial (4/9): All stats increase by 30%
Sky Burial (6/9): When attacked, there is a 10% chance to trigger the effect of destroying spirits, reducing the enemy's HP by 5%


Sky Burial (9/9): When attacking, there is a 1% chance to trigger an instant death effect, causing the enemy target to die instantly, regardless of level, rank, and any invincible effects
Description: Contains a breath of soul requiem, possessing extremely powerful power
Rating: 50
"Hiss... Percentage plus attack power, defense power and blood value? There is also a 30% blood-sucking effect?!"

"This necklace, you must be super god!"

After seeing the attributes of the sky burial necklace, Ye Fusheng took another look at his necklace and ring, his eyes were full of disgust.

It's a pity that if you want to change into equipment, you have to upgrade to level 50 after a while.

Coincidentally, it will take time to find the last sky burial suit!
"Okay, you go to join Bai Ye and the others as soon as possible, and wait for your... lady to refine the soul-eliminating liquid, and I will go find you!"

Waving her hand, Xing Yun flicked her cloak and turned to leave.

However, Ye Fusheng didn't hear what Xing Yun whispered when he turned around.

After Xing Yun left, Ye Fusheng looked at his attributes and equipment again, and was immediately full of energy, eager to upgrade to level 50.

Once he reaches level 50 and puts on a complete sky burial suit, his strength will definitely increase by more than ten times!

Just as Ye Fusheng was looking at the properties, a system bell sounded suddenly!

"China theater server announcement: Congratulations to the player Baiyi Zilong for successfully killing the sky-level boss, the Dragon Sword Demon, and causing tens of thousands of player casualties in the Black Demon Temple, triggering the unyielding will of the undead! Territory, if the white-clothed dragon cannot be killed before the end of the evolution of the Black Devil Temple, and the token of the will of the dead is obtained, the territory belongs to the white-clothed dragon! If the white-clothed dragon is killed before the end of the evolution of the Black Devil Temple, it will continue to possess the will of the dead Those who hold the token for three hours can get the right to belong to the territory!"

"China Theater Server Announcement: The second territory of the whole server is about to appear, and the target is Sunset City (1892, 0071). Players are welcome to fight for it!"


The two server announcements were swiped 9 times in succession before they stopped.

However, the shock they bring to players is unparalleled!
After the initial astonishment, countless players became excited, especially the leaders of the major guilds and forces, gathered their hands one after another, and rushed to Sunset City.

The forum is also full of discussions.

"Hiss... is it too strong? This creates another fifth-order territory?"

"Originally, I thought there were not many famous guilds in Sunset City, but now it seems that their competition is the biggest!"

"It's too ruthless. How do I feel that Sunset City has people from Ukiyo and Shenjiang Pavilion, and the rest of the guilds are courting death... No wonder, even the Holy Dragon and God's Domain guilds dare not set their home court in Sunset City!"

"I thought that the top ten guilds were very strong, but now it seems that compared with their two guilds, they are simply scumbags, especially the president of the Floating World guild, who has a thousand lives! He not only operates well, but also has more equipment. It's so strong that it's a mess!"

In addition to the large guilds gathering their hands, some casual players started discussing happily.

"Do you think the top ten guilds will miss this opportunity?"

"If the top ten guilds and the two guilds of Floating World and Shenjiang Pavilion just started, who will have the last laugh?"

"I think it should be the top ten guilds. After all, they are well-known and have countless members. As long as enough people are gathered to go there, even if it takes human lives, they will be able to beat them to death!"

"That's not necessarily the case. Could it be that you have forgotten the battle between Fusheng Wanqian and Xuejia Fengxian in the Tiansha Grand Canyon? Just two of them blocked tens of thousands of players from the Holy Dragon Guild!"

"In my opinion, I'm afraid this time the territory will have to fall into the hands of Floating Life Thousands or the Pavilion of Gods! Compared with them, the top ten guilds are the best! I think it may be in the "Reincarnation of the Heavens" , the top ten guilds will be reshuffled!"

There are not a few people who boast about the top ten guilds, but there are also some players who have become little fans of Fu Sheng Qian Qian, Bai Yi Zi Long and others.

Ye Fusheng didn't look at the forum, but when he saw the system prompt, his expression suddenly turned grim, and he quickly sent a message to Qian Shanxue.


The communication was quickly connected, and before Ye Fusheng could ask, Qian Shanxue said hastily: "It's too tragic, the group of people in the God General's Pavilion went crazy, they killed everyone they saw, and completely sealed off the players in the other guilds. In the hall, don't let them rush out!"

"No wonder, no wonder they put all the major guild players into the hall yesterday, so it was for today's massacre!"

In the words, one could vaguely hear Qian Shanxue's rejoicing tone.

"What about you? How is the situation now?!"

Ye Fusheng's breath stagnated, and he hurriedly asked.

"We're fine. Luckily, the blood armor is powerful enough. In addition, we didn't go deep into the hall yesterday. We've already come out, but... there are still people chasing us!"

"Wow, hurry up and save me! Ah——"

Amidst the exclamation, Qian Shanxue hung up the communication, while Ye Fusheng let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Qian Shanxue and the others are fine for the time being, fortunately they have the blood armor Feng first, otherwise, it is really impossible for Qian Shanxue and the others to rush out of a bunch of famous generals!

"Huh... Bai Yi Zilong, not bad! The strength is indeed very strong!"

"In the Soul Suppressing Pagoda, I have already sniped you to get the guild establishment order. I didn't expect to create a guild so quickly and create a second territory!"

"It's a pity that I don't like Liu Da Er... It just so happens that I have some unpleasant things with him, and I want to snatch the territory in front of me. I belong, I think too much!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Ye Fusheng summoned the angry flame horse, turned around and rushed towards the target announced in the announcement.

Along the way, countless players gathered, or went to watch the lively scattered people, or neatly arranged guild forces, it was mighty and lively.

Fortunately, the Raging Flame Demon Horse was extremely fast, leaving the other players far behind and approaching the target in a short while.

In the distance, a black hall is looming, located on the plain.

The blood-colored mist is thick and gathers above the main hall—that is the blood and soul of the players!
"Should be entering the Black Demon Palace soon, ask Qian Shanxue where they are!"

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng brought up the friend interface, just sent Qian Shanxue an invitation to form a team, suddenly a crisis arose in his heart, he felt the strong wind in front of him, surging, and there was a burst of rapid breaking in his ears Empty sound!


(PS: The first update today, there will be more to follow!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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